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Bibliography: R-Ris

Author names and work titles beginning with:
R., C(oun)t(e)ss of
R., B. 1584
R., B.
A letter from a catholic gentleman to his popish friends now to be exil'd from London 1678
R., C. C. ‘Up for the seasonand other songs of society 1887 (1889)
R., D. 1633
R., G.
Le Grand's (A.) Man without passion; or the wise stoick tr. 1675
R., H.
News from the Levane seas 1594
R., H. T.
See Vidocq, E. F.
R., I. 1615
See Trades increase
R., I.
A lady's ranche life in Montana 1887
R., J. 1658
R., Maria 1792
R. N. 1635
See N., R.
R., R. 1678
R., S. 1582, –85
R., S. 1598 etc.
R., S. (S. Rowley)
The noble souldier, a tragedy 1634 (Bullen, Old plays I, 1882)
R., T. 1609
R., T.
A view of government in Europe 1689
R.A.F. journal
See Royal Air Force journal
R.A.F. news
See Royal Air Force news
RCA review 1936–
Rabelais, Robert’
A nineteenth century and familiar history of the lives, loves and misfortunes of Abeillard and Heloisa, a poem 1819
Rabinowitch, Eugene Isakovich
Photosynthesis and related processes 2 vols. (Vol. II in 2 parts) 1945–56
Rachel's secret (by Eliza Tabor) 1866
Rackham, Bernard
tr. E. Hannover's Pottery and porcelain Vol. I 1925 (Vols. II & III, also 1925, tr. by W. W. Worster; whole work ed. by B. Rackham)
Radcliff, Thomas
A report on the agriculture of eastern and western Flanders 1819
Radcliffe, Alexander
Bacchinalia c{oe}lestia: a poem in praise of punch 1680
Radcliffe, Mrs. Ann
Gaston de Blondeville, a romance 1802 (1826)
The Italian, or the confessional of the black penitents, a romance 1797
The mysteries of Udolpho, a romance 1794
Posthumous works a 1823 (1833)
The romance of the forest 1791
Raddall, Thomas Head
Hangman's beach 1966
Radin, Paul
tr. J. Vendryès's Language 1925
Radio communication handbook, The See Amateur radio handbook
Radio review: a monthly record of scientific progress in radiotelegraphy and telephony 1919–22
Radio times, The 1923–
Radiology 1923–
Rae, Hugh Crauford
A few small bones 1968
The marksman 1971
The shooting gallery 1972
Rae, John
Contemporary socialism 1884
Life of Adam Smith 1895
Rae, John
The custard boys 1960
Rae, William F.
Newfoundland to Manitoba 1881
Raffald, Mrs. Elizabeth
The experienced English housekeeper 1769 (1778)
Raffé, Walter George
Dictionary of the dance 1964
Raffles, Sir Thomas Stamford
The history of Java 1817
Rafinesque Schmaltz, C. S.
New flora and botany of North America 1836
Ragozin, Zenaide A.
The story of Chaldea 1886 (1887)
Railroad and engineering journal 1887–92
Railway magazine 1897–
Railways of America, The. By various writers 1890
Rainbow, Bp. Edward
A (funeral) sermon 1649
Labour forbidden and commanded (a sermon) 1634 (1635)
Raine, James
The history and antiquities of North-Durham 1852
A memoir of the rev. J. Hodgson 1857–58
Raine, James
A brief memoir of Mr. Justice Rokeby 1861 (Surtees Soc.)
Raine, Richard’ (Raymond Harold Sawkins)
Night of the hawk 1968
Raine, William Macleod
Bucky O'Connor: a tale of the unfenced border 1910 (UK 1920)
Troubled waters 1924
Rainolds, John
A defence of the judgment of the reformed churches (against Bellarmine) a 1607 (1610)
Ralegh, Sir Walter
Works a 1618 (1829)
Advice of a son See Remains, below
Arts of empire See Cabinet-council
The cabinet-council, containing the chief arts of empire and mysteries of state a 1618 (1658)
The discoverie of the..empyre of Guiana 1596 (Hakluyt, Voyages 1598; Hakluyt Soc. 1848)
The history of the world 1614 (1634, 1736)
Instructions to his sonne See Maxims, below
Introduction to a breviary of the history of England 1605 (1693)
The last fight of theRevenge’ See Report, below
The life and death of Mahomet a 1618 (1637)
Maxims of state, with instructions to his son and the sons advice to his aged father. Whereunto is added Observations touching trade and commerce a 1618 (1651, 1656)
The prerogative of parliaments in England a 1618 (1628)
The prince, or maxims of state a 1618 (1642)
Remains, viz. Maxims of state, Advice to his son: his sons advice to his father, His sceptick, Observations concerning the causes of the magnificency and opulency of cities, Observations concerning trade and commerce, The prerogative of parliaments in England, Letters to divers persons of quality a 1618 (1664)
A report of the truth of the fight about the Iles of Açores, this last sommer, betwixt the Reuenge..and an armada of the King of Spaine (page-heading The last fight of the Reuenge at sea) 1591 (Arber)
Sceptick or speculations, and Observations on the magnificency and opulency of cities, His seat of government, and letters a 1618 (1651)
Tubus historicus: an historicall perspective; discovering all the empires and kingdomes of the world a 1618 (1636)
A declaration of the demeanor and cariage of Sir W. Raleigh 1618
Raleigh, Walter Alexander R.
