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Bibliography: Hart-He

Author names and work titles beginning with:
Hart, Basil Henry Liddell
Europe in arms 1937
Hart, Frances Noyes
The Bellamy trial 1927 [play], 1928 [novel]
Hart, Fred H.
The Sazerac lying club: a Nevada book 1878
Hart, Henry
A godly newe short treatyse instructyng every parson howe they shulde trade theyr lyves in the imytacyon of vertu 1548
Hart, Horace
Notes on a century of typography at the University Press, Oxford, 1693–1794 1900
Hart, James
The anatomie of urines 1625
Forestus' (P.) Arraignment of urines tr. 1623
{Kappa}{lambda}{iota}{nu}{iota}{kappa}{ghacu}, or, the diet of the diseased 1633
Hart, Jerome
A vigilante girl 1910
Hart, John
An orthographie 1569
Hart, John H.
Cacao, a manual on the cultivation and curing of cacao 1911
Hart, Norman de Villiers
The bridge players' bedside book 1939
Hart, Richard
Ecclesiastical records of England, Ireland and Scotland, from the fifth century till the Reformation 1836 (1846)
Hartcliffe, John
A treatise of moral and intellectual virtues 1691
Harte, F. Bret
Works 18.. (1873, 1880–1900)
Poetical works 1872
By shore and sedge 1885
An episode of Fiddletown, and other sketches 1873
A first family of Tasajara 1891
Flip and other stories 1882
Gabriel Conroy 1876 (US 1 vol., UK 3 vols.)
An heiress of Red Dog, and other tales 1879
The Hoodlum Band, and other stories 1878
In the Carquinez woods 1883
The luck of roaring camp, and other sketches 1869
The man on the beach 1878
Maruja 1885
Mrs. Skaggs's husbands, and other sketches 1873
Sandy Bar; with other stories 1873
Stories of the Sierras, and other sketches 1872
The story of a mine 1877
Wan Lee, the Pagan, and other sketches 1876
Sketches of the sixties: being forgotten material now collected...from The Californian ed. J. Howell 1926
Harte, Walter
An essay on reason 1735
An essay on satire, particularly on the Dunciad 1730
The history of the life of Gustavus Adolphus 1759
Poems a 1774 (1810)
Poems on several occasions 1727
Hartford, Countess of
Harting, James E.
Bibliotheca accipitraria. A catalogue of books ancient and modern relating to falconry, with notes, glossary, and vocabulary 1891
British animals extinct within historic times 1880
See also Perfect booke
Hartland glossary 1891
Hartley, David
Observations on man 1749
Hartley, Leslie Poles
Eustace and Hilda 1947
The go-between 1953
The hireling 1957
A perfect woman 1955
Two for the river, and other stories 1961
Hartley, Mrs. May
Christy Carew 1880
Hartley, Thomas
Preface to tr. of Swedenborg's Treatise concerning heaven and hell 1778 (1851)
Hartlib, Samuel
Comenius's (J. A.) Reformation of schooles tr. 1642
A discourse of husbandrie used in Brabant and Flanders 1650
Samuel Hartlib his legacie: or, an enlargement of the Discourse of husbandry 1651 (1655)
A discoverie for division or setting out of land as to the best form 1653
The reformed common-wealth of bees 1655
The reformed Virginian silk-worm 1655
Hartman, George
The true preserver and restorer of health 1682
Hartmann, Reinhard Rudolf K. & Stork, Francis C.
Dictionary of language and linguistics 1972
Hartmann, Robert
Anthropoid apes 1885
Hartree, Douglas Rayner
Calculating instruments and machines 1949 (UK 1950)
Hartshorne, Albert
Old English glasses 1897
Hartshorne, Charles H.
English medieval embroidery 1848
ed. Ancient metrical tales; printed chiefly from original sources 1829
Salopia antiqua, or, an enquiry from personal survey into the Druidical, military, and other early remains in Shropshire and the North Welsh borders; with a glossary of words used in the county of Salop 1841
Hartshorne, Henry
1931: a glance at the twentieth century 1881
Hartwell, Abraham
A report of the kingdome of Congo. Drawen out of the writings of O. Lopez by P. Pigafetta, tr. 1597 (in Purchas, Pilgrims, pt. II. 1625; Osborne's Collect. voy. II. 1745)
Hartwig's (G.) Aerial world tr. 1874
The sea and its living wonders tr. 1860
The subterranean world tr. 1871
Harvard memorial biographies 1866
Harvard psychological studies 1903–06
Harvard studies in classical philology 1890–)
Harvard University. Computation Laboratory
Annals 1946–
Harvard University, Orders and regulations of the faculty of 1837
Harvester, Simon’ (Henry Gibbs)
The Chinese hammer 1960
A corner of the playground 1973
Treacherous road 1966
Harvey, Annie J.
Our cruise in the Claymore, with a visit to Damascus and the Lebanon 1861
Harvey, Christopher
Complete poems a 1663 (Grosart 1874)
Schola cordis, or the heart of it selfe gone away from God; brought back againe to him; and instructed by him (Adapted from B. von Haeften's Schola cordis) 1647 (1664)
The synagogue, or, the shadow of the temple 1640 (1647)
Harvey, Gabriel
Works a 1600 (Grosart 1884–85)
Foure letters, and certain sonnets, especially touching R. Greene 1592
Letter-book 1573–80 (Camden Soc. 1884)
A new letter of notable contents 1593
Pierces supererogation, or a new prayse of the old asse 1593
The trimming of Thomas Nashe 1597
Three proper letters 1580 See Spenser, E.
Harvey, Gideon
A discourse of the plague 1665
The art of curing diseases by expectation 1689
Morbus Anglicus: or, the anatomy of consumptions 1666
Harvey, James
Scelera aquarum: or, a supplement to Mr. Graunt on the bills of mortality. By J. H. 1701
Harvey, John
A discoursive probleme concerning prophesies 1588
Harvey, Peter & Bohlman, Kenneth John
Stereo F.M. radio handbook 1974
Harvey, Richard
An astrological discourse vpon the coniunction of Saturne and Jupiter 1583
Philadelphus, or a defence of Brutes and the Brutans history 1593
Plaine Perceuall the peace-maker of England 1590 (1860)
Harvey, Ruth
Curtain time 1949
Harvey, William
Anatomical exercises concerning the motion of the heart and blood 1653
Harvey, William H.
