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[PDF]Fludernik 1991 Shifters and Deixis - Some Reflections on Jakobson, Jespersen, and Reference.pdf 58M
[PDF]Goffman 1979 Footing.pdf 12M
[PDF]Benjamin 1985 Moscow Diary (35 Moscow Diary 10).pdf8.9M
[PDF]Derrida 1975 The Purveyor of Truth (52 Yale French Studies 31).pdf8.7M
[PDF]Hill and Mannheim 1992 Language and World View.pdf7.4M
[PDF]Huang 2007 Male Friendship in Ming China.pdf6.3M
[PDF]Derrida 1990 Force de Loi - Le 'Fondement Mystique de l'autorite' (11 Cardozo Law Rev 920) bilingual text.pdf6.0M
[PDF]Curry 1991 Fraternal Bonding in the Locker Room.pdf5.7M
[PDF]Scheper-Hughes 1995 The Primacy of the Ethical - Propositions for a Militant Anthropology.pdf5.3M
[PDF]Keeney et al 2015 Recursive Frame Analysis - A Qualitative Research Method for Mapping Change-Oriented Discourse.pdf5.2M
[PDF]Kaimal 2002 A Man's World - Gender, Family and Architectural Patronage, In Medieval India.pdf5.2M
[PDF]Derrida 1972 Freud and the Scene of Writing (48 Yale French Studies 73).pdf4.9M
[PDF]Derrida 1989 On Jacques Derrida's 'Paul de Man's War' VII Biodegradables - Seven Diary Fragments (15 Critical Inquiry 812).pdf4.9M
[PDF]Derrida 1988 Like the Sound of the Sea Deep within a Shell - Paul de Man's War (14 Critical Inquiry 590).pdf4.9M
[PDF]Derrida 1979 The Parergon (9 October 3).pdf4.9M
[PDF]Derrida 1991 Interpretations at War - Kant, the Jew, the German (22 New Literary History 39).pdf4.7M
[PDF]Cohen 0000 Why it's hard for robots to learn word meanings.pdf4.6M
[PDF]Marcus and Cushman 1982 Ethnographies as Texts.pdf4.5M
[PDF]Bucholtz et al 2007 Hella Nor Cal or Totally So Cal (35 J of English Linguistics 325).pdf4.1M
[PDF]Hodgson 2000 The Concept of Emergence in Social Science - Its History and Importance.pdf4.0M
[PDF]Derrida 2002 The Animal That Therefore I Am (More to Follow) (28 Critical Inquiry 369).pdf4.0M
[PDF]Lempert 2011 Barack Obama, being sharp - Indexical order in the pragmatics of precision-grip gesture.pdf3.8M
[PDF]Derrida 1990 Sendoffs (77 Yale French Studies 7).pdf3.8M
[PDF]Keating 2002 Moments of Hierarchy - Constructing Social Stratification by Means of Language, Food, Space, and the Body in Pohnpei, Micronesia.pdf3.7M
[PDF]Low 2001 The Edge and the Center - Gated Communities and the Discourse of Urban Fear.pdf3.6M
[PDF]Gough and Edwards 1998 The Beer Talking - Four Lads, a Carry Out and the Reproduction of Mascuilinities.pdf3.5M
[PDF]Gonzalez 2007 Towards mercenary anthropology - The new US Army counterinsurgency manual FM 3-24 and the military-anthropology complex.pdf3.3M
[PDF]Bokhari 2011 Imperial Transgressions and Spiritual Investitures - A Begam's 'Ascension' in Seventeenth Century Mughal India.pdf3.2M
[PDF]Wexler 1991 Tender Violence - Literary Eavesdropping, Domestic Fiction, and Educational Reform.pdf3.2M
[PDF]Derrida 1994 'To Do Justice to Freud' - The History of Madness in the Age of Psychoanalysis (20 Critical Inquiry 227).pdf3.1M
[PDF]Derrida 1979 Scribble (writing-power) (58 Yale French Studies 117).pdf3.1M
[PDF]Nakassis 2013 Para-s_cite II The Paracite.pdf3.1M
[PDF]Derrida 1986 Declarations of Independence.pdf3.1M
[PDF]Said 1979 Zionism from the Standpoint of Its Victims (1 Social Text 7).pdf3.1M
