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Bibliography: I

Author names and work titles beginning with:
I., H.
Bullinger's (H.) Fiftie godlie..sermons divided into five decades tr. 1577 (1592)
I., R. 1601
I., T.
A cure for the tongue-evill 1662
I., Z.
Lavardin's (J. de) Historie of George Castriot, surnamed Scanderbeg, king of Albanie tr. Z. I. gentleman 1596
IBM journal of research and development 1957–
See Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
See Institute of Radio Engineers
See International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
I believe: the personal philosophies of certain eminent men and women of our time [by W. H. Auden et al.] 1939 (UK 1940)
Ibbetson, James
A plea for the subscription of the clergy to the thirty-nine articles of religion 1768
Ibis, The; a quarterly journal of ornithology 1859–
Ickes, Harold LeClair
Secret diary 3 vols. 1953–4 (UK 1955)
Iddings, Joseph Paxson
Igneous rocks: composition, texture and classification, description and occurrence 2 vols. 1909–13
Rock minerals 1906
Idler magazine (title varies) 1894–1911
Idriess, Ion Llewellyn
The cattle king 1936
The great boomerang 1941
In crocodile land: wandering in Northern Australia 1946
Isles of despair 1947
Lasseter's last ride: an epic of Central Australian gold discovery 1931
Ilkeston Advertiser and Erewash Valley Weekly News 1881–
Illingworth, John R.
The doctrine of the Trinity apologetically considered 1907
Personality, human and divine 1894
Illinois. Department of Agriculture
Transactions 1855–1921 (1855–71 with title Transactions of the Illinois State Agricultural Society)
Illinois State Historical Society
Journal 1908–
Transactions 1899–
Illuminating Engineering Society (US)
Transactions 1906–40
Illustrated London News, The 1842–
Illustrated weekly of India (Bombay) 1879–
Imison, John
Elements of science and art 1803 (enlarged by J. Webster 1822)
The school of arts 1785
See De imitatione Christi
Imms, Augustus Daniel
A general textbook of entomology 1925
—(ed. 9) 1957 See Richards, Owain Westmacott & Davies, R. G.
Immunology 1958–
Imperial dictionary, The ed. J. Ogilvie 1850
——Supplement 1855
—revised ed. Ed. C. Annandale 1881–83
Implement and machinery review 1884
Important the secular priests (by W. Watson) 1601 (1675, 1688, 1831)
Impostors detected, The; or the life of a Portuguese 1760
Inchbald, Elizabeth
ed. The British theatre, or a collection of plays etc. 1806–09
A collection of farces..selected by Mrs. I. 1815
I'll tell you what, a comedy 1785 (1786)
The modern theatre, a collection of successful modern plays, selected by Mrs. I. 1811
A simple story (a novel) 1791
Incledon, Charles V.
The Taunus, or doings and undoings, being a tour in search of the picturesque 1837
Incorporated linguist 1962–
Indagine's (J.) Book of palmestry 1558
Independent, The (New York; later Boston, Mass.) 1848–1928
Index-Journal (Greenwood, South Carolina) 1897–
Index Kewensis plantarum phanerogamarum, nomina et synonyma omnium generum et specierum 1893–95
—Suppl. 1901–26
India, Notes on the north-western provinces of 1869 (1870)
Indian journal of medical research 1913–
Indian music journal 1964–
Indian records, with a commercial view of the relations between the British government and the Nawaba Nazim of Bengal, Behar and Orisa 1870
Indiana. House of Representatives
Journal 1816–46
Indiana Historical Society
Publications 1895–
Indiana magazine of history 1905– (1905–13 with title Indiana quarterly magazine of history)
Indulgence, shewing its rise etc., The history of the 1678
Industrial and engineering chemistry 1923–40
Industrial chemist and chemical manufacturer, The 1925–
Infant baptism, The case of (by G. Hickes) 1683
Infantry manual, containing directions for the drill and instruction of recruits etc. The 1847 (1854)
Inge, William R.
Christian mysticism (Bampton lectures) 1899
Lay thoughts of a dean 1926
Ingelend, Thomas
A pretie and mery new enterlude called The disobedient child c 1560 (Percy Soc. 1848; Hazl. Dodsley)
Ingelo, Nathaniel
Bentivolio and Urania 1660 (1682)
Ingelow, Jean
Poems 1863 (also 1867, 1880)
A story of doom and other poems 1867
Ingersoll, Ernest
The oyster-industry 1881 (Tenth Census of the U.S.)
