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Bibliography: Bro-By

Author names and work titles beginning with:
Broad, Charlie Dunbar
The mind and its place in nature 1925
Perception, physics, and reality 1914
Scientific thought 1923
Broadhouse, John
The student's Helmholtz: Musical acoustics 1881
Brockett, John T.
A glossary of North Country words 1825, 1829, 1846 (edd. 1–3)
Brockett, Linus P.
Cross and crescent 1877
Brodal, Alf
Neurological anatomy in relation to clinical medicine 1948
Brodie, Sir Benjamin C., 1st Bart.
Psychological inquiries 1856–62
Brodie, Sir Benjamin C., 2nd Bart.
Ideal chemistry 1867 (1880)
Brodrick, George C.
Memories and impressions 1900
Brogden, J. Ellett
Provincial words and expressions current in Lincolnshire 1866
Broinowski, Alison
Take one ambassador 1973
Broke, Lord
Brome, Alexander
Songs and other poems 1661 (1668)
Brome, James
Travels over England, Scotland and Wales 1700 (1707)
Brome, Richard
Plays a 1652 (1653, 1669; Wks. 1873)
The antipodes 1640
The city wit a 1652
The court beggar 1632
The English Moor a 1652
A joviall crew 1641
The new academy a 1652
The northern lasse 1632
The queenes exchange a 1652
The sparagus garden 1635 (1640)
Brome Hall, Suffolk, A common-place book of the fifteenth-century, from MS. at (ed. L. T. Smith 1886)
Bromfield, Louis
The rains came 1937
Bromhall, Thomas
A treatise of specters 1658
Bromige, Iris Amy Edna
The enchanted garden 1956
Bromley, Gordon
In the absence of the body 1972
Bronowski, Jacob
The ascent of man 1973
Bronson-Howard, George
Enemy to society 1911
God's man 1915
Brontë, Anne
Agnes Grey 1847
The tenant of Wildfell Hall 3 vols. 1848
Brontë, Charlotte
Jane Eyre 1847
The professor c 1845 (1857)
Shirley 1849
Villette 1853
Brontë, Emily Jane
Wuthering Heights 1847
Brooke, 1st Baron
Brooke, 2nd Baron
Brooke, Arthur
Romeus and Juliet 1562 (1908)
Brooke, Charles
Ten years in Sarawak 1866
Brooke, Christopher
Complete poems a 1628 (Grosart 1872)
The ghost of Richard the third 1614
Brooke, Frances
The history of lady Julia Mandeville 1763 (1782)
The old maid 1755–56 (1764)
Brooke, Francis
Le Blanc's (V.) World surveyed or his famous voyages and travailes tr. 1660
Brooke, Henry
The charitable association 1778
A collection of the pieces formerly published, which are added several plays and poems 1778 (1789)
The fool of quality; or the history of Henry, Earl of Moreland 1760–72 (1809, 1859)
Tasso's (T.) Jerusalem tr. 1738
Universal beauty 1735
Brooke, Henry J.
Familiar introduction to crystallography 1823
Brooke, Humphrey
A conservatory of health 1650
Brooke, Richard
A treatise on the office and practice of a notary of England 1839
Brooke, Rupert Chawner (1887–1915) Collected poems 1918
Letters ed. G. Keynes 1968
Brooke, Stopford A.
English literature 1880
Brooke-Rose, Christine Frances E.
The languages of love 1957
Brookes, Richard
The art of angling, rock and sea fishing 1740
A general gazetteer 1762 (enlarged ed. 1802)
Brookes, Samuel
An introduction to the study of conchology 1815
Brookhouse, Thomas
The temple opened 1696
Brooks, C. W. Shirley
The gordian knot 1858
The silver cord, a story 1861
Brooks, Christopher P.
Cotton manufacturing 1888
Brooks, Frederick Tom
Plant diseases 1928
Brooks, Henry
Natal: a history and description of the colony 1876
Brooks, Phillips
The candle of the Lord, and other sermons 1881
Brooks, Thomas
A golden key to open hidden treasures 1675 (Wks. 1865 V)
Broome (or Barker), Lady Mary Ann
Station life in New Zealand 1869 (1874)
A year's housekeeping in South Africa 1887
Broome, William
Notes to Pope's translation of Homer's Odyssey 1725
eds. The long trail: what the British soldier sang and said in the Great War of 1914–18 1965
Songs and slang of the British soldier, 1914–18 1930
—(ed. 3) 1931
Brose, Henry Herman L. A.
tr. A. J. W. Sommerfeld's Atomic structure and spectral lines 1923
—(ed. 3) 1934
Brosnahan, Leonard Francis
Some Old English sound changes: an analysis in the light of modern phonetics 1953
The sounds of language 1961
Brother Jonathan 1825
Brough, Robert B.