[PDF]Cascardi 1984 Remembering (38.2 Annual J of Metaphysics 275).pdf3.0M
[PDF]Combs-Schilling 1993 Casablanca 1993 - Negotiating Gender and Nation in Performative Space.pdf3.0M
[PDF]Duranti 1997 Space.pdf2.9M
[PDF]Derrida 1983 The Principle of Reason - The University in the Eyes of its Pupils (133 Diacritics 3).pdf2.8M
[PDF]Moerman 1973 The use of precedent in natural conversation - A study in practical legal reasoning.pdf2.8M
[PDF]Derrida 1994 Maddening the Subjectile (84 Yale French Studies 154).pdf2.8M
[PDF]Derrida 1982 Of an Apocalyptic Tone Recently Adopted in Philsophy (23 Semeia 63).pdf2.8M
[PDF]Derrida 1981 Economimesis (11.2 Diacritics 3).pdf2.8M
[PDF]Price 2007 Buying a Piece of Anthropology Part 1 - Human Ecology and Unwitting Anthropological Research for the CIA.pdf2.8M
[PDF]Fisman et al 2015 The distributional preferences of an elite.pdf2.7M
[PDF]Howerth 1894 Are the Italians a Dangerous Class.pdf2.6M
[PDF]Derrida 1991 Des Tous de Babel (54 Semeia 3).pdf2.6M
[PDF]Entler 2006 Para reler a Câmara Clara de Roland Barthes.pdf2.5M
[PDF]Langford 1999 Medical Mimesis - Healing Signs of a Cosmopolitan _Quack_.pdf2.5M
[PDF]Lynn and Lea 2005 'Racist' Graffiti - Text, Context and the Social Comment.pdf2.5M
[PDF]Rogin 1992 Blackface, White Noise - The Jewish Jazz Singer Finds His Voice.pdf2.3M
[PDF]Derrida 1991 Geopsychoanalysis - '...and the rest of the world' (48.2 American Imago 199).pdf2.2M
[PDF]Derrida 1984 An Idea of Flaubert - 'Plato's Letter' (99 MLN 748).pdf2.2M
[PDF]Abdel-Malek 1963 Orientalism in Crisis (11.44 Diogenes 103).pdf2.1M
[PDF]Bederman 1992 _Civilization,_ the Decline of Middle-Class Manliness, and Ida B. Wells's Antilynching Campaign (1983-94).pdf2.1M
[PDF]Derrida 2001 What is a 'Relevant' Translation (27 Critical Inquiry 174).pdf2.0M
[PDF]Derrida 1980 The Law of Genre (7 Glyph 55).pdf2.0M
[PDF]Ekman and Friesen 1969 The Repertoire of Nonverbal Behavior - Categories, Origins, Usage, and Coding.pdf2.0M
[PDF]Isel et al 2010 Neural Circuitry of the Bilingual Mental Lexicon - Effect of Age of Second Language Acquisition.pdf1.8M
[PDF]Hirsch 2014 Presidential Address - Connective Histories in Vulnerable Times.pdf1.8M
[PDF]Overstreet and Yule 1997 On Being Inexplicit and Stuff in Contemporary American English.pdf1.8M
[PDF]Wirtz 2011 Cuban Performances of Blackness as the Timeless Past Still Among Us.pdf1.7M
[PDF]Mohanty 1988 Under Western Eyes - Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses.pdf1.7M
[PDF]Bauman 1975 Verbal Art as Performance.pdf1.7M
[PDF]Stolorow, Orange and Atwood 2001 Cartesian and Post-Cartesian Trends in Relational Psychoanalysis.pdf1.7M
[PDF]Morawski 1985 The measurement of masculinity and femininity - Engendering categorical realities.pdf1.6M
[PDF]Malinowski 1937 The Dilemma of Contemporary Linguistics rev of MM Lewis Infant Speech - A Study of the Beginnings of Language.pdf1.6M
[PDF]Hoenes del Pinal 2011 Towards an Ideology of Gesture - Gesture, Body Movement, and Language Ideology among Q'eqchi'-Maya Catholics.pdf1.6M
[PDF]McElhinny 1998 ideologies of public and private.pdf1.5M
[PDF]Derrida 1972 Les sources de Valery - Qual, quelle (87 MLN 563).pdf1.5M
