Notes upon Mr. Dryden's poems 1687
A treatise of humane reason 1675
Lectures and essays a 1879 (1879)
Seeing and thinking 1879
Frank O'Donnell: a tale of Irish life 1861
Narrative of his conduct in America 1783
No case for the police 1970
Only a matter of time 1969
To study a long silence 1972
The ascent of Mont Blanc 1823
Divine glimpses of a maiden muse 1659
Myths and dreams 1885
The story of creation 1888
Text book of topographical and geographical surveying 1905
The satirist; or, every man in his humour 1833
—Reprinted from the original editions, with explanatory and historical notes by John H. Thomson (1871)
Poems a 1861 (1862, 1869)
Ambarvalia 1849
Amours de voyage 1849
Bothie of Tober-na-Vuolich 1848
Dipsychus 1849
On the wallaby through Victoria 1911
The history and antiquities of the ancient villa of Wheatfield, in the county of Suffolk 1758
Miscellaneous tracts 17.. (1770)
The red heart: sagas of Centralia 1944
Roaming round the Darling 1936
The common names of plants and their meanings 1931
A new dictionary of heraldry 1725
Reactions to the French Revolution 1972
An essay on intuitive morals 1855–57
The final cause of woman 1869 (in J. E. Butler, Woman's work)
Italics: notes on Italy in 1864 1864
Life, by herself 1894
The Peak in Darien, with other inquiries touching soul and body 1882
The English gardener 1829
History of the Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland 1824–27
Political register 1802–13
Rural rides 1825
A year's residence in the United States of America 1818–19
Cobbett's Complete collection of state trials (1809–14)
Speeches on peace, financial reform, colonial reform, and other subjects 1849
Mediæval Scotland 1892
Records of the coinage of Scotland from the earliest period to the Union 1876
Early records relating to mining in Scotland 1878
Simple strains: or, the hamespun lays of an untutored muse 1806 (1810)
New Zealand plants and their story 1910
ed. Narratiunculae Anglice conscriptae a 1000 (1861)
ed. The shrine. A collection of occasional papers on dry subjects a 1000 (1864–70)
See also Leechdoms
Life of Lord Jeffrey, with a selection from his correspondence 1852
Memorials of his time 1821–30 (1856)
Journal; being a continuation of the memorials 1831–54 (1874)
Fifteen sermons preach'd upon several occasions 1697
A vindication of the late Bishop Burnet from the calumnies and aspersions of a libel, entitled ‘A specimen of some free and impartial remarks, etc.’ 1724
English dictionary 1704
Morals; or, the muses spring-garden 1675
Tutor to arithmetic 1664
The English dictionarie, or an interpreter of hard English words 1623 (1626)
Bookbinding, and the care of books 1901
Dyeing of cellulosic fibres and related processes 1961
ed. Car and locomotive cyclopedia of American practice 1966
—(ed. 3) 1974
Tully's three books of Offices in English 1699 (1706)
Diary in Japan 1615–22 (Hakluyt Soc. 1883)
The life and adventures of Valentine Vox, the ventriloquist 1840
Curtius Rufus' (Quintus) Life and death of Alexander the Great tr. 1661 (1670)
The history of Justine tr. 1654
The ecology of the Alpine zone of Mount Kenya 1967
The devil to pay, or the wives metamorphos'd 1731
The history of Diodorus Siculus tr. 1653
The scarlet gown; or the history of all the present cardinals of Rome tr. from the Italian 1653
Scudery's Ibrahim, or the illustrious Bassa tr. 1652 (1674)
The voyages and adventures of F. M. Pinto tr. 1653
The hauen of health 1584 (1636)
A philosophical treatise on the passions 1800
The phonemes of English: a phonemic study of the vowels and consonants of Standard English 1952
What's wrong with hospitals? 1964
Diseases of the throat 1872
Organic chemistry for advanced students 2 vols. 1907–13
The diversity of meaning 1962
—(ed. 2) 1966
Beautiful losers 1966 (UK 1970)
