The ceremony of confirmation is mentioned in the
final paragraphs of Liber XV. Confirmation represents the first
conscious manifestation of the True Will. The recitation of the
Creed by the confirmand represents a statement that active participation
in the Church and belief in its tenets is in conformity with the
confirmand's own True Will. The Church accepts the confirmand
as a Thelemite, one of its own, a rightful claimant to the heirship,
communion and benediction of the Saints. The cheirotonia conveys
the sacramental bond that joins the confirmand's consciousness
with the egregore of the Church. The cuff on the cheek represents
an awakening to the reality of Thelema and all its implications,
as well as to the life-consciousness of puberty. (Note that
the Greek word egręgora means, roughly, "it has awakened.")
(The Congregation is admitted and seated for the
Gnostic Mass.
The Confirmation Candidates enter, clothed in
white robes, and sit flanking the Tomb in the West. The white
robe should be open in the front from the neck down to at least
the waist; the opening may be provided with buttons, ties or other
fasteners. Each candidate has attained at least the age of puberty,
and each has committed the Creed to memory.
The Gnostic Mass is celebrated. A bell is struck
at the beginning of the Deacon's intoning of Collect V, The Saints.
Other than the Priest, only the persons to be confirmed partake
of communion.
After the completion of the Gnostic Mass, the
Priest, Priestess and Deacon re-enter the Temple space, all clad
in plain white robes. A vial of consecrated Oil of Abramelin
is placed near the Altar of Incense.
The part labeled PRIEST(ESS) may be filled by
either the Priest or by the Priestess; or the Priest and Priestess
may allocate the lines between each other and administer the ceremony
conjointly if both are ordained and recognized.)
The DEACON (to the Candidates): Please rise.
(to the Congregation): Brothers and Sisters, soldiers
of Thelema, these members of the Body of Nuit seek to make firm
their fellowship with us as rightful claimants to the heirship,
communion and benediction of the Saints of the True Church of
Old Time. Is it your will to witness their confirmations?
The PEOPLE: It is.
(to each Candidate, one by one):
Please come forward.
(The Candidates advance to the Altar of Incense.
The Priest(ess) adds a small quantity of incense to the censer.)
what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."
is the law, love under will."
PRIEST(ESS): What is your
CANDIDATE: (gives Baptismal
PRIEST(ESS): [Baptismal
Name], is it your will to be confirmed in Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica
as a soldier of Thelema?
PRIEST(ESS): What comrade
do you choose to stand with you on this occasion?
CANDIDATE: (Names comrade,
who must already be confirmed in E.G.C. The comrade steps forward,
to the Candidate's side.)
PRIEST(ESS): What is your
the Creed from memory.)
(Each Candidate is brought in turn to this point,
then all assemble beside the Altar of Incense.)
PRIEST(ESS): (Imposes
hands on each Candidate's head in silence; then anoints with the right
thumb C's forehead with Oil of Abramelin, saying:)
[Baptismal Name], I anoint thee as a Servant of Ra Hoor Khuit;
I seal thee with the Sign of Light; I confirm thee with the Holy
Oil of Aspiration in the name of IAO.
PRIEST(ESS) (raising
hands in blessing): Gloria Patri et Matri et Filio
et Filiae et Spiritui Sancto Externo et Spiritui Sancto Interno,
ut erat est erit in saecula Saeculorum sex in uno per nomen Septem
in uno ARARITA.
(The Deacon rings the bell 333-55555-333)
DEACON: Now I begin to
pray: Thou Child,
Holy Thy name and undefiled!
Thy reign is come; Thy will is done.
Here is the Bread; here is the Blood.
Bring me through midnight to the Sun!
Save me from Evil and from Good!
That Thy one crown of all the Ten
Even now and here be mine. AMEN.
(Priest(ess) gives Hailing Sign, which is returned
by the Candidates.)
not at all; fear neither men nor Fates, nor gods, nor anything.
Money fear not, nor laughter of the folk folly, nor any other
power in heaven or upon the earth or under the earth. Nu is your
refuge as Hadit your light; and I am the strength, force, vigour,
of your arms."
"Success is your proof; courage is your armour;
go on, go on, in my strength; & ye shall turn not back for
(Priest(ess) delivers admonitory cuff to each
Candidate's cheek).
PRIEST(ESS): This blow
represents the reality of the Law of Thelema which you serve.
"Ra-Hoor-Khu is with thee."
(Applause. All retire.)