A manual of the British (marine) algæ 1841 (1849)
The sea-side book 1849 (1854)
Harwood, Philip
History of the Irish rebellion of 1798 1844
Harwood, Richard
King David's sanctuary 1644
Haselgrove, Maurice Lawrence
Photographers' dictionary 1962
Haslam, John
Observations on madness (and melancholy) 1798 (1809)
Hasleton, Richard
Strange and wonderful things in his ten years travels in many foreign countries 1595 (in Arber, Eng. Garner, VIII)
Haslewood, Joseph
ed. Ancient critical essays upon English poets and poesy v.d. (1811–15)
Hasluck, Paul N.
The model engineer's handybook 1888 (1900)
Hassell, J.
Picturesque rides and walks, with excursions by water, thirty miles round the British Metropolis 1817–18
Hastings, Charles S.
Light 1901
Hastings, James
See Dictionary of the Bible; Encyclopædia of religion and ethics
Hastings, Lewis
Dragons are extra 1947
Hastings, Macdonald
Cork and the serpent 1955
Haston, Dougal
In high places 1972
Haswell, William A.
Hatch, Frederick Henry & Rastall, Robert Heron
The petrology of the sedimentary rocks 1913
—(ed. 4, revised by J. T. Greensmith) 1965
Hatfield, Charles W.
Historical notices of Doncaster 1866
Hatfield, James Taft, Leopold, W., & Zieglschmid, A. J. F.
eds. Curme volume of linguistic studies 1930
Hatton, Edward
The merchant's magazine, or trades-man's treasury 1701
New view of London (anon.) 1708
Hatton, Joseph
Bitter sweets: a love story 1865
Clytie: a novel of modern life 1874
The old house at Sandwich 1887
The Tallants of Barton 1867
Three recruits, and the girls they left behind them 1880
The valley of poppies 1872
Hatton, Correspondence of the family of. Being chiefly letters addressed to Christopher first Viscount Hatton 1601–1704 (Camden Soc. 1878)
Hatton gospels c 1160 (The Holy Gospels, in Anglo-Saxon, etc., Skeat 1871–87)
Hatzfeld, Adolphe & Darmesteter, Arséne
Dictionnaire général de la langue française, avec le concours de Antoine Thomas 1895–1900
Haughton, Samuel
Six lectures on physical geography 1880
Hauksbee, Francis
Physico-mechanical experiments on various subjects 1709
Haupt's (Moriz) Zeitschrift für deutsches Alterthum 1841–
Haurwitz, Bernhard
Dynamic meteorology 1941
Hausman, Louis
Clinical neuroanatomy, neurophysiology and neurology 1958
Hausted, Peter
The rivall friends. A com{oe}die 1632
Havelok the Dane, The lay of c 1300 (E.E.T.S. 1868, Skeat 1902)
Havergal, Francis T.
Herefordshire words and phrases 1887
Havers, George
The travels of Pietro della Valle into East India and Arabia Deserta tr. Whereunto is added a relation of sir Thos. Roe's voyage into the East Indies (by E. Terry) 1665
Haward, Lazarus
The charges issuing forth of the crown revenue of England 1647
Haward, Nicolas
Eutropius' (F.) Briefe chronicle tr. 1564
Hawes, Stephen
The conuercyon of swerers 1509 (Abbotsford Cl. 1865)
The example of virtue 1510
The pastime of pleasure 1509 (1517)
—another ed., entitled The historie of graunde Amoure and la bell Pucel, called The pastime of pleasure 1554 (1555; Percy Soc. 1845)
Hawke, Michael
Killing is murder and no murder 1657
Hawker, Essex
The wedding 1729
Hawker, Lieut.-Col. Peter
Diary 1802–53 (1893)
Instructions to young sportsmen in all that relates to guns and shooting 1824 (ed. 3)
Hawker, Robert S.
The Cornish ballads and other poems; including a second edition ofThe quest of the Sangraal’ 1869
Footprints of former men in far Cornwall 1870
The quest of the Sangraal 1864
Life and letters a 1875 (1905)
Hawkes, Jessie Jacquetta & Hawkes, Charles Francis Christopher
Prehistoric Britain 1943
—(rev. ed.) 1947
Hawkesworth, John
An account of the voyages undertaken for making discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere and performed by Commodore Byron, Captain Wallis, Captain Carteret, and Captain Cook (from 1764–71) 1773
See also Adventurer
Hawkey, Raymond & Bingham, Roger
Wild card 1974
Hawkins, Benjamin (1754–1816) A sketch of the Creek country, in 1798 and 1799 (Georgia Historical Society) 1848
Hawkins, Charles Caesar & Wallis, F.
The dynamo: its theory, design and manufacture 1893
Hawkins, Edward
The silver coins of England arranged and described 1841
Hawkins, Francis
Youth's behaviour: or, decency in conversation amongst men tr. 1646 (1663)
Hawkins, Henry
Partheneia sacra. Or, the mysterious and delicious garden of the sacred Parthenes. By H. A. (i.e. Henry Hawkins) 1633
Hawkins, Sir John
The first made to the West Indies 1562
The (second) voyage made to the coast of Guinea and the Indies of Nova Spania, begun in 1564 (signed at end Iohn Sparke) c 1565
A true declaration of the (third) troublesome voyadge to the parties of Guynea and the west-Indies in 1567–68 1569 (in Hakluyt, Voy. 1589; Hakluyt Soc. 1878; partly repr. in Arber, Eng. Garner V)
Hawkins, Sir John
A general history of the science and practice of music 1776
The life of Samuel Johnson 1787
See also Walton, I.
Hawkins, John & Hawkins, Ward
Death watch, and The missing witness 1958 (UK 1959)
Hawkins, Lætitia M.
The Countess and Gertrude 1811
Memoirs, anecdotes, facts, and opinions 1824
Hawkins, Nehemiah, et al.