An introduction to logic and scientific method 1934
Sensible words: linguistic practice in England 1640–1785 1977
Pop from the beginning 1969
—(reissued with title Awopbopaloobopalopbamboom: pop from the beginning) 1970
Dramatic works v.d. (1874)
Loredano's (G. F.) Dianea tr. 1654
The obstinate lady 1657
Small poems of divers sorts 1658
The tragedy of Ovid 1662
Trappolin creduto Principe, or Trappolin suppos'd a Prince 1658
A short treatise of hunting 1591 (Roxb. Cl. 1897)
The bending of a twig 1906
Sandford of Merton: a story of Oxford life 1903
The first part of the institutes of the lawes of England: or a commentarie vpon Littleton 1628. Part II. a 1634 (1642). Parts III–IV. (1644)
Reports 1600–15
—An exact abridgment in English of the eleven books of reports of Sir Edw. Coke (1650)
The debate betwene the heraldes of Englande and Fraunce 1550 (1877)
Letters and journals 1756–74 (1889–96)
A discourse of trade 1670
Justice vindicated from the false fucus put upon it by Tho. White etc. as also, Elements of power and subjection 1660
The art of logick 1654 (1657)
With Hicks Pasha in the Soudan 1884
Locomotive engineering and the mechanism of railways 1864–82
Workshop organization 1923
Murder at the munition works 1940
Fifty years of public work, accounted for in his deeds, speeches and writings 1884
Of death, a true description 1629
A glossary of words used in south-west Lincolnshire 1886 (E.D.S.)
Algebra of the Hindoos, with arithmetic and mensuration 1817
Miscellaneous essays a 1837 (1837)
On import of colonial corn 1818
Remarks on the husbandry and internal commerce of Bengal 1804 (1806)
Charles Reade as I knew him 1903 (1904)
A brotherly examination re-examined 1646
Our woodlands, heaths and hedges 1859 (1866)
Charlotte Mary Yonge: her life and letters 1903
Essays and marginalia a 1849 (1851)
Poems a 1849 (1851)
Worthies of Yorkshire and Lancashire 1836 (1852)
The life and letters of St. Francis Xavier 1872
Introduction to the study of the Greek classic poets 1830 (1834)
Six months in the West Indies in 1825 1826
Aids to reflection in the formation of a manly character 1825 (1848)
Ancyent marinere, The rime of the 1798
Biographia literaria or biographical sketches of my literary life and opinions 1817 (Bohn)
Christabel 1797, 1800–01 (1816)
Conciones ad populum 1795
Confessions of an inquiring spirit a 1834 (1840)
On the constitution of the church and state 1830
Death of Wallenstein 1800
Essays on his own times; forming a second series of ‘The Friend’ a 1834 (1850)
Fall of Robespierre 1794
The Friend; a literary, moral, and political weekly paper 1809–10; re-issued as ‘a series of essays’ 1812; new and greatly altered ed. 1818 (1837, 1865)
Lay sermons 1816–17 (Bohn)
Lectures and notes on Shakspere and other English poets a 1834 (Bohn 1883)
Letters a 1834 (ed. E. H. Coleridge 1895)
Letters, conversations, and recollections a 1834 (1836)
Literary remains a 1834 (1836–38)
Notes and lectures upon Shakespeare and some of the old poets and dramatists a 1834 (1849)
Notes, theological, political and miscellaneous a 1834 (1853)
Philosophical lectures ed. K. Coburn 1949
The Piccolomini (tr. from Schiller) 1800
Poems a 1834 (1852, 1862)
Complete poetical works a 1834 (1912)
Remorse, a tragedy 1813
Sibylline leaves. A collection of poems 1793– (1817)
Specimens of his table talk a 1834 (1835)
The statesman's manual; or the Bible the best guide to political skill and foresight; a lay sermon 1816
The watchman 1796
Zapolya, a Christmas tale 1817
Memoir and letters, edited by her daughter a 1852 (1873)
A dictionary English-Latin, and Latin-English 1677
An English dictionary 1676
Adam in Eden: or natures paradise 1657
The art of simpling: an introduction to the knowledge and gathering of plants 1656
