The Book of Ba Neb Tet
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
- The ecstasy of sex is the ecstasy of the Knowledge of "God"
- Lamda! Delta! Omnicron!:
- Sex is Divine Play.
- Invoke Bafomitr, and
- Found an Order of Knights;
- Let it be known as the Temple Order of Baphomet.
- Consecrate a Sacred Plaque in His image, hewn of Oak;
- Work in mano regis as sacrifice to this Deity;
- And learn thine own heritage,
- For in it is thy destiny:
- Genesios!
- An Eye, Ayin!, a Triangle, Delta!,
- Reversed, the Eye in the Delta of Venus,
- A Sword piercing clouds:
- Ten Cups for Our Lady, Babalon --
- Holy Tree of Life, Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil,
- Crescent Moon and Sacred Pentegram:
- "My Servant shall be the Crossroads of the Right and Left Hand Paths."
- Ashtaroth! Astarte! Kali!
- Burn Sandalwood in Her honor,
- Drink damiana tea,
- Mixed with yohimbe, belladonna, and scopalamine.
- Three, Two, Five: Gimel Beth He:
- High Priestess, Magician, and Emperor
- Consecrate your Temple to the Great God Pan
- And let the Grand Master fashion his Lamen, a Vesica Piscis;
- At the bottom, a Rose
- Ever Sacred and mystical:
- 325 418 77;
- The Jerusalem Cross of the Holy Templars;
- The Silvery Pentegram of the A.·.A.·.. &,
- At the top: the Dove of the Holy Ghost,
- The Christos, Soter.
- Found an Inner Order:
- Servants of the Star and Snake.
- Let its secrets ever be concealed, and
- Profane it not by divulging its true Name.
- Let membership be by Initiation only,
- And then only upon bestowal of the osculum infame.
- Enthrone our Lord, Baphomet,
- Worshipped by the Fraters and Sorors alike.
- Enslaved in matter though they be,
- Let them pay homage to
- The High Priest of the Temple of Peace for All Men.
- Prepare a feast for the Coming Forth of Ba Neb Tet
- Before the Solstice, cleanse and reconsecrate the Temple:
- Let it henceforth be known as the Temple of Pan-Babalon
- An on that Eve, write what ye receive,
- And let it be known as the Book of Baphomet.
- Bring to Him gifts of Gold, Lapis Lazuli, and Turquoise
- And let Him be adored by Male and Female alike.
- All my earlier verses precede these
- And are of a like piece.
- Let the Orders be one, three, seven, and nine,
- But always in respect of the Law.
- The Star, the Star,
- The Secret Seed:
- Our Lady, Babalon!
- O, Warrior Lord of Thebes,
- It is time to take up
- the Club and Cudgel.
- Smite thine enemies, enemies
- Of the Star and Serpent!
- Five times Five and Five,
- For Mars shall lie down with Venus,
- And in their union, a Childe of our Time.
- Mete is exalted, it is done!
- You cannot live as beasts; you are not animals.
- From the Stars you have come: To the Stars you shall return.
- My neter is of the Stars: The Law must change.
- In your folly you have called me Beauty,
- But my Staff is of coiled Serpents and my Chariot is of Fire.
- The Graal Quest: Twelve in Seven --
- Pan, Babalon, the Crowned and Conquering Childe.
- IAO, IAO, Saboi,
- Konx Am Pekht.
-- Received by Frater Belarion Israfel El Shaddai from transmission by his H.G.A., Andreae, from January, 1985ev, to June, 1990ev