Received Wisdom

Sacred Communications and Holy Books
from the Gods

A selection of received holy books or transmissions given to various individuals during magical workings. These range from the famous, such as Liber Al vel Legis, to the unknown.

Liber Al vel Legis

"The Book of the Law" as received by Aleister Crowley

See elsewhere on this site:

  1. AL (Liber Legis) The Book of the Law sub figurâ XXXI
  2. Liber AL vel Legis sub figurâ CCXX

See also on this site:

in Class A

The Holy Books of Thelema as received by Aleister Crowley

See elsewhere on this site:

  1. Liber B vel Magi sub figurâ I
  2. Liber Liberi vel Lapidis Lazuli Adumbratio Kabbalæ Ægyptiorum sub figurâ VII
  3. Liber Porta Lucis sub figurâ X
  4. Liber Trigrammaton sub figurâ XXVII
  5. Liber LXV Liber Cordis Cincti Serpente sub figurâ אדני
  6. Liber Stellæ Rubeæ sub figurâ LXVI
  7. Liber Tzaddi vel Hamus Hermeticus sub figurâ XC
  8. Liber Cheth vel Vallum Abigni sub figurâ CLVI
  9. Liber AL vel Legis sub figurâ CCXX
  10. AL (Liber Legis) The Book of the Law sub figurâ XXXI
  11. Liber Arcanorum τών ATU τού TAHUTI QUAS VIDIT ASAR IN AMENNTI sub figurâ CCXXXI Liber Carcerorum τών QLIPHOTH cum suis Geniis. Adduntur Sigilla et Nomina Eorum.
  12. Liber A’ash vel Capricorni Pneumatici sub figurâ CCCLXX
  13. Liber Tau vel Kabbalæ Trium Literarum sub figurâ CD
  14. Liber DCCCXIII vel Ararita sub figurâ DLXX

Liber Pennae Praenumbra

Received by Nema.

Beta: A Comment on Communications from the Aeon of Maat is available as well.

Liber 49

The Book of Babalon and the record of its writing as received by Jack Parsons.

The Book of Gate Called Pan

Received by Aion.

Commentary of The Book of Gate Called Pan by Aion.

Liber Pennae Ultim-Atum

Received by Orryelle Defenestrate.

A Commentary on Liber Pennae Ultim-Atum is available as well.

The Book of Going Back By Night

Received by Orryelle Defenestrate.

Liber A vel Follis

"The Book of the Holy Fool" as received by Perseverando.

The Book of Ba Neb Tet

Received by Frater Belarion Israfel El Shaddai

The Book of Amsu

Received by Usr Ra n-ka-teph

The Book of Anubis

Received by Unknown

The Book of the Hollow Tree

Received by Aion

Liber Omonoia

Received by Simon Hinton and including commentary.