Hawkins' electrical dictionary 1910
Hawkins, Sir Richard
Observations in his voiage into the South Sea 1593 1622 (Hakluyt Soc. 1847, 1878)
Hawkins, Susanna
Poems and songs 1841
Hawkins, Sir Thomas
Caussin's (N.) Holy court tr. 1626
Manzini's (G. B.) Political observations on the fall of Seianus tr. 1634
Matthieu's (P.) Unhappy prosperitie, expressed in the histories of Ælius Sejanus and Philippa tr. 1632 (1639)
The odes and epodes of Horace tr. 1625
Hawkins, Thomas
The origin of the English drama 1773
Hawkstone 1845
Hawkwood, History of Sir John (The honour of the taylors; or, the famous and renowned history of Sir J. Hawkwood) 1687
Hawthorne, Julian
Dust 1883
Fortune's fool 1883
Garth 1877
The laughing mill and other stories 1879
Nathaniel Hawthorne and his wife 1885
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
The Blithedale romance 1852
Doctor Grimshawe's secret a 1864 (1883)
The house of the seven gables 1851
The marble faun (The original title of Transformation)
Mosses from an old manse 1846
Our old home 1863
Passages from the American note-books a 1864 (1868)
Passages from the English note-books 1853–58 (1870)
Passages from the French and Italian note-books a 1864 (1871)
The scarlet letter 1850
Septimius Felton; or the elixir of life a 1864 (1872)
The snow image, and other tales 1851
Tanglewood tales, for girls and boys: being a second Wonder-book 1853
Transformation; or the romance of Monte Beni 1860
Twice told tales 1837–42
A wonder-book for girls and boys 1851
Hay, Alexander
Saint Germain's (C. de) Royal physician tr. 1689
Hay, Andrew
Diary 1659–60 (S.H.S. 1901)
Hay, Edward
History of the insurrection of the county of Wexford in 1798 1803
Hay, Ian’ (John Hay Beith)
The first hundred thousand: being the unofficial history of a unit of ‘K(1)’ [Kitchener's First Army] 1915
Housemaster 1936
A knight on wheels 1914
The last million 1919
The lighter side of school life 1914
The poor gentleman 1928
The right stuff’: some episodes in the career of a North Briton 1908
A safety match 1911
Orders are orders 1933
Hay, John M.
The bread-winners: a social study 1884
Pike county ballads, and other pieces 1871 (1880)
Hay, Malcolm Vivian
Foot of pride: the pressure of Christendom on the people of Israel for 1900 years 1950
Hay, Roy & Synge, P. M.
The dictionary of garden plants 1969
Hay, William
Deformity; an essay 1754
An essay on civil government 1728
Remarks on the laws relating to the poor 1735 (1751)
Hay, William D.
Brighter Britain! or, Settler and Maori in northern New Zealand 2 vols. 1882
Elementary text-book of British fungi 1887
Three hundred years hence; or, A voice from posterity 1881
Hayashi, Takashi
ed. Olfaction and taste II 1967 (Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste, Tokyo, 1965)
Haycraft, Howard
Murder for pleasure: the life and times of the detective story 1942
Hayden, Arthur
Chats on old furniture: a practical guide for collectors 1905
Haydocke, Richard
Lomazzo's (G. P.) Tracte containing the artes of curious paintinge tr. 1598
Haydon, Benjamin R.
Correspondence and table-talk a 1846. With a memoir by F. W. Haydon (1876)
The life of Haydon, from his autobiography and journals ed. T. Taylor 3 vols. 1853
Haydon, G. H.
The Australian emigrant 1854
Five years' experience in Australia Felix 1846
Haye, Sir Gilbert
The buke of the law of armys or buke of bataillis 1456 (S.T.S. 1901)
The buke of knychthede and the buke of the governaunce of princis 1456 (S.T.S. 1914)
Hayes, Alice M.
The horsewoman 1893
Hayes, Arnold Richard W.
Revision physics for sixth forms 1962
Hayes, Augustus Allen
New Colorado and the Sante Fé trail 1880 (UK 1881)
Hayes, Charles
A treatise of fluxions 1704
Hayes, Roy
The Hungarian game 1973
Hayes, William
A natural history of British birds 1775
Hayes, William
A short introduction to conveyancing 1834 (1837, 1840)
Hayes, William
The genetics of bacteria and their viruses 1964
Haygarth, Henry William
Recollections of bush life in Australia during a residence of eight years in the interior 1848
Hayley, William
A philosophical, historical, and moral essay on old maids. By a friend to the sisterhood (i.e. W. Hayley) 1785
The triumphs of temper; a poem 1781
Haymaker, Webb Edward
tr. R. Bing's Textbook of nervous diseases 1939
Hayman, Robert
Owen's (J.) Epigrams tr. 1628
Quodlibets, lately come over from new Britaniola, old Newfoundland 1628
Hayne, Thomas
The life and death of Dr. Martin Luther 1641
Hays, David G.
Introduction to computational linguistics 1967
Hayward, Abraham
A selection from the correspondence of A. H., with an account of his early life 1834–84 (ed. H. E. Carlisle 1886)
Hayward, Charles Brian
Practical aeronautics 1912
Hayward, Harry Maxwell & Harari, Manya
tr. B. Pasternak's Dr. Zhivago 1958
Hayward, Helena
ed. The Connoisseur's handbook of antique collecting: a dictionary of furniture, silver, ceramics, glass, fine art, etc. 1960
Hayward, James
Biondi's (G. F.) Donzella desterrada; or the banish'd virgin tr. 1635
Biondi's (G. F.) Eromena; or love and revenge tr. 1632
Hayward, Sir John
Annals of the first four years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth a 1627 (Camden Soc. 1840)
An answer to the first part of a certaine conference concerning succession, published under the name of R. Dolman 1603
The first part of the life and raigne of King Henrie the IIII 1599
The life and raigne of King Edward the sixt a 1627 (1630)
The lives of the three Normans, kings of England 1613 (in Harl. Misc.)
A reporte of a discourse concerning supreme power in affaires of religion (anon.) 1606; another ed., entitled Of supremacie in affaires of religion 1624
The sanctuarie of a troubled soule 1604 (1616, 1620)
Hayward, John Davey
Prose literature since 1939 1947
Hayward, Samuel
Seventeen sermons on various important subjects 1758
Hayward, W. Stephens
Love against the world 1875
Haywood, Mrs.
A new present for a servant-maid: containing rules for her moral conduct, the whole art of cookery, etc. 1771
Haywood, Eliza
The female spectator (anon.) 1744–45 (1748)
The history of Miss Betsy Thoughtless 1751
La belle assemblée by M. A. Poisson de Gomez tr. 1724–25 (1732)
Hazard, Samuel
Cuba with pen and pencil 1871
Hazard, Thomas Benjamin
Nailer Tom's diary ed. C. Hazard 1930
Hazlitt, William
Characters of Shakespear's plays 1817 (1818)
Lectures chiefly on the dramatic literature of the age of Elizabeth 1820
Lectures on the English poets 1818 (1869)
Political essays, with sketches of public characters 1819
The spirit of the age; or, contemporary portraits 1825
Table talk; or, original essays on men and manners 1821–22 (1824, 1869)
Hazlitt, William C.