Letters ed. Lady Raleigh 2 vols. 1926
—(new ed.) 2 vols. 1928
Shakespeare 1907
Raleigh's ghost. Sir W. Rawleighs ghost or Englands forewarner (by T. Scott) 1626 (Harl. Misc.)
Rawleigh his ghost or a feigned apparition to a friend of his, for the translating into English the boke of L. Lessius..entituled De Providentia numinis tr. by A. B. 1631 (1651)
Ralfe, Charles H.
Outlines of physiological chemistry 1873
Ralphson, J.
Ramadge, Francis H.
The curability of consumption 1850 (1861)
Rambling fuddle-caps, The (by E. Ward) 1709
Ramée, Louise de La
Ramesey, William
Astrologia restaurata, or astrology restored 1653
Rampini, Charles J. G.
Letters from Jamaica 1873
Ramsay, Allan
Poems 1721, 1728 (Poetical works 1877)
Christ's kirk on the green (cantos ii and iii) 1715, 1718
A collection of Scots proverbs 1737 (1750, 1797)
ed. The ever-green, being a selection of Scots poems wrote by the ingenious before 1600 1724
The gentle shepherd, a Scots pastoral comedy 1725
ed. The tea-table miscellany, or a collection of Scots songs 1724 (1733)
Ramsay, Sir Andrew C.
The physical geology and geography of Great Britain 1863 (1878)
Ramsay, Balcarres D. W.
Rough recollections of military service and society 1882
Ramsay, David
The history of South-Carolina 1809
Ramsay, Diana
Descent into the dark 1975
A little murder music 1972
No cause to kill 1974
Ramsay, Edward B.
Reminiscences of Scottish life and character 1858, 1861 (1870, 1874)
Ramsay, Edward P.
Notes on the food fishes and edible mollusca of New South Wales 1883 (Fisheries exhibition literature)
Ramsay, Sir James H.
ed. Bamff charters 1232–1703 1915
Ramsay, John
Scotland and Scotsmen in the eighteenth century a 1814 (1888)
Ramsay, Sir William Mitchell
The church in the Roman empire before A.D. 170 1893
Ramsbotham, Francis H.
The principles and practice of obstetric medicine and surgery 1841 (1856)
Ramsbottom, John
Mushrooms and toadstools 1953
Ramsden, Evelyn
tr. E. Gram & H. Weber's Plant diseases in orchard, nursery and garden crops 1952
Ramsey, Frederic & Smith, Charles Edward
Jazzmen 1939 (UK 1940)
Ramsey, Leonard Gerald Gwynne
ed. The Connoisseur new guide to antique English pottery, porcelain and glass 1961
Ramson, William Stanley
Australian English: an historical study of the vocabulary, 1788–1898 1966
Rand, Austin Loomer
Mammals of the eastern Rockies and western plains of Canada 1948
Rand, William
Gassendi's (P.) Mirrour of true nobility..being the life of N. C. Fabricius, lord of Peiresk tr. 1657
Rand Daily Mail (Johannesburg) 1902–
Randall, Henry S.
The life of T. Jefferson 1858
Randall, John
The semi-Virgilian husbandry, deduced from various experiments 1764
Randall-Diehl, Anna
Two thousand words and their definitions; not in Webster's Dictionary 1888
Randolph, Mrs.
Mostly fools 1886
Wild hyacinth 1875
Randolph, Bernard
The present state of the islands in the archipelago 1686 (1687)
The present state of the Morea 1686
Randolph, George
An enquiry into the medicinal virtues of Bath-water 1752
of Bristol-water 1745 (1750)
Randolph, Thomas
Aristippus, or the ioviall philosopher 1630
The jealous lovers, a comedie 1632 (1668)
{Pi}{lambda}{omicron}{upsilon}{tau}{omicron}{phi}{theta}{alpha}{lambda}{mu}{iota}{alpha} {pi}{lambda}{omicron}{upsilon}{tau}{omicron}{gamma}{alpha}{mu}{iota}{alpha}, a pleasant comedie entitled Hey for honesty a 1635 (1651)
Poems: with The muses looking-glasse; and Amyntas a 1635 (1638)
Poetical and dramatic works (1875)
Randolph Enterprise (Elkins, West Virginia) 1874–
Random recollections 1836
Rands, William B.
Chaucer's England, byMatthew Browne’ 1869
Lilliput levee (anon.) 1864
Ranjitsinhji, Kumar Shri
The Jubilee book of cricket 1897
Ranken, Alexander
The history of France 1801–22
Ranken, William
Poems on different subjects 1812
Rankine, William John Macquorn
A manual of applied mechanics 1858
A manual of machinery and millwork 1869
A manual of the steam engine and other prime movers 1859
Miscellaneous scientific papers a 1872 (1881)
Ransome, Arthur Michell
Autobiography ed. R. Hart-Davis 1976
Great Northern? 1947
Secret water 1939
Ransome, Stephen’ (Frederick Clyde Davis)
The deadly Miss Ashley 1950 (US ed. published under author's real name)
Without a trace 1962
Rao, G. Subba
Indian words in English: a study in Indo-British cultural and linguistic relations 1954
Rape of Helen, The tr. (from Coluthus Thebæus) 1731
Raper, John Robert
Genetics of sexuality in higher fungi 1966
Raphael, Chaim
A feast of history: the drama of Passover through the ages 1972
Raphael, Frederic Michael
The glittering prizes 1976
The limits of love 1960
Raphael, John E.