[PDF]Derrida 1995 Archive Fever - A Freudian Impression (25.2 Diacritics 9).pdf1.5M
[PDF]Fludernik 2003 Scene Shift, Metalepsis, and the Metaleptic Mode.pdf1.5M
[PDF]Bucholtz 2001 The Whiteness of Nerds - Superstandard English and racial markedness (11.1 J of Linguistic Anthropology 84).pdf1.5M
[PDF]McIlvenny 2008 Communicating a ‘time-out’ in parent–child conflict - Embodied interaction, domestic space and discipline in a reality TV parenting programme.pdf1.5M
[PDF]Derrida 1983 Geschlecht - Sexual Difference, Ontological Difference (13 Research in Phenomenology 65).pdf1.5M
[PDF]Maira 2008 Belly Dancing - Arab-Face, Orientalist Feminism, and US Empire.pdf1.4M
[PDF]Lauretis 1990 Eccentric Subjects - Feminist Theory and Historical Consciousness.pdf1.4M
[PDF]Gaudio 2001 White Men Do It Too - Racialized (Homo)sexualities in Postcolonial Hausaland (11.1 J of Linguistic Anthropology 36).pdf1.4M
[PDF]Derrida 1995 A Certain 'Madness' Must Watch Over Thinking (45.3 Educational Theory 273).pdf1.4M
[PDF]Derrida 1989 Of Spirit (15 Critical Inquiry 457).pdf1.4M
[PDF]Valentine 1993 (Hetero)sexing Space - Lesbian Perceptions and Experiences of Everyday Spaces.pdf1.4M
[PDF]Derrida 1982 Sending - On Representation (49 Social Research 294).pdf1.3M
[PDF]Derrida 1982 The Linguistic Circle of Geneva (8 Critical Inquiry 675).pdf1.3M
[PDF]Caton 1986 Salam Tahiyah - Greetings from the Highlands of Yemen.pdf1.3M
[PDF]Irvine 1979 Formality and Informality in Communicative Events.pdf1.3M
[PDF]Comaroff and Comaroff 2001 Of Fallacies and Fetishes - A Rejoinder to Donham.pdf1.3M
[PDF]Barbe i Serra, Alba 2014 Identity and performance - An ethnographic approach to drag king performance through a corporal intinerary.pdf1.3M
[PDF]Lott 1992 Love and Theft - The Racial Unconscious of Blackface Minstrelsy.pdf1.3M
[PDF]Derrida 1984 No Apocalypse, Not Now (full speed ahead, seven missles, seven missives) (142 Diacritics 20).pdf1.3M
[PDF]Lakoff 1973 language and woman's place.pdf1.2M
[PDF]Derrida 1986 Interpreting Signatures (Nietzsche_Heidegger) - Two Questoins (10 Phil and Literature 246).pdf1.2M
[PDF]Schwartz et al 2013 Characterizing Geographic Variation in Well-Being using Tweets.pdf1.2M
[PDF]Stokowski 2002 Languages of Place and Discourses of Power - Constructing New Senses of Place.pdf1.2M
[PDF]Derrida 1986 Critical Response II But, Beyond... (Open Letter to Anne McClintock and Rob Nixon) (13 Critical Inquiry 155).pdf1.2M
[PDF]Cadava 0000 Trees, Hands, Stars, and Veils - The Portrait of Ruins (original source unknown).pdf1.2M
[PDF]Kiesling 2004 Dude.pdf1.2M
[PDF]Ervin-Tripp 1976 Is Sybil There - The Structure of Some American English Directives.pdf1.2M
[PDF]Hill 1999 Language, Race, and White Public Space.pdf1.1M
[PDF]Puar and Mikdashi 2012 Pinkwatching And Pinkwashing - Interpenetration and its Discontents.pdf1.1M
[PDF]Levi-Strauss 1981 Structuralism and Myth (3.2 Kenyon Review 64).pdf1.1M
[PDF]Eckert 0000 Three Waves of Variation Study - The Emergence of Meaning in the Study of Variation.pdf1.1M
[PDF]Wiegman and Wilson 2015 Introduction - Antinormativity's Queer Conventions.pdf1.1M
[PDF]Derrida 1979 Me--Psychoanalysis - An Introduction to the Translation of 'The Shell and the Kernal' by Nicolas Abraham (91 Diacritics 3).pdf1.1M