Marston Lynch: his life and times 1860 (1870)
Brough, William
Sacred principles, services, and soliloquies; or a manual of devotions 1650 (1656, 1671)
Brougham, Henry, Lord
Albert Lunel 1844 (1872)
The British constitution 1861
Historical sketches of statesmen of the time of George III 1839
Broughton, Hugh
Works 1588–1612
Letters..about Sheol and Hades 1599
A require of agreement to the groundes of divinitie studie 1611
Broughton, Rhoda
Belinda 1883
Cometh up as a flower 1867
Joan, a tale 1876
Nancy 1873
Red as a rose 1870
Second thoughts 1880
Brown, Alexander M.
Contributions to the study of animal alkaloids 1887
Brown, Archibald
Scriven's (J.) Treatise on the law of copyholds revised 1882
Brown, Bernard
Talking pictures 1931
Brown, Charles B.
Edgar Huntly 1799 (1835)
Volney's View of the soil and climate of the United States tr. 1804
Brown, David
Life of the late John Duncan, LL.D. 1872
Brown, Edward’
The travels and adventures of E. B. 1739
Brown, George Mackay
An Orkney tapestry 1969
Brown, Ivor John Carnegie
Say the word 1947
Words in our time 1958
Brown, James Alexander Campbell
The social psychology of industry 1954
Brown, James Baldwin
First principles of ecclesiastical truth 1870
Misread passages of scripture 1869–71
Brown, John
A dissertation on the rise..of poetry and music 1763
Essays on the Characteristics (of the Earl of Shaftesbury) 1751
Brown, John
The christian journal 1765 (1814)
A compendious history of the British churches in England, etc. 1784 (1823)
A dictionary of the holy bible 1769
Brown, John
Psyche 1818
Brown, John
Letters of sanctification 1834
Brown, John
Horæ subsecivæ 1858–61
John Leech and other papers 1861– (1882)
Letters; with letters from Ruskin, Thackeray, and others ed. J. Brown & D. W. Forrest 1907
—(ed. 3) 1912
Locke and Sydenham etc. (from Horæ subsec.) 1866
Rab and his friends 1859 (1862)
Brown, John
The pilgrim fathers of New England 1895
Brown, John
The chancer 1972
Brown, John Crombie
The ethics of George Eliot's works 1879
Brown, Marie A.
Runeberg's (J. L.) Nadeschda tr. 1891
Brown, Michael Barratt
The economics of imperialism 1974
Brown, Mungo P.
Supplement to the dictionary of the decisions of the Court of Session 1826
Brown, Robert
The compleat farmer 1759
Brown, Robert
A manual of botany 1874
Brown, Samuel R.
The western gazetteer; or, Emigrant's directory 1817
Brown, Thomas
The new bee-hive a 1655 (in Hartlib's (S.) Reformed common-wealth of bees 1655)
Brown, Thomas
Works a 1704 (1720, 1730)
A praise of poverty a 1704
An essay on the satire of the antients a 1704
Fresny's amusements serious and comical tr. 1700
Letters from the dead to the living c 1700 (1702)
The saints in an uproar 1687
Brown, Thomas
A manual of modern farriery 1847
Brown, Thomas E.
Collected poems a 1897 (1900)
The doctor and other poems 1887
Letters a 1897 (1900)
Brown, Walter Varian & Bertke, Eldridge Melvin
Textbook of cytology 1969
Brown, William
The history of the propagation of christianity among the heathen since the reformation 1814
Browne, Alexander
Ars pictoria, or an academy teaching drawing, painting, etc. 1669
Browne, Daniel Jay
The sylva americana; or, A description of the forest trees indigenous to the United States 1832
The American poultry yard 1849 (1855)
Browne, Edward
A brief account of some travels in Hungaria etc. 1673 (1685)
Browne, Edward H.
An exposition of the thirty-nine articles 1850
Browne, Isaac H.
Poems 1706–60 (1768)
Browne, Joseph
An account of the wonderful cures perform'd by the cold baths 1707
Browne, Patrick
The civil and natural history of Jamaica 1756 (1789)
Browne, Robert
An answere to master (T.) Cartwright c 1585
Browne, Sir Thomas
Works a 1682 (1835–36, 1851–52)
Christian morals 1682 (1756)
The garden of Cyrus 1658
Hydriotaphia, urne buriall 1658 (1736)
A letter to a friend 1672 (1881)
Certain miscellany tracts a 1682 (1684)
Pseudodoxia epidemica or enquiries into very many received tenents (= Vulgar errors) 1646 (1658, 1686)
Religio medici 1643 (1656)
Browne, Thomas Alexander
Browne, William
Works a 1643 (1772)
Britannia's pastorals 1613, 1616
Inner Temple masque 1615
The shepheard's pipe 1614
Thirsis' praise to his mistress a 1643 (1772)
Browne, William
His fiftie yeares practice, or an exact discourse concerning snaffle-riding 1624
Le Roy's (M.) History of Polexander tr. 1647
Browning, Carl Hamilton
Bacteriology 1925
Browning, Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett
Poetical works a 1861 (Poems 1844, 1850)
Aurora Leigh 1856
Casa Guidi windows 1851
A drama of exile 1844
A lament for Adonis 1850
Letters addressed to R. H. Horne 1839–51 (1877)
Prometheus bound 1833
Some account of the Greek Christian poets 1842 (1863)
Sonnets from the Portuguese a 1846
A vision of poets 1844
Browning, Robert
Poetical works a 1889
Aristophanes' Apology 1875
Balaustion's adventure 1871
Bells and pomegranates 1841–46
Dramatic idyls 1879–80
Dramatis personæ 1865
Ferishtah's fancies 1884
Fifine at the fair 1872
The inn album 1875
La Saisiaz 1878
Men and women 1855
Paracelsus 1835
Pauline 1833
Red cotton night-cap country 1873
The ring and the book 1868
Sordello 1840
Strafford, a tragedy 1837
The two poets of Croisic 1878
Brownrig, Bp. Ralph
Sermons a 1659 (1674)
Bruce, Alexander B.