Ingersoll, Jared
Letters relating to the stamp act 1766
Ingestre, Viscount
Ingleby, Clement M.
Shakespeare, the man and the book 1877–81
Shakespere allusion books 1874
Shakespeare's Centurie of prayse 1874 (also New Shaks. Soc. 1879)
Inglis, James
Oor ain folk, being memories of manse life in the Mearns etc. 1893 (1894)
Our Australian cousins 1880
Sport and work on the Nepaul frontier 1878
Inglis, John
The New Hebrides 1887
Ingoldsby, Thomas’
Ingraham, Joseph H.
The pillar of fire, or Israel in bondage 1865 (1872)
The South-West, by a Yankee 2 vols. 1835
Ingram, George
Cockney cavalcade 1935
Stir’ 1933
Stirtrain 1935
Ingram, J. S.
The Centennial Exposition, described and illustrated 1876
Initials, The; a novel (by Baroness Tautph{oe}us) 1850
Ink 1971–2
Inland printer 1883–
Inlander, The (University of Michigan) 1891–1931 (title varies)
Inman, Thomas
Ancient pagan and modern christian symbolism exposed and explained 1869 (1870)
On myalgia; its nature, causes, and treatment 1860
Inner life, The: essays in liberal evengelicalism 2nd ser. 1925
Innes, C. L.
Canterbury (N.Z.) sketches, or life from the early days. By Pilgrim 1879
Innes, Cosmo
Lectures on Scotch legal antiquities 1872
Scotland in the middle ages 1860
Sketches of early Scotch history and social progress 1861
Innes, Hammond
The big footprints 1977
The blue ice 1948
Campbell's kingdom 1952
Innes, Michael’ (John Innes Mackintosh Stewart)
Appleby plays chicken 1956
Appleby's answer 1973
Appleby's other story 1974
An awkward lie 1971
Christmas at Candleshoe 1953
The daffodil affair 1942
Death at the President's lodging 1936
Hamlet, revenge! 1937
The journeying boy 1949
Old Hall, New Hall 1956
The open house 1972
Operation pax 1951
See also under real name
Innes, Thomas
A critical essay on the ancient inhabitants of the northern parts of Britain or Scotland 1729 (1879)
Inquisition taken before the Commissioners of Sewers for the county of Lincoln, 2nd July 1583 (1851)
Insect architecture (by J. Rennie) 1830 (1847)
Inside Kenya today 1953–
Institut Pasteur
Annales 1887–
Institute of Cost and Management Accountants
Terminology of management and financial accountancy 1974Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE transactions on computers 1968–
IEEE transactions on electronic computers 1963–7
Proceedings 1963–
Institute of Radio Engineers
Proceedings 1913–62
Transactions on electronic computers 1952–63
Institution of a christen man, The 1537 (C. Lloyd, Formularies 1825)
Institution of Civil Engineers
Minutes of proceedings 1837–1937
Institution of Electrical Engineers
Journal 1889–
Proceedings 1949–
Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Proceedings 1847–
Institution (later Royal ——) of Naval Architects
Transactions 1860–
Instructions 1659
Instructions and regulations for the formations and movements of the cavalry 1796 (1813)
Insulanus, Theophilus’A treatise on the second sight, dreams and apparitions 1763
Intellectual observer or review of natural history, The 1862–68
Interlude. The enterlude of youth c 1520 (1557; Hazl. Dodsley)
A new interlude and a mery of the nature of the iiii. elements (by J. Rastell ?) 1519 (Percy Soc. 1848; Hazl. Dodsley)
International and comparative law quarterly 1952–
International Congress of Genetics, 6th, 1932
Proceedings 2 vols. 1932
International Congress of Linguists, 8th, 1957
Proceedings 1958
International Congress of Medicine, 17th, 1913 23 sections 1913–14
International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 2nd, 1935
Proceedings 1936
——, 3rd, 1938
Proceedings 1939
International Congress of Soil Science, 1st, 1927
Proceedings and papers 5 vols. 1928
——, 2nd, 1930
Proceedings and papers 7 vols. 1932–5
——, 7th, 1960
Transactions 4 vols. 1960
International encyclopaedia of the social sciences 17 vols. 1968
International exhibition of 1862, The. The illustrated catalogue of the industrial department 1862
International Herald Tribune
See New York Herald Tribune International
International journal of American linguistics 1917–
International journal of psycho-analysis 1920–
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
Information bulletin 1956–77
Nomenclature of inorganic chemistry 1959
—(ed. 2) 1971
Nomenclature of organic chemistry 3 parts 1958–65
—(ed. 2) 3 parts 1966–71
Inter-Ocean (Chicago) 1872–1914
Into orbit, by the seven astronauts of Project Mercury (US ed. with title We seven) 1962
Invasion, The: or what might have been, 1798
Inventories. A collection of inventories and other records of the (Scottish) royal wardrobe and jewelhouse 1488–1606 (1815)
The inventories of church goods for the counties of York, Durham and Northumberland 1546–56 (Surtees Soc. 1897)
Inventories of the goods and ornaments in the churches of Surrey in the reign of king Edward the sixth (ed. J. R. Daniel-Tyssen, Surrey archæol. collect. IV, 1869)
Inventory of church goods in Staffordshire 1552–53 (Annals of the diocese of Lichfield IV, 1863)
Inverness. Records of the presbyteries of Inverness and Dingwall 1643–88 (S.H.S. 1896)
Inverness Courier 1817–
Inwards, Richard
Weather lore 1869 (1893)
Ionescu, Ghi{tced}a & Gellner, E.
