Ecclesia Gnostica
Crowley's Notes Toward a Baptism Ritual
Copyright © 1997 Ordo Templi Orientis. All rights reserved.
This is a transcription of the notes toward an E.G.C. baptism ritual from
the unpublished diaries of Aleister Crowley (August 10, 1921 e.v.):
Ideas about our baptismal ceremony
- All born free -- quote Law.
- CCXX about children.
- Object of rite.
- Address to mother, who abandons the Child & goes out.
- Address to Godfathers and Godmothers, who swear to defend child's
freedom and initiate it.
- They swear this.
- The Creed.
- "I will" to this.
- I will do my own will, etc.
- Grant, etc.
- Consecrates Water and wine.
- Name child.
- Baptize with Water.
- Baptize with wine.
- Reception
- Pater Noster. / exhortation and applause.