Apologetics; or christianity defensively stated 1892
The kingdom of God; or Christ's teaching according to the synoptical gospels 1889
The miraculous element in the gospels 1886
St. Paul's conception of christianity 1894
Bruce, George
Poems, ballads and songs 1813
Bruce, James
Travels to discover the source of the Nile 1790
Bruce, James, 8th Earl of Elgin
Letters and journals a 1863 (1872)
Bruce, Michael
Lectures and sermons, good news in evil times 1708
Bruce, Peter H.
Memoirs..containing an account of his travels in Germany etc. 1782
Bruce, Robert
Sermons preached in the kirk of Edinburgh 1591 (Wodrow Soc. 1843)
Sermons upon the sacrament of the Lord's supper 1590
Bruce, William
Hebrew odes, and other poems 1874
Bruel's (W.) (= Bruele, G.) Praxis medicinæ or the physitians practise tr. 1632
Bruin, Cornelis de. Corneille le Bruyn's Voyage to the Levant tr. W. J. 1702
Bruner, Jerome Seymour
Beyond the information given: studies in the psychology of knowing ed. J. M. Anglin 1973 (UK 1974)
Brunne, Robert Manning of
Handlyng synne 1303 (Roxb. Club 1862; E.E.T.S. 1901)
Langtoft's Chronicle 1338 (1725, 1810)
The story of England (= Chron. Wace) c 1330 (Rolls series 1887)
For Meditations on the supper of our Lord 13.. See Bonaventura
Brunswyke's (or Braunschweig, H.) The noble experyence of the vertuous handywarke of surgeri..Here after..the antidotharius tr. 1525.
See also Andrew, L.
Brunt, David
Meteorology 1928
Brut, The, or the chronicles of England c 1400, continuation c 1450 (E.E.T.S. 1906)
Bruton, Eric Moore
Dictionary of clocks and watches 1962
Bryan, John
Harvest home 1674
Bryan, William Alanson
Natural history of Hawaii 1915
Bryant, Charles
Flora diætetica; or the history of esculent plants 1783
Bryant, Edwin
What I saw in California 1848
—(ed. 5) 1849
Bryant, Jacob
A new system, or analysis of ancient mythology 1774–76
Bryant, Peter’ (Peter Bryan George)
Two hours to doom 1958
Bryant, Thomas
The practice of surgery 1872 (1878)
Bryant, William Cullen
Poetical works a 1878 (1856 etc.)
The Iliad of Homer tr. 1870
The Odyssey of Homer tr. 1871
Bryce, James
The American commonwealth 1888
The holy Roman empire 1864 (1875)
Impressions of South Africa 1897
Bryden, Henry Anderson
Animals of Africa 1900
Kloof and karroo: sport, legend, and natural history in Cape Colony 1889
Tales of South Africa 1896
Brydges, Grey, Baron Chandos
Horæ subsecivæ: observations and discourses (anon.) 1620
Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton
Archaica 1815
Censura literaria 1805–09
—— & Haslewood, J.
The British bibliographer 1810–14
Brydges, Thomas
Brydone, Patrick
A tour through Sicily and Malta 1773
Bryskett, Lodovick
A discourse of civill life 1606
Bryson, Alexander
Medicine and medical statistics 1851–59 (in Manual of scientific enquiry 1859)
Bryson, Herbert Courtney
The gramophone record 1935
Bucaniers of America, The history of the tr. (from J. Esquemeling) 1684
Buccleuch MSS. Report on the manuscripts of the Duke of Buccleuch (Historical Manuscripts Commission 1899–)
See Briefe examination 1564
Buch, Carl W.
Hagenbach's (C. R.) Compendium of the history of doctrines tr. 1847
Buchan, John
The blanket of the dark 1931
Castle Gay 1930
The courts of the morning 1929
The dancing floor 1926
The gap in the curtain 1932
Greenmantle 1916
The house of the four winds 1935
Huntingtower 1922
The island of sheep 1936
John Macnab 1925
Memory hold-the-door 1940
Mr. Standfast 1919
Nelson's history of the war 24 vols. 1915–19
Prester John 1910
A prince of the captivity 1933
The thirty-nine steps 1915
The three hostages 1924
Buchan, Peter
Ancient ballads and songs of the north of Scotland 1828
Gleanings of Scotch, English, and Irish scarce old ballads 1825
Buchan, William
Domestic medicine 1789 (1790)
Buchan dialect. A select collection of Scots poems, chiefly in the broad Buchan dialect 1785
Buchanan, George
Vernacular writings a 1582 (S.T.S. 1892)
Chamæleon 1570
B.'s detection of the duings of Marie quene of Scottes tr. 1572
Opinion anent the reformation of the universitie of St. Andros 1563–67
Buchanan, Joseph R.