Sermon of conforming and reforming (Sermon made to the conuocation at Paulis) 1511 (? 1530; in Phenix II. 1708)
Introduction to ecology 1973
An answer to fifteen questions 1656
Vindiciæ thesium de sabbato; or, a vindication of certain passages in a sermon of the morality of the sabbath 1656
The art of tormenting 1753
Essays upon several moral subjects 1697, 1705, 1709
The emperor Marcus Antoninus his conversations with himself tr. 1701 (1726)
Miscellanies 1694
A panegyrick upon the Maccabees by St. Gregory (of Nazianzus) tr. 1716
Several discourses upon practical subjects 1725
A short view of the immorality and profaneness of the English stage 1697
Musical travels through England 1774 (1775)
Works v.d. (1775, 1862)
A view of the Lancashire dialect c 1746
His monkey wife; or, Married to a chimp 1930
The history of English dramatic poetry to the time of Shakespeare: and annals of the stage to the Restoration 1831 (1879)
The city that wouldn't die: London, May 10–11, 1941 1959
A house called Memory 1960
A history of English literature 1861
Pictures of the periods: a sketch-book of old English life 1865
Responsoria ad erratica piscatoris, or a caveat for old and new prophanenesse 1652 (1653)
A sober and temperate discourse concerning the interest of words in prayer, the just antiquity and pedegree of liturgies or forms of prayer in churches. By H. D. (i.e. John Collinges) 1661
Under the Meteor flag 1884
An autobiography 1939
The idea of history 1946
The idea of nature 1945
The new Leviathan; or, Man, society, civilization and barbarism 1942
The principles of art 1938
Roman Britain 1923
The life and work of John Ruskin 1893
Scandinavian Britain 1908
A discourse of the grounds and reasons of the Christian religion 1724
Manual of wireless telegraphy 1906
ed. Letters and memorials of state v.d. (1746)
The valley of eyes unseen 1923
Great Britain's coasting pilot 1693
Scripscrapologia; or, Collins's doggerel dish of all sorts 1804
Salt and fishery, a discourse thereof 1682
A first book of mining and quarrying 1872
Principles of metal mining 1872 (1875)
Cobwebs 1882
The prettiest woman in Warsaw 1885
Marquis and merchant 1871
Miranda 1873
Pen sketches by a vanished hand a 1876 (1879)
The princess Clarice 1872
Squire Silchester's whim 1873
Thoughts in my garden a 1876 (1880)
Transmigration 1873
The Vivian romance 1870
Frances 1874
The village comedy 1878
Epphata to F. T. (i.e. T. Fitzherbert); or, the defence of the Bishop of Elie concerning his answer to Cardinall Bellarmine's Apologie 1617
A sermon preached at Paules-Crosse 1607 (1608)
The present state of Russia a 1670 (1671)
Such is life: being extracts from the diary of Tom Collins 1903
Poetical works a 1759 (1765, 1771, 1858)
The luck of Ladysmede (anon.) 1860
After dark, and other stories 1856
Antonina; or the fall of Rome 1850
Armadale 1866
Basil 1852
The black robe 1881
The dead secret 1857
Hide and seek 1854
The moonstone 1868
The new Magdalen 1873
No name 1862
A plot in private life 1859
The queen of hearts 1859
Rambles beyond railways 1851
The woman in white 1860
The history and antiquities of the county of Somerset 1791
The life of Thuanus, with some account of his writings 1807
Contemporary English; a personal speech record 1927
ed. Dictionary of science and technology 1971
The sacred interpreter 1726
Reports of cases decided in the High Court of Chancery, by Sir J. L. K. Bruce 1845–47
Dramatic works 1777
Prose on several occasions 1761–86 (1787)
The comedies of Terence translated into familiar blank verse 1765
The jealous wife 1761
The musical lady 1762
Clandestine marriage 1766
Broad grins 1797–1802
The heir at law 1797
Inkle and Yarico 1787
Jests; or, festival of wit and humour a 1836
John Bull; or, The Englishmen's fireside 1803 (pirated ed.)