Modern Rugby football 1918
Raphson, Joseph
A mathematical dictionary 1702
Newton's (Sir I.) Universal arithmetick tr. 1720
Rare triumphs of love and fortune, The 1589 (Roxburghe Club 1851; Hazl. Dodsley)
Rashdall, Hastings
The universities of Europe in the Middle ages 1895
Raspail's (F. V.) New system of organic chemistry tr. 1834
Rastell, John
A new boke of purgatorye 1530
Of gentylnes and nobylyte; a dyaloge (anon.) ?1525
The pastyme of people, the cronycles of dyvers realmys 1529 (1811)
Rastell, John, S. J.
A confutation of a sermon pronounced by Mr. Juell 1564
A treatise intitled Beware of M. Jewell 1566
Rastell, William
The exposicions of the termes of the lawes of England a 1565 (1567, 1579)
See also Termes de la ley
Ratcliffe, John Ashworth
The physical principles of wireless 1929
Rates of the custome house bothe inwarde and outwarde, The 1545;
—(another ed.) 1583
The rates of marchandizes as they are set downe in the booke of rates for the custome..of poundage etc. 1608
—(another ed.) 1642
Rathbone, Julian
Diamonds bid 1967
Joseph 1979
Kill cure 1975
Ratis raving, and other moral and religious pieces (Craft of deyng, Wisdom of Solomon etc.) a 1500 (E.E.T.S. 1870)
Rattigan, Terence Mervyn
The deep blue sea 1952
Flare path 1942
French without tears: a play 1937
Ross: a dramatic portrait 1960
While the sun shines 1944
Who is Sylvia? 1951
The Winslow boy 1946
Rattray, Robert Sutherland
Ashanti 1923
Ratzel's (F.) History of mankind tr. 1895
Rauf Coil{ygh}ear. The taill of Rauf Coilyear c 1475 (E.E.T.S. 1882; Sc. alliterative poems, S.T.S. 1897)
Ravelin, Humphrey’
Raven, John J.
The church bells of Cambridgeshire 1869
Raven, Simon Arthur Noël
The survivors 1976
Ravenscroft, Thomas
Deuteromelia; or the second part of musicks melodie by T. R. 1609
Melismata; musical phansies by T. R. 1611
Pammelia, musicks miscellanie 1609
The whole book of psalms, with hymnes etc. 1621
Raverat, Gwendolyn Mary
Period piece: a Cambridge childhood 1952
Rawley, William
ed. Bacon's (F.) History naturall and experimentall of life and death 1638 (1650)
Resuscitatio, or bringing into publick light severall pieces of the works hitherto sleeping..of F. Bacon, Viscount St. Albans, together with his lordship's life 1657 (1661)
Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan
The yearling 1938
Rawlins, Thomas
Tunbridge Wells, a comedy (anon.) a 1670 (1678)
Rawlinson, George
The five great monarchies of the ancient eastern world 1862–67
History of ancient Egypt 1881
A manual of ancient history 1869
The origin of nations 1877
The religions of the ancient world 1882
Rawlinson, John
The dove-like soule, a sermon 1618
Fishermen, fishers of men, a sermon 1609
Rawlinson, Richard
Lenglet du Fresnoy's (N.) New method of studying history tr. 1728
Rawlinson, William
Modern foundry operations and equipment 1928
Rawnsley, Hardwicke D.
Life and nature at the English lakes 1899
Ray, Cyril
ed. The compleat imbiber 1956–71
Merry England 1960
Ray, John
An account of some errors and defects in our English alphabet 1691 (with Collection of words)
A collection of English proverbs 1670, 1678 (1768, 1855)
A collection of English words not generally used, two alphabetical catalogues, the one of such as are proper to the northern, the other to the southern counties. With catalogues of English birds and fishes: and an account of the preparing and refining such metals and minerals as are gotten in England 1674
—Second ed. augmented 1691
—ed. W. W. Skeat (E.D.S. 1874)
Correspondence 1659–1705 (Ray Soc. 1848)
Creation See Wisdom, below
Itineraries 1658–62 (Select Remains 1760: Ray Soc. 1846)
Miscellaneous discourses concerning the dissolution and changes of the world 1692
—Third ed. Three physico-theological discourses (1713, 1732)
Observations made in a journey through part of the Low-countries, Germany, Italy and France, with a catalogue of plants not native of England 1673
—(another ed.) Travels (1738)
Philosophical letters between Mr. Ray and several of his correspondents a 1705 (1718)
Select remains a 1705 (1760)
Synopsis methodica avium et piscium a 1705 (1713)
Travels See Observations, above
ed. Willughby's (F.) De historia piscium 1686
Willughby's (F.) Ornithology tr. 1678
The wisdom of God manifested in the works of the creation 1691 (1692, 1701, 1704, 1777)
See also Rea, John
Ray Society
Publications (1844–)
Rayleigh, John William (Strutt), 3rd Baron
Scientific papers 1869–1919 (1899–)
The theory of sound 2 vols. 1877–8
Raymond, Ernest
The jesting army 1930
Raymond, Henry Jarvis
The life and public services of Abraham Lincoln 1865
Raymond, John
An itinerary, contayning a voyage made through Italy 1646–47 (Il mercurio Italico) 1648
Raymond, Rossiter W.