English proverbs and proverbial phrases 1869
Four generations of a literary family 1897
The history of the origin and rise of the republic of Venice 1858
Offspring of thought in solitude: modern essays 1884
ed. Remains of the early popular poetry of England v.d. (1864–66)
See also Dodsley, R.
Head, Barclay V.
Historia numorum; a manual of Greek numismatics 1887
Head, Sir Francis B.
Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau 1834
Rough notes taken during some rapid journeys across the Pampas and among the Andes 1826
Head, Sir George
Forest scenes and incidents in the wilds of North America 1829
A home tour through the manufacturing districts of England 1836
Head, Percy R. & Poynter, Edward J.
Classic and Italian painting 1880
Head, Richard
The canting academy, or, the devil's cabinet opened, with several new catches and songs 1673
The English rogue described in the life of Meriton Latroon 1665; Part II by F. Kirkman 1671; Parts III and IV by Head and Kirkman 1671 (1874)
Jackson's recantation, or, the life and death of the notorious highway-man now hanging in chains at Hampstead (anon.) 1674
Proteus redivivus: or the art of wheedling or insinuation 1675
Headley, Henry
Poems and other pieces 1786
Headrick, James
General view of the agriculture of the county of Angus or Forfar 1813
View of the mineralogy, agriculture, manufactures and fisheries of the Island of Arran 1807
Heal and Son
Heal's catalogue 1853–1934 1972 [facsimile reproductions from catalogues]
Heald, Frederick Deforest
Introduction to plant pathology 1937
Manual of plant diseases 1926
Heald, Timothy Villiers
Deadline 1975
Just desserts 1977
Let sleeping dogs die 1976
Healey, Edna May
Lady unknown: the life of Angela Burdett-Coutts 1978
Healey, John
St. Augustine Of the citie of God with the learned comments of J. L. Vives tr. 1610 (1616)
Discovery of a new world, or a description of the South Indies, hitherto unknowne (a version in English of Bp. Jos. Hall's Mundus alter et idem) 1609
Epictetus his manuell. And Cebes his table tr. 1610
—ed. 1616 adds (And) Theophrastus characters (1636)
Health. International health exhibition; official catalogue 1884
Health and longevity, Account of persons remarkable for their. By a physician 1829
Hearn, Patricio Lafcadio T. C.
In ghostly Japan 1899
Japan: an attempt at interpretation 1904
Kokoro: hints and echoes of Japanese inner life 1896
Kott{omac}: being Japanese curios, with sundry cobwebs 1902
Hearn, William E.
The Aryan household, its structure and its development 1878
Hearne, John
Stranger at the gate 1956
Hearne, Samuel
A journey from Prince of Wales's fort in Hudson's Bay to the Northern ocean in 1769–72 1795
Hearne, Thomas
Ductor historicus; or a short system of universal history 1698
—ed. 2, augmented and improv'd 1704–05 (1714)
Reliquiæ Hearnianæ: the remains, being extracts from his MS. diaries 17.. (collected by P. Bliss 1857)
Remarks and collections 1705–12 (ed. C. E. Doble, O.H.S. 1885–89)
Hearst's international 1925–
Heart: a journal for the study of the circulation 1909–33
Heath, Francis G.
The fern world 1877
Theromanceof peasant life in the West of England 1872 (1880)
Heath, James
A brief chronicle of the late intestine war in the three kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland 1663
England's chronicle: or, the lives and reigns of the kings and queens from the time of Julius Cæsar to K. William and Q. Mary 1689
Flagellum: or, the life and death, birth and burial of Oliver Cromwel. By S. T. gent. (i.e. James Heath) 1663 (1672)
Heath, James D.
The complete croquet-player 1874
Heath, John B.
Some account of the worshipful Company of Grocers of the city of London 1829 (1869)
Heath, Peter
tr. G. A. Wetter's Soviet ideology today 1966
Heath, Richard
The English peasant 1893
Heath, Robert
A natural and historical account of the islands of Scilly 1750
Heath, Thomas
A manifest and apparent confutation of an astrological discourse (by R. Harvey) 1583
Heath, Sir Thomas L.
Apollonius of Perga. Treatise on conic sections 1896
The works of Archimedes 1897
Heathcote, Charles G. & John M.
Tennis: by J. M. Heathcote. Lawn tennis: by C. G. Heathcote. Rackets: by E. O. Pleydell-Bouverie. Fives: by A. C. Ainger. 1890 (Badminton Library)
Heathcote, Frederick G.
See Claus, C.
Heathcote, Ralph
Sylva, or, the wood: being a collection of anecdotes, dissertations, characters, apophthegms, original letters, bons mots, and other little things (anon.) 1786
Heaton, Mary M.
The history of the life of Albrecht Dürer 1870 (1881)
Heaviside, Oliver
Electromagnetic theory 3 vols. 1893–9
Heavysege, Charles
Saul; a drama 1857 (1869)
Heber, Bp. Reginald
Hymns a 1826 (1827)
Life of Jeremy Taylor 1822
Narrative of a journey through the upper provinces of India, from Calcutta to Bombay 1824–25, with notes upon Ceylon; an account of a journey to Madras and the Southern provinces 1826, and letters written in India a 1826 (1828, 1844)
Palestine; a prize-poem 1803
Palestine and other poems v.d. (1843)
Heberden, William (the younger)
Heberden's (W., the elder) Commentaries on the history and cure of diseases tr. 1803
Hecht, Ben & MacArthur, Charles
The front page 1928
Hector, Mrs. Annie F.
SeeAlexander, Mrs.’
Hector, James
Handbook of New Zealand 1883
Hector, William
ed. Selections from the judicial records of Renfrewshire 16..–17.. (1876)
Hedderwick, Peter
A treatise on marine architecture 1830
Hedgecoe, John
The photographer's handbook 1977
Hedges, Sir William
Diary a 1701 (Hakluyt Soc. 1887–88)
Hedin, Sir Sven A.
Through Asia 1898
Heffner, Roe-Merrill S.