—(authorized ed.) 1805
Poetical vagaries 1812
The poor gentleman 1802
Posthumous letters, from various celebrated men, addressed to Francis and George Coleman the elder 1721–1820 (1820)
Report on the agriculture of Massachusetts See: Massachusetts, Agricultural Survey
Reports on the colonial sections of the exhibition ed. H. T. Wood 1887
Across Chrysê; from Canton to Mandalay 1883
A treatise on the commerce and police of the river Thames 1800
A treatise on the police of the metropolis 1796
A treatise on the wealth, power and resources of the British Empire 1814 (1815)
A companion to the ‘Oarsman's guide’ 1857
Penelopes complaint: or, a mirrour for wanton minions 1596 (Grosart 1880)
A general treasury of accounts for all countries in Christendome. To which is added the Art of arithmetike 1612
Lacon: or many things in few words 1820–22
Ship and shore in Madeira, Lisbon and the Mediterranean 1851
Mock poem, or Whiggs supplication 1681
Letters 1582–1603 (Bannatyne Cl. 1858)
The palinod of J. C., wherein he doth recant his former offences 1600
Flies of the British Isles 1951
The physiology of digestion 1842 (ed. 4)
An history of the river Thames 1794–96
The tour of Doctor Syntax in search of the picturesque 1812
The second tour of Doctor Syntax in search of consolation 1820
The third tour of Doctor Syntax in search of a wife 1821
See also History and antiquities of York 1785
A companion to the temple and closet; or a help to devotion in the use of the Common Prayer 1672–75 (1702)
Janua linguarum reserata. The gate of languages unlocked. Formerly tr. by T. Horn, afterwards corrected by J. Robotham 1643 (1650).
Orbis sensualium pictus. The visible world tr. by C. Hoole 1659
Report 1963
See United Kingdom. Parliamentary papers
Report 1960
See United Kingdom. Parliamentary papers
See Book of Common Prayer
Charge to the clergy of his diocese (of London) at his visitation 1693–94 1696
Episcopalia; or letters to the clergy of his diocess 1686
Darkness and day 1951
A house and its head 1935
More women than men 1933
Introduction to entomology 1888
A manual for the study of insects 1895
Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer tr. 1744
The English Bible: popular history of the translation 1856 (1881)
Tent work in Palestine 1878
A dictionary of geography, ancient and modern 1834
Handbook of physics 1958
—(ed. 2) 1967
The theory of atomic spectra 1935
The Manchurian candidate 1959 (UK 1960)
The whisper of the axe 1976
See: United States. Congress. Debates
See: United States. Congress. Debates
Works v.d. (1710, 1849)
The double-dealer 1694
Juvenal's eleventh satire tr. 1693 (see Dryden, J.)