Glossary of mining and metallurgical terms 1881
Statistics of mines and mining in the states and territories west of the Rocky mountains 1870 (1872, 1874, 1877)
Raymond, Walter
In the smoke of war 1893
Misterton's mistake 1888
Two men o' Mendip 1898
Raynalde, Thomas
Roesslin's (E.) Byrth of mankynde, otherwyse called the womans booke tr. 1545 (1552, 1564)
Raynbird, William and Hugh
On the agriculture of Suffolk 1849
Rayner, Dorothy Helen
The stratigraphy of the British Isles 1967
Rayner, Mrs. Olive P.’
Raynolds, John
Dolarnys primerose 1606 (Grosart 1880)
Rayson, John
Miscellaneous poems and ballads, chiefly in the dialects of Cumberland and the English and Scottish borders a 1857 (1858)
Rea, John
Flora, seu de florum cultura, or a complete florilege 1665 (1676)
Read, Alexander
Works 1650 (1659)
The chirurgical lectures of tumors and ulcers 1632–34 1635
A treatise of the first part of chirurgerie 1638
Read, Herbert Edward
Annals of innocence and experience 1940
Art and industry 1934
Art and society 1937
Collected poems, 1913–25 1926
A concise history of modern painting 1959
The contrary experience: autobiographies 1963
Education through art 1943
Icon and idea: the function of art in the development of human consciousness 1955
The meaning of art 1931
The tenth muse: essays in criticism 1957
Read, Herbert Harold & Watson, Janet V.
Introduction to geology 2 vols. (Vol. II in 2 parts) 1962–75
Read, John
Arcæus' (F.) Most excellent and compendious method of curing woundes tr. 1588
Read, John
A text-book of organic chemistry 1926
Read, Piers Paul
The Villa Golitsyn 1981
Reade, Charles
Christie Johnstone 1853
The cloister and the hearth 1861
The course of true love never did run smooth 1857
The eighth commandment 1860
Griffith Gaunt; or jealousy 1866 (1867)
Hard cash 1863
It is never too late to mend’ 1856
Love me little, love me long’ 1859
Peg Woffington 1852 (1853)
Put yourself in his place 1870
A simpleton: a story of a day 1873
A woman-hater 1877
Reade, Thomas M.
The origin of mountain ranges considered 1886
Reade, William Winwood
Liberty hall, Oxon 1860
Reader, The; a review of literature etc. 1863–66
Reader's digest 1922–
Reader's digest family guide to the law 1971
Reading, The churchwardens' accounts of St. Mary's, 1550–1662 (1893).
See also Churchwardens
Real estate review 1923–
Reall and unfeigned testimonie concerning Iacob Beme, A tr. 1649
Realm (newspaper), The 1864
Reaney, Percy Hide
The origin of English place-names 1960
Reasons of the new convert's taking the oaths to the present government, The (by T. Brown) 1691
Recent progress in hormone research 1947–
Record, Samuel James & Hess, Robert William
Timbers of the New World 1943
—— & Mell, Clayton Dissinger
Timbers of tropical America 1924
Recorde, Robert
The castle of knowledge (containing the explication of the sphere, etc.) 1556
The ground of artes, teachyng the worke and practise of arithmetike 1540 (1542, 1575)
—with additions by J. Dee & J. Mellis (1582, 1590; also 1646)
The pathway to knowledge 1551
The urinal of physick 1547 (1548, 1567, 1665)
The whetstone of witte, which is the seconde parte of arithmetike 1557
Records of the colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations in New England 1636–1792 (1856–65)
Records of the convention of the royal burghs of Scotland 1295–1738 (1870–90)
Records of the Court of Assistants of the colony of Massachusetts Bay 1673–92 (1901)
Records of the governor and company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England 1628–86 (1853–54)
Records of St. Mary at Hill. Medieval records of a London city church (St. Mary at Hill) 1420–1559 (E.E.T.S. 1905)
Records of a Scottish cloth manufactory at New Mills, Haddingtonshire, The 1681–1703 (S.H.S. 1905)
Recreations of a country parson 1859–61
Recruiter's bulletin (U.S. Marine Corps) 1915–21
Red book of the exchequer, The v.d. (Rolls series 1896)
Red Cross magazine 1916–20
Redbook (title varies) 1903–
Redding, Cyrus
A history and description of modern wines 1833 (1851)
Rede, Leman Thomas
The road to the stage 1827
Redfield, Robert
Peasant society and culture: an anthropological approach to civilisation 1956
Redford, George
Holy scripture verified 1837
Redford, John
The moral play of wit and science c 1530 (Shaks. Soc. 1848; Manly, Pre-Shaks. drama 1897)
Reece, Gordon
tr. F. Hund's The history of quantum theory 1974
Reece, Richard
A practical dictionary of domestic medicine 1808
Reece, Robert H.
Night bombing with the Bedouins 1919
Reed, Sir Edward J.