Populism, its meaning and national characteristics 1969
Iowa State Agricultural Society
Report 1854–99
Ipomadon (verse) c 1350 (Kölbing 1889)
Ipomedon (prose) a 1400 (Kölbing 1889)
The lyfe of Ipomydon (verse) c 1440 (Weber, Metrical romances II; Kölbing 1889)
Ipotis (Ypotis) a 1400 (Horstmann, Altenglische Legenden 1881)
Ireland. A contemporary history of affairs in Ireland from 1641 to 1652 a 1660 (Irish Archæol. Soc. 1879–80)
Ireland sixty years ago, Sketches of, by W—— 1847
A natural history of Ireland, by several hands 1726
A remonstrance of divers remarkeable passages concerning the church and kingdome of Ireland 1642
The true state and condition of Ireland, sent to the House of Commons 1642
The statutes of Ireland v.d. (ed. Sir R. Bolton 1621)
A collection of all the statutes now in use (1678)
The statutes at large (1765; 1786–1801)
Ireland, William H.
Scribbleomania; or the printer's devil's polichronicon, a poem (anon.) 1815
Irvine, Ayr., Muniments of the royal burgh of (1890–91)
Irish Times 1859–
Iron and Steel Institute
Journal 1871–
Ironside, Janey
A fashion alphabet 1968
Irving, David
The history of Scottish poetry a 1860 (1861)
Irving, Edward
Babylon and infidelity forewarned of God 1826
For the oracles of God, four orations. For Judgement to come, an argument 1823 (1824)
The last days 1828
Irving, John
The 158-pound marriage 1974
The world according to Garp 1978
Irving, John James Cawdell
Royal navalese: a glossary 1946
Irving, Joseph
The west of Scotland in history 1885
Irving, Washington
Adventures of Captain Bonneville, or scenes beyond the Rocky mountains 1837
The Alhambra 1832
Astoria, or enterprise beyond the Rocky mountains 1836
Bracebridge Hall, or the humourists 1822
A chronicle of the conquest of Granada 1829
Chronicles of Wolfert's Roost and other papers 1839–40 (1855)
Knickerbocker's History of New York 1809 (1820, 1861)
Life and letters (1864–66)
The life of George Washington 1855–59
The lives of Mahomet and his successors 1850 (1853)
Oliver Goldsmith: a biography 1849 (1850)
Salmagundi; or the whim-whams and opinions of L. Langstaff Esq. 1807–08 (1824)
The sketch book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. 1820 (1859)
Tales of a traveller 1824
A tour on the prairies 1835
Irwin, Godfrey
American tramp and underworld slang 1931
Isenthal, A. W. & Ward, H. S.
Practical radiography 1898
Isherwood, Christopher William Bradshaw
Goodbye to Berlin 1939
Mr. Norris changes trains 1935
Prater violet 1945 (UK 1946)
A single man 1964
Isis, The (Oxford) 1892–1914; 1919–36; 1945–
Islander, The (Victoria, British Columbia) 1953–
Isle of Wight glossary 1881
Islington-wells; or the three-penny-academy, a poem (by R. Ames) 1691
Isumbras (Ysumbras). The romance of Sir Isumbras a 1400 (Thornton romances, Camden Soc. 1844)
It 1966–75 (1966–7 with title International Times)
Italy. The character of Italy; or the Italian anatomized by an English chyrurgion 1660
Iter Lancastrense 1636
Ive, Paul
Du Bellay's (G.) Instructions for the wars tr. 1589
The practice of fortification 1589

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