Love for love 1695
The mourning bride 1697
The old batchelour 1693
A Pindarique ode humbly offer'd to the king on his taking Namur 1695
The tears of Amaryllis for Amyntas 1703
The way of the world 1700
Journal of the siege of Rouen 1591 (Camden Soc. 1847)
Public records of the Colony of Connecticut 1850–90
Annual report 1877–
Bulletin 1877–
Don't embarrass the Bureau 1972 (UK 1973)
A romantic friendship: the letters of Cyril Connolly to Noel Blakiston 1975
Almayer's folly: a story of an eastern river 1895
Lord Jim 1900
The nigger of the ‘Narcissus’ 1897
Nostromo: a tale of the seaboard 1904
The rover 1923
The shadow-line: a confession 1917
Suspense: a Napoleonic novel 1925
Victory: an island tale 1915
Romance 1903
The practice of the spiritual or ecclesiastical courts 1685
Pathomachia: or, the battell of affections (anon.) 1630
Diana 1592
Diana, or the excellent conceitful sonnets of H. C. Augmented with divers quatorzains of honourable and learned personages 1594 (1818; in Arber, Eng. Garner II)
Correspondence ed. R. B. Beckett 6 vols. 1962–8
Archibald Constable and his literary correspondents. A memorial by his son 1873
Journey through Norway, Sweden, and Denmark 1829
False appearances, a comedy altered from the French (of L. de Boissy) 1789
Called back 1883
Dark days 1885
A family affair 1885
Living or dead a 1885 (1886)
Demonology and devil lore 1879
The earthward pilgrimage 1870
The præ-Italic dialects of Italy 3 vols. 1933
A history of Cambridgeshire 1897
Letters and exercises of J. C., schoolmaster at Molton, Devon, 1580 and at Swimbridge, 1594, with notes and a fragment of autobiography by the very rev. W. D. Conybeare 15.. (ed. F. C. Conybeare 1905)
A defence of reveal'd religion against the exceptions of (Tindal) 1732
The mysteries of the Christian religion credible 1723
Life and epistles of Paul 1852 (1862)
Dr. Muspratt's patients, and other stories 1868
Paul Foster's daughter 1861
An account of the voyages undertaken for making discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere in 1768–71 (= First voyage round the world) 1773
A voyage towards the South Pole and round the world in 1772–75 (= Second voyage) 1777
A voyage to the Pacific Ocean in 1776–80 (= Third voyage) 1784. Vol. III by Capt. James King
Voyages v.d. (1790)
Fifty years on the old frontier, as cowboy, hunter, guide, scout, and ranchman 1923
Boston Monday lectures 1881–91
The manner of raising, ordering, and improving forrest-trees 1676
The crust on its uppers 1962
More worke for a masse-priest (anon.; pref. verses signed E. W.) 1621
Pope Joane. A dialogue betweene a protestant and a papist 1610
The language of music 1959
A voyage to the South Sea and round the world in 1708–11 1712
Topographical and statistical description of the county of Surrey ?1817
Mellificium chirurgiæ; or, the marrow of chyrurgerie 1616 (1685)
Greenes Tu quoque: or, the cittie gallant 1614
The Virginia comedians; or, Old days in the Old Dominion 2 vols. 1854
The new chemistry 1873 (1876)
British fungi 1871
Fungi; their nature, influence and uses 1874 (1875)
Manual of botanic terms 1862
Manual of structural botany 1884
Electronics and nucleonics dictionary 1960
Somebody's neightbors 1881
Steadfast: the story of a saint and a sinner 1889
Hesiod's Works tr. 1728
Tales, epistles, odes, fables, etc. (With) proposals for perfecting the English language 1729
Descriptions to the plates of Thames scenery engraved by W. B. C. and G. Cooke 1818
The electric telegraph: was it invented by Professor Wheatstone? 1854
A proper new booke of cookery 1575
Two fifteenth-century cookery-books c 1430, –50 (E.E.T.S. 1888)
See also Ancient cookery; Form of cury
Essay on the life and character of John, Lord Somers, Baron of Evesham 1791
Cyclopædia of practical receipts 1845
A treatise on the constitutional limitations which rest upon the legislative power of the States of the American Union 1868
The world surveyed in the nineteenth century 1845–48
What Katy did 1873
What Katy did at school 1873 (UK 1874)
The complete distiller 1757 (1760)
The anatomy of the breast 1840
Illustrations of diseases of the breast 1829
Life of Sir A. Cooper, with sketches from his note-books 1843
