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Bibliography: J

Author names and work titles beginning with:
J. C. 1708
See C., J.
J. D. 1613
J. S. 1758
J., St. N.
The widow's mite 1695
J., W.
Bruyn's (C. de) Voyage to the Levant tr. 1702
Jack, John
An historical account of St. Monance, Fifeshire 1844
Jack Horner, The history of ?a 1750
Jack Juggler. A new enterlued for chyldren to playe, named Jacke Jugeler c 1563 (Hazl. Dodsley)
Jack Straw. The life and death of Jacke Straw a notable rebell 1593 (Hazl. Dodsley)
Jack Upland 1402 (Wright, Polit. poems and songs, Rolls series; Skeat, Chaucerian pieces)
Jackson, Benjamin D.
A glossary of botanic terms with their derivation and accent 1900
Jackson, Edward S.
The cabinet of the earth unlocked 1867
Jackson, Emily
A history of hand-made lace 1900
Jackson, George
Soledad Brother: the prison letters of George Jackson 1970 (UK 1971)
Jackson, Georgina F.
Shropshire word-book 1879–81
Jackson, Helen Hunt
Sonnets and lyrics 1886
Verses 1887–88
Jackson, James G.
An account of the empire of Marocco 1809
Jackson, John
The booke of conscience opened and read (a sermon) 1642
The true evangelical temper; three sermons 1641
Jackson, Bp. John
A charge delivered to the clergy of the diocese of Lincoln, Oct. 1864
Jackson, John
The practical fly-fisher 1880 (1899)
Jackson, Kenneth Hurlstone
Language and history in early Britain 1953
Jackson, Louis E. & Hellyer, C. R.
A vocabulary of criminal slang, with some examples of common usages 1914
Jackson, Mary C.
A chaperon's cares 1878
Jackson, Richard A.
Mechanism: an introduction to the study of organic reactions 1972
Jackson, Samuel
Krummacher's (F. W.) Elisha tr. 1838
Strauss' (G. F. A.) Reminiscences from the early life of a Lutheran clergyman tr. 1838
Jackson, Thomas
Works a 1640 (1673; 1844)
Christs answer unto Johns question 1624 (1625)
Commentaries upon the apostles creed 1613–40 (bks. i, ii. 1613; iii. 1614; iv. 1615; v. 1625; vi. 1628, 1629; vii. 1634; viii. 1635; ix. 1638; x, xi. a 1640 (1654, 1657); xii. 1627)
The eternal truth of scriptures a 1640 (1653)
Judah must go into captivitie, six sermons 1622
The worthy churchman 1628
Jackson, William
The new and complete Newgate calendar, or villany displayed c 1780 (1800–08)
Jackson, William
The doctrine of retribution (Bampton lectures) 1875
Jackson, William Hatchett
Jackson's recantation 1674
Jacob, Edward
The history of..Faversham in..Kent 1774
Plantæ Favershamienses. A catalogue of..plants growing..about Faversham 1777
Jacob, Giles
The compleat court keeper, or land steward's assistant 1713 (enlarged 1764, 1819)
The compleat sportsman 1718
A new law dictionary 1729 (1744)
—enlarged ed. 1797 See Tomlins, T. E.
Jacob, Gordon Percival Septimus
Orchestral technique 1931
Jacob, Henry
ed. On the choice of a common language 1946
A planned auxiliary language 1947
Jacob, Hildebrand
Works v.d. (1735)
Jacob, John
Annals of..the bailiwick of Guernsey 1830
Jacob, Violet
The sheep-stealers 1902
Jacob and Esau, A new merry and witty comedie or enterlude..treating upon the historie of 1568 (Hazl. Dodsley)
Jacobi, Charles T.
The printers' vocabulary 1888
Printing: a practical treatise on the art of typography 1890
Jacobite conventicle, a poem, The 1692
Jacobite relics
Jacobite songs and ballads of Scotland from 1688 to 1746 (1860)
Jacob's well, an englisht treatise on the cleansing of man's conscience c 1440 (E.E.T.S. 1900)
Jacobs, Arthur
A new dictionary of music 1958
Jacobs, Roderick A. & Rosenbaum, Peter S.
eds. Readings in English transformational grammar 1970
Jacobsen, Charles W.
Oriental rugs: a complete guide 1962
Jacobson, Dan
The confessions of Joseph Baisz 1977
A dance in the sun 1956
The trap 1955
Jacombe, Thomas
Several sermons preached on (Romans viii) 1672 (1868)
Jacox, Francis
Aspects of authorship 1872
Jaffe, Rona
Class reunion 1979
The fame game 1969 (UK 1970)
Jakobson, Roman & Halle, Morris
Fundamentals of language 1956
Jaksch's (R. von) Clinical diagnosis tr. J. Cagney 1890 (1899)
Jal, Auguste
Glossaire nautique, répertoire polyglotte de termes de marine, anciens et modernes 1848
Jamaica, A new history of 1740
James I, King of Scotland
The kingis quair: together with a ballad of good counsel 1423 (S.T.S. 1884, revised 1911)
James VI, King of Scotland, afterw. James I, of England
Works v.d. (1616)
{Beta}{alpha}{sigma}{iota}{lambda}{iota}{kappa}{omicron}{nu} {delta}{omega}{rho}{omicron}{nu} or his maiesties instructions to his dearest sonne Henry the prince 1599 (1682)
A counterblaste to tobacco 1604 (Arber)
Dæmonologie, in forme of a dialogue 1597
The essayes of a prentise, in the divine art of poesie 1585 (Arber)
His majesties poeticall exercises at vacant houres (tr. Du Bartas) 1591
The psalmes of David tr. a 1625 (1631)
James the sext, The historie and life of 1582–88 (1804)
James, Mrs. A. G. F. Eliot
A guide to Indian household management 1879
James, Brian
England v Scotland 1969
James, Brian’ (John Lawrence Tierney)
ed. Australian short stories (2nd ser.) 1963
For 1st ser. see Murdoch, Walter & Drake-Brockman, Henrietta
James, Charles
A new and enlarged military dictionary 1802 (1810)
James, Charles T. C.