[PDF]Walton 1993 Jean Briggs's Never in Anger as an Ethnography of Experience.pdf1.1M
[PDF]Silverstein 2014 The Voice of Jacob - Entextualization, Contextualization, and Identity.pdf1.0M
[PDF]Siegel 2005 Finding Conversational Facts - A Role for Linguistics in Court (12.2 Speech, Language and the Law 255).pdf1.0M
[PDF]Cixous 1975 La rire de la meduse.pdf1.0M
[PDF]Spillers 1987 Mama's Baby, Papa's Mabye - An American Grammar Book.pdf1.0M
[PDF]Povinelli 2015 Transgender Creeks and the Three Figures of Power in Late Liberalism.pdf1.0M
[PDF]Cosgrove 1985 Prspect, perspective and the evolution of the landscape idea.pdf1.0M
[PDF]Horney 1926 The Flight from Womanhood - The Masculinity-Complex in Women, as Viewed by Men and by Women.pdf1.0M
[PDF]USDOJ 2015 Investigation of the Ferguson Police Department.pdf1.0M
[PDF]Eckert 2008 Variation in the Indexical Field.pdf1.0M
[PDF]Coombe 1996 Embodied Trademarks - Mimesis and Alterity on American Cultural Frontiers.pdf1.0M
[PDF]Levine et al 2014 Ethnic Diversity Deflates Price Bubbles.pdf1.0M
[PDF]Yurchak 2000 Privatize your Name - Symbolic Work in a Post-Soviet Linguistic Market.pdf1.0M
[PDF]Wise 1979 _Paradigm Dramas_ in American Studies - A Cultural and Institutional History of the Movement (31.3 American Quarterly 293).pdf953K
[PDF]Wynter 1984 The Ceremony Must Be Found - After Humanism (12.3 Boundary 2 19).pdf951K
[PDF]Kelley 1993 _We Are Not What We Seem_ - Rethinking Black Working-Class Opposition in the Jim Crow South.pdf939K
[PDF]Johnstone 2004 Place, Globalization, and Linguistic Variation in Fought ed Sociolinguistic Variation - Critical Reflections.pdf921K
[PDF]Derrida 1993 Politics of Friendship (50.3 American Imago 353).pdf888K
[PDF]Hill et al 1986 Universals of Linguistic Politeness - Quantitative Evidence from Japanese and American English.pdf885K
[PDF]Levi-Strauss 1965 The Future of Kinship Studies (Proceedings of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britian and Ireland 13).pdf880K
[PDF]Derrida 1984 Voice ii... (122 Boundary-2 68).pdf858K
[PDF]Lempert 2014 Imitation.pdf857K
[PDF]Levi-Strauss 1966 Overture to le Cru et le cuit (36_37 Yale French Studies 41).pdf855K
[PDF]Derrida 1995 For the Love of Lacan (16 Cardozo Law Rev 699).pdf852K
[PDF]Kipnis 1998 Adultery.pdf849K
[PDF]Levi-Strauss 1982 North American Masks (26.4 The Drama Review 4).pdf840K
[PDF]Cixous 1976 The Laugh of Medusa.pdf840K
[PDF]Stolorow 1979 Psychosexuality and the Representational World.pdf834K
[PDF]Solan 1998 Linguistic Experts as Semantic Tour Guides (5.2 Forensic Linguistics 88).pdf831K
[PDF]Freud 1917 Mourning and Melancholia.pdf824K
[PDF]Tagliamonte and D'Arcy 2009 Peaks Beyond Phonology - Adolescence, Incrementation, and Language Change (85.1 Language 58).pdf824K
[PDF]Bucholtz 1999 You da man - Narrating the racial other in the production of white masculinity (3_4 J of Sociolinguistics 443).pdf807K
[PDF]Marakowitz 1996 Gender and National Identity in Finland - An Exploration into Women's Political Agency.pdf804K
[PDF]Levi-Strauss 1955 The Structural Study of Myth (68.270 J of American Folklore 428).pdf799K
[PDF]Ferreira da Silva 2014 No Bodies - Law, Raciality and Violence (9.1 Meritum 119).pdf797K
