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Index A | Index B | Index C | Index D | Index E | Index F | Index G | Index H | Index I | Index J | Index K | Index L | Index M | Index N | Index O | Index P | Index Q | Index R | Index S | Index T | Index U | Index V | Index W | Index X | Index Y | Index Z

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Index G

Gabapentin: Sec. 6, Ch. 85 [drug table]
Gait (see Walking)
Galactorrhea: Sec. 13, Ch. 162
in acromegaly: Sec. 13, Ch. 162
Galactosemia: Sec. 23, Ch. 282
Galantamine: Sec. 6, Ch. 83
Gallbladder: Sec. 9, Ch. 118 [figure]; Sec. 9, Ch. 118
age-associated changes in: Sec. 9, Ch. 118
biology of: Sec. 10, Ch. 133; Sec. 10, Ch. 133 [figure]; Sec. 10, Ch. 140
in cystic fibrosis: Sec. 4, Ch. 53
disorders of: Sec. 10, Ch. 140
inflammation of (cholecystitis): Sec. 10, Ch. 140
removal of (cholecystectomy): Sec. 10, Ch. 140; Sec. 10, Ch. 140
stones in (see Gallstones)
tests for: Sec. 10, Ch. 134
Gallium scan
in Hodgkin's disease: Sec. 14, Ch. 177
in sarcoidosis: Sec. 4, Ch. 50
Gallop rhythm: Sec. 3, Ch. 21
Gallstones: Sec. 10, Ch. 133; Sec. 10, Ch. 140; Sec. 10, Ch. 140 [figure]
hormone replacement therapy and: Sec. 22, Ch. 243
indigestion and: Sec. 9, Ch. 119
oral contraceptives and: Sec. 22, Ch. 255
pancreatitis and: Sec. 9, Ch. 124
during pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 258
x-rays of: Sec. 10, Ch. 134
Gamekeeper's thumb: Sec. 5, Ch. 71 [figure]
Gamete intrafallopian tube transfer (GIFT): Sec. 22, Ch. 254; Sec. 22, Ch. 254
Gamma globulin: Sec. 14, Ch. 174
Gamma heavy chain disease: Sec. 14, Ch. 175
Gamma hydroxybutyrate: Sec. 7, Ch. 108
Gamma knife surgery: Sec. 6, Ch. 88 [sidebar]
Gammopathy monoclonal: Sec. 1, Ch. 3 [table]
Ganciclovir: Sec. 17, Ch. 198 [drug table]
in cytomegalovirus infection: Sec. 17, Ch. 198
Ganglia (ganglion cyst): Sec. 5, Ch. 71
Gangliosides accumulation (Tay-Sachs disease): Sec. 22, Ch. 256 [table]; Sec. 23, Ch. 282
in frostbite: Sec. 24, Ch. 291
gas: Sec. 17, Ch. 190
in intestinal strangulation: Sec. 9, Ch. 132
Gardner's syndrome: Sec. 8, Ch. 113; Sec. 9, Ch. 131
Garlic: Sec. 2, Ch. 19 [table]; Sec. 2, Ch. 19
in digestive system: Sec. 9, Ch. 119; Sec. 9, Ch. 129; Sec. 9, Ch. 132
exchange of, in lungs: Sec. 4, Ch. 38; Sec. 4, Ch. 38 [figure]
laughing: Sec. 7, Ch. 108 [sidebar]
in necrotizing skin infection: Sec. 18, Ch. 211
pressure changes, in diving injuries and: Sec. 24, Ch. 295; Sec. 24, Ch. 295 [sidebar]; Sec. 24, Ch. 295 [sidebar]
toxic: Sec. 4, Ch. 49
in urine: Sec. 11, Ch. 142
Gas gangrene: Sec. 17, Ch. 190
Gasoline poisoning: Sec. 24, Ch. 297
Gastrectomy: Sec. 9, Ch. 121; Sec. 9, Ch. 121
Gastric bypass surgery: Sec. 12, Ch. 156; Sec. 12, Ch. 156 [figure]