The romantic rigmarole of a time out of town 1891
James, Edwin
Account of an expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, performed in the years 1819, 1820. Compiled from the notes of Major Long, Mr. T. Say, and other gentlemen of the party 3 vols. 1823
James, George P. R.
Agnes Sorel, an historical romance 1853
Arrah Neil; or times of old 1845
The brigand: see Corse de Léon, below
The convict, a tale 1847
Corse de Léon or the brigand, a romance 1841
Darnley, or the field of the cloth of gold 1830
De l'Orme 1830
Forest days, a romance of old times 1843
The gentleman of the old school, a tale 1839
The gipsy: a tale 1835
Heidelberg, a romance 1846
The life and adventures of John Marston Hall 1834
The life and times of Louis XIV 1838
The old oak chest, a tale of domestic life 1850
Philip Augustus, or the brothers in arms 1831
The robber 1838
The smuggler, a tale 1845
The woodman; a romance of the times of Richard III 1849
James, Glenn & James, Robert Clarke
eds. Mathematics dictionary (multilingual ed.) 1959
James, Henry
Substance and shadow: or morality and religion in their relation to life 1863
James, Henry
The ambassadors 1903
The awkward age 1899
The Bostonians, a novel 1886
Daisy Miller, a study 1878 (1879)
The Europeans, a sketch 1878
The golden bowl 2 vols. 1904
The ivory tower 1917
A little tour in France 1884 (1885)
The madonna of the future and other tales 1879
The middle years 1917
Notebooks ed. F. O. Matthiessen & K. B. Murdock 1947
A passionate pilgrim and other tales 1875
The portrait of a lady 1881
The reverberator 2 vols. 1888
Roderick Hudson 1875 (revised 1879)
The sense of the past 1917
The spoils of Poynton 1897
Tales of three cities 1884
The tragic muse 1890
Transatlantic sketches 1875
The wings of the dove 2 vols. 1902 (UK ed. in 1 vol.)
James, John
Le Blond's (A. J. B.) Theory and practice of gardening tr. 1712 (1728)
James, Sir John K.
Tasso's (T.) Jerusalem delivered tr. 1864 (1865)
James, Leigh
The chameleon file 1967 (UK 1968)
James, Phyllis Dorothy
Death of an expert witness 1977
Shroud for a nightingale 1971
An unsuitable job for a woman 1972
James, Richard
Iter Lancastrense; a poem 1636 (Chetham Soc. 1845)
Minucius Felix his dialogue called Octavius tr. 1636
James, Robert
A dissertation upon fevers and inflammatory distempers 1748 (1749)
A medicinal dictionary 1743–45
ed. Moufet's (T.) Health's improvement 1746
James, Samuel B.
Duty and doctrine; a book of sermons 1866 (1871)
James, T. Horton
Six months in South Australia 1838
James, Thomas
An apologie for John Wickliffe 1608
The Jesuits downefall threatened against them 1612
A manuduction or introduction into divinitie 1625
A treatise of the corruption of scripture church of Rome 1611 (1612)
James, Thomas
The strange and dangerous voyage of Captaine T. J. in his intended discovery of the northwest passage into the south sea 1633
James, Walter
A word-book of wine 1959
James, William
Collected essays and reviews ed. R. B. Perry 1920
Essays in radical empiricism ed. R. B. Perry 1912
Letters ed. H. James 2 vols. 1920
The meaning of truth: a sequel to Pragmatism 1909
Memories and studies ed. H. James 1911
A pluralistic universe 1909
Pragmatism: a new name for some old ways of thinking 1907
The principles of psychology 1890
Some problems of philosophy: a beginning of an introduction to philosophy 1911
Talks to teachers on psychology, and to students on some of life's ideals 1899
A text-book of psychology 1892
The varieties of religious experience (Gifford lectures) 1902
The will to believe, and other essays in popular philosophy 1897
Jameson, Mrs. Anna
A commonplace book of thoughts etc. 1854 (1877)
Legends of the madonna as represented in the fine arts 1852 (1857)
Legends of the monastic orders as represented in the fine arts 1850 (1863)
Memoirs of the early Italian painters 1845
Sacred and legendary art 1848 (1850)
Jameson, Margaret Ethel Storm
A richer dust 1931
Jameson, Robert
Manual of mineralogy 1821
System of mineralogy 1804–08 (1816, 1820)
A treatise on the external characters of minerals 1805
—ed. 3, 1817
Jamieson, John
An etymological dictionary of the Scottish language 1808, Supplement 1825 (1879–82)
See also Donaldson, D.
Hermes Scythicus, or the radical affinities of the Greek and Latin languages to the Gothic 1814
Jamieson, Robert
Popular ballads and songs 1806
Jane, Queen (Lady Jane Grey)
The chronicle of Queen Jane and of two years of Queen Mary 1553–54 (Camden Soc. 1850)
Jane, Frederic T.
All the world's fighting ships 1898
The lordship, the passen, and we 1897
See also Jane's below.