Shipbuilding in iron and steel 1869
A treatise on the stability of ships 1885
Reed, Henry
Lectures on the British poets a 1854 (1857)
Lectures on English history and tragic poetry a 1854 (1856)
Lectures on English literature a 1854 (1855)
Rees, Abraham
The cyclopædia or universal dictionary of arts etc. 1802–20
Rees, J. Rogers
The diversions of a book-worm 1886
Reese, John Terence & Dormer, Albert
The bridge player's dictionary 1959
Reeve, Clara
The exiles: or memoirs of the Count de Cronstadt 1788
The old English baron: a Gothic story 1778 (1780)
Reeve, Henry
De Tocqueville's (A. de) Democracy in America tr. 1835
Reeve, Lovell
Elements of conchology 1860
Reeve, Thomas
God's plea for Nineveh, or Londons precedent for mercy 1657
Sermons 1632
Reeves, Edward
Homeward bound after thirty years, a colonist's impressions of New Zealand, Australia, Tangier and Spain 1892
Reeves, William
Fourteen sermons a 1726 (1729)
Reeves, Bp. William
Ecclesiastical antiquities of Down, Connor and Dromore 1847
Referee, The 1877–1928
Reflections on a late libel, intituled Observations on a late famous sermon (by E. Hickeringill) intituled Curse ye Meroz 1680
Reflections upon R. Baxter 1685
Reflector, The; a quarterly magazine 1810–11
Reflexions. Morvan de Bellegarde's (J. B.) Reflexions upon ridicule tr. 1706–07
Reflexions upon the oathes of supremacy and allegiance (by H. P. Cressy) 1661
Reformed common-wealth of bees, The 1655
Refutation of a late pamphlet 1749
See Examination
Regal rambler, The, or the eccentricall adventures of the devil in London (by T. Hastings) 1793
Regiam majestatem
Register of debates in Congress
See United States. Congress. Debates
Register of the guild of Corpus Christi, York, The v.d. (Surtees Soc. 1872)
Register of the Privy council of Scotland, The 1545– (1877– )
Registrum cartarum ecclesie sancti Egidii de Edinburgh 1344–1567 (App. –1648) (Bannatyne Club 1859)
Registrum magni sigilli regum Scotorum 1306–1424 (1814, 1912)
The register of the great seal of Scotland 1424– (1882– )
Registrum secreti sigilli regum Scotorum, The register of the privy seal of Scotland 1488–1529 (1908)
Regulation and improvement of free-thinking, An essay for the better 1739
Regulations and instructions relating to his majesty's service at sea 1730 (1772)
Regulations and orders for the army, General 1811
Regulations for the instruction..of the cavalry 1833
Reichenbach, Hans
Elements of symbolic logic 1947
Reid, Alan
Songs o' the heatherland, Scots poems etc. 1894
Reid, Andrew
Macquer's (P. J.) Elements of the theory and practice of chymistry tr. 1758
Reid, John
The Scots gard'ner 1683 (1721)
Reid, John Cowie
ed. The Kiwi laughs: an anthology of New Zealand prose humour 1961
Reid, John Morrison
ed. Doomed religions: a series of essays on the great religions of the world 1884
Reid, Mayne
The headless horseman: a strange tale of Texas 2 vols. & 1 vol. 1866
The rifle rangers; or adventures of an officer in southern Mexico 1850
The scalp-hunters, or romantic adventures in northern Mexico 1851
The war-trail, or the hunt of the wild horse 1857
The young voyageurs 1854
Reid, Robert
Glasgow past and present 1884
Reid, Robert
Poems, songs and sonnets 1894
Reid, Thomas
Works a 1796 (1846–63)
A brief account (Analysis) of Aristotle's Logic 1774
Essays on the intellectual powers of man 1785
An inquiry into the human mind 1764
Reid, Sir T. Wemyss
Life of W. E. Forster 1888
Reifer, Mary
A dictionary of new words 1955
Rein, Johann Justus
Japan: travels and researches [anon. tr.] 1884
Reinnel, F.
The carpenters', joiners', cabinet makers' and gilders' companion 1854
Reisner, Robert George
The jazz titans; includingThe parlance of hip’ 1960
Reisz, Karel
The technique of film editing 1953
—(ed. 9) 1961
Reith, John Charles Walsham
The Reith diaries ed. C. Stuart 1975
Relation of the dreadful Lima, A true and particular tr. 1748
Relation of the tryall..of Ann Northampton, A full and true 1674 (1881)
Release and resettlement: an explanation of your position and rights Issued by H.M. Government to all serving members of H.M. Forces 1945
Religio clerici (Eng.) 1681
Religion of the fashionable world 1790
Religionism, or popular preachers, alias pulpiteers, a satire 1812
Religious pieces in prose and verse. Ed. from Thornton's MS. a 1400 (E.E.T.S. 1867, revised 1889, 1914)
Religious songs a 1300 (with Owl and nightingale, ed. T. Wright, Percy Soc. 1843)
Religious systems of the world, national, christian, philosophic 1888–89 (1890)
Reliquary, The; a depository for precious relics 1860–94
Reliquiæ antiquæ: scraps from ancient manuscripts ed. T. Wright & J. O. Halliwell 1841–43
Reliquiæ Wottonianæ (1651)
Relph, Josiah
A miscellany of poems a 1743 (1747, 1797)
Relton, Francis B.