Outlines of lectures on the neurological system of anthropology 1854
Buchanan, Robert
The ten years' conflict, being the history of the disruption of the church of Scotland 1849
Buchanan, Robert James McLean
The blood in health and disease 1909
Buchanan, Robert W.
Poetical works 1874 (also 1884, 1901)
Annan water 1885
The coming terror and other essays 1891
The heir of Linne: a romance 1888
Buchanan, Robertson
Practical essays on mill-work 1814 (1823)
Buchanan, W. M.
A technological dictionary 1846
Buck, Albert H.
ed. A reference handbook of the medical sciences. By various writers. 1885–90
Buck, Carl Darling
Comparative grammar of Greek and Latin 1933
Buck, Franklin Augustus
A Yankee trader in the gold rush ed. K. A. White 1930
Buck, Sir George
The history of the life and reign of Richard the third a 1623 (1646)
Buck, Peter Henry
The coming of the Maori 1925
—(rev. ed.) 1949 (corrected impression, 1950)
Buckham, Philip W.
The theatre of the Greeks 1825
Buckingham, George Villiers, 1st Duke of. Documents illustrating the impeachment of the Duke of Buckingham in 1626 (Camden Soc. 1889).
Buckingham, 2nd Duke of
Buckingham and Chandos, Richard P. Grenville, 2nd Duke of
Memoirs of the court of George IV 1820–30 1859
Memoirs of the courts and cabinets of William IV and Victoria 1861
Buckingham and Normanby, 1st Duke of
Buckland, Francis T.
Log-book of a fisherman and zoologist 1875
Notes and jottings from animal life a 1880 (1882)
Buckland, William
Geology and mineralogy considered with reference to natural theology (Bridgewater treatise) 1836 (1837)
Reliquiæ diluvianæ; or observations on the organic remains contained in caves (etc.) attesting the action of an universal deluge 1823
Buckle, Henry T.
History of civilisation in England 1857–61
Miscellaneous and posthumous works a 1862 (1872)
Buckle, John S.
The manufacturer's compendium 1864
Buckler, Ernest Redmond
Ox bells and fireflies 1968
Buckley, Theodore A. W.
The Iliad of Homer tr. 1848
Buckman, S. S.
John Darke's sojourn in the Cotswolds 1890
Buckmaster, Henrietta’ (Henrietta Stephens)
The walking trip 1972
Bucknill, John C. & Tuke, D. H.
A manual of psychological medicine: containing the history, nosology, description and treatment of insanity 1874
Budd, George
Treatise on diseases of the liver 1845
Budgell, Eustace
The bee 1733
The moral characters of Theophrastus tr. 1714
Budworth (afterwards Palmer), Joseph
A fortnight's ramble to the lakes in Westmoreland etc. 1792
Buel, Jesse
The farmer's companion 1840
Buenos Aires Herald 1876–
Büsching's (A. F.) New system of geography tr. 1762
Buffon's (G. L. Le Clerc, Comte de) Natural history of birds tr. 1792
See also Smellie, W.
Bugbears, The c 1580 (in Archiv Stud. neu. Sprachen, Bd. 98, 1897)
Bugge's (T.) Travels in the French republic tr. J. Jones 1801
Builder, The; an illustrated weekly magazine 1842–
Builder's dictionary, The, or gentleman's and architect's companion 1734
Building news 1857–
Bulkeley, John & Cummins, J.
A voyage to the South-seas 1743
Bulkeley, Peter
The gospel covenant, or the covenant of grace opened 1646
Bull, Digby
The watchman's voice giving warning to all men of the dreadful day of the Lord 1695
Bull, Bp. George
Works a 1710 (1846)
Bull, Henry
Luther's Commentarie upon the fiftene psalmes called psalms of degrees tr. 1577 (1615)
Bull, Peter
I know the face, but... 1959
Bull, Roger
Dedekind's (Fr.) Grobianus, or the compleat booby tr. 1739
Bull-Us, Hector’ (James Kirke Paulding)
The diverting history of John Bull and Brother Jonathan 1812
—(ed. 2) 1813
—(new ed.) 1835
Bull of Pope Innocent VIII 1485 (Camden Soc. 1847)
Bullein, William
Bulwarke of defence against all sicknesse, soarenesse and woundes (The booke of simples, Dialogue betweene sorenes and chirurgi, The boke of compoundes, The booke of the vse of sicke men and medicines) 1562 (1579)
A dialogue against the feuer pestilence 1564 (1578; E.E.T.S. 1888)
The government of health 1558
Bullen, Arthur H.
ed. A collection of old English plays (2 series 1882–85, 1887)
Bullen, Frank T.