Jane, Joseph
{Epsilon}{iota}{kappa}{omega}{nu} {alpha}{kappa}{lambda}{alpha}{sigma}{tau}{omicron}{fsigma} The image unbroken 1651
Jane's all the world's aircraft (title varies) 1909–
Jane's fighting ships (title varies) 1898–
Jane's freight containers 1968–
Jane's surface skimmer systems (title varies) 1967–
Janeway, James
Heaven upon earth: or the best friend in the worst of times 1670 (1677, 1847)
Janson, Charles W.
The stranger in America 1807
Janua linguarum quadrilinguis 1617
Japp, Alex. H.
Jaques, Mary J.
Texan ranch life 1894
Jardine, Sir William
Contributions to ornithology 1848–52
The natural history of humming birds 1833–34
Jarman, Thomas
ed. Powell's (J. J.) Essay on devises 1827
Jarrow, Durham. The inventories and account rolls of the Benedictine houses..of Jarrow and Monk-Wearmouth v.d. (mostly c 1450) (Surtees Soc. 1854)
Jarvis, Charles
Cervantes' Life and exploits of..Don Quixote de la Mancha tr. a 1739 (1742)
Jarvis, Derek
tr. D. Hess's Plant physiology 1975
Jasz-Berenyi's (P. P.) Fax nova linguæ latinæ, a new torch to the latin tongue 1664
Jaunt in a junk, A; a ten days' cruise in Indian seas 1884
Jay, William
Autobiography a 1853 (1855)
The Christian contemplated in a course of lectures 1826
The domestic minister's assistant or prayers for families 1820
Jazz and blues 1971–3
Jeaffreson, John C.
A book about doctors 1860
Brides and bridals 1872
Jeake, Samuel
Charters of the Cinque ports tr. with annotations 1678 (1728)
Logisticelogia, or arithmetic surveighed and reviewed 1674 (1696)
Jeanes, Henry
A mixture of scholasticall divinity with practicall 1656
A treatise concerning the fulnesse of Christ 1656
Jebb, John
Remarks upon the present mode of education in the university of Cambridge 1772 (1773)
Jebb, Bp. John
Thirty years' correspondence between J. J. and A. Knox a 1831 (1834)
Jebb, John
The choral service of the united church of England and Ireland 1843
Jebb, Richard
General principles of law 1845 (Encycl. Metrop. II; 1847)
Jebb, Sir Richard C.
The Attic orators 1876
Bentley (English men of letters) 1882
The Characters of Theophrastus tr. 1870
Modern Greece 1880
Jefferie, J.
See Bugbears
Jefferies, Ian
Dignity and purity 1960
House-surgeon 1966
It wasn't me! 1961
Thirteen days 1959
Jefferies, Richard
The amateur poacher 1879
Field and hedgerow, being the last essays of R. J. a 1887 (1889)
The gamekeeper at home 1878
Greene Ferne farm 1880
Hodge and his masters 1880
The life of the fields 1884
Red deer 1884
Round about a great estate 1880
Toilers of the field a 1887 (1892)
Wild life in a southern county 1879
Jefferson, Thomas
Writings a 1826 (1859)
Notes on the state of Virginia 1782 (1787)
Jeffrey, Francis, Lord Jeffrey
Contributions to the Edinburgh review 1844
Jeffreys, Charles
Geographical and descriptive delineations of Van Diemen's Land 1820
Jeffries, Roderic Graeme
Dead man's bluff 1970
Evidence of the accused 1961
Exhibit no. thirteen 1962
A traitor's crime 1968
Jekyll, Gertrude
Colour in the flower garden 1908
—(ed. 3, with title Colour schemes for the flower garden) 1914
Wood and garden 1899
Jekyll, Joseph
Correspondence..with his sister-in-law etc. 1775, 1818–38 (1894)
Jemima, a novel 1795
Jenison, Robert
The narrative of R. J...containing a further discovery and confirmation of the late..popish plot 1679
Jenkin, Fleeming
Electricity and magnetism 1873 (1881)
Jenkin, Henrietta C.
Who breaks—pays (anon.) 1861
Jenkins, Daniel Thomas
The educated society 1966
Jenkins, David
Works, upon divers statutes concerning the liberty and freedome of the subject 1648
Jenkins, Elizabeth
The tortoise and the hare 1954
Jenkins, Geoffrey
A bridge of magpies 1974
A twist of sand 1959
Jenkins, Herbert George
John Dene of Toronto: a comedy of Whitehall 1919
Jenkins, James Travis
The fishes of the British Isles 1925
—(ed. 2) 1936
Jenkins, (John) Edward
Ginx's baby 1870 (1879)
Lord Bantam 1872
Jenkins, Tobias
Father Paul's (P. Sarpi) Treatise of ecclesiastical benefices and revenues tr. 1736
Jenkins, Vivian Gordon J.
Lions down under: the British Isles Rugby tour of Australia and New Zealand, 1959 1960
Jenkins, Warren
The Ohio gazetteer, and traveler's guide 1837
Jenkinson, Anthony
Early voyages and travels to Russia and Persia by A. J. and other Englishmen 15.. (Hakluyt Soc. 1886)
Jenkinson, Charles
A treatise on the coins of the realm 1805
Jenkinson, Henry I.
Practical guide to the English lake district 1872 (1879)
Jenkinson, James
Linnæus' (C.) Generic and specific description of British plants tr. 1775
Jenkinson, John W.