General phonetics 1949
Heffron, Dorris
Crusty crossed 1976
A nice fire and some moonpennies 1971
Heflin, Woodford Agee
ed. Aerospace glossary 1959
ed. The United States Air Force dictionary 1956
Heilbron, Ian Morris
ed. Dictionary of organic compounds 3 vols. 1934–7
Heilprin, Angelo
The geographical and geological distribution of animals 1887
Hein, Leonard William
An introduction to electronic data processing for business 1961
Heinlein, Robert Anson
The door into summer 1957 (UK 1960)
Heinrich, Eberhardt William
Microscopic petrography 1956
Heister's (L.) General system of surgery tr. 1743
Heitler, Walter
The quantum theory of radiation 1936
Helfenstein, Jacob
A comparative grammar of the Teutonic languages 1870
Heliconia; comprising a selection of English poetry 1575–1604 (ed. T. Park 1815)
Heliodorus' Triumphs of love and constancy: a romance, containing the heroick amours of Theagenes and Chariclea. In ten books. The first five rendered by a person of quality, the last five by N. Tate 1686
——another ed., entitled
Æthiopian adventures 1753
Heller, Joseph
Catch–22 1961 (UK 1962)
Something happened 1974
Hellman, Lilian
The little foxes 1939
Pentimento: a book of portraits 1973 (UK 1974)
An unfinished woman: a memoir 1969
Hellowes, Edward
Guevara's (A. de) Chronicle, conteyning the liues of tenne emperours of Rome tr. 1577
Guevara's Familiar epistles tr. 1574 (1577, 1582, 1584)
(For Gueuara's Golden epistles see Fenton, Sir G.)
Hellyer, Arthur George Lee
T. W. Sanders' Encyclopaedia of gardening (ed. 22) 1952
The encyclopaedia of garden work and terms 1954
Practical gardening for amateurs 1935
Helme, Elizabeth
tr. F. Le Vaillant's Travels from the Cape of Good-Hope, into the interior parts of Africa 2 vols. 1790
St. Margaret's cave, or the nun's story 1801
Helmer, Olaf
tr. A. Tarski's Introduction to logic and to the methodology of deductive sciences 1941
Helps, Sir Arthur
Companions of my solitude 1851 (1874)
Essays written in the intervals of business 1841 (1875)
Friends in council 1847–49, 1859
Organization in daily life. An essay (anon.) 1862
Realmah 1868 (1876)
Social pressure 1875
Some talk about animals and their masters 1873 (1875)
Helps to the study of the Bible 1880 (1884; revised and enlarged edition 1893)
Helsham, Richard
A course of lectures in natural philosophy a 1738 (1739)
Helvetius' (C. A.) Child of nature improved by chance tr. 1774
Hely, James
O'Flaherty's (R.) Ogygia, or, a chronological account of Irish events tr. 1793
Helyas, Knight of the Swanne 1512 (W. de Worde; in Thoms, Prose romances III. 1828)
Hemans, Felicia D.
Works a 1835 (1839)
Poems 1808
Poetical works a 1835 (1875)
Early blossoms of spring, a collection of poems written between eight and fifteen years of age 1808 (1840)
England and Spain; or, valour and patriotism 1808
Hemingway, Ernest
Across the river and into the trees 1950
Death in the afternoon 1932
A farewell to arms 1929
The fifth column [a play], and The first forty-nine stories 1938 (UK 1939)
For whom the bell tolls 1940
Green hills of Africa 1935 (UK 1936)
In our time 1924
—(enlarged ed.) 1925 (UK 1926)
Men without women 1927 (UK 1928)
The old man and the sea 1952
The sun also rises 1926 (UK ed. with title Fiesta 1927)
To have and have not 1937
The torrents of spring: a romantic novel in honour of the passing of a great race 1926 (UK 1933)
Hemingway, Percy’ (W. P. Addleshaw)
Out of Egypt 1895
Hempstead, Joshua
Diary, 1711–1758 1901
Hemyng, Bracebridge
Eton school days 1864
Henchman, Richard
A peace-offering in the temple; or, a seasonable plea for unity among dissenting brethren 1661
Henckel, J. F.
See Henkel, J. F.
Henderson, A. G.
tr. V. Cousin's The philosophy of Kant: lectures 1854
Henderson, Alexander
The history of ancient and modern wines 1824
Henderson, Alexander Morell & Parsons, Talcott
tr. M. Weber's Theory of social and economic organization 1947
Henderson, Andrew
Scottish proverbs 1832 (1881)
Henderson, David Kennedy & Gillespie, Robert Dick
A text-book of psychiatry for students and practitioners 1927
—(ed. 9) 1962
Henderson, Ebenezer
Iceland; or the journal of a residence in that island 1814–15 1818
Henderson, George
The popular rhymes, sayings, and proverbs of the county of Berwick 1856
Henderson, George C.
Keys to crookdom 1924
Henderson, James
Memorials 1867
Henderson, John
General view of the agriculture of the county of Caithness 1812
General view of the agriculture of the county of Sutherland 1812
Henderson, Peter
Practical floriculture 1869
Henderson, Stephen
Understanding the new Black poetry: Black speech and Black music as poetic references 1973
Henderson, William
Notes on the folk lore of the northern counties of England and the Borders 1866 (1878)
Hendrick, Burton Jesse
The life and letters of Walter H. Page 3 vols. 1922–5
Hendyng, Proverbs of
See Proverbs of Hendyng
Heney, Thomas
In middle harbour, and other verse, chiefly Australian 1890
Henfrey, Arthur
An elementary course of botany 1857
The rudiments of botany 1849
The vegetation of Europe, its conditions and causes 1852
Henissart, Paul
Winter quarry 1976
Henkel's (J. F.) Pyritologia; or, a history of the pyrites tr. 1757
Henley, William E.
A book of verses 1888
For England's sake: verses and songs in time of war 1900
Poems 1898
Three plays: Deacon Brodie, Beau Austin, Admiral Guinea 1892
See also Farmer, J. S.
Hennell, Mary
An outline of the various social systems and communities which have been founded on the principle of co-operation 1841 (1844)
Henney, Julian Keith
Principles of radio 1929
ed. The radio engineering handbook 1933
—(ed. 5) 1959
—— & Dudley, Beverley
eds. Handbook of photography 1939
Henning, Rachel (1826–1914) Letters ed. D. Adams 1966
Henrot, Thérèse
Belgium (English version by R. E. Wolf and the author) 1961
Henry VII, Materials for a history
See Materials
Henry VII, Memorials of 15.. (Rolls series 1858)
Henry VIII
A declaration, conteynyng the iust causes and consyderations, of this present warre with the Scottis 1542 (in Complaint of Scotland, E.E.T.S. 1872)
The privy purse expences of 1529–32 (1827)
Henry, Alexander
Travels and adventures in Canada and the Indian territories 1760–76 1809
Henry, Caleb S.