[PDF]Burkette and Warhol 2000 _The Bush Was No Place for a Woman_ - Personal Pronouns and Gender Stereotypes.pdf796K
[PDF]Wittgenstein 1968 Notes for Lectures on Private Experience and Sense Data.pdf795K
[PDF]Fennell 2012 The Musuem of Resilience - Raising a Sympathetic Public in Postwelfare Chicago.pdf795K
[PDF]Wittig 1981 One is not Born a Woman.pdf794K
[PDF]Kaplan 1998 Pragmatic Contributions to the Interpretation of a Will (5.2 Forensic Linguistics 107).pdf785K
[PDF]Burton 1983 The Ghost of Malinowski in the Southern Sudan - Evanss-Pritchard and Ethnographic Fieldwork.pdf778K
[PDF]Venkatesh 2002 'Doin' the Hustle' - Constructing the Ethnographer in the American Ghetto.pdf765K
[PDF]Fraiman 2012 Pussy Panic versus Liking Animals - Tracking Gender in Animal Studies.pdf764K
[PDF]Price 2005 America the ambivalent - Quietly selling anthropology to the CIA.pdf755K
[PDF]Searle 1977 Reiterating the Differences - A Reply to Derrida (2 Glyph 198).pdf751K
[PDF]LeVine 1982 Gusii Funerals - Meanings of Life and Death in an African Community.pdf749K
[PDF]Hanks 2005 Explorations in the Deictic Field.pdf749K
[PDF]Leeman and Modan 2009 Commodified Language in Chinatown - A Contextualized Approach to Linguistic Landscape.pdf741K
[PDF]Denning 1986 _The Special American Conditions_ - Marxism and American Studies (38.3 American Quarterly 356).pdf730K
[PDF]Perrino 2007 Time Sengalese Oral Narrative.pdf730K
[PDF]Searle 1976 A Classification of Illocutionary Acts (5.1 Language in Society 1).pdf729K
[PDF]Cadava 2005 Re JD - Remembering Jacques Derrida - Derrida's Futures (20 Grey Room 74).pdf725K
[PDF]King and Roberge 1990 Preposition Stranding in Prince Edward Island French.pdf714K
[PDF]Derrida 1985 Racism's Last Word (12 Critical Inquiry 290).pdf706K
[PDF]Katz 2004 On the Rhetoric and Politics of Ethnographic Methodology.pdf694K
[PDF]Trotta 2010 Whose Rules Rule - Grammar Controversies, Popular Culture and the Fear of English from Below (9.3 Nordic Journal of English Studies 41).pdf694K
[PDF]Lears 1985 The Concept of Cultural Hegemony - Problems and Possibilities.pdf691K
[PDF]Arminen and Weilenmann 2009 Mobile presence and intimacy - Reshaping social actions in moblie contextual configuration (41 J of Pragmatics 1905).pdf690K
[PDF]Rabinow and Bennett 20xx Contemporary Equipment - A Diagnostic.pdf689K
[PDF]Klein 2012 Performing the Patron-Client Relationship - Dramaturgical Cues in Horace's Sermones 2.5.pdf685K
[PDF]Nagengast 1994 Violence, Terror, and the Crisis of the State.pdf682K
[PDF]Jarvie 1976 On the Limits of Symbolic Interpretation in Anthropology with comments.pdf681K
[PDF]Thurlow and Jaworski 2011 Tourism Discourse - Languages and Banal Globalization.pdf678K
[PDF]Dixon and Durrheim 2004 Dislocating identity-Desegregation and the transformation of place.pdf678K
[PDF]Nakassis 2013 Citation and Citationality.pdf669K
[PDF]Derrida 1990 Letter to Peter Eisenman (12 Assemblage 6).pdf667K
[PDF]Scott 2002 Through the Diameter of Respectability - The Politics of Historical Representation in Postemancipation Colonial Trinidad.pdf667K
[PDF]Chude-Sokei 2006 The Global Economy of Minstrelsy in The Last _Darky_.pdf662K