Experimental embryology 1909
Jenks, Edward
The government of Victoria (Australia) 1891
Jenkyn, William
{Olenis}{delta}{eta}{gamma}{omicron}{fsigma} {tau}{upsilon}{phi}{lambda}{omicron}{fsigma} The blind guide or the doting doctor 1648
Reformations remora 1646
A shock of corn coming in in its season 1653 (1654)
The stil-destroyer or self-seeking discovered 1645
Jenner, Charles
The placid man, or memoirs of Sir C. Beville 1770 (1773)
Jenner, Edward
An inquiry into the causes and effects of the variolæ vaccinæ 1798 (1884 repr. of 1801)
Jenness, Diamond
The Indians of Canada 1932
—(ed. 2) 1934
Jennett, Seán
The making of books 1951
Jennings, Hargrave
Phallicism, celestial and terrestrial, heathen and christian 1884
Jennings, James
Observations on some of the dialects in the west of England, particularly Somersetshire etc. 1825 (1869)
Jennings, Jo.
Elise: or innocence guilty, a romance tr. 1655
Jennings, Louis J.
Field paths and green lanes, being country walks chiefly in Surrey and Sussex 1877 (1884)
Jennings, Paul
The living village 1968
Jennings, Samuel
My visit to the gold fields in the south-east Wynaad 1881
Jenyns, Leonard
A manual of British vertebrate animals 1835
Jenyns, Soame
Poems a 1787 (1790; Chalmers 1810)
A free enquiry into the nature and origin of evil 1757
A view of the internal evidence of the christian religion 1776
Jephson, John M. & Reeve, L.
Narrative of a walking tour in Brittany 1859
Jephson, Robert
Braganza, a tragedy 1775
Jerdan, William
Autobiography a 1850 (1852–53)
Jerdon, Thomas C.
The birds of India 1862–64
The mammals of India 1867
Jerningham, Frances, Lady
The Jerningham letters 1780–1843, being excerpts from the correspondence of Lady J. and of her daughter Lady Bedingfield (1896)
Jerome, St. St. Jeremie's 15 tokens before doomsday c 1350 (Adam Davy etc. E.E.T.S. 1878)
Jerome of Brunswyke
See Brunswyke, H.
Jerome, Jerome K.
The idle thoughts of an idle fellow 1886 (1889)
On the stage and off: the brief career of a would-be actor 1885
Three men in a boat 1889
Three men on the bummel 1900
Jeronimo, The first part of 1605 (Dodsley; Kyd's Works 1901)
Jerrard, Harold George & McNeill, Donald Burgess
A dictionary of scientific units, including dimensionless numbers and scales 1963
Jerrold, Douglas
The history of St. Giles and St. James 1851
Men of character 1838
Mrs. Caudle's curtain lectures 1846
Punch's letters to his son 1843 (1863)
Jerrold, William Blanchard
At home in Paris: at peace and at war 1871
London (illustr. G. Doré) 1872
Jersey Evening Post (St. Helier, Jersey) 1890–
Jespersen, Jens Otto Harry
Essentials of English grammar 1933
Growth and structure of the English language 1905
An international language 1928
Language: its nature, development and origin 1922
Mankind, nation and individual from a linguistic point of view 1925
A modern English grammar on historical principles 7 parts 1909–49 (parts 6 & 7 by Jespersen & N. Haislund)
The philosophy of grammar 1924
The system of grammar 1933
Jesse, E.
Jesse, George R.
Researches into the history of the British dog 1866
Jesse, John Heneage
George Selwyn and his contemporaries 1843–44
Jessop, Constant
The angel of the church of Ephesus no bishop of Ephesus 1644
Jessopp, Augustus
Arcady for better or worse 1887
The coming of the friars, and other historical essays 1889
Random roaming and other papers 1894
Studies by a recluse 1893
Jesuites reasons unreasonable, or doubts proposed to the Jesuits, The 1662 (1675)
Jetzer, The tragical history of tr. 1679
Jevons, William Stanley
Elementary lessons in logic 1870
Logic (Science primer) 1876
Money and the mechanism of exchange 1875 (1878)
Political economy (Science primer) 1878
The principles of science 1874 (1879)
Pure logic; or the logic of quality apart from quantity 1864
The theory of political economy 1871
Jewel, John
Works a 1571 (1611; Parker Soc. 1845–50; 1848)
An defence of the church of England tr. (anon.) 1562
—tr. (Lady Ann Bacon) 1564 (Parker Soc.)
A defence of the apologie 1567 (also 1569)
Certaine sermons a 1571 (1583, 1611, Parker Soc.)
The copie of a Paules crosse 1560
An exposition upon the two the Thessalonians a 1571 (1583)
A replie unto M. Hardinges answeare 1565 (1611)
A treatise of the sacraments a 1571 (1583)
The true copies of the letters betwene J. and Dr. Cole 1560
A viewe of a seditious bul 1569 (1582)
Jewett, Sarah Orne
A country doctor 1884
Deephaven 1877 (1893)
Tales of New England 1893
Jewish Chronicle 1841–
Jewish encyclopedia, The ed. I. Singer 12 vols. 1901–6
Jewish manual, the; or, Practical information in Jewish and modern cookery, with a collection of valuable recipes & hints relating to the toilette, ed. by a Lady 1846
Jewitt, Llewellyn F. W.
The ballads and songs of Derbyshire 1867
The ceramic art of Great Britain 1878
Jewry, Mary
Warne's model cookery and housekeeping book 1868
Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer
Get ready for battle 1962
The householder 1960
A new dominion 1972
To whom she will 1955
Joceline, Elizabeth
The mothers legacie 1624
Jodrell, Richard P.