Doctor Oldham at Greystones, and his talk there 1860
Henry, Frank Souder
Printing for school and shop 1917
Henry, Joan’ (Constance Ann Standage)
Who lie in gaol 1952
Henry, John J.
An accurate account of the hardships of that band of heroes who traversed the wilderness in the campaign against Quebec in 1775 1812
Henry, Matthew
Works a 1714 (1726, 1853)
Disputes reviewed; a sermon 1710
An exposition of the Old and New Testament 1710 (1737–38)
A sermon concerning the forgiveness of sin as a debt 1711
A short account of the life of lieutenant Illidge 1710
Henry, O.’ (William Sydney Porter)
Cabbages and kings 1904
The four million 1906 (UK 1916)
The gentle grafter 1908 (UK 1928)
Heart of the west 1907 (UK 1912)
Options 1909 (UK 1916)
Roads of destiny 1909
Rolling stones 1912 (UK 1916)
Strictly business 1910 (UK 1917)
The trimmed lamp 1907 (UK 1915)
Whirligigs 1910
Henry, Philip
Diaries and letters 1631–96 (1882)
Henry, Robert
The history of Great Britain 1771–85; a 1790 (1793)
Henry, Thomas
An account of a method of preserving water at sea from putrefaction 1781
Henry, Thomas Anderson
The plant alkaloids 1913
Henry, William
The elements of experimental chemistry 1810 (1826–40)
An epitome of chemistry 1800 (1808)
Henry the Minstrel
The actis and deidis of the illustere and vail{ygh}eand campioun Schir William Wallace c 1470 (1570, 1820; S.T.S. 1889)
Henry and Isabella: a novel 1811
Henryson, Robert
Poems c 1480 (S.T.S. 1906–14)
The morall fabillis of Esope c 1480 (1570; Maitland Cl. 1832; in Anglia IX. 1886)
Orpheus and Eurydice c 1480
The testament of Cresseid c 1480
Henshall, James A.
Camping and cruising in Florida 1884
Henshall, Samuel
The Saxon and English languages reciprocally illustrative of each other 1798
Henshaw, Bp. Joseph
Horæ succisivæ, or, spare-houres of meditations 1631 (ed. 2)
Meditations miscellaneous, holy and humane 1637; ed. 3, much enlarged, entitled Daily thoughts; or a miscellany of meditations, holy and humane 1651
Henslow, George
The origin of floral structures through insect and other agencies 1888
Henslow, John S.
A dictionary of botanical terms 1856
The principles of descriptive and physiological botany 1835 (1836)
Henslowe, Philip
Diary 1591–1609 (Shaks. Soc. 1845; 1904–08)
Henslowe papers, being documents supplementary to Henslowe's diary a 1616 (ed. W. R. Greg 1907)
Henty, George A.
The cornet of horse; a tale of Marlborough's wars 1881
Through Russian snows: a story of Napoleon's retreat from Moscow 1896
With Lee in Virginia: a story of the American civil war 1890
Hentzner's (Paul) Journey into England in the year 1598 (being a part of the Itinerary of P. H. translated by R. Bentley; ed. H. Walpole, Earl of Oxford) 1757
Hepburn, George B.
General view of the agriculture and rural economy of East Lothian 1794
Hepworth, Cecil Milton
Animated photography: the ABC of the cinematograph 1897
Heraclitus ridens 1681–82
Herak, Milan & Stringfield, V. T.
eds. Karst: important karst regions of the northern hemisphere 1972
Herald, The. By Stentor Telltruth 1757–58
Herball, Grete
See Grete herball
Herbert, Alan Patrick
Holy deadlock 1934
Independent Member 1950
Laughing Ann, and other poems 1925
Plain Jane 1927
The water gipsies 1930
What a word! 1935
Herbert, Alfred Xavier
Capricornia 1938 (UK 1939)
Herbert, Edward, 1st Baron Herbert of Cherbury
The life and reigne of King Henry the eighth a 1648 (1649, 1682)
Life, written by himself a 1648 (1764, 1886)
Occasional verses a 1648 (1665)
Herbert, Sir Edward
A short account of the authorities in law, upon which judgement was given in Sir Edw. Hales his case 1688
Herbert, George
Poetical works a 1633 (Grosart 1876)
Outlandish proverbs a 1633 (1640)
—another ed., entitled Jacula prudentum, or outlandish proverbs, sentences, etc. (1651)
A priest to the temple, or, The countrey parson his character, and rule of holy life a 1633 (1652)
The temple; sacred poems and private ejaculations 1633
Herbert, George Robert C. (Earl of Pembroke) & Kingsley, George H.
South Sea bubbles 1872
Herbert, H. 1727–30
See Fleury
Herbert, Henry, 10th Earl of Pembroke
A method of breaking horses, and teaching soldiers to ride, designed for the use of the army 1761
—ed. 3, entitled Military equitation 1778
Herbert, Henry W.
Herbert, Mary E.
Cradle lands 1867
Hübner's (J. A. von) Ramble round the world 1874 (1878)
Impressions of Spain in 1866 1867
Herbert, Sir Thomas
A relation of some yeares travaile begunne anno 1626, into Afrique and the greater Asia 1634 (1638, 1665, 1677)
Threnodia Carolina 1678 (printed from original MS. in A. Fea, Memoirs of the martyr King 1905); repr. with additions under the title of Memoirs of the two last years of the reign of Charles I 1702
Herbert, Thomas Ernest
Telegraphy: a detailed exposition of the telegraph system of the British Post Office 1906
Telephony: an elementary exposition of the telephone system of the British Post Office 1923
—(new ed., by T. E. Herbert & W. S. Procter) 2 vols. & Suppl. 1932–40
—(new ed., by J. Atkinson) 2 vols. 1948–50
Herbert, William
Ella Rosenberg, a romance 1808
Herbert, William
The history of the twelve great Livery Companies of London 1834–37
Herbert, Xavier
Herd, David
ed. Ancient and modern Scottish songs, heroic ballads, etc., v.d. (1776)
Here and now: an independent monthly review 1949–
Heren, Louis
Growing up onThe Times’ 1978
Hergesheimer, Joseph
The bright shawl 1922 (UK 1923)
Hering, Francis
Héristal, Adam d'
Our discordant life 1894
Herkless, John & Hannay, Robert K.
The archbishops of St. Andrews 1907–13
Herle, Charles
An answer to Dr. Ferne's Reply entituled: Conscience satisfied etc. 1643
David's song of three parts 1643
A fuller answer to a treatise written by Dr. Ferne, entituled, The resolving of conscience etc. 1642
Herman, Henry
His angel, a romance of the Far West 1891
See also Murray, D. C.