Gastric emptying study: Sec. 23, Ch. 275
Gastrinoma: Sec. 9, Ch. 129; Sec. 9, Ch. 131
Gastritis: Sec. 9, Ch. 121; Sec. 9, Ch. 121 [sidebar]
Gastroenteritis: Sec. 9, Ch. 122; Sec. 9, Ch. 122 [table]; Sec. 9, Ch. 122 [sidebar]
Campylobacter: Sec. 17, Ch. 190
in children: Sec. 23, Ch. 275
Enterobacteriaceae: Sec. 17, Ch. 190; Sec. 17, Ch. 190
in infants: Sec. 23, Ch. 267
Salmonella: Sec. 17, Ch. 190
Gastroesophageal reflux: Sec. 9, Ch. 119; Sec. 9, Ch. 121
in infants and children: Sec. 23, Ch. 267; Sec. 23, Ch. 275
Gastrointestinal syndrome, in acute radiation illness: Sec. 24, Ch. 292; Sec. 24, Ch. 292
Gastrointestinal system (see specific digestive system organs)
Gastroplasty: Sec. 12, Ch. 156
Gastroschisis: Sec. 23, Ch. 265 [table]
Gastroscopy: Sec. 9, Ch. 119; Sec. 9, Ch. 119 [figure]
Gatifloxacin: Sec. 17, Ch. 191 [drug table]
Gaucher's disease: Sec. 23, Ch. 282
information resources on: Appendix IV
Gels: Sec. 18, Ch. 202
Gemfibrozil: Sec. 12, Ch. 157 [drug table]
Gemtuzumab ozogamicin: Sec. 15, Ch. 182
in cancer: Sec. 15, Ch. 182 [drug table]
in leukemia: Sec. 14, Ch. 176
Gender identity: Sec. 7, Ch. 104; Sec. 23, Ch. 268
disorders of: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
Gene(s): Sec. 1, Ch. 2; Sec. 1, Ch. 2; Sec. 1, Ch. 2 [table]; Sec. 1, Ch. 2 [figure]; Sec. 1, Ch. 2 [figure]
abnormalities of: Sec. 1, Ch. 2; Sec. 1, Ch. 2 [table]; Sec. 1, Ch. 2 [figure]; Sec. 1, Ch. 2 [figure]
     gene therapy for: Sec. 1, Ch. 2
cancer: Sec. 1, Ch. 2
expression of: Sec. 1, Ch. 2
mitochondrial: Sec. 1, Ch. 2
radioactive labeling of: Sec. 1, Ch. 2
tumor suppressor: Sec. 1, Ch. 2
X-linked: Sec. 1, Ch. 2; Sec. 1, Ch. 2; Sec. 1, Ch. 2 [figure]
Generalized exfoliative dermatitis: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
Generic drugs: Sec. 2, Ch. 10; Sec. 2, Ch. 17; Sec. 2, Ch. 17 [table]; Sec. 2, Ch. 17 [table]
names of: Appendix III
Gene therapy: Sec. 1, Ch. 2
in cystic fibrosis: Sec. 4, Ch. 53
in severe combined immunodeficiency: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
in sickle cell disease: Sec. 14, Ch. 172
Genetics: Sec. 1, Ch. 2
of Alport's syndrome: Sec. 11, Ch. 146
of Alzheimer's disease: Sec. 6, Ch. 83
of Bartter's syndrome: Sec. 11, Ch. 146
of cancer: Sec. 15, Ch. 180
cloning experiments in: Sec. 1, Ch. 2 [sidebar]
of diabetes insipidus: Sec. 11, Ch. 146
disorders of: Sec. 1, Ch. 2; Sec. 1, Ch. 2 [table]; Sec. 1, Ch. 2 [figure]; Sec. 1, Ch. 2 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 266
     information resources on: Appendix IV
     prenatal testing for: Sec. 22, Ch. 256; Sec. 22, Ch. 256 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 256 [table]; Sec. 22, Ch. 256 [sidebar]; Sec. 22, Ch. 256 [figure]
