Reply to Dr. Sanderson 1650
A speciall remedie against the furious force of lawlesse loue 1579 (Roxb. Cl. 1844)
The Castle of Knaresborough 1887
Jurisdiction and practice of the Court of Great Sessions of Wales on the Chester Circuit 1795
A briefe description of the whole worlde (anon.) 1599 (1617, 1634)
An exposition upon the prophet Jonah 1600
A treatise of the perpetuall visibilitie and succession of the true church (anon.) 1624
The whole book of Job paraphrased 1640
Waste-land wanderings 1887
Francis Bacon: an account of his life and works 1885
Wallace: a Franconia story 1853
Life of Napoleon 1854 (1855)
The water cure 1842 (1843)
English phonetic texts 1964
Problems and principles: studies in the teaching of English as a second language 1956
eds. In honour of Daniel Jones: papers contributed on the occasion of his eightieth birthday 1964
Every man his own gardener 1767 (1803)
1625–1747 (Scott. Burgh Rec. Soc. 1871–72)
A christian and heavenly treatise containing physicke for the soule 1615 (1622)
Diseases resembling syphilis 1809 (1826)
Surgical observations 1804–06
Surgical works 1827
Colour vision 1895
A treatise on photography 1878 (1881)
Modern mountaineering 1933
eds. A parliamentary dictionary 1956
—(ed. 2) 1964
tr. The life of Glückel [Segal] of Hameln 1646–1724, written by herself 1962
Dark testament 1942
The path of thunder 1952
Return to Goli 1953
Wild conquest 1951
ed. Jump-rope rhymes: a dictionary 1969
Positively black 1970
Compte rendu hebdomadaire des séances 1835–
Doklady [French ed.] 1935–47
Doklady: earth science sections 1959–
Soviet physics: Doklady [Eng. trans.] 1956–
Chemical tests 1816 (1818)
Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape 1798–99 1802
Girls at war, and other stories 1972
A man of the people 1966
Things fall apart 1958
My father and myself 1968
The early Canterbury runs (ser. 1) 1930
—(complete ed.) 1951
English bread-book 1857
Modern cookery 1845
The nuns of the desert 1805
A tale without a title 1804
Memoirs of an aesthete 1948
The history of the American Indians 1775
The principles of pathology 2 vols. 1909–10
The log of a cowboy 1903
The outlet 1905
A manual of natural history 1854
Ships and women: an autobiography 1936
The American spirit: letters 1918
tr. A. Einstein's The meaning of relativity 1922
Aeronautical dictionary 1959
Lectures on natural and experimental philosophy 1794 (1806)
Micrographia illustrata; or the knowledge of the microscope explained 1746 (1747)
Works a 1826 (1850–56)
A defence of the constitutions of government of the United States of America 1787–88
Familiar letters of J. A. and his wife, Abigail Adams, during the Revolution 17.. (1876)
Western words: a dictionary of the range, cow camp and trail 1944
—(rev. ed.) 1968
Shardik 1974
Watership Down 1972
Works v.d. (1629, 1861–62)
The barren tree 1623
The blacke devill or the apostate 1615
A commentary or exposition upon the second epistle by St. Peter 1633 (1865)
Diseases of the soule 1616
The divells banket described in sixe sermons 1614
Eirenopolis; the citie of peace 1622
Englands sicknes, comparatively conferred with Israels 1615
The gallants burden 1612
The happiness of the church considered in contemplations upon Hebrewes 1618
Heaven and earth reconcil'd 1613
The Holy Choice 1625
Lycanthropy, or the wolfe worrying the lambes 1615
The sacrifice of thankefulnesse 1616
The sinners passing-bell; or a complaint from heaven of mans sinnes 1614
The spirituall navigator 1615
The white devil, or the hypocrite uncased 1613
English pleasure carriages 1837
Great rivers of the world: The Amazon and its wonders 1879 (1883)
A textbook of physical chemistry 1973
The muses threnodie, or mirthfull mournings on the death of master Gall 1638 (1774)
Shops and shopping, 1800–1914 1964
Introduction to optimization methods 1974
The fisheries of the Bahamas 1883 (Fisheries exhibition literature)
A Catholic dictionary containing some account of the doctrine, discipline, rites of the Catholic Church 1884 (also 1897)
Report of cases in the County Courts of the Fifth Circuit of Pennsylvania 1800
Works v.d. (1721, 1726–27, 1758)
Cato 1712 (1721)
Count Tariff 1713
Dialogues upon the usefulness of ancient medals 1702 (1727)
The drummer, or the haunted house 1715 (1721)
Essay on ‘Paradise Lost’ 1719 (Arber)
The Freeholder 1716 (1751)
The Freethinker a 1719 (1722)
Poems 1705 (1726)
The present state of the war 1707 (1746)
Remarks on Italy 1705 (1733)
Rosamond 1707 (1726)
The Spectator 1711–14
The Tatler 1709–10
The Whig Examiner 1710–12
The first state of Mahumedism 1678 (1679)
The life and death of Mahumed 1679
The present state of the Jews in Barbary 1675
West Barbary 1671
A glossary of words used in the neighbourhood of Sheffield 1888. Suppl. 1891 (E.D.S.)