Hermann and Emilia 1805
See Lafontaine, A. H. J.
Hermann's (C. F.) Manual of the political antiquities of Greece historically considered tr. 1836
Hermeticall banquet drest by a spagiricall cook, for the better preservation of the microcosme 1652
Hermit in the country 1820–22; in Edinburgh 1824; in London 1819–20
Herne, Samuel
Domus Carthusiana; or an account of the foundation of the Charter-House 1677
Hero and Leander 1651
See Loves of H. and L.
Herodian's History tr. 1629
Herodotus, The famous hystory of, tr. by B. R(ich) 1584
Heroic epistle to an unfortunate monarch, by Peregrine the Elder 1778
Heroine of the Peninsula, The 1826
Heron, Alastair
ed. Towards a Quaker view of sex: an essay by a group of Friends 1963
Heron, James
The Celtic Church in Ireland 1898
Heron, Patrick
The changing forms of art 1955
Heron, Robert
Information concerning the strength, views, and interests of the powers presently at war 1794
Herrick, Robert
The complete poems a 1674 (Grosart 1876)
Poetical works a 1674 (1869, 1915)
Hesperides: or, the works both humane and divine of R. H. 1648
The noble numbers: or, his pious pieces 1647
Herrig's Archiv
See Archiv
Herring, Francis
A modest defence of the caveat given to the wearers of impoisoned amulets 1604
Oberndoerffer's (J.) Anatomyes of the true physition and counterfeit mounte-banke tr. 1602
Herring, Richard
Paper and paper-making, ancient and modern 1855
Herrings tayle 1598
Herriot, James’ (J. A. Wight)
It shouldn't happen to a vet 1972
Herschel, Sir John F. W.
Essays from the Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviews, with addresses and other pieces v.d. (1857)
Familiar lectures on scientific subjects 1866
A manual of scientific enquiry, ed. by Sir J. F. W. Herschel 1849; ed. 3, superintended by Robert Main 1859
Meteorology 1859 (in Manual of scientific enquiry)
Outlines of astronomy 1849 (1853)
Physical geography 1861
A preliminary discourse on the study of natural philosophy 1830
Schiller's (J. C. F. von) Walk tr. 1847
A treatise on astronomy 1833
Herskowitz, Irwin Herman
Genetics 1962
Hertford, Frances Seymour, Countess of
Correspondence between Frances, countess of Hartford (afterwards duchess of Somerset), and Henrietta Louisa, countess of Pomfret 1738–41 (1805)
Hervé, Peter
Beauties of Paris 1818
How to enjoy Paris 1816
Hervet, Gentian
Xenophon's Treatise of householde 1532 (1768)
Hervey, Mrs.
The Mourtray family 1800
Hervey, Frederic
The naval history of Great Britain 1779
Hervey, George F.
A handbook of card games 1963
Hervey, James
Meditations and contemplations. Vol. I. Meditations among the tombs, Reflections on a flower garden, A descant upon creation 1746; Vol. II. Contemplations on the night, Contemplations on the starry heavens, A winter piece 1747 (1767, 1818)
Theron and Aspasio: or, a series of dialogues and letters upon the most important and interesting subjects 1755
Hervey, John, Baron Hervey of Ickworth
Memoirs of the reign of George the second a 1743 (ed. from the original MS. by J. W. Croker 1848)
Herzog's (J. J.) Religious encyclopædia: or, dictionary of Biblical, historical, doctrinal, and practical theology, ed. by P. Schaff 1882–83
Heslop, Richard O.
Northumberland words. A glossary of words used in the county of Northumberland and on the Tyneside 1892–94 (E.D.S.)
Hess, Fr. Cuthbert (Lawrence Anthony Hess)
ed. God and the supernatural: a Catholic statement of the Christian faith 1920
Hessey, James A.
Sunday: its origin, history, and present obligation considered 1860
Hester, John
A compendium of the rationall secretes of L. Phioravante tr. 1582
Heth, Thomas 1583
Hetley, Sir Thomas
Reports and cases in the third–seventh years of the late King Charles as they were argued at the Common-pleas barre 1657
Hett, Charles L.
A glossary of popular, local, and old-fashioned names of British birds 1902
Hewer, Evelyn Everard
Text-book of histology for medical students 1937
Hewett, John a 1658
Hewett, Sarah
The peasant speech of Devon 1892
Hewett, William
Glossary of Berkshire provincialisms 1847
Hewit, John
Repentance and conversion the fabrick of salvation, or the saints joy in heaven for the sinners sorrow upon earth, being the last sermons preached by J. H. With other of his sermons a 1658 (1658)
Hewitson, William C.
Coloured illustrations of the eggs of British birds 1846
Hewitt, James
Yoga 1960
Hewitt, John a 1658
Hewitt, John
Ancient armour and weapons in Europe 1855–60
Hewlett, Joseph T. J.
The parish clerk 1841
Parsons and widows 1844
Peter Priggins, the college scout (anon.) 1841
Hewlett, Maurice H.
Earthwork out of Tuscany 1895
The forest lovers, a romance 1898
Hewlett, Richard Tanner
A manual of bacteriology, clinical and applied 1898
—(ed. 2) 1902
Hewyt, John a 1658
Hexameron of St. Basil
See Basil, St.