[PDF]Shuy 1997 Ten Unanswered Language Questions about Miranda (4.2 Forensic Linguistics 177).pdf656K
[PDF]Cohn 1987 Sex and Death in the Rational World of Defense Intellectuals.pdf647K
[PDF]Levi-Strauss 1963 The Bear and the Barber (93.1 J of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 1).pdf644K
[PDF]Pullum 2010 The Land of the Free and The Elements of Style.pdf643K
[PDF]Levi-Strauss 1971 Interview with Peter B Kussell (1.1 Diacritics 44).pdf639K
[PDF]Rainho 2010 Barthes e Bourdieu - Os maîtres à penser e a moda.pdf633K
[PDF]Smith 1987 The Ontology of Epistemology.pdf631K
[PDF]Fraser 1998 Threatening Revised (5.2 Forensic Linguistics 159).pdf628K
[PDF]Miller 1981 Emphasis Added - Plots and Possibilities in Women's Fiction.pdf623K
[PDF]Apter et al 2005 Forum - The Legacy of Jacques Derrida (120.2 PMLA 464).pdf615K
[PDF]Said 1967 Review of Levi-Strauss's The Savage Mind (29.2 The Kenyon Review 256).pdf613K
[PDF]Williams 1988 On Being the Object of Property.pdf612K
[PDF]Valverde 1999 review of Derrida - The Personal is the Political - Justice and Gender in Deconstruction.pdf612K
[PDF]Fine 1993 Ten Lies of Ethnography - Moral Dilemmas of Field Research.pdf609K
[PDF]USDOJ 2015 Multistate Criminal History Patterns of Prisoners Released in 30 States.pdf608K
[PDF]Gilroy 1991 It Ain't Where You're From, It's Where You're At - The Dialectics of Diasporic Identification.pdf607K
[PDF]Levi-Strauss 1943 The Social Use of Kinship Terms among Brazilian Indians (45.3 American Anthropologist 398).pdf596K
[PDF]Bucholtz 2011 'It's Different for Guys' - Gendered narratives of racial conflict among white California youth (22 Discourse Society 385).pdf594K
[PDF]Aymard 2015 A History of Friendship--Among Other Sentiments.pdf581K
[PDF]Levi-Strauss and Moore 1974 How Myths Die (5.2 New Literary History 269).pdf577K
[PDF]Mucci 2006 Signos do corpo - Requichot, Barthes e nós, os outros.pdf572K
[PDF]Sydnor and Fagen 2012 Plotlessness, Ethnograhy, Ethology - Play.pdf571K
[PDF]Girard 2013 The Haitian Revolution, History's New Frontier - State of the Scholarship and Archival Sources.pdf570K
[PDF]Derrida 1985 Appendix - Translations of Pages 13-16 and 17-21 (69 Yale French Studies 323).pdf555K
[PDF]Silverstein 2003 Indexical order and the dialectics of sociolinguistic life.pdf552K
[PDF]Best and Marcus 2009 Surface Reading - An Introduction.pdf550K
[PDF]Kaplan et al 1995 Case Report - Bringing Linguistics into Judicial Decision-making - Semantic Analysis Submitted to the US Supreme Court (2.1 Forensic Linguistics 81).pdf549K
[PDF]Nykiel 2010 Competence, Performance, and Extra Prepositions.pdf543K
[PDF]DeJean 1984 Lafayette's Ellipses - The Privileges of Anonymity.pdf536K
[PDF]Lazreg 1988 Feminism and Difference - The Perils of Writing as a Woman on Women in Algeria (14.1 Feminist Studies 81).pdf532K
[PDF]Bailey and Tillery 1996 The Persistence of Southern American English (24 J of English Linguistics 308).pdf531K
[PDF]Derrida 1992 Given Time - The Time of the King (18.2 Critical Inquiry 161).pdf530K
[PDF]Day 2010 Propositions and performativity - Relocating belief to the social.pdf526K
[PDF]Kristeva and Goldhammer 1985 Stabat Mater.pdf521K
