Publication in Class A.
{Illustration on the facing page partly represented and partly described:
In the top quarter of the page is an elongated Hebrew letter Taw, and within this letter are all the other Hebrew letters except Taw, arranged in three rows and seven columns. These Hebrew letters proceed from right to left thusly:
1st row: | ZAIN | VAU | HEH | DALET | GIMEL | BET | ALEPH |
2nd row: | NUN | MEM | LAMED | KAPH | YOD | TET | CHET |
3rd row: | SHIN | RESH | QOF | TZADDI | PE | AYIN | SAMEKH |
The text given below is presented vertically below each of the seven columns, beginning on the right. The text is bordered on right and left by lotus crowned wands.
"The Magister Templi, the Adeptus, the Neophyte [8○=3□, 5○=6□, 0○=0□]
"The Ultimate Illusion, the Illusion of Force, the Illusion of Matter.
"The Functions of the 3 Orders: Silence in Speech; Silence; Speech in Silence: Construction, Preservation, Destruction.
"The Supreme Unveiling (or Unveiling of Light), the Unveiling of Life, the Unveiling of Love.
"Equilibrium; on the Cubic Stone, on the Path, and among the Shells.
"The Rituals of Initiation, 8○=3□, 5○=6□, 0○=0□: Asar, as Bull, as Man, as Sun.
"The Ordeals of Initiation, 8○=3□, 5○=6□, 0○=0□: Birth, Death, Resurrection."}
[This analysis may be checked by adding the columns vertically, 69, 81, 93, 114, 135, 246, 357. Dividing by 3 we get 23, 27, 31, 38, 45, 82, 119, which in the Sepher Sephiroth mean respectively Life, Purity, Negation, "38x11=418," Innocent, Formation, Prayer, Weeping. The analogies are obvious.]