tr. A. M. Villon's Practical treatise on the leather industry 1901
Artie 1896
Doc' Horne 1899
Fables in slang 1900 (UK 1902)
Forty modern fables 1901
Hand-made fables 1920
In Babel 1903
Knocking the neighbors 1912
Letters ed. T. Tobin 1973
More fables 1900 (UK 1902)
People you know 1903
True bills 1904
Fauriel's History of Provençal poetry tr. 1860
Apuleius: The XI bookes of the Golden asse, with the marriage of Cupido and Psiches 1566 (1893)
See United Kingdom. Admiralty
See United Kingdom. Advisory ——
A candle in the dark; or, a treatise concerning the nature of witches and witchcraft 1656
Boethius De consolatione philosophiae tr. c 888 (Sedgefield 1899)
Gregory's Pastoral care tr. c 897 (E.E.T.S. 1871)
Orosius tr. c 893 (E.E.T.S. 1883)
Soliloquien des Augustinus (= Blooms) c 900 (1922)
Soliloquia Augustini selecta (Cockayne 1864–70)
De veteri et de novo testamento c 1000 (Grein 1872; E.E.T.S. 1922)
Genesis, Exodus, etc. c 1000 (Grein 1872; E.E.T.S. 1922)
Grammar c 1000 (Zupitza 1880)
Homilies c 1000 (Thorpe 1844–46)
Lives of saints c 1000 (E.E.T.S. 1881–85)
See also Fragment
later Council) See United Kingdom. Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
Anglo-Saxon Benedictine rule c 960 (Schröer 1885)
A sketch of the natural history of Australia 1896
Cytology, with special reference to the Metazoan nucleus 1920
Scientific results of a journey in Brazil 1871
More first nights 1937
Red letter nights 1944
Introduction to electricity 1971
Painting illustrated in three dialogues 1685
Chess for winter evenings 1848
Theology of consolation 1881
The special theory of relativity 1959
The butterfly picnic 1972
Last movement 1977
A dictionary of chemistry and mineralogy 1807–14
The passion sermon at Pauls-Crosse, April 7 1626
A sermon preached at Pauls-Crosse the second day of June, 1622 1623
Memoirs 17.. (Roxb. Cl. 1890)
A pilgrimage to the land of Burns: and poems 1822, a 1878 (1892)
Annotations upon Genesis 1616; Exodus 1617; Leviticus 1618; Numbers 1619; Deuteronomie 1619; the book of Psalms 1617
Annotations upon the five bookes of Moses and the booke of Psalmes 1622; and the Song of Songs 1627 (1639)
Confessions of a planter in Malaya 1933
Thesaurus linguæ Latinæ compendiarius 1736 (1773, etc.)