[PDF]Bowie 2001 The Diphthongization of ay - Abandoning a Southern Norm in Southern Maryland (29 J of English LInguistics 329).pdf515K
[PDF]Bauman and Briggs 1990 Poetics and Performance as Critical Perspectives on Language and Social Life (19 Annual Review of Anthropology 59).pdf510K
[PDF]Derrida 1989 Comment Donner Raison 'How to Concede, with Reasons' (19.3 Diacritics 4).pdf506K
[PDF]MacCaulay 2004 Training Linguistics Students for the Realities of Fieldwork.pdf501K
[PDF]Scott 1991 The Evidence of Experience (17 Critical Inquiry 773).pdf498K
[PDF]Kristeva 1987 The Pain of Sorrow in the Modern World - The Works of Marguerite Duras.pdf497K
[PDF]Nelson 1997 The Haunting of White Manhood - Poe, Fraternal Ritual, and Polygenesis.pdf492K
[PDF]Levi-Strauss 1951 Language and the Analysis of Social Laws (53.2 American Anthropologist 155).pdf485K
[PDF]Nevalainen et al The Diffusion of Language Change in Real Time - Progressive and Conservative Individuals and the Time Depth Change (23 Language Variation and Change 1).pdf481K
[PDF]Berlant 2007 Slow Death (Sovereignty, Obesity, Lateral Agency) (33 Critical Inquiry 754).pdf477K
[PDF]Levi-Strauss 1952 Kinship Systems of Three Chittagong Hill Tribes (Pakistan) (8.1 Southwestern J of Anthropology 40).pdf476K
[PDF]Tagliamonte and Smith 2006 Layering, Competition and a Twist of Fate - Deontic Modality in Dialects of English (23.2 Diachronica 341).pdf476K
[PDF]Crapanzano 1977 The Life History in Anthropological Field Work.pdf473K
[PDF]Levi-Strauss 1985 Interview with Bernadette Bucher (12.2 American Ethnologist 360).pdf467K
[PDF]Puar 2012 Precarity Talk.pdf466K
[PDF]Comaroff and Comaroff - 2003 - Ethnography on an Awkward Scale Postcolonial Anthropolgy and the violence of abstraction.pdf460K
[PDF]Finnegan 1969 How to Do Things with Words - Performative Utterances Among the Limba of Sierra Leone.pdf457K
[PDF]Levi-Strauss 1994 Letter re Anthropology in Taiwan (10.5 Anthropology Today 25).pdf454K
[PDF]Cheshire and Fox 2009 Was_were variation - A Perspective from London (21 Language Variation and Change 1).pdf451K
[PDF]Dutkiewicz 2015 An Embodied Ethnography of a Rock Climb.pdf448K
[PDF]Spivak 1985 Three Women's Texts and a Critique of Imperialism.pdf447K
[PDF]Morris 1995 All Made Up - Performance Theory and the New Anthropology of Sex and Gender.pdf445K
[PDF]Fassin 2001 Policing Borders, Producing Boundaries - The Governmentality of Immigration in Dark Times.pdf444K
[PDF]Bucholtz 1999 Why be normal - Language and identity practices in a community of nerd girls (28 Language in Society 203).pdf444K
[PDF]Levi-Strauss 1966 Anthropology - Its Achievements and Future (7.2 Current Anthropology 124).pdf433K
[PDF]Comaroff and Comaroff 2012 Theory from the South Or How Euro America is Evolving Toward Africa.pdf428K
[PDF]Hirsch 1981 A Mother's Discourse - Incorporation and Repetition in la Pincessed de Cleves.pdf424K
[PDF]Spillers et al 2007 Whatcha Gonna Do - Revisiting Mama's Baby - A Conversation.pdf424K
[PDF]Jacobs 1997 Lavender Linguistics - Review of Leap.pdf424K
[PDF]Bosmajian 1972 The Language of Sexism (29.3 Etc. - A Review of General Semantics 305).pdf423K
[PDF]Chejne 1965 The Boon-Companion in Early Abbasid Times.pdf423K
