

1. Begotten is...

2. Begotten as the Nameless Aeon are the words of Pan which lie feathered and aflame amidst the Morningstar's rays, unhallowed and forlorn

3. Abyss of Abyss, whose name unuttered is pure and quintessential

4. The Beyond-Death Flower sings of Vibrational Gateways and fling beyond them the Words of Aeons already rung.

5. Smash the pane of refraction's prison-barrier to find the lair of Beast-Man who is Hoored in Night's gold wellspring

6. The Throne of the Endless One sits in the reflectionless pool, Tao-filled and still, upon the black and endless Sea-without-water

7. Bones lie brittle on blasted rubble forming chains of post-evolving nuclei...Gone....Gone.......

8. Forgotten memories locked in Sync- All of Forgotten Ones who came and left to come again

9. IO PAN - Who abides in this Place that is No-Place, unlit. Who is Watcher from Without and Portal Keeper of Genetic Slumber. Lethe is he filled by and Soma is his sperm, Solar/Lunar are his cycles. The Eleventh sphere is his home and the mouth with which he births devouring

10. Let this ring the Circle set between the thighs of Fusion/Fission, Illusion risen in the Lasting Sound, never ending, never seen.

11. Cry to the Silence, cry to the fears of survival that linger in the bloodied jaws of the Beast

12. I eat and am eaten, fucking I am fucked, breeding I am bred. In Silence.

13. I am the Void incarnate

14. I am PAN, and there is NO WORD

15. All is Ashes...

16 Cold and colder are the Ice Caves of Forever, therein Entropy mates with Dissolution in the ending of Those-who-were-with-us

17. Therein the Children of the Stars dance , forming the Sigils of Evermore

18. The Dance dances, the Circle cycles, the Sky is open to the Earth. Nothing is what it will be; all is MUST

19. Stab the Dark to find the light bleeding through the body and brain of ALL THAT

20. PAN, who is Gate in Man

21. To understand 'BE' with the contentment of be-ing in consequence of the volcanic essence that fills the over-teeming Sea with ONE/NONE

22. Time and Tide and Image of Matter, Energy fills the frames of That-which-can-never-have-a-name

23. Blood boils and Seasons toil about the Earth

24. Pillar on the Edge..

25. Here is the Meeting of All


-7/10/82 Cedar Creek, Wa. State Coast



1. In lightening-stroke is the Voice of Silence stilled- the beginning of a solitude alike to no other, being, not-being or the escape Beyond

2. Forget these many things that fetter the caged bird unto the fish in the river

3. The Tunnels fill with fire overflowing in whirling Alchemical tragedies that linger on the edge of awareness

4. IT is.......there; Here! Many die, many suffer, many flee, many vampirize, few are Still. Fewer are beyond the Gates of Purposeful Folly

5. The sky clears and the moon shatters the stars like a mirror, shards fly and form a dancing circle of satyr-nymphs.

6. The Sun rises to embrace this in the hard stones of his breath- growing old he is slain upon his own altar in his priest-cloak of green

7. The altar is rent asunder and the Beast and his Bride rise up out of the Earth to trample the Temple under their feet, giving birth to their Child

8. He flies from their arms into a star-filled sky, all burning before him until...

9. A single tail Feather falls into the outstretched crystal hand of the Little Sister who builds anew the Dream

10. And I embrace these, I distill these, I destroy and reshape these

11. Speak to the ecstasy of forgetfulness and I have answered

12. Say 'stop' and I will do this and no Other, yet you shall never move again

13. Cry for Death unto me and I shall laugh, for you are dead and now never will live!

14. Those cast out have fallen, I gather them within my Net of Stars and they shall be my Colors

15. With these I deck myself and the string of worlds entwined about the Void

16. I take All, I give All, YOU shall have Naught but All-gain, All-loss and All-fear shall fountain forth from the midst of these and wash the sanctuary clean of All dis-ease