     screening for: Sec. 22, Ch. 256
drug response and: Sec. 2, Ch. 13
of Hartnup disease: Sec. 11, Ch. 146
of Huntington's disease: Sec. 6, Ch. 91 [sidebar]
of hypophosphatemic rickets (vitamin D-resistant rickets): Sec. 11, Ch. 146
longevity and: Sec. 1, Ch. 3
of multiple sclerosis: Sec. 6, Ch. 92
of muscular dystrophy: Sec. 5, Ch. 73
of obesity: Sec. 12, Ch. 156
of polycystic kidney disease: Sec. 11, Ch. 146
of retinoblastoma: Sec. 23, Ch. 283
of Wilms' tumor: Sec. 23, Ch. 283
Genetic testing: Appendix II
in cystic fibrosis: Sec. 4, Ch. 53
in Huntington's disease: Sec. 6, Ch. 91 [sidebar]
in immunodeficiency disorders: Sec. 16, Ch. 184
in mental retardation: Sec. 23, Ch. 285
in sickle cell disease: Sec. 14, Ch. 172
Genital herpes: Sec. 17, Ch. 198; Sec. 22, Ch. 247 [table]
pregnancy and: Sec. 22, Ch. 258
Genitals (see specific parts, eg, Penis)
ambiguous: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
birth defects of: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
development of: Sec. 23, Ch. 270; Sec. 23, Ch. 270 [figure]; Sec. 23, Ch. 271
Genital warts: Sec. 17, Ch. 200; Sec. 18, Ch. 213; Sec. 21, Ch. 238; Sec. 22, Ch. 247 [table]
Genitourinary tract (see Reproductive system; Urinary tract)
Genotype: Sec. 1, Ch. 2
Gentamicin: Sec. 17, Ch. 191 [drug table]
in Meniere's disease: Sec. 19, Ch. 220
Genu valgum: Sec. 23, Ch. 278 [sidebar]
Genu varum: Sec. 23, Ch. 278 [sidebar]
Geographic tongue: Sec. 8, Ch. 110
GERD (see Gastroesophageal reflux)
Geriatrics: Sec. 1, Ch. 3; Sec. 1, Ch. 3 [table] (see also Elderly persons)
German measles (see Rubella)
Germ cell tumor: Sec. 6, Ch. 88 [table]
Germline gene therapy: Sec. 1, Ch. 2
Germs (see Microorganisms)
Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker disease: Sec. 6, Ch. 90
Gestational diabetes: Sec. 22, Ch. 257; Sec. 22, Ch. 258
GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate): Sec. 7, Ch. 108
Ghrelin: Sec. 13, Ch. 161 [table]
Giant cell (temporal) arteritis: Sec. 5, Ch. 69 [table]; Sec. 5, Ch. 69; Sec. 5, Ch. 69 [figure]; Sec. 20, Ch. 235
headache with: Sec. 6, Ch. 79 [table]
Giant cell tumor: Sec. 5, Ch. 63
Giant diverticulum: Sec. 9, Ch. 128 [figure]
Giardia lamblia infection (giardiasis): Sec. 9, Ch. 122 [table]; Sec. 9, Ch. 122; Sec. 17, Ch. 196
sexually transmitted: Sec. 17, Ch. 200
GIFT (gamete intrafallopian tube transfer): Sec. 22, Ch. 254; Sec. 22, Ch. 254
Gigantism: Sec. 13, Ch. 162
Gila monster bite: Sec. 24, Ch. 298
Gilbert's syndrome: Sec. 10, Ch. 135
Gilchrist's disease: Sec. 17, Ch. 197
Ginger: Sec. 2, Ch. 19 [table]; Sec. 2, Ch. 19
Gingivitis: Sec. 22, Ch. 257; Sec. 8, Ch. 115 [figure]
Gingivostomatitis, herpetic: Sec. 8, Ch. 115; Sec. 17, Ch. 198