Psychiatry and anti-psychiatry 1967
The deerslayer 2 vols. 1841 (UK eds. 1 & 2, both 3 vols., both also 1841)
Home as found 2 vols. 1838 (UK ed. as Eve Effingham; or, Home 3 vols. 1838)
Homeward bound; or, The chase 2 vols. 1838 (UK ed. 3 vols. 1838)
The last of the Mohicans 1826
Ned Myers; or, A life before the mast 1843 (UK ed. 2 vols. 1843)
The oak-openings 2 vols. 1848 (UK ed. as The bee-hunter 3 vols. 1848)
The pathfinder 1840
The pilot 1823
The pioneers 1823
The prairie 1827
The red rover 3 vols. 1827
The spy 1822
The two admirals 1842
The water witch 1830
Coo-oo-ee! A tale of bushmen from Australia to Anzac 1916
Gresset's Vert-Vert tr. 1759
The power of harmony 1745
Poems 1764
The first lines of the practice of surgery 1807 (1826)
ed. J. M. Good's Study of medicine 1829
An admonition to the people of England 1589
An answer in defence of the truth against the Apology of private masse 1562 (Parker Soc. 1850)
Thesaurus linguæ Romanæ et Britannicæ 1565
The paradise of martyrs 1873
Poetical works 1877
The purgatory of suicides 1845
Travels of a pioneer of commerce in pigtail and petticoats; overland journey from China towards India 1871
Memoirs of a new man 1966
The struggles of Albert Woods 1952
A glossary of the provincialisms in use in the county of Sussex 1836 (1853)
An archaic dictionary, from the Egyptian, Assyrian, and Etruscan monuments and papyri 1876
A short history of the Egyptian obelisks 1877
The origin of the fittest 1887
The primary factors of organic evolution 1896
A glossary of Hampshire words and phrases 1883 (E.D.S.)
A dictionary of practical medicine 1844–58
The hye way to the Spytell hous ? 1536
Iyll of breyntfords testament 15.. (c 1562; Ballad Soc. 1871)
The questyonary of cyrurgyens, with the formulary of lytell Guydo in cyrurgie, with the spectacles of cyrurgyens newly added, with the fourth boke of the terapeutyke, or methode curatyfe of Claude Galyen tr. 1541–42
The rutter of the sea, wt the hauons, rodes, soundinges, etc. with the lawes of the Ile of Auleron 1528 (? 1555)
Advice to a young reviewer, with a specimen of the art 1807 (in Arber, Eng. Garner VIII)
A history of philosophy 9 vols. 1946–75
An answere to a letter of a Jesuited gentleman by his cousin 1601
Wits fittes and fancies; also Loves owle 1595
The shrubs of Parnassus. Consisting of a variety of poetical essays, etc. 1760
A discourse of the religion of England 1667
A humble endeavour of some plain and brief explication of the decrees and operations of God about the free actions of men a 1680 (1683)
The non-conformist's plea for lay-communion with the church of England a 1680 (1683)
Certain elegant poems a 1635 (1647)
Iter Boreale a 1635
Pickings from the portfolio of the reporter of the New Orleans ‘Picayune’ 1846
The bright Cantonese 1967
The secret power 1921
Thelma 3 vols. 1887
A digest of facts relating to the treatment and utilization of sewage 1870
ed. A concise building encyclopaedia 1932
Practical programming 1968
Narrative of a journey across the island of Newfoundland 1856
The glamour of prospecting 1920
Bulletin 1888–
Memoirs 1913–
The life of plants 1964
The natural history of palms 1966
Wayside trees of Malaya 2 vols. 1940
The defenceless islands 1906
The naturalist on the Thames 1902
The country curate's advice to his parishioners 1693
A discourse of the most illustrious Prince Henry, late Prince of Wales 1626 (1641)
Correspondence a 1805 (1859)
Discourses upon Seneca the tragedian 1601 (1631)
Essayes 1600–01 (1631)
The miraculous and happie union of England and Scotland 1604
Thirty years a boxing referee 1915
Memoirs of Alfred Berkeley 1802
A satirical view of London 1799 (1803)
Introduction to electromagnetic fields and waves 1962
Bennett 1977
Sunburst 1971
Extracts from his letters and journals 1838–92 (1897)
Coryats crudities; hastily gobled up in five moneths travels 1611
The Odcombian banquet 1611
A collection of private devotions in the practice of the ancient church, called the houres of prayer (anon.) 1627
Correspondence 1618–71 (Surtees Soc. 1869, –72)
A scholastical history of the canon of the Holy Scripture 1657
Stories from a screen 1855
Pilgrimage to Auvergne 1842