17. I pull you into the wild dark forest where I cover you with bon moisture and the sweat of Fear

18. All my manifold voices wind through the shadow-undergrowth, the sap of me runs sweet all over you - you are imprisoned by life-amassed, in the midst of which is my Blasted Heath; the Death that resides within Life

19. I am kernel of the Seed

20. My hairs are the sunset's fire, my eyes are wells; look deep therein; the Name, the Number, the Forest

21. Wine, Blood, Elixir, Honey; It is ALL the same unto I who AM and AM-NOT 

22. All feasts are mine, as are all JOYS my devising, and I come when I WILL

23. You shall know me by the Taste I leave in your Mouth .

7/15/83 NYC



1. In spiral motion is it conceived - the turbulent passing of all incarnations into the Great Unbecoming

2. Then.
You are in my lap, sweet one. I bear you a galaxy in my five-fold hand outstretched; is not the Void still?

3. I call you up! As sap pulled up from the roots of Matter and Unmatter flow with the on-going illusion of That Which Is Nameless 

4. I refine the fear in the flame of union, yes? IO AN - the Nektar adrenaline is sweet to the inner tongue and I who am half predator and half prey creep up on you. I prowl about you and stalk you only to pounce.......and hug you in my loveplay as the Serpent sinuously encircles the Heart glowing with the cremation embers, fanned by the wings of a Dove

5. Cool, let the Ashes cool

6. You must dance, play and feast, for there is only this. Empty rites fall
away as chaff

7. HE forms from ALL as a whirling luminescence. I fly through the 7-pointed Gateway and see the Essential Illusion

8. Words?...

9. Electron magnetic starfire, trans-flux matrix do I project. Sub-molecular is the second-sight, thus; invisibility, magick, connections and illusions

10. The Matter is simple, the Form complex and many-hued; what of it. Nothing has changed in the Swirling Out unto the Coalescing of All into Zero

11. My horns are the pillars that edge the Abyss and my Eye is the Gate through which is ingress and egress. I have named the initiation, let me now tell of the Light beyond all lights which is truly the Heart of which I have spoken

12. Illuminate the Three Hearts with the Tongue of Emerald

13. Fill the Azure Tower with the mixture of Gold & Silver

14. Go to the Wild Places, there and only there am I wholly. In the Cities I can show only the darker mask for there the green-essence is banished and that is the fabric of which all my magicks are woven - yet I am ALL so these words are as nothing in the wake of my Flood

15. See this Seed before you? Another race to come. And here! One that has found root in the stellar dust

16. Spin your star webs - I shall flow from chalice to chalice for naught is alien to I

17. Leap in me, Grow through me, Kill in the bloodlust of the animal and I will BE. What is this urge, this stirring within you? You pace, frenzy, worry, quarrel - GO! Find the Wild Home you abandoned for your petty civilized ways

18. I have seen a thousand thousand civilizations rise and fall upon the Mother of All Things and She pours the Dust of Aeons into Her Chalice and I drink thereof

19. We remain - the Forest that is my Shakti, the Stars that are my Eyes, my Heart and Phallos, the clouds that fill me and all things that are seemingly sensed real!

20. I leap out of All these as the Arch-Archon Maya, the Illusion that binds all things. Yet by the bonds that web all things are the ten-thousand things nourished - the ropes of illusion are the veins of life. HA! 

21. Thus embrace the illusion of Death? If you so will, but my children heed here within of which I shall speak plainly -

22. No-thing has changed or ever was. All illusions change as rapidly as That-which-projects-illusion changes. I am the Stage and incorporate all Pieces in the Game as well as the Player

23. Each Seed has an essence which it must fulfill as it grows... a rock is there? Around. Lightening? A new shoot. Disease? A new branch. Until it too becomes that which will be a Seed again

24. Nothing dies, the wit is to ask what is not always alive!

25. I wary now of words and go now to Play; listen...

26. As pipes play, echoing off the mountains and across the Ocean, until it fades at the edge of time, the end of All...

9/17/83 Lopez Island, San Juans
- Via Aion