An account of the fire insurance companies 1893
Remarks on Mr. Clark's (Samuel Clarke) sermons preached against Hobbs, Spinoza and other atheists 1705
Remarques on the humours and conversations of the town 1673
See Guy of Warwick
Remedy. A speciall remedie against the furious force of lawlesse loue, by W. A. 1579 (Roxb. Club 1844)
Remedy for sedition, A 1536
Remedy of love, The c 1532 (Thynne, Chaucer 1532; Chalmers, Poets I. 1810)
Remonstrance 1395
Remonstrance concerning the present troubles, A. From the meeting of the estates of..Scotland unto the parliament of England 1640
Remonstrance of divers remarkeable passages concerning the church and kingdome of Ireland, A 1642
Remsen, Ira
An introduction to the study of the compounds of carbon, organic chemistry 1885
Renan's (J. Ernest) Apostles tr. 1869 (1890)
The book of Job tr. 1889
History of the people of Israel tr. 1888
The life of Jesus tr. 1863 (1864)
Rendell, Ruth
A guilty thing surprised 1970
Make death love me 1979
A new lease of death 1967
One across, two down 1971
Some lie and some die 1973
Rennell, James
Memoir of a map of Hindoostan 1783
Rennie (——)
St. Patrick, a national tale. By an antiquary 1819
Rennie, George Banks, et al.
General view of the agriculture of the West Riding of Yorkshire 1794 (1799)
Rennie, James
Alphabet of scientific angling 1833
A conspectus of the butterflies and moths found in Britain 1832
Insect architecture (anon.) 1830 (1847)
ed. Montagu's (G.) Ornithological dictionary 1831 (1833)
Rental book of the Cistercian abbey of Cupar-Angus v.d. (1879–80)
Rentalia et custumaria M. de Ambresbury 1235–52 et R. de Ford 1252–61 abbatum monasterii beatae Mariae Glastoniae v.d. (Somerset Record Soc. 1891)
Reply to a paper of Dr. R. Sanderson containing a censure of A. A(scham) his booke 1650
Reply to the reasons of the Oxford clergy against addressing, A 1687
Report..Indian affairs
See: United States Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs
Report of a discourse concerning supreme power in affaires of religion, A (by Sir J. Hayward) 1606
Report of the Committee of Inquiry on Decimal Currency
See: United Kingdom. Parliamentary papers
Report of the Committee on Broadcasting 1960 See: United Kingdom. Parliamentary papers
Report of the proceedings and opinions of the board of general officers on their examination into the conduct..of Sir John Cope 1749
Report of the United States Commissioner of agriculture 1868 (1869)
Report to the government of the United States on the munitions of war (at the Paris exhibition 1867) by C. B. Norton and W. J. Valentine 1868
Report to the House of representatives on precious metals in the United States 1882
Reporter: the magazine of facts and ideas (New York) 1949–
Reports of artisans selected by..The Society of arts to visit the Paris universal exhibition 1867
Reports of the Deputy keeper of the public records 1840–
Reports of the royal commission on historical manuscripts 1870–
Repository of arts, etc., The 1809–28
Reprobate, The; a novel tr. (from A. H. J. La Fontaine) 1802
Republican Review (Albuquerque, New Mexico) 1870–3
Reresby, Sir John
Memoirs a 1689 (1734)
Residence in France during the years 1792–95, A 1797
Respublica, A merye enterlude entitled 1553 (E.E.T.S. 1905; Brandl 1898)
Retrospective review, The 1820–28
—(another) 1852–54
Return to the attack: with the New Zealand Division in North Africa (Army Board, N.Z.) 1944
Returne from Parnassus, The 1597 (Macray 1886)
Returne from Pernassus, The (part II): or the scourge of simony 1601 (Arber; Macray 1886)
Revelation to the monk of Evesham, The c 1482 (Arber)
Revell, William F.
Ethical forecasts: essays 1887
Revels. Extracts from the accounts of the revels at court in the reigns of queen Elizabeth and king James I (Shaks. Soc. 1842)
Reveries of a recluse, The 1824
Review of the affairs of France etc., A 1704–12
Review of the British pharmacop{oe}ia (repr. from ‘The chemist and druggist’) 1898
Review of the churches, The 1891–95
Review of English studies 1925–
Review of reviews, The 1890–
Review of scientific instruments 1930–
Reynard, John (1608)
Reynard the fox, The history of 1481
Reyner, Edward
Rules for the government of the tongue 1656
Reynolds, Bp. Edward
Works v.d. (1658)
Israels petition in time of trouble (a sermon) 1642
Israels prayer in time of trouble, explication of the fourteenth chapter..of Hosea 1645 (1649)
The rich mans charge (a sermon) 1658
A sermon (at Westminster) 1666
A sermon touching the peace..of the church 1637 (1638)
The shieldes of the earth: a sermon..preached..1634 (1636)
A treatise of the passions and faculties of the soul 1640 (1658)
Reynolds, Henry R.
John the baptist 1874
Reynolds, John
The flower of fidelitie 1650
The triumphes of Gods revenge against..murther 1621–24 (1622–29)
Reynolds, John
Death's vision represented in a philosophical sacred poem (anon.) 1687 (1713)
Reynolds, John
The pioneer history of Illinois, 1673–1818 1852
Reynolds, John Hamilton
The fancy: a selection from the poetical remains of Peter Corcoran 1820 (1906)
Reynolds, John Russell
The diagnosis of diseases of the brain 1855
Reynolds, Sir Joshua
Works a 1792 (1797)
Discourses delivered to the students of the Royal academy 1769–90 (1846, 1876)
Du Fresnoy's (C. A.) Art of painting tr. W. Mason..with annotations by Sir J. Reynolds 1782 (1783)
Reynolds, Mack (Dallas McCord Reynolds)
After some tomorrow 1967
Reynolds, Michael
Engine-driving life 1881
Locomotive-engine driving 1877
Rheims. The new testament, tr. in the English college of Rhemes 1582
Rhode Island Historical Society
Collections 1827–1941
Rhode Island
See Records
Rhodes, Hugh
The boke of nurture or schoole of good maners c 1530 (Babees book, E.E.T.S. 1868)
Rhodes, William B.