The cruise of theCachalot’ 1898
Idylls of the sea 1899
The log of a sea-waif 1899
The way they have in the navy 1899
With Christ at sea 1900
Bullens, Denison Kingsley
Steel and its heat treatment 1916
Buller, Francis
An introduction to the law relative to trials at nisi prius 1775 (ed. 2)
Buller, Walter Lawry
A history of the birds of New Zealand 1873
Manual of the birds of New Zealand 1882
Bulletin (Glasgow) 1915–60 (1924–60 with title Bulletin and Scots pictorial)
Bulletin (Sydney) 1880–
Bulletin of the atomic scientists 1945–
Bulletin of entomological research 1910–
See also under the names of particular institutions
Bullinger's (H.) Fiftie godlie..sermons diuided into fiue decades tr. H. I. 1577 (1592; also Parker Soc. 1849–52)
Bullins, Ed
The theme is blackness:The cornerand other plays 1973
Bulloch, John
George Jamesone the Scottish Vandyck 1885
The Pynours: historical notes on an ancient Aberdeen craft 1887
Bullock, Alan Louis Charles
ed. The twentieth century: a promethean age 1971
Bullock, Christopher
Woman is a riddle 1717
Bullock, William R.
Cazeaux' (P.) Treatise on midwifery tr. 1857
Bullokar, John
An English expositor 1616 (also 1641–76)
Bulwer, Henry Earle
A glossary of technical terms employed in connection with church bells 1901
Bulwer, John
Anthropometamorphosis; Man transformed, or the artificial changeling etc. 1650
Chirologia, or the naturall language of the hand..Whereunto is added, Chironomia; or the art of manuall rhetoricke 1644
Pathomyotomai; or a dissection of the significative muscles of the affections of the minde 1649
See Lytton
Bumstead, Freeman J.
The pathology and treatment of venereal diseases 1864 (1879)
Bunn, Alfred
The stage: both before and behind the curtain 3 vols. 1840
Bunsen, Frances, Baroness
Life and letters a 1876 (1879)
Bunting, Brian Talbot
The geography of soil 1965
Bunyan, John
Works a 1688 (Offor 1853)
A book for boys and girls 1686
Come and welcome to Jesus Christ 1678
Grace abounding to the chief of sinners 1666
The greatness of the soul 1683 (1691)
The heavenly foot-man 1688 (1886)
The holy city: or the new Jerusalem 1665
The holy war made by Shaddai upon Diabolus 1682
The life and death of Mr. Badman 1680 (1767)
The pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come 1678, 1684
Burbridge, William Frank
From balloon to bomber 1946
Burbury, John
The history of..Christina Allessandra, queen of Swedland,..Also a relation of the severall entertainments given her journey to Rome etc. 1658
Burbury, Samuel H.
Burchell, William John
Travels in the interior of Southern Africa 2 vols. 1822–4
Burchett, Josiah
Memoirs of transactions at sea 1703 (1720)
Burden (Burthen) of Issachar 1646
Burdett, Geoffrey Arnold T.
ed. Automatic control handbook 1962
Bureau of American Ethnology
See United States. Bureau of American Ethnology
Bureau of Standards
See United States. National Bureau of Standards
Burel, John
Poems c 1590 (J. Watson's Choice collection II, 1709)
Burge, Cyril Gordon
ed. Complete book of aviation 1935
Burgersdicius (Burgersdijck), F. Monitio logica, or an abstract of Burgersdicius's Logic tr. 1697
Burges, Cornelius
A new discovery of personal tithes 1625
Sermon 1641
Burges, John
An answer rejoyned 1631
The lawfulnes of kneeling in the act of receiving the Lords Supper 1631
Burgess, Anthony’ (John Anthony Burgess Wilson)
Beds in the east 1959
A clockwork orange 1962
The doctor is sick 1960
The enemy in the blanket 1958
MF 1971
The right to an answer 1960
Time for a tiger 1956
Burgess, Francis Henry
A dictionary of sailing 1961
Burgess, James J. H.
Lowra Biglan's mutch, a Shetland novelette 1896
Burgess, James W.
A practical treatise on coach-building 1881
Burgess, Bp. Thomas
The divinity of Christ proved 1790
Burgh records. Extracts from the council register of the burgh of Aberdeen 1398–1625 (Spalding Club 1844–48)
—1625–1747 (Sc. Burgh Rec. Soc. 1871–72)
Extracts from the records of the burgh of Edinburgh 1403–1589 (Sc. Burgh Rec. Soc. 1869–82)
Burgh records of the city of Glasgow 1573–81 (Maitland Club 1832–34)
Extracts from the records of the burgh of Glasgow 1573–1780 (Sc. Burgh Rec. Soc. 1876–1912)
Charters and documents relating to the burgh of Peebles 1165–1710 (Sc. Burgh Rec. Soc. 1872)
Records of the burgh of Prestwick 1470–1782 (Maitland Club 1834)
Extracts from the records of the royal burgh of Stirling 1519–1752 (1887–89)
Burghersh, Priscilla A. W. Fane, Lady
The letters of Lady Burghersh..from Germany and France 1813–14 (1893)
Burghope, George
A discourse of religious assemblies (= Divine worship) 1697
Burgon, John W.