Ginkgo: Sec. 2, Ch. 19 [table]; Sec. 2, Ch. 19
in altitude illness: Sec. 24, Ch. 296
Ginseng: Sec. 2, Ch. 19 [table]; Sec. 2, Ch. 19; Sec. 22, Ch. 243
Glands (see also specific glands and hormones)
biology of: Sec. 13, Ch. 161; Sec. 13, Ch. 161 [figure]; Sec. 13, Ch. 161 [table]
disorders of: Sec. 13, Ch. 162
hormones of: Sec. 13, Ch. 161; Sec. 13, Ch. 161 [table]
Glare: Sec. 20, Ch. 225
Glatiramer acetate
in multiple sclerosis: Sec. 6, Ch. 92
in transplantation: Sec. 16, Ch. 187 [drug table]
Glaucoma: Sec. 1, Ch. 3 [table]; Sec. 20, Ch. 233; Sec. 20, Ch. 233 [figure]; Sec. 20, Ch. 233 [drug table]
congenital: Sec. 23, Ch. 265 [table]
headache with: Sec. 6, Ch. 79 [table]
over-the-counter drug precautions in: Sec. 2, Ch. 18 [table]
pain in: Sec. 20, Ch. 225; Sec. 20, Ch. 233
vision loss in: Sec. 20, Ch. 225
Gleason score: Sec. 21, Ch. 239
Glimepiride: Sec. 13, Ch. 165 [drug table]
Glioblastoma multiforme: Sec. 6, Ch. 88 [table]
Glioma: Sec. 6, Ch. 88 [table]
Glipizide: Sec. 13, Ch. 165 [drug table]
Globulins: Sec. 16, Ch. 187 [drug table]; Appendix II
Globus sensation (globus hystericus): Sec. 9, Ch. 119
Glomerulonephritis: Sec. 11, Ch. 144; Sec. 11, Ch. 144; Sec. 11, Ch. 144 [sidebar]; Sec. 11, Ch. 144 [table]
acute (acute nephritic syndrome): Sec. 11, Ch. 144
membranoproliferative: Sec. 11, Ch. 144 [table]
membranous: Sec. 11, Ch. 144 [table]
mesangial proliferative: Sec. 11, Ch. 144 [table]
postinfectious (acute nephritic syndrome): Sec. 11, Ch. 144
rapidly progressive: Sec. 11, Ch. 144
Glomerulosclerosis: Sec. 11, Ch. 144 [table]
Glomerulus: Sec. 11, Ch. 141; Sec. 11, Ch. 141 [figure]; Sec. 11, Ch. 145 [figure]
age-associated changes in: Sec. 11, Ch. 141
inflammation of (see Glomerulonephritis)
Glossitis: Sec. 8, Ch. 110
Glossopharyngeal nerve: Sec. 6, Ch. 96 [table]; Sec. 6, Ch. 96
Glucagon: Sec. 9, Ch. 118; Sec. 13, Ch. 161 [table]
in hypoglycemia: Sec. 13, Ch. 165; Sec. 13, Ch. 166
Glucagon-like peptide: Sec. 13, Ch. 161 [table]
Glucagonoma: Sec. 9, Ch. 131
Glucocerebrosides accumulation of (Gaucher's disease): Sec. 23, Ch. 282
Glucosamine: Sec. 5, Ch. 75
Glucose: Sec. 23, Ch. 282
in blood: Appendix II (see also Sugar[s], blood)
in coma: Sec. 6, Ch. 84
in high potassium levels (hyperkalemia): Sec. 12, Ch. 155
in low blood sugar levels hypoglycemia: Sec. 13, Ch. 165; Sec. 13, Ch. 166
in porphyria: Sec. 12, Ch. 160
in urine (glucosuria): Sec. 11, Ch. 142; Sec. 11, Ch. 146
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency: Sec. 2, Ch. 13; Sec. 14, Ch. 172 [table]
Glucose tolerance test: Sec. 13, Ch. 162; Sec. 13, Ch. 165
Glucosidase inhibitors: Sec. 13, Ch. 165; Sec. 13, Ch. 165 [drug table]
Glues poisoning from: Sec. 24, Ch. 297