Bombastes furioso, a burlesque tragic opera 1810 (1830)
Rhoscomyl, Owen’ (O. Vaughan)
For the white rose of Arno 1897
Rhymers' Club, The Book of the 1892, 1894
Rhys, Jean
Voyage in the dark 1934
Wide Sargasso Sea 1966
Rhys, Sir John
Early Britain. Celtic Britain 1882
Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by Celtic heathendom (The Hibbert lectures 1886) 1888
Lectures on Welsh philology 1877
Rhys, Udal ap
An account of..places and curiosities in Spain and Portugal 1749
Ribot's (T. A.) English psychology tr. 1873
The psychology of the emotions tr. 1897
Ribton-Turner, Charles J.
A history of vagrants and vagrancy 1887
Ricardo, David
On the principles of political economy and taxation 1817
Ricardus Aristarchus Of the hero of the poem (by Bp. Warburton) 1742 (in Pope, Dunciad 1743)
Riccoboni's (L.) Historical..account of the theatres in Europe tr. 1741
Rice, Clara Mabel
Dictionary of geological terms 1940
Rice, David Talbot
English art, 871–1100 1952
Rice, Elmer Leopold
A voyage to Purilia 1930
Rice, James
History of the British turf 1879
Rice, Richard
An invective againste vices taken for vertue 1579
Rich, Barnaby
Allarme to England 1578
The famous history of Herodotus tr. B. R. 1584
His farewell to militarie profession 1581
—repr. as Eight novels employed by English dramatic poets (Shaks. Soc. 1846)
Phylotus and Emelia (from the Farewell) 1581 (Bannatyne Club 1835)
Faultes faults, and nothing else but faultes 1606
Greenes news both from heaven and hell 1593
The honestie of this age 1614 (1615; Percy Soc. 1844)
The Irish hubbub, or the English hue and crie 1617
Rich, Jack C.
The materials and methods of sculpture 1947
Rich cabinet furnished with varietie of excellent descriptions etc., The (Epitome signed T. G., i.e. Thomas Gainsford) 1616
Richard III, king of England Letters and papers illustrative of the reigns of Richard III and Henry VII (Rolls series 1861–63)
Richard Coer de lion 13.. (in Weber, Metrical romances II, 1810)
Richard the redeles
Richards, Frank James
Old-soldier sahib 1936
Richards, Ivor Armstrong
Practical criticism: a study of literary judgment 1929
Principles of literary criticism 1925
Richards, John
A treatise on the construction and operation of wood-working machines (= Operator's handbook) 1873
Richards, Owain Westmacott & Davies, R. G.
eds. A. D. Imms's A general textbook of entomology (ed. 9) 1957
Richards, Paul Westmacott
The tropical rain forest: an ecological study 1952
Richards, Richard Kohler
Arithmetic operations in digital computers 1955
Richards, William
The history of Lynn 1812
Richardson, Alan
ed. A dictionary of Christian theology 1969
Richardson, Albert D.
Beyond the Mississippi 1867
Richardson, Sir Benjamin W.
Diseases of modern life 1876
Richardson, Charles
A new dictionary of the English language 1836–37, Suppl. 1856
Richardson, David L.
Sonnets and other poems 1825
Richardson, Edward Gick
Sound: a physical text-book 1927
Richardson, G. B.
Marryat's (F.) Universal code of signals for the mercantile marine of all nations 1854 (ed. 12)
Richardson, George Fleming
Geology for beginners 1842
An introduction to geology (1851)
Richardson, Henry Handel’ (Edith Florence Lindesay Robertson)
The fortunes of Richard Mahony 1917
Richardson, James
Travels in the great desert of Sahara 1848
Richardson, Bp. John
Choice observations..upon the Old Testament a 1654 (1655)
Richardson, John
A dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English 2 vols. 1777–80
A dissertation on the languages, literature, and manners of eastern nations 1777
Richardson, John
Movements of the British legion; with strictures on the course of conduct pursued by Lieut.-general Evans 1837 (ed. 2)
Richardson, Sir John
Fauna boreali-americana; or the zoology of the northern parts of British America 1829–37
——et al.
The museum of natural history 1859–62 (1868)
Richardson, Jonathan, elder and younger
An account of some of the statues etc. in Italy 1722
Explanatory notes and remarks on Milton's Paradise lost 1734
Richardson, Joseph
The fugitive, a comedy 1792
Richardson, Moses A.
The local historian's table book of remarkable occurrences etc. Historical division. Legendary division 1841–46
—reissued as The borderer's table book 1846
Richardson, Samuel
A discourse of the torments of hell (anon.) 1658 (Phenix 1708)
Richardson, Samuel
Clarissa (Harlowe); or the history of a young lady 1747–48 (1768, 1811)
Correspondence a 1761 (1804)
De Foe's Tour thro'..Great Britain. Ed. with additions 1742
The history of Sir Charles Grandison 1753–54 (1783)
Pamela; or virtue rewarded 1739–40 (1824)
Richardson, Thomas
Mercantile marine architecture 1833
Richardson, Thomas & Watts, H.