Life and times of Sir T. Gresham 1839
Lives of twelve good men 1888
Burgoyne, John
The lord of the manor, a comic opera 1781
Burke, Carl F.
God is beautiful, man: interpretations of Bible passages and stories 1969 (UK 1970)
Burke, Edmund
Works a 1797 (1808, 1842)
An abridgement of English history 1757
Address to the British colonists of North America c 1775
An appeal from the new to the old Whigs 1791
Articles of charge..against Warren Hastings 1786
Correspondence v.d. (1844)
Heads for consideration on the present state of affairs 1792
A letter to a member of the National Assembly 1791
A letter to a noble Lord 1796
A letter to..the sheriffs of Bristol 1777
Two (Four) letters..on the proposals for peace with the regicide directory of France 1795–97
Observations on the conduct of the minority 1793
Observations on...The present state of the nation’ 1769
A philosophical inquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful 1756
Reflections on the revolution in France (= Fr. Rev.) 1790
Remarks on the policy of the allies with respect to France 1793
Report on affairs of India 1783
Speech on American taxation 1774
Speech on..conciliation with the colonies (America) 1775
Speech on..the economical reformation of the civil and other establishments 1780
Speech on Fox's East India Bill 1783
Speech on..the Nabob of Arcot's debts 1785
Speeches on the impeachment of Warren Hastings 1788
Thoughts on the cause of the present discontents 1770
Thoughts on French affairs 1791
Tracts, relative to the laws against popery in Ireland 1756
A vindication of natural society 1756
Burke, Jackson Frederick
Death trick 1975 (UK 1976)
Burke, John
Till death us do part (adapted from the television series by J. Speight) 1967
Burke, John F.
British husbandry (anon.) 1834–40 (Library of useful knowledge)
Burke, Thomas
Nights in town 1915
Burke, Thomas A.
ed. Polly Peablossom's wedding, and other tales 1851
Burkitt, Miles Crawford
Prehistory: a study of early cultures in Europe and the Mediterranean basin 1921
Burkitt, William
Expository notes on the New Testament a 1703 (1739, 1818)
Burlesque. Quevedo's Visions made English by Sir R. L'Estrange and burlesqu'd by a person of quality 1702
Burley, Dan
Original handbook of Harlem Jive 1944
Burley, William John
Death in a salubrious place 1973
Guilt edged 1971
To kill a cat 1970
Burlington magazine 1903–
Burn, James D.
The autobiography of a beggar boy 1855 (1859)
Burn, John S.
The history of the French..and other protestant refugees settled in England 1846
Burn, Joshua Harold
Drugs, medicines and man 1962
Lecture notes on pharmacology 1948
—(ed. 9) 1968
Burn, Richard
The history of the poor laws 1764
A new law dictionary a 1785 (1792)
Burn, Robert
A naval and military technical dictionary of the French language 1842, 1852 (1863)
Burnaby, Andrew
Travels through the middle settlements in North America 1759–60 1775
Burnaby, Frederick G.
A ride to Khiva 1873
Burnand, Francis C.
My time and what I've done with it 1874
Burne, Charlotte S.
Shropshire folk-lore: a sheaf of gleanings. Ed. from the collections of Georgina F. Jackson 1883
Burne, Nicol
The disputation concerning the controversit headdis of religion, halden in..Scotland 1581 (Catholic tractates, S.T.S. 1901)
Burne-Jones, Sir Philip
Dollars and democracy 1904
Burnes, Sir Alexander
Travels into Bokhara 1834 (1835)
Burnet, Charles H.
The ear 1877
Burnet, Bp. Gilbert
A discourse of the pastoral care 1692
An exposition of the thirty-nine articles of the church of England 1699
History of his own time a 1715 (1724, 1734, 1766)
History of the reformation of the church of England 1679, 1681, a 1715 (1865)
The history of the rights of princes in the disposing of ecclesiastical benefices 1682
Letters of the state of Italy 1688 (Tracts 1689)
Some letters; containing an account of what seemed most remarkable in Switzerland, Italy, etc. (= Travels) 1686 (1689)
Life of William Bedell, bishop of Kilmore, Ireland 1692
Some passages in the life and death of..John Earl of Rochester 1680
More's Utopia tr. 1683
News from France in a letter giving a relation of the present state of the difference between the French King and the Court of Rome (anon.) 1682
Burnet, Thomas
The theory of the earth 1684–90
Burnett, Frances Eliza Hodgson
Little Lord Fauntleroy 1886
A little princess 1905
The making of a marchioness 1901
The secret garden 1911
The shuttle 1907
T. Tembarom 1913
Burnett, James
Burnett, John
ed. Useful toil: autobiographies of working people from the 1820s to the 1920s 1974
Burnett, William Riley
Little Caesar 1929
Vanity Row 1952 (UK 1953)
Burney, Charles
A general history of music 1776–89
Memoirs of the life and writings of Metastasio 1796
The present state of music in France and Italy 1771
Burney, James
A chronological history of the discoveries in the south sea 1803–17
Burney, Richard
{Kappa}{geacu}{rho}{delta}{iota}{sigma}{tau}{omicron}{nu} {Delta}{gwfrown}{rho}{omicron}{nu} King Charles the second..presented to the houses of parliament etc. (sermons) 1660 (1661)
Burney, William
ed. Falconer's (W.) New universal dictionary of the marine 1815
Burnham, George P.
