A cautionary note to first-time site visitors: The content of Humanities 5392 is perhaps best described as post-Marxism. That is, many of the texts that we are relying on for our definitions may not be considered classic or orthodox Marxist texts. Although we have structured this site as a glossary, it is unquestionable that a term such as hegemony, for example, has very different meanings depending upon whose use of it one examines. The terms below are not defined, then, but rather explored. The approach followed here is not "what is x?" but instead "what is x for y?" where x is the term and y a particular Marxist or post-Marxist thinker. Keep that in mind, and you are less likely to be disappointed in what you find.
- accumulation
- alienation of the laborer
- base
- bureaucracy
- class conflict
- commodity
- communism
- contingency/necessity
- depth/surface
- discipline
- discourse
- economism
- exchange and money
- exploitation
- favorites
- force
- gender
- general formula for capital
- hegemony
- history
- ideology (Cooper)
- ideology (Eagleton)
- independence
- interior/exterior
- liberty
- male dominance
- materialism, dialectic
- materialism, historical
- money
- organization of the state
- orthodox (Marxism)
- overdetermination
- patriarchy
- perversion of human needs
- power
- power, disciplinary
- power, ethics of
- power, productive
- power, relational
- power paradigm
- quantitativeness of money
- reserve army of labor
- resources
- revolution
- rural vs. urban
- the social
- social pluralism
- socialism
- spontaneous evolution
- stagism
- state
- subject (positions)
- superstructure
- sustainable equality of empowerment
- teleology
- Theatre of the Oppressed
- theory
- totality
- transgression
- uniqueness of humans
- value
- value, exchange
- value, use
- vulgar Marxism
- worker
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