A Wedding Ceremony

(The BRIDE and GROOM hold a bouquet of yellow roses and a wand, respectively. They choose two WITNESSES out of the congregation to serve as CHILDREN. The Negative Child bears The GROOM'S ring, the Positive Child bears The BRIDE'S ring. The PEOPLE should be armed with swords.

The Gnostic Mass is performed through The PRIEST'S communion. For the Collects, The DEACON reads only the Marriage Collect. The PRIEST descends the steps, and faces the Congregation. The BRIDE and GROOM take their places flanking the Tomb, The GROOM to the South, The BRIDE to the North. The Negative Child stands in front of the Black Pillar, the Positive Child stands in front of the White Pillar. The DEACON stands near the High Altar.)

The PRIEST: Brothers and Sisters, Brother N. and Sister N. have declared to me their intention to unite with love under will in the mystery of marriage. Is it your will to witness their vows?
ALL: (rising) It is.
The BRIDE and GROOM solemnly advance up the sides of the Temple, stopping with the Fire Altar between them.
The PEOPLE sit.  
The PRIEST: "For I am divided for love's sake, for the chance of union." (He turns to face The GROOM) Brother N., is it your will to unite with Sister N. with love under will in the mystery of marriage?
The GROOM: It is my will.
The PRIEST: (turns to face The BRIDE) Sister N., is it your will to unite with Brother N. with love under will in the mystery of marriage?
The BRIDE: It is my will.
The PRIEST: "So with thy all; thou hast no right but to do thy will. Do that, and no other shall say nay."
The PRIEST makes the five crosses. ............1 on The BRIDE and GROOM;
3 ..................2
4 on The GROOM alone; 5 on The BRIDE alone.
He turns to face The GROOM.  
The PRIEST: Repeat after me, ...
The GROOM (turns to face The BRIDE and repeats the vow): I take thee... [vows as written by Groom]
The PEOPLE: So mote it be.
The PRIEST: (Turning to face The BRIDE) Repeat after me...
The BRIDE (turns to face the GROOM and repeats the vow): I promise you... [vows as written by Bride]
The PEOPLE: So mote it be.
The PRIEST turns and ascends the first step. The Children switch to opposite sides of the Temple. The BRIDE and GROOM advance just foreward of the Fire Altar, switching to opposite sides of the Temple. The GROOM gives the wand to the Negative Child, The BRIDE gives the roses to the Positive Child.

The PRIEST descends again and receives the rings from The Children. He takes the rings to the Font and dips them it the water. He takes them to the Fire Altar and passes them through the incense smoke. He places them on a red and gold plate on the Fire Altar and makes thereon. He gives The BRIDE'S ring to The GROOM and ascends the first step.

The GROOM (faces the BRIDE): Let this ring be a token of the love that seals my pledge (he places the ring on her finger).
The BRIDE (faces The GROOM): Let this ring be a token of the love that seals my pledge (she places the ring on his finger).
The PRIEST: "There is no bond that can unite the divided but love." (He gives The GROOM his Lance to hold in his left hand.) In thou be the essence of the Life of the Sun. (He gives The BRIDE her Cup to hold in her left hand.) In thou be the essence of the Joy of the Earth. The BRIDE and GROOM hold the weapons as in ATU VI.)
The PRIEST: "For he is ever a sun and she a moon. But to him is the winged secret flame, and to her the stooping starlight."
The PRIEST joins the right hands of The BRIDE and GROOM. The Children touch the cup and lance of The BRIDE and GROOM as in ATU VI.
The PRIEST (Makes ù): In the name of the Father. (Makes circle) In the name of the Mother. (Makes +) In the name of the Serpent and the Lion. (He makes the Sign of the Enterer.)
The PEOPLE rise, draw their swords and point them at a point above The BRIDE and GROOM.

(The PRIEST makes the Sign of Silence.)

(The PEOPLE sheathe their swords and sit.)

The PRIEST: And by the authority vested in me by the State of California and Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica, I proclaim you Husband and Wife.
The BRIDE and GROOM give their weapons to The DEACON to hold. They Kiss.
The GROOM (to The BRIDE): "Come! Lift up thine heart and rejoice! We are one, we are none."
The BRIDE (to The GROOM): "I am above you and in you. My ecstacy is in yours. My joy is to see your joy."
The PRIEST: "Come forth, o children, under the stars, & take your fill of love!"
The PRIEST descends and stands off to the side. The CHILDREN resume their former places.

The BRIDE and GROOM communicate.

They descend to stand with The DEACON between the Fire Altar and the Font, The GROOM to the South, The BRIDE to the North, facing the Altar. They hold hands, the DEACON stands behind them.

The PRIEST ascends the three steps and closes the veil. With the Lance he makes + on The BRIDE and GROOM thrice, thus:

The PRIEST: + The LORD bless you.

+ The LORD enlighten your minds and comfort your hearts and sustain your bodies.

+ The LORD bring you to the accomplishment of your true Wills, the Great Work, the Summum Bonum, True Wisdom and Perfect Happiness.

He goes out, The DEACON and The Children following, into the tomb of the West.