Memoirs of the United States Secret Service 1872
Burning of Paules, The 1563
Burns, James D.
Memoirs and remains a 1864 (1869)
Burns, John
The principles of surgery 1831–38
Burns, Robert
Works a 1796 (1800, 1857)
Address to the deil 1785–86
The auld farmer's new-year morning salutation to his auld mare, Maggie 1786
The author's earnest cry and prayer 1786
The cottar's Saturday night 1785
Death and doctor Hornbook 1785
The death and dying words of poor Mailie 1783
A dream 1786
Election ballads 1795
Halloween 1785
The holy fair 1786
The jolly beggars 1785
Letters v.d. a 1796
The twa dogs 1786
Burnside, William
Theory of groups of finite order 1897
Burr, Enoch F.
Ad fidem; or parish evidences of the Bible 1871
Ecce c{oe}lum, or parish astronomy 1870
Burrard, Gerald, et al.
Big game hunting in the Himalayas and Tibet 1925
Burrell, Andrewes
A cordiall for the calenture 1648
Burrill, Alex. M.
A new law dictionary and glossary 1850
Burritt, Elihu
A walk from London to Land's End 1865
Burroughes, Jeremiah
An exposition of Hosea 1643–52
Lectures on the beatitudes 1659 (1867)
Burroughes, Sir John
The soveraignty of the British seas 1633 (1651)
Burroughs, John
Locusts and wild honey 1879
Wake-robin 1871
Winter-sunshine 1876
Burroughs, W. H.
A treatise on the law of taxation 1877
Burroughs, William, Jr. Speed 1970
Burroughs, William Seward
Junkie 1953
The naked lunch 1959
Burrow, Edward J.
Elements of conchology 1815
Burrow, Sir James
Reports of the court of King's Bench 1776–80
Burrow, Thomas
The Sanskrit language 1955
Burrows, E. Julie
Like an evening gone 1973
Burt, Edward
Letters from a gentleman in the north of Scotland (anon.) c 1730 (1745, 1818)
Burthogge, Richard
An argument for infants baptisme 1684
Causa dei; or an apology for God 1675
An essay upon reason and the nature of spirits 1694
Burton, Alfred’ (John Mitford)
The adventures of Johnny Newcome in the navy 1818
Burton, Edward
Lectures upon ecclesiastical history 1831–33
Burton, Henry
An apology, or an appeale 1636
Babel no Bethel 1629
A divine tragedie lately acted 1636 (1641)
For God and the king (sermons) 1636
Israel's fast 1628
Truth's triumph over Trent 1629
Burton, John E.
Handbook of midwifery 1880
Burton, John Hill
The book hunter 1862
The Cairngorm mountains 1864
A history of the reign of queen Anne 1880
The history of Scotland 1867–70 (1873)
The Scot abroad 1864
Burton, Maurice
Wild animals of the British Isles 1960
Burton, Richard or Robert (N. Crouch)
The English empire in America 1685
The vanity of the life of man 1688
Burton, Richard F.
Arabian nights 1886 (Lady Burton's ed.)
A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights' entertainments 10 vols. 1885–6 (unexpurgated Kamashastra Soc. ed.)
Camoens' (L. de) The Lusiads englished 1881
The city of saints 1861
Explorations of the highlands of the Brazil 1869
Falconry in the valley of the Indus 1852
Goa and the Blue Mountains 1851
The lake region of Central Africa 1860
A mission to Gelele, king of Dahome 1864
Personal narrative of a pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah 1855–56
Two trips to gorilla land 1876
Ultima thule, or a summer in Iceland 1875
Wanderings in West Africa 1863
Zanzibar: city, island, and coast 1872
—— & Cameron, V. F.
To the Gold Coast for gold 1883
Burton, Robert
The anatomy of melancholy 1621 (1624, 1628, 1638, 1651, 1676)
Burton, Thomas
Diary of T. B.: member in the parliaments of Oliver and Richard Cromwell from 1656–59 (1828)
Burton, William
A commentary on Antoninus his itinerary 1658
Burton, William E.
Waggeries and vagaries; a series of sketches 1848
Burton-Brown, Theodore
Early mediterranean migrations. An essay in archaeological interpretation 1960
Bury, Lady Charlotte
The history of a flirt 1840
Bury, Edward
The husbandmans companion; containing one hundred occasional meditations 1676 (1677)
Bury, John Bagnell
A history of Greece to the death of Alexander the Great 1900
Bury, William C. Keppel, Viscount & Hillier, G. L.