The Persian heroine, a tragedy 1786
Philology of the English language 1820
Joesten, Joachim
They call it intelligence 1963
Johannsen, Albert
A descriptive petrography of the igneous rocks 4 vols. 1931–8
—(ed. 2) Vol. I 1939
Johannsen, Hano & Robertson, Andrew
Management glossary eds. E. F. L. Brech 1968
John, king of England, The troublesome raigne of (2 parts) 1591 (1611, 1764)
John, Griffith
A voice from China 1907
John a Kent. The book of John a Kent and John a Cumber, a comedy by A. Munday 1595 (Shaks. Soc. 1851)
John Edwards Memorial Foundation
Quarterly (title varies) 1965–
John o'London's weekly 1919–54; revived as John o'London's 1959–
John Thompson's man; or, a short survey of the difficulties and disturbances that may attend a married life 1829
Johns, Charles A.
British birds in their haunts 1862
Flowers of the field 1851
A week at the Lizard 1848 (1874)
Johns Hopkins Hospital
Bulletin 1889–1966
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Studies from the biological laboratory 1881–
Studies in historical and political science 1882–
Johnson, Mrs. Anna M.
Monmouth (a novel) 1790
Johnson, Bryan Stanley
Travelling people 1963
Johnson, Charles
The country lasses, or the custom of the manor, a comedy 1714
The tragedy of Medea 1731
Johnson, Cuthbert W.
The farmer's encyclopædia and dictionary of rural affairs 1842
Johnson, Daniel
Sketches of field sports as followed by the natives of India 1822 (1827)
Johnson, Edward
A history of New England..untill..1652: or the wonder-working providence of Sions saviour 1654 (1867)
Johnson, Edwin
Antiqua mater: a study of Christian origins (anon.) 1887
The rise of Christendom 1890
Johnson, George W.
ed. The cottage gardeners' dictionary 1852
A dictionary of modern gardening 1846
Johnson, H. C. Ross
A long vacation in the Argentine Alps 1868
Johnson, James
The Scots musical museum 1787–1803
Johnson, John
The clergyman's vade-mecum (anon.) 1709
A collection of all the ecclesiastical laws, canons etc. concerning the government..and worship of the church of England tr. 1720 (1850)
The unbloody sacrifice and altar unvail'd and supported 1714–24 (1847)
Johnson, John
Typographia, or the printers' instructor 1824
Johnson, Lady Bird (Mrs Lyndon Baines Johnson)
A White House diary 1970
Johnson, Myron
ed. American advertising 1800–1900 1960
Johnson, Pamela Hansford
The humbler creation 1959
Night and silence, who is here? 1963
The unspeakable Skipton 1959
Johnson, Paul Bede
Enemies of society 1977
Johnson, Richard
The most famous history of the seaven champions of cristendome 1596 (1608)
The most pleasant history of Tom a Lincoln a 1635 (Thoms, E.E. prose romances 1828)
The pleasant conceites of old Hobson, the merry Londoner 1607 (Percy Soc. 1844)
Johnson, Robert
Botero's (G.) The worlde, or an historicall description of the most famous kingdomes and commonweales therein tr. I. R. 1601
—(other edd.) 1603, 1616, 1630
Johnson, Robert
The way to glory, a sermon 1621
Johnson, Rev. Samuel
Notes upon the Ph{oe}nix edition of the pastoral letter of Bp. Burnet 1694
Johnson, Samuel, dancing-master
Hurlothrumbo, or the super-natural 1729
Johnson, Samuel
Works a 1784 (1787, 1792, 1825)
A dictionary of the English language 1755 (1773)
—ed. H. J. Todd 1818
—ed. R. G. Latham 1866
The idler 1758–61
Irene, a tragedy 1749
A journey to the western islands of Scotland 1775
Letters a 1784 (ed. G. B. Hill 1892)
Letters to and from the late S. J. By Hester Lynch Piozzi (Mrs. Thrale) v.d. (1788)
Life of Sir Francis Drake 1740
The lives of the English poets 1779–81
Lobo's (J.) Voyage to Abyssinia tr. 1735
London, a poem, in imitation of..Juvenal 1738
The prince of Abissinia (Rasselas), a tale 1759
The rambler 1750–52
Taxation no tyranny; an answer to the resolutions and address of the American congress 1775
The vanity of human wishes: the tenth satire of Juvenal imitated 1748
See also Boswell, J.
Johnson, Thomas
Gerard's (J.) Herball Enlarged by T. J. 1633 (1636)
The workes of that famous chirurgion A. Parey (or Paré) tr. 1634 (1678)
Johnson, Thomas B.
The sportsman's cyclopedia 1831
Johnson, William 1658
See Wuertz, F.
Johnson, William Ernest
Logic 3 parts 1921–4
Johnsoniana. Anecdotes of the late Samuel Johnson, LL.D. by Mrs. Piozzi..and others, etc. Collected and edited by Robina Napier (1884)
Johnston, Alexander Keith
Africa (Stanford's Compendium of geography and travel) 1878
Johnston, Sir Archibald, Lord War(r)iston
Diary 1632–39, 1650–54 (S.H.S. 1911, 1919)
Johnston, Bryce
General view of the agriculture of the county of Dumfries 1794
Johnston, Charles
Chrysal: or the adventures of a guinea (anon.) 1760 (1822)
The history of John Juniper Esq. 1781
The pilgrim, or a picture of life 1775
The reverie, or a flight to the paradise of fools 1762 (1763)
Johnston, Edward
Writing and illuminating, and lettering 1906
Johnston, Elizabeth
Gifts and graces (anon.) 1862
Johnston, George
Flora Lindisfarnensis: the natural history of the eastern borders. I. The botany 1853
An introduction to conchology 1850
Johnston, George Henry
Death takes small bites 1948
Johnston, Harry Hamilton
A comparative study of the Bantu and semi-Bantu languages 2 vols. 1919–22
Johnston, Henry
Chronicles of Glenbuckie 1889
Kilmallie 1891
Johnston, James F. W.