Gluten enteropathy (celiac disease): Sec. 9, Ch. 125
in dermatitis herpetiformis: Sec. 18, Ch. 209
Glutethimide: Sec. 7, Ch. 108
Glyburide: Sec. 13, Ch. 165 [drug table]
Glycemic index: Sec. 12, Ch. 152
Glycogen: Sec. 12, Ch. 152
storage diseases of (glycogenoses): Sec. 23, Ch. 282; Sec. 23, Ch. 282 [table]
Glycolated hemoglobin: Sec. 13, Ch. 165; Sec. 13, Ch. 165; Sec. 23, Ch. 281
Glycolipid, accumulation of (Fabry's disease): Sec. 23, Ch. 282
Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors: Sec. 3, Ch. 33 [drug table]
Goiter: Sec. 12, Ch. 155; Sec. 12, Ch. 155
in fetus: Sec. 22, Ch. 258
toxic diffuse (Graves' disease): Sec. 13, Ch. 163; Sec. 13, Ch. 163
     in newborn: Sec. 23, Ch. 264
     in pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 258
toxic multinodular (Plummer's disease): Sec. 13, Ch. 163
Gold compounds: Sec. 5, Ch. 67 [drug table]; Sec. 5, Ch. 67
Goldenseal: Sec. 2, Ch. 19 [table]; Sec. 2, Ch. 19
Goldmann perimeter: Sec. 20, Ch. 225
Golfer's dystonia (yips): Sec. 6, Ch. 91
Gonadorelin: Sec. 22, Ch. 254
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone: Sec. 22, Ch. 241
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists
in endometriosis: Sec. 22, Ch. 245; Sec. 22, Ch. 245 [drug table]
in premenstrual dysphoric disorder: Sec. 22, Ch. 244
in uterine fibroids: Sec. 22, Ch. 246
Gonadotropins: Sec. 13, Ch. 161 [table]; Sec. 13, Ch. 162; Sec. 13, Ch. 162 [figure]
deficiency of: Sec. 13, Ch. 162
measurement of: Sec. 13, Ch. 162
in ovulation problems: Sec. 22, Ch. 254
Gonads (see Ovary [ovaries]; Testis [testes])
Gonioscopy: Sec. 20, Ch. 233
Gonorrhea: Sec. 17, Ch. 200; Sec. 22, Ch. 247 [table]
in eye: Sec. 20, Ch. 229
in traveler: Sec. 25, Ch. 303
urethritis in: Sec. 11, Ch. 149
Goodpasture's syndrome: Sec. 4, Ch. 51
Goserelin: Sec. 21, Ch. 239
Gout: Sec. 5, Ch. 70; Sec. 5, Ch. 70 [sidebar]; Sec. 5, Ch. 70 [drug table]
generic drug substitutions in: Sec. 2, Ch. 17 [table]
for aneurysm repair: Sec. 3, Ch. 35; Sec. 3, Ch. 35
bone: Sec. 5, Ch. 62; Sec. 5, Ch. 64
bone marrow (see Bone marrow, transplantation of)
skin: Sec. 16, Ch. 187; Sec. 18, Ch. 205; Sec. 24, Ch. 289
Graft-versus-host reaction: Sec. 14, Ch. 171; Sec. 16, Ch. 187
Grain worker's lung: Sec. 4, Ch. 49
Gram-negative infection: Sec. 4, Ch. 42; Sec. 17, Ch. 190
Gram-positive infection: Sec. 17, Ch. 190
Grand mal (tonic-clonic) seizures: Sec. 6, Ch. 85; Sec. 6, Ch. 85 [figure]
eosinophilic: Sec. 4, Ch. 50
formation of: Sec. 16, Ch. 183 [sidebar]
pyogenic: Sec. 18, Ch. 215
sarcoid: Sec. 4, Ch. 50
in yaws: Sec. 17, Ch. 190
Granuloma annulare: Sec. 18, Ch. 203
Granuloma inguinale: Sec. 17, Ch. 200
Granulomatosis: Sec. 4, Ch. 50