Knapp's (Fr. C.) Chemical technology 1863–67
Richardson, W.
The chemical principles of the metallic arts 1790
Richardson, W.
Tasmanian poems; grave and gay 1867
Richardson, William
Poems and plays 1805
Richers, Thomas
The history of the royal genealogy of Spain tr. 1724
Richler, Mordecai
Cocksure 1968
Richmond, Wills and inventories from the registry of the archdeaconry of v.d. (Surtees Soc. 1853)
Richmond, William
Christian economics 1888
Richmond Enquirer (Richmond, Virginia) 1804–77
Richmond News-Leader (Richmond, Virginia) 1903–
Richmond Times-Dispatch (Richmond, Virginia) 1903–
Richmond Whig (Richmond, Virginia) 1824–88 (title varies)
Richmond-Atkinson papers, The ed. G. H. Scholefield 2 vols. 1960
Richter, George Holmes
Textbook of organic chemistry 1938
Richter, Gisela M. A. & Milne, Marjorie J.
Shapes and names of Athenian vases 1935
Rickaby, Joseph
Moral philosophy; or ethics and natural law 1888
Rickert, Edith
The beggar in the heart 1909
The golden hawk 1907
The reaper 1904
Rickert, Margaret
Painting in Britain: the Middle Ages 1954
Rickman, Eric
Come racing with me 1951
Rickman, Thomas
An attempt to discriminate the styles of English architecture 1817 (1848, 1862)
Riddell, Henry Scott
Poems, songs, and miscellaneous pieces 1847
Poetical works a 1870 (1871)
Songs of the ark, with other poems 1831
Riddell, Mrs. J. H.
Above suspicion 1876
Austin Friars, a novel 1870
City and suburb 1861
Daisies and buttercups 1882
Princess Sunshine and other stories 1889
Too much alone 1860
The senior partner 3 vols. 1881
The world in the church 1863
Riddell, Maria
Voyages to the Madeira and Leeward Caribbean isles 1792
Riddles a 1000 (Grein 1897)
Rider, Henry
All the odes and epodes of Horace tr. 1638
Rider, Bp. John
Bibliotheca scholastica: a double dictionarie Part I. English and Latin 1589
R.'s Dictionarie F. Holyoke 1606 (1617, 1649)
Ridge, William Pett
Affectionate regards 1929
Mord Em'ly 1898
Ridgeway, William
The early age of Greece 1901
The origin and influence of the thoroughbred horse 1905
Ridgley, J. 1656
Ridley, Cecilia Anne
Cecilia: the life and letters of Cecilia Ridley, 1819–1845 ed. Viscountess Ridley 1958
Ridley, Mark
A short treatise of magneticall bodies and motions 1613
Ridley, Bp. Nicholas
Works a 1555 (Parker Soc. 1841)
A breef declaration of the Lords supper a 1555 (1586)
A piteous lamentation of the miserable estate of the churche a 1555 (1566)
Ridpath, George
Craig's (Sir T.) Scotland's soveraignty asserted tr. 1695
Ridpath, John C.
History of the United States 1874
Rieger, Rigomar, Michaelis, A., & Green, M. M.
A glossary of genetics and cytogenetics, classical and molecular 1968
Riesenberg, Felix
Golden Gate: the story of San Francisco harbour 1940
Riesman, David
Individualism reconsidered, and other essays 1954
——, Denney, R. N., & Glazer, N.
The lonely crowd: a study of the changing American character 1950
Rigaud, Stephen P.
Correspondence of scientific men of the seventeenth century (selected by S. P. Rigaud and ed. by S. J. Rigaud 1841)
Rigging and seamanship, The elements and practice of 1794
Rihbany, Abraham M.
The Syrian Christ 1919
Riis, Jacob August
How the other half lives: studies among the tenements of New York 1890 (UK 1891)
Riker, Thad. W.
Henry Fox, first Lord Holland 1911
Riley, H. H.
Puddleford and its people 1854
Riley, Henry T.
Liber albus..of the city of London (1419) tr. 1861
Memorials of London and London life in the xiiith, xivth, and xvth centuries (1270–1419) 1868
See also Pliny
Riley, J. Athelstan L.
Athos; or the mountain of the monks 1887
Rimbault, Edward F.
First book of the pianoforte 1848
Rimmer, Alfred
Our old country towns 1881
Rimmer, Robert Henry
The Premar experiments 1975 (UK 1976)
Ringwalt, John Luther
ed. American encyclopædia of printing 1871
Riordan, John
Stochastic service systems 1962
Ripley, George
The compound of alchymy 1471 (in Ashmole, Theatrum chemicum Brit. 1652)
Ripley, George & Dana, C. A.
ed. The new American cyclopædia 1858–63
Ripley, James
Select original letters on various subjects 1781
Ripon, Yorkshire. Acts of chapter of the collegiate church of SS. Peter and Wilfrid, Ripon 1452–1506 (Surtees Soc. 1875)
Memorials of the church of SS. Peter and Wilfrid, Ripon v.d. (Surtees Soc. 1882–1908)
Risdon, Tristram
The chorographical description or survey of..Devon c 1630 (1714, 1811)

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