The chemistry of common life 1853–55 (1879)
Notes on North America; agricultural, economical and social 2 vols. 1851
Johnston, Mary
Audrey 1902
Johnston, Nathaniel
The assurance of abby and other church lands in England to the possessors 1687
Johnston, Ronald
The black camels of Qashran 1970
Johnston, William
Beckmann's (J.) History of inventions and discoveries tr. 1797–1814 (1846)
Johnstone, Mrs. Christina J.
Clan Albin: a national tale (anon.) 1815
The Saxon and the Gael (anon.) 1814
Jolly, Thomas
Note-book 1671–93 (Chetham Soc. 1894)
Joly, John
The surface-history of the earth 1925
Joly's (N.) Man before metals tr. 1883
Jonas, Richard
Roesslin's (E.) Byrth of mankynde tr. 1540
Joncas, L. Z.
The fisheries of Canada 1883 (Fisheries exhibition literature)
Jones, A.
The art of playing at skittles 1773
Jones, Bernard Edward
ed. Cassell's cyclopædia of photography
See Cassell's ——
The cinematograph book 1915
Jones, Charles
Hoyle's (E.) Games improved 1775 (1778)
Jones, Charles H. & Sieveking, Sir E. H.
A manual of pathological anatomy 1854
—ed. J. F. Payne 1875
Jones, Cheslyn Peter M., Wainwright, G., & Yarnold, E.
eds. The study of liturgy 1978
Jones, Daniel
An outline of English phonetics 1918 (and several later editions used)
The phoneme: its nature and use 1950
Jones, Ebenezer
Studies of sensation and event, poems 1843 (1879)
Jones, Eli Stanley
The Christ of the Indian road 1925
Jones, Enid Huws
Margery Fry, the essential amateur 1966
Jones, Ernest
tr. S. Ferenczi's Contributions to psycho-analysis 1916
Papers on psycho-analysis 1913
—(rev. ed.) 1918
Jones, Ernest Beachcroft
Instrument technology 3 vols. 1953–7
Jones, George Noble
Florida plantation records ed. V. B. Phillips & J. D. Glunt 1927
Jones, Gwyn
A history of the Vikings 1968
Jones, Henry
The earl of Essex, a tragedy 1753 (1756)
Jones, Henry 1862
Jones, Mrs. Henry
Broad outlines of long years in Australia 1877 (1878)
Jones, Henry Bence
The life and letters of Faraday 1870
Jones, Henry Festing
Samuel Butler, author of Erewhon, 1835–1902: a memoir 2 vols. 1919
Jones, Inigo
The most notable antiquity of Great Britain, vulgarly called Stone-heng, on Salisbury plain, restored by I. J. 1620–51 (1655, 1725)
Jones, John
The arte and science of preserving bodie and soule in healthe etc. 1578 (1579)
The bathes of Bathes ayde 1572 (1574)
The benefit of the auncient bathes of Buckstones 1572 (1574)
A briefe..discourse of the naturall beginning of all growing and living things etc. 1574
Jones, John
Adrasta: or the womans spleene, and loves conquest, a tragi-comedie 1635
Jones, John
The conquest of the saints (a sermon) 1639
Jones, John
Ovid's Invective or curse against Ibis tr. 1658
Jones, John
Bugge's (T.) Travels in the French Republic tr. 1801
Jones, John Morris
A Welsh grammar, historical and comparative 1913
Jones, Miss Mary Whitmore
Games of patience, for one or more players 1887 (1888)
Jones, Mervyn
Potbank 1961
Jones, Owen
The grammar of ornament 1856
Jones, Peter
History of the Ojebway Indians 1861
Jones, Philip Mitchell
The fifth defector 1967
Jones, Reginald Victor
Most secret war 1978
Jones, Robert’ (T. Lushington)
The resurrection rescued from the soldiers' calumnies 1619 (Phenix 1708)
Jones, Robert
A new treatise on artificial fireworks 1765 (1766)
Jones, Robert Walter
Dictionary of banking (ed. 10) 1951
Jones, Sarah L.
Life in the South (U.S.) from the commencement of the war. By a blockaded British subject 1863
Jones, Sarah S.
Northumberland and its neighbour lands 1863 (1871)
Jones, Thomas
Of the heart and its right soveraign 1678
Jones, Thomas P.
New conversations on chemistry 1831
Jones, Thomas Rymer
The aquarian naturalist 1858
Cassell's Book of birds, from the text of Dr. (A. E.) Brehm 1869–73
A general outline of the animal kingdom 1841 (1871)
The natural history of animals 1845–52
Jones, William
Synopsis palmariorum matheseos, or a new introduction to the mathematics 1706
Jones, William
Zoologica ethica: a disquisition concerning the Mosaic distinction of animals into clean and unclean 1771
Jones, William
Finger-ring lore 1877
Jones, Sir William
Works a 1794 (1799)
Poems, consisting chiefly of translations..and essays 1772 (1777)
Jones, Zachary
Le Loyer's (P.) Treatise of specters or straunge sights, visions and apparitions tr. 1605
Jong, Erica Mann
Fanny: being the true history of the adventures of Fanny Hackabout-Jones 1980
Jonson, Ben
Works a 1637 (1616, 1640, 1692, 1846)
The alchemist 1610 (1616)
Barthol(o)mew fayre 1614 (1631)
B. J. his case is altered 1598–99 (1609)
Catiline his conspiracy 1611
Conversations See Drummond, W.