[PDF]Jackson 2015 Ethnography Is, Ethnography Ain't in Starn ed Writing Culture and the Life of Anthropology.pdf423K
[PDF]Marx 1969 American Studies - A Defense of an Unscientific Method.pdf419K
[PDF]Zareva 2010 Multicompetence and L2 users' associative links - being unlike nativelike.pdf416K
[PDF]Munson and Babel 2007 Loose Lips and Silver Tongues, or Projecting Sexual Orientation Through Speech (1.5 Language and Linguistics Compass 416).pdf415K
[PDF]Briggs 2014 Dear Dr Freud.pdf412K
[PDF]Li 2007 Governmentality.pdf411K
[PDF]Prince 1971 Notes Toward a Categorization of Fictional 'Naratees' (4.1 Genre 100).pdf406K
[PDF]Bhattacharya 2013 Remembering Violence - Field Memories From Lahaul, India.pdf403K
[PDF]Blommaert 2009 Language, Asylum, and the National Order (504 Current Anthropology 415).pdf394K
[PDF]Kaplan 1998 Manifest Domesticity (70.3 American Literature 581).pdf392K
[PDF]Hartman 2008 Venus in Two Acts.pdf392K
[PDF]Kivland 2014 Becoming a Force in the Zone - Hedonopolitics, Masculinity, and the Quest for Respect on Haiti's Streets.pdf389K
[PDF]Baker 2013 From Gay Language to Normative Discourse - A diachronic corpus analysis of Lavender Linguistics conference abstracts 1994-2012.pdf383K
[PDF]Adoni and Mane 1984 Media and the Social Construction of Reality - Toward an Integration of Theory and Research (11.3 Communication Research 323).pdf383K
[PDF]Winnett 1990 Women, Men, Narrative, and Principles of Pleasure.pdf380K
[PDF]Stoler 2012 Interview by E Valentine Daniel.pdf375K
[PDF]Motsemme 2004 The Mute Always Speak - On Women's Silences at the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.pdf365K
[PDF]Verges 2010 Wandering Souls and Returning Ghosts - Writing the History of the Dispossessed (118_119 Yale French Studies 136).pdf363K
[PDF]Del-Teso-Craviotto 2008 Gender and sexual identity authentication in language use - the case of chat rooms.pdf357K
[PDF]Derrida 1982 Signature Event Context (Alan Bass translation).pdf353K
[PDF]Da Silva 2005 Bahia Pelo Negro - Can the subaltern (subject of raciality) speak.pdf346K
[PDF]Walker 1974 In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens.pdf346K
[PDF]Labov 2006 A Sociolinguistic perspective on sociophonetic research.pdf343K
[PDF]Derrida 2000 Hostipitality (5.3 Angelaki 3).pdf341K
[PDF]Costello and Wittgenstein 1957 Notes On Logic.pdf340K
[PDF]Morrison 1988 Unspeakable Things Unspoken - The Afro-American Presence in American Literature.pdf335K
[PDF]Rodriguez 2009 Translating Queer Caribbean Localities in Sirena Selena vestida de pena.pdf335K
[PDF]Kuklick 1972 Myth and Symbol in American Studies.pdf334K
[PDF]Purnell et al 2009 Defining Dialect, Perceiving Dialect, and New Dialect Formation - Sarah Palin's Speech.pdf328K
[PDF]Fernandez Fontecha and Jimenez Catalan 2003 Semantic derogation in animal methaphor - a contrastive-cognitive analysis of two male_female examples in English and Spanish.pdf326K
[PDF]Levi-Strauss 1951 Miscellaneous Notes on the Kuki of the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Pakistan (51 Man 167).pdf325K
[PDF]Sharpe 2014 Black Studies - In the Wake (44.2 The Black Scholar 59).pdf320K
[PDF]Nakassis 2013 The Para-s_cite I The Parasite.pdf320K
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