This is an unofficial archive of essays and materials relating to the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica (E.G.C.). This site is intended to serve as a resource for those interested in the E.G.C., the Gnostic Mass, and in Thelema. It should in no way be construed as being officially endorsed by the Ordo Templi Orientis and its contents, except when specifically noted, are not official or approved of by the E.G.C.
The Ordo Templi Orientis U.S. Grand Lodge website states the following about the E.G.C.:
Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica (E.G.C.), or the Gnostic Catholic Church (the Church), is the ecclesiastical aspect of Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.). The E.G.C. is a Thelemic religious environment, dedicated to the advancement of Light, Life, Love, and Liberty through alignment with the Law of Thelema. The central activity of the E.G.C. is the celebration of the Gnostic Mass, as set forth in Liber XV, composed by Crowley for O.T.O. and E.G.C. in 1913. Lay membership in E.G.C. is available through baptism and confirmation. Members of O.T.O. in good standing are eligible for clerical ordination in E.G.C. Members of II○ and higher (or even I○, in some situations) are eligible for ordination as Deacon, and those who have reached K.E.W. are eligible for ordination as Priest or Priestess. Many O.T.O. local bodies celebrate the Gnostic Mass on a regular basis, and in most locations, no formal affiliation is required to attend the Mass.
Official E.G.C. Rituals*
Liber XV: The Gnostic Mass: Annotations and Commentary by Sabazius
Baptism Ceremony for an Adult by Sabazius
Baptism Ceremony for a Child by Sabazius
Confirmation Ceremony by Sabazius
Ceremony for Deacon Ordination by Sabazius
Last Rites by Sabazius
Unofficial E.G.C. Rituals
Rituals written by Sabazius
A Ceremony for a Feast for Life
A Ceremony for a Greater Feast for Death
A Ceremony for Visitation and Administration of the Virtues to the Sick
Rituals written by Dionysos Thriambos
A Liturgy of the Word of the Law
Rituals by Various Others
EGC Confirmation Ritual from the Babalon Sanctuary, E.G.C.
Essays for the E.G.C. or the Gnostic Mass
Essays by Sabazius
Introduction to the Gnostic Mass
The Sacramental System of E.G.C.
Essays by Dionysos Thriambos
A First Look at the Gnostic Mass
The Gnostic Mass as Biological Allegory
Advice for Deacons of Eccelsia Gnostica Catholica, an entire manual of diaconal technique, written when Dionysos Thriambos was a Deacon. The text includes a foreword by Sabazius X○, and was formatted by Fr. Sharash. The file is in Adobe Acrobat format.
Essays by Others
Crowley's Baptism Notes by Aleister Crowley
Creed of the Gnostic Catholic Church by Aleister Crowley
Liber XV and the Adeptus Minor Initiation by Robert Furtkamp
The Gnostic Mass: An Appreciation by A.T. Dennis
some thoughts on the Gnostic Mass from the acolyte's view... by Soror Nephthys
A Cakes of Light recipe by Aisha Qadisha
The Aeon of the Death Cookie transcribed and edited by Rev. Karen DePolito
Functional and Symbolic Correspondences between EGC & MMM
Gnostics and Templars by Bishop T Dionysus
Notes on performance of the Gnostic Mass by Unknown
Liber XV: an analysis by Fr. V.I.T.R.I.O.L. with assistance and additional commentary by Sr. A.R.G.M. From Sekhet-Maat Lodge, O.T.O.
Masonic Legacy: Craft Symbolism in the Gnostic Mass by Frater S\N\B\, Master of Heru Behutet Oasis, O.T.O.