Cynthias revels See Fountaine, below
Discoveries See Timber, below
The divell is an asse 1616 (1631)
The English grammar 1636 (1640, 1692)
Entertainments v.d.
Epic{oe}ne: or the silent woman 1609 (1620)
Epigrams 1612–16 (1616)
Every man in his humor 1598 (1601, 1616)
Every man out of his humor, The comicall satyre of 1599 (1600, 1616)
The forest 1616
The fountaine of selfe-love, or Cynthias revels 1600 (1601, 1616)
Q. Horatius Flaccus his art of poetry tr. a 1637 (1640)
The magnetick lady, or humors reconcild 1632 (1640)
Masques v.d.
The new inne, or the light heart 1629 (1631)
Poetaster, or the arraignment 1601 (1602)
The sad shepherd, or a tale of Robin Hood 1637 (1641)
Sejanus his fall 1603 (1605, 1616)
The silent woman See Epic{oe}ne, above
The staple of newes 1626 (1631)
A tale of a tub 1633 (1640)
Timber or discoveries made upon men and matter 1636 (1692)
Underwoods, consisting of divers poems 1613–34 (1640)
Volpone, or the foxe 1605 (1607, 1616)
The widdow, a comedie a 1627 (1652; Dodsley)
Jordain, Philip Bernard
ed. Condensed computer encyclopedia 1969
Jordan, David’Black account 1975
Nile green 1973
Jordan, David Starr
The fishes of North and Middle America 1896
A guide to the study of fishes 2 vols. 1905
Forest tithes and other studies from nature 1893
On Surrey hills 1891
Within an hour of London town 1891
Woodland, moor and stream 1889
Jordan, E. O.
See Hueppe, F.
Jordan, Thomas
A dialogue betwixt Tom and Dick 1660
London in splendor 1673. London's glory or the Lord Mayor's show 1680. London's joy 1681. London's resurrection to joy and triumph 1671. London's triumphs 1677. London triumphant 1672. The triumphs of London 1675, 1678
The walks of Islington and Hogsdon, a comedy 1641 (1657)
Jordan, William L.
The standard of value 1882
Jorden, Edward
A discourse of naturall bathes and minerall waters 1631 (1669)
Jortin, John
The life of Erasmus 1758–60
Remarks on ecclesiastical history 1751– (1751–73)
Sermons on different subjects a 1770 (1771–72)
Joseph, Horace William Brindley
An introduction to logic 1906
—(ed. 2) 1916
Joseph, Michael Kennedy
I'll soldier no more 1958
Joseph of Arimathie: otherwise called The romance of the seint graal, or holy grail, an alliterative poem a 1375 (E.E.T.S. 1871)
—Later lives c 1500–20 (E.E.T.S. 1871)
Joseph the bookman, a heroic-comic poem. By a gent (A. Anderson) 1821
Josseline, John
The life off the 70. archbishopp off Canterbury presently sitting tr. 1574
Josselyn, John
An account of two voyages to New England 1674 (1875)
New England's rarities discovered 1672 (1875)
Journal of abnormal psychology 1906– (1921–64 with title Journal of abnormal and social psychology)
Journal of agricultural research 1913–49
Journal of American folk-lore 1888–
Journal of anatomy and physiology 1866– (from 1916 with title Journal of anatomy)
Journal of the Anthropological Institute 1871–
Journal of applied physics 1937–
Journal of applied physiology 1948–
Journal of bacteriology 1916–
Journal of biological chemistry 1905–
Journal of biophysical and biochemical cytology 1955–61
Journal of botany 1834–42, 1863–
Journal of cellular and comparative physiology 1932– (from 1966 with title Journal of cellular physiology)
Journal of chemical education 1924–
Journal of chemical physics 1933–
Journal of chromatography 1958–
Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 1941–
Journal of clinical investigation 1924–
Journal of comparative neurology 1891– (1904–10 with title Journal of comparative neurology and psychology)
Journal of comparative psychology 1921–46
Journal of ecology 1913–
Journal of economic entomology 1908–
Journal of education 1879–
Journal of endocrinology 1939–
Journal of English and Germanic philology 1903–
Journal of experimental medicine (U.S.) 1896–
Journal of experimental psychology 1916–
Journal of experimental zoology 1904–
Journal of the Franklin Institute of Pennsylvania 1826–
Journal of general physiology 1918–
Journal of general psychology 1928–
Journal of genetic psychology 1954–
Journal of genetics 1910–
Journal of geology (U.S.) 1893–
Journal of geophysical research 1949–
Journal of glaciology 1947–
Journal of Hellenic studies 1880–
Journal of heredity 1914–
Journal of hygiene 1901–
Journal of immunology 1916–
Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry 1909–22
Journal of infectious diseases 1904–
Journal of the Institute of Actuaries 1869–
Journal of investigative dermatology 1938–
Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine 1915–
Journal of linguistics 1965–
Journal of the proceedings of the Linnean Society 1857–
Journal of marine zoology 1893–
Journal of medical research 1901–24
Journal of mental science 1855–1962
Journal of molecular biology 1959–
Journal of morphology (title varies) 1887–
Journal of natural philosophy, chemistry and the arts 1797–1813
Journal of nervous and mental disease (U.S.) 1876–
Journal of neurology and psychopathlogy 1920–37