Cycling 1887 (Badminton library)
Bury St. Edmunds, Wills and inventories from the registers of the Commissary of 1370–1650 (Camden Soc. 1850)
Busby, Roger
Deadlock 1971
Pattern of violence 1973
Busby, Thomas
A complete dictionary of music 1801 (1811)
Lucretius' Nature of things tr. 1813
Bush, Harry Derrick
Atomic and nuclear physics: theoretical principles 1962
Bush, John
Hibernia curiosa 1764 (1769)
Bushell, Stephen Wootton
Chinese art 2 vols. 1904–6
—(ed. 2) 1909
Bushnell, Edward
The complete ship-wright 1664
Bushnell, Horace
Forgiveness and law 1874
God in Christ 1850
Moral uses of dark things 1867
Sermons on living subjects 1872
Sermons for the new life 1858
The vicarious sacrifice grounded on principles of universal obligation 1865
Women's suffrage; the reform against nature 1869
Business week 1929–
Busk, Hans
The banquet 1819
The dessert, to which is added The tea 1819
Fugitive pieces in verse 1814
The vestriad 1819
Busk, Rachel H.
The valleys of Tirol 1874
Busy man's magazine (Toronto) 1896–1911 (continued as Maclean's magazine)
Butcher, A. Judith
Copy-editing: the Cambridge handbook 1975
Butcher, Roger William
A new illustrated British flora 2 parts 1961
Butcher, Samuel H. & Lang, A.
The Odyssey of Homer done into English prose 1879
Butler, Alban
The lives of the fathers, martyrs, and other principal saints 1756–59 (1847)
The moveable feasts, fasts, and other annual observances of the catholic church a 1773 (1839)
Sermons a 1773
Butler, Alfred J.
The ancient Coptic churches of Egypt 1884
Butler, Charles
The feminine monarchie; or a treatise concerning bees 1609 (1634)
Butler, Charles
Philological and biographical works 1817
Butler, Gwendoline
Coffin following 1968
A coffin for Pandora 1973
Coffin in Oxford 1962
Butler, Lady Harriot
Memoirs (a romance) 1741
Butler, Bp. Joseph
Works a 1752 (1874)
The analogy of religion natural and revealed 1736
Sermons v.d. (Wks. 1874)
Butler, Richard
Where all the girls are sweeter 1975
Butler, Samuel
Characters and passages from note-books a 1680 (1908)
Hudibras 1663, 1664, 1678
Remains a 1680 (1759)
Butler, Samuel
Erewhon; or, Over the range 1872
Erewhon revisited twenty years later 1901
A first year in Canterbury settlement 1863
Note-books ed. H. F. Jones 1912
The way of all flesh ed. R. A. Streatfeild 1903
Butler, Sir William F.
Autobiography a 1910 (1911)
Butt, Isaac
Home government for Ireland. Irish federalism! its meaning 1874
Butterworth, Hezekiah
Zigzag journeys in the Western States of America 1884
Butterworth, Michael
Remains to be seen 1976
Buttes, Henry
Dyets drie dinner 1599
Byatt, Antonia Susan
The virgin in the garden 1978
Byfield, Nicholas
An exposition upon the epistle to the Colossians 1615
Byfield, Richard
The doctrine of the sabbath vindicated 1631
See Bugge
Bygod, Sir Francis
A treatise concernynge impropriations of benefices c 1535
Byng, John (5th Viscount Torrington)
The Torrington diaries: containing the tours through England and Wales 1781–94 ed. C. B. Andrews 4 vols. 1934–8
Bynner, Edwin L.
Agnes Surriage 1886
Byrd, William
The Westover manuscripts 1728–36 (1841)
Byrhtferth's Handboc c 1055 (in Anglia VIII)
Byrhtnoth's Tod (= Battle of Maldon) 993 (Grein)
Byrne, Brian Oswald Donn
Destiny Bay 1928
Byrne, Oliver
The handbook for the artisan, mechanic, and engineer 1853
Byrom, John
Miscellaneous poems a 1763 (1773)
The private journal and literary remains a 1763 (Chetham Soc. 1854–57)
Byron, George Gordon, 6th Baron
Poetical works a 1824
Beppo 1817
The bride of Abydos 1813
Childe Harold's pilgrimage 1812–18
The corsair 1813
The deformed transformed 1824
Diary (see Letters and journals)
Don Juan 1818–24
English bards and Scotch reviewers 1809
The giaour 1813
Hebrew melodies 1815
Hints from Horace 1811
The island 1823
Lara 1814
Letters (in Memoir of the rev. F. Hodgson 1878)
Letters and journals (ed. T. Moore 1830, 1860)
Manfred 1817
Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice 1820
Mazeppa 1817
The prisoner of Chillon 1816
Sardanapalus, a tragedy 1821
The vision of judgment 1822
Byron, John
The narrative of..distresses suffered..on the coast of Patagonia 1768
Byron's voyage round the world. By an officer 1767
Bysshe, Edward
The art of English poetry 1702
By-stander, The, or universal weekly expositor 1790
Bywater, Adam
The Sheffield dialect 1839 (also 1854, 1877)

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