Wegener's: Sec. 5, Ch. 69; Sec. 11, Ch. 143; Sec. 20, Ch. 236
Granulomatous ileitis (Crohn's disease): Sec. 9, Ch. 126; Sec. 9, Ch. 126 [drug table]
Grapefruit diet: Sec. 12, Ch. 152
Graves' disease: Sec. 13, Ch. 163; Sec. 13, Ch. 163; Sec. 16, Ch. 186 [table]; Sec. 20, Ch. 236
in pregnancy: Sec. 22, Ch. 258; Sec. 23, Ch. 264
Gray baby syndrome: Sec. 2, Ch. 15
Great arteries, transposition of: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
Grief: Sec. 1, Ch. 8; Sec. 7, Ch. 101
information resources on: Appendix IV
Grinding, of teeth: Sec. 8, Ch. 114
Griseofulvin: Sec. 18, Ch. 212
Ground itch (hookworm infection): Sec. 17, Ch. 196
Growth: Sec. 23, Ch. 268
in adolescent: Sec. 23, Ch. 270; Sec. 23, Ch. 270 [figure]
asthma and: Sec. 23, Ch. 274
charts for: Sec. 23, Ch. 268 [table]
delays in, in infants and young children: Sec. 23, Ch. 267
in diabetes mellitus: Sec. 23, Ch. 281
in girls: Sec. 22, Ch. 241
heart defects and: Sec. 23, Ch. 265
in infant: Sec. 23, Ch. 263; Sec. 23, Ch. 263 [figure]
in juvenile rheumatoid arthritis: Sec. 23, Ch. 280
Growth hormone: Sec. 13, Ch. 161 [table]; Sec. 13, Ch. 162; Sec. 13, Ch. 162 [figure]
abuse of: Sec. 7, Ch. 108 [sidebar]
deficiency of: Sec. 13, Ch. 162
excess of: Sec. 13, Ch. 162
measurement of: Sec. 13, Ch. 162; Sec. 13, Ch. 162
in Noonan syndrome: Sec. 23, Ch. 266
pituitary regulation of: Sec. 23, Ch. 271
replacement of: Sec. 13, Ch. 162
in short stature: Sec. 23, Ch. 271
in Turner syndrome: Sec. 23, Ch. 266
in undernutrition: Sec. 12, Ch. 153
Growth plate: Sec. 5, Ch. 58; Sec. 23, Ch. 278
in chondrodysplasias: Sec. 23, Ch. 279
     in Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease: Sec. 23, Ch. 278
     in slipped capital femoral epiphysis: Sec. 23, Ch. 278; Sec. 23, Ch. 278 [figure]
injury to: Sec. 23, Ch. 278
Guaiac test: Sec. 9, Ch. 119
Guaifenesin: Sec. 2, Ch. 18; Sec. 4, Ch. 39; Sec. 17, Ch. 198 [drug table]
Guided imagery: Sec. 25, Ch. 302
Guillain-Barré syndrome: Sec. 6, Ch. 95
Gulf War syndrome: Sec. 25, Ch. 306
Gummas: Sec. 17, Ch. 200
Gums: Sec. 8, Ch. 109 [figure]
color changes of: Sec. 8, Ch. 109 [sidebar]; Sec. 8, Ch. 113
infection of: Sec. 8, Ch. 112
inflammation of (gingivitis): Sec. 8, Ch. 115
lump on: Sec. 8, Ch. 113
recession of: Sec. 8, Ch. 115
tooth impaction in: Sec. 8, Ch. 114
Gut (see specific digestive system organs)
Gynecology: Sec. 22, Ch. 242 (see also specific topics, eg, Pregnancy)
evaluation for: Sec. 22, Ch. 242; Sec. 22, Ch. 242 [figure]; Sec. 22, Ch. 242 [figure]; Sec. 22, Ch. 252
information resources on: Appendix IV
Gynecomastia (male breast enlargement): Sec. 21, Ch. 237 [sidebar]
in cancer: Sec. 15, Ch. 181 [sidebar]
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