Crichton 1837
Jack Sheppard 1839
John Law 1864 (1881)
The Lancashire witches 1848
Merry England 1874
The miser's daughter 1842
Old St. Paul's 1841
Ovingdean Grange 1860
Rookwood 1834
Saint James's, or the court of Q. Anne 1844
Tower Hill 1871
The Tower of London 1840
Windsor Castle 1843
Poetical works 1848, 1856
Memoir of D. M. Moir 1852
Astronomy 1851–59 (in Manual of scientific enquiry)
Undulatory theory of optics 1866
A collection of treaties, etc. relating to India and neighbouring countries 1876–78
eds. Edinburgh studies in English and Scots 1971
The science and practice of medicine 1863 (1866)
Automatic telephone systems 3 vols., 1921–4
Manual of domestic economy for clergymen 1842 (1857)
Hortus Kewensis; or, A catalogue of plants cultivated in the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew 3 vols. 1789
—(ed. 2, ed. by W. T. Aiton) 5 vols. 1810–13
General view of the agriculture of the county Ayr 1811
Poems v.d. (1790)
The pleasures of imagination 1744
—revised ed. (1788)
A glossary of provincial words and phrases in use in Wiltshire 1842
The wheel of the law: Buddhism illustrated from Siamese sources 1871
For love of Anne Lambert 1910
Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf? 1962
Observations upon military and political affairs 1671
Modern higher algebra 1937 (UK 1938)
Fundamentals of telephony 1943
Radio fundamentals 1948
Dramatic works ed. W. Albery 2 vols. 1939
A natural history of birds 1731–38
A natural history of English insects 1720
The archaeology of Palestine 1949
Mons perfeccionis, the hyll of perfeccion 1496 (1497)
Sermo pro episcopo puerorum c 1496 (W. de Worde)
The capital of the Tycoon: three years in Japan 1863
Hospital sketches, and camp and fireside stories 1863
Little men 1871
Little women 1868 (1869)
An old-fashioned girl 1870
Boaystuau's Theatrum mundi, the theatre or rule of the world tr. 1566
The adventures of Jimmy Brown 1885
All men are enemies 1933
The colonel's daughter 1931
Death of a hero 1929
The strange life of Charles Waterton 1782–1865 1949
The airs of earth 1963
The moment of eclipse 1970
A soldier erect 1971
eds. Decade: the 1950's 1976
Decade: the 1940's 1975
Marjorie Daw, and other people 1873
Prudence Palfrey 1874 (1885)
The story of a bad boy 1869
The admiral's ward 1883
A choice of evils 3 vols. 1894
Stronger than love 1902
An expedition of discovery into the interior of Africa 2 vols. 1838
Sketches in Portugal during the Civil War of 1834 1835
Colloid chemistry, theoretical and applied 6 vols. 1926–46
Space, time and deity 2 vols. 1920
The history of women 1779 (1782)
Johnny Gibb of Gushetneuk 1871
Sketches of life among my ain folk 1875
St. Augustine's holiday, and other poems 1886
Dorner's (Isaac A.) Development of the doctrine of the person of Christ tr. 1861–63 (1872)
Introductory mycology 1952
—(ed. 2) 1962
Essays and addresses, chiefly on Church subjects 1869
History of the doctrine of a future life 1858
The solitudes of nature and of man 1866
The man with the golden arm 1949
A walk on the wild side 1956 (UK 1957)
Biographical sketch and letters a 1878 (1884)
History of Europe 1833–42 (1849–53)
Cantus Primus. An howres recreation in musicke, apt for instrumentes and voyces 1606 (Arber, Eng. Garner VI)
A choice of enemies 1973
The lantern network 1978
The only good German 1976
Snowball 1974
The special collection 1975
On visceral neuroses 1884
ed. A system of medicine: by many writers 1896–99
Animal aggregations: a study in general sociology 1931
An alarme to unconverted sinners a 1668 (1672)
A sure guide to heaven a 1668 (1691)
The life and death of J. A.; whereunto are annexed diverse Christian letters, and his funeral sermon preached by Mr. Newton (1672, 1677)
Vindiciæ pietatis: or, a vindication of godliness from the imputations of folly and fancy 1663
The skin: a clinico-pathological treatise 1954
—(ed. 2) 1967
A textbook of psychosexual disorders 1962
—(ed. 2) 1969
British tastes: an enquiry into the likes and dislikes of the regional consumer 1968
The paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the Epistle of S. Paule to the Philippians tr. 1549