Journal of neurology, neurosurgery and psychiatry 1944–
Journal of nutrition 1928–
Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology of the British Empire
(later ——Commonwealth) 1902–
Journal of organic chemistry 1936–
Journal of paleontology 1927–
Journal of pathology and bacteriology 1892–
Journal of pediatrics 1932–
Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 1911–
Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics 1909–
Journal of philology 1868–
Journal of philosophy 1904– (1904–20 with title Journal of philosophy, psychology and scientific methods)
Journal of physical chemistry (U.S.) 1896–
Journal of physiology 1878–
Journal of political economy 1892–
Journal of polymer science 1946–
Journal of protozoology 1954–
Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society 1840–
Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects 1894–
Journal of the Royal Institution 1831–69
Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society 1878–
Quarterly) journal of science 1864–85
Journal of scientific instruments 1922–
Journal of sedimentary petrology 1931–
Journal of social psychology 1930–
Journal of soil science 1949–
Journal of speech and hearing disorders 1936–
Journal of symbolic logic 1936–
Journal of theological studies 1899–
Journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 1898– (1898–1906 with title Journal of tropical medicine)
See also under the names of particular institutions
Journal of a naturalist, The (by J. L. Knapp) 1829
Journal of the pilgrims at Plymouth, in New England in 1620 (ed. G. B. Cheever 1848)
Journey through England, A (by J. Macky) 1714 (1722)
Jowett, Benjamin
The dialogues of Plato tr. 1871 (1875)
Thucydides tr. 1881
Jowitt, William Allen & Walsh, Clifford
eds. Dictionary of English law 2 vols. 1959
Joyce, James Augustine Aloysius
Chamber music 1907
Dubliners 1914
Exiles 1918
Finnegans wake 1939 (quotations are mostly taken from ed. 3, 1964, but dated simply 1939)
Giacomo Joyce ed. R. Ellmann 1968
Letters ed. S. Gilbert & R. Ellmann 3 vols. 1957–66
Pomes penyeach 1927
A portrait of the artist as a young man 1916 (quotations are mostly taken from the 1964 Viking Press ed., 15th printing, 1969)
Stephen hero: part of the first draft ofA portrait of the artist as a young man’ ed. T. Spencer 1944
—(ed. J. J. Slocum & H. Cahoon) 1955
Ulysses 1922 (quotations are mostly taken from the Random House ed., 1946, but dated simply 1922)
Joyce, Jeremiah
Scientific dialogues 1808
—new ed. by C. V. Walker 1846
Joyce, Thomas Athol
Mexican archaeology 1914
Joye, George
An apology made to satisfy, if it may be, W. Tindale 1535 (Arber)
The exposicion of Daniel the prophete 1545
G. J. confuteth Winchester's false articles 1543
The unite and scisme of the olde churche 1543
Joynson, Francis H.
The metals used in construction 1868
Juan y Santacilla, Jorge. Juan (G.) and Ulloa's (A. de) Voyage to South-America tr. 1758 (1760, 1772)
Jubb, Kenneth Victor F. & Kennedy, Peter C.
Pathology of domestic animals 2 vols. 1963
—(ed. 2) 1970
Judas Maccabæus, a sacred drama (by T. Morell) set to musick by Mr. Handel 1746 (1762)
Judd, Charles Hubbard
tr. W. Wundt's Outlines of psychology 1897
Judd, John W.
Volcanoes, what they are and what they teach 1881
Judd, Sylvester
Margaret, a tale 1845 (1871)
Jude, Richard H.
Physics, experimental and theoretical 1899
Judge, Arthur William
ed. Modern motor cars 3 vols. 1924
Modern petrol engines 1946
Stereoscopic photography: its application to science, industry and education 1926
Judge, The 1881–1939
Judgment of non-conformists, of the interest of reason in matters of religion, The 1676
Judicium, a pageant, extracted from the Towneley MS. c 1460 (Roxb. Club 1822; Towneley Plays)
Judith (verse) a 1000 (Grein 1888)
Judson, Edward Z. C.
The mysteries and miseries of New York, by Ned Buntline 1852
Jukes, Joseph B.
The student's manual of geology 1857
Jukes-Browne, Alfred Joseph
The student's handbook of stratigraphical geology 1902
Julian, John
A dictionary of hymnology 1892
Juliana (verse) a 900
Juliana, St., Þe liflade of (prose) a 1225 (E.E.T.S. 1872)
Seyn Julian (metrical life of St. Juliana) c 1300 (ibid.)
Jung, Carl Gustav
Jung's (J. H.) Theory of pneumatology tr. 1834
Letters 1769–72 (1820)
Junius, Francis
A briefe..commentarie vppon the revelation of saint John tr. 1592 (1599)
Junius, Francis, Jr. (or Du Jon, François)
Etymologicum Anglicanum a 1677 (ed. E. Lye 1743)
The painting of the ancients 1638
Junius, R.’ (R. Younge)
The cure of misprision 1646
The drunkard's character 1638
Sinne stigmatizd 1639
Jupp, Edward B.
An historical account of the worshipful company of carpenters of..London 1848 (1887)
Justamond, John O.
The private life of Lewis XV tr. 1781
Raynal's (G. T. F.) Philosophical history of the settlements..of the Europeans in the East and West Indies tr. 1776 (1783)

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