Hexham, Henry
A copious English and Netherduytch dictionarie 1647 (1660)
Groot-Woorden-Boeck; a large Netherdutch and English dictionarie 1648 (1658)
The principles of the art militarie 1637
A tongue-combat (anon. Preface signed H. Hexham) 1623 See Scott, Thomas
Hexham, The Priory of, its chroniclers, endowments and annals v.d.; its title deeds, black book, etc., v.d. (Surtees Soc. 1864–65)
Hey, John
Lectures in divinity, delivered in Cambridge 1780–85 1796–98
Heydon, Sir Christopher
An astrological discourse in justification of the validity of astrology. Together with an astrological judgement upon the great conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter 1603 c 1610 (1650)
A defence of judiciall astrologie 1603
Heyer, Georgette
A blunt instrument 1938
Death in the stocks 1935
The false colours 1963
They found him dead 1937
Heyerdahl, Thor
Fatu-Hiva: back to nature 1974
The Kon-Tiki expedition See Lyon, Francis Hamilton
Heylin, Peter
{Kappa}{epsilon}{iota}{mu}{eta}{lambda}{iota}{alpha} {elenis}{kappa}{kappa}{lambda}{eta}{sigma}{iota}{alpha}{sigma}{tau}{iota}{kappa}{alpha}. Historical and miscellaneous tracts a 1662 (1681)
Aerius redivivus; or, the history of the presbyterians from 1536 to 1647 a 1662 (1670)
Antidotum Lincolniense; or an answer to a book entituled, The Holy Table, name and thing 1637
A brief and moderate answer to the seditious and scandalous Challenge of H. Burton 1637
Certamen epistolare; or the letter-combate with Mr. Baxter, etc. 1659
A coale from the altar 1636
Cosmographie 1652 See Microcosmus, below
Cyprianus Anglicus; or the history of the life and death of William Laud a 1662 (1668, 1671)
Ecclesia restaurata; or, the history of the reformation of the Church of England 1661
Ecclesia vindicata; or, the Church of England justified 1657
Examen historicum, or a discovery and examination of the mistakes in some modern histories 1659
Extraneus vapulans; or, the observator rescued from the violent but vaine assaults of Hamon L'Estrange 1656
A full relation of two journeys: the one, into the mainland of France; the other, into some of the adjacent islands 1656
—another ed., entitled A survey of the estate of France 1656
{Eta}{asper}{rho}{omega}{omicron}{lambda}{omicron}{gamma}{iota}{alpha} Anglorum; or, an help to English history 1641
Historia quinqu-articularis; or a declaration of the judgement of the Western churches, particularly of the church of England, in the five controverted points reproached by the name of Arminianism 1660
The historie of episcopacie 1642
The history of St. George of Cappadocia 1631
The history of the Sabbath 1636
Microcosmus. A little description of the great world 1621 (–1639); enlarged and entitled Cosmographie in four bookes, containing the chorographie and historie of the whole world 1652 (1674)
(Relations and observations 1648–49: see C. Walker History of Independency)
The stumbling-block of disobedience and rebellion cunningly laid by Calvin in the subjects way, discovered, censured and removed 1658
Survey of the estate of France See A full relation of two journeys, above
The undeceiving of the people in the point of tithes 1648
Heyne, Benjamin
Tracts, historical and statistical, on India 1814
Heywood, Eliza
Heywood, Jasper
Seneca his tenne tragedies tr. by J. Heywood and others 1581
L. A. Senecæ Tragedia prima quæ inscribitur Hercules Furens tr. 1561
The seconde tragedie of Seneca entituled Thyestes tr. 1560
The sixt tragedie of L. A. Seneca, entituled Troas tr. 1559
Heywood, John
Dramatic writings 15.. (J. S. Farmer 1905–08)
Woorkes. A dialogue conteynyng prouerbes and epigrammes 1562 (Spenser Soc. 1867)
A dialogue conteinyng the nomber in effect of all the prouerbes in the Englishe tongue 1546 (1874)
A dialogue on wit and folly 15.. (Percy Soc. 1846)
Epigrammes 1555–60
A mery play betwene Iohan Iohan the husbande, Tyb his wyfe, and syr Jhan the preest 1533 (Brandl 1898)
A mery play betwene the pardoner and the frere, the curate and neybour Pratte 1533 (in Pollard, Eng. miracle plays 1890)
Of gentylnes & nobylyte See Rastell, John
The playe called the foure PP. A newe and a very mery enterlude of a palmer, a pardoner, a potycary, a pedler ?1545 (in Manly, Specim. pre-Shaks. drama I, 1897)
A play of love 1534 (Brandl 1898)
The play of the wether 1533 (Brandl 1898)
The spider and the flie, a parable 1556 (Spenser Soc. 1894)
Heywood, Oliver
Works a 1702 (1825–27)
Autobiography, diaries, anecdote and event books, illustrating the general and family history of Yorkshire and Lancashire a 1702 (1881–85)
The best entail, or, dying parents living hopes for their surviving children 1693
Heart-treasure 1667–72
Heywood, Thomas
Dramatic works a 1650 (1874)
An apology for actors 1612 (Shaks. Soc. 1841)
The brazen age 1613
The captives; or, the lost recovered 1624 (in Bullen, Old Plays IV)
A challenge for beautie 1636
England's Elizabeth, her life and troubles during her minoritie from the cradle to the crowne 1631 (1641; in Harl. Misc.)
The English traveller 1633
The exemplary lives and memorable acts of nine the most worthy women of the world 1640
The fayre mayde of the Exchange 1607 (Shaks. Soc. 1845)
The fair maid of the west 1631 (Shaks. Soc. 1850)
The foure prentices of London, with the conquest of Jerusalem 1615
A funerall elegie upon the death of Henry, Prince of Wales 1613
A funeral elegie upon the death of King James 1625
The golden age 1611 (Shaks. Soc. 1851)
{Gamma}{upsilon}{nu}{alpha}{iota}{kappa}{gifrown}{omicron}{nu}: or nine bookes of various history concerninge women 1624
The hierarchie of the blessed angells 1635
If you know not me, you know no bodie: or, the troubles of Queene Elizabeth 1605 (Shaks. Soc. 1851)
The second part of, If you know not me, you know no bodie. With the building of the Royall Exchange 1606 (Shaks. Soc. 1851)
The iron age 1632
The first and second partes of King Edward the fourth 1599 (Shaks. Soc. 1842)
Londini sinus salutis 1635
Londini speculum; or, Londons mirror 1637
Londini status pacatus; or, Londons peaceable estate 1639
London's jus honorarium exprest in sundry triumphs 1631
Loves maistresse: or the Queens masque 1636
A pleasant comedy called A mayden-head well lost 1634
A marriage triumphe 1613 (Percy Soc. 1842)
Philocothonista; or the drunkard opened, dissected, and anatomized 1635
Pleasant dialogues and dramma's 1637
Porta pietatis, or the port or harbour of piety 1638 (Percy Soc. 1844)
The rape of Lucrece 1608
The royall king and the loyall subject 1637 (Shaks. Soc. 1850)
Sallust's Two most worthy and notable histories tr. 1608–09
The silver age 1613 (Shaks. Soc. 1851)
Troia Britanica: or Great Britaines Troy 1609
A true description of his Majesties royall ship built at Wooll-witch 1637
The wise-woman of Hogsdon 1638
A woman kilde with kindnesse 1607 (Shaks. Soc. 1850)
See also Tourneur, C.
The late Lancashire witches 1634
Fortune by land and sea 16.. (1655; Shaks. Soc. 1845)

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