The paraphrase or commentarie (of Leo Jude) vpon the Reuelacion of S. Iohn tr. 1549
Only yesterday: an informal history of the nineteen-twenties 1931
British Rail after Beeching 1966
Babylon 1885
The colour-sense 1879
Life of Charles Darwin 1886
The evolutionist at large 1881
In all shades 1886
Kalee's shrine 1886
For Maimie's sake 1886
Philistia 1884
The scallywag 1893
The type-writer girl 1897
Photo-electricity: the liberation of electrons by light 1913
—(ed. 2) 1925
Natural and political history of Vermont 1798
No acceptance with God by faith only 1761
History of the borough of Liskeard 1856
Letters ed. H. M. Allen 1939
An admonition to the nobility and people of England and Ireland 1588
An apologie and true declaration of the institution, etc. of the two English Colleges, Rome, Rhemes, etc. 1581
A defense and declaration of the catholike churches doctrine touching purgatorie 1565
Danger of enthusiasm 1674
A persuasive to peace and unity among Christians 1680
A persuasive to piety 1680
A serious and friendly address to non-conformists 1676
Vox Graeca: a guide to the pronunciation of classical Greek 1968
Vox Latina: a guide to the pronunciation of classical Latin 1965
Forty sermons a 1681 (1684)
A funeral handkerchief 1691
Peter's rock in Mohammed's flood 1890
Fortune's frolic; a farce 1799
The beckoning lady 1955
Cargo of eagles 1968
Coroner's pidgin 1945
Dancers in mourning 1937
Death of a ghost 1934
The fashion in shrouds 1938
Flowers for the judge 1936
Hide my eyes 1958
Look to the lady 1931
Mr. Campion and others 1939
—(another ed.) 1950
More work for the undertaker 1948 (UK 1949)
Mystery mile 1930
The tiger in the smoke 1952
Traitor's purse 1941
See Early English Alliterative Poems; Scottish Alliterative Poems
Introductory lecture delivered to the students of the natural history class in the University of Edinburgh 1855
A monograph of the gymnoblastic or tubularian hydroids 1871–72
Considerations on the best mode of improving the navigation of the river Thames from Richmond to Staines 1805
Englands Parnassus; or the choysest flowers of our moderne poets 1600 (1815)
Wits theater of the little world 1599
The nature of prejudice 1954
Personality: a psychological interpretation 1937 (UK 1938)
Politics and society in post-war Naples 1945–1970 1971 (UK 1973)
Anecdotes of William Pitt 1792
The character of the Province of Maryland 1666 (1869)
Anti-Sozzo, sive Sherlocismus enervatus (anon.) 1675
Melius inquirendum; or, a sober inquiry, etc. (anon.) 1678 (1681)
The mischief of impositions (anon.) 1680
—(ed. 2) 1940
—(ed. 3) 1961
—(ed. 4, with title The radio communication handbook) 1968
Cause for alarm 1938
The dark frontier 1936
Doctor Frigo 1974
The light of day 1962
The mask of Dimitrios 1939
The night-comers 1956
Uncommon danger 1937
Prima, media, et ultima; the first, middle, and last things 1650
The ballet-lover's pocket-book 1943
Bulletin 1948–
Memoirs 1785–1818, new ser. 1826–
Proceedings 1846–1958 (continued as Dædalus)
Bulletin 1918–
Memoirs 1962–
Glossary of geology and related sciences 1957
—(ed. 2), with Supplement, 1960
—(ed. 3) 1972
Bulletin 1894–
Transactions 1900–
Bulletin 1881–
Memoirs 1893–
Proceedings 1838–
Transactions 1769–
Murder, maestro, please 1952
Typographical antiquities 1749
—considerably augmented by W. Herbert (1785–90)
A fresh suit against human ceremonies in Gods worship 1633
The marrow of sacred divinity tr. 1642
Saint's security a 1633 (1652)
An epistle to Sir John Blount 1720
Terræ filius: or the secret history of the university of Oxford 1721–22 (1754)
tr. S. Ahmad's No harvest but a thorn 1972
The anti-death league 1966
Girl, 20 1971
I like it here 1958
Jake's thing 1978
Lucky Jim 1954 [dated 1953]
New maps of hell: a survey of science fiction 1960 (UK 1961)
Take a girl like you 1960
The Rachel papers 1973
Success 1978
The life of John Buncle 1756–66 (1770)
Memoirs of several ladies of Great Britain 1755 (1766–69)
Television engineering 4 vols. 1953–8
—Vol. I, 2nd impr., rev. 1957
—Vol. II, 2nd impr., rev. 1958
Some account of the life of William Windham 1812