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[DIR]Parent Directory -
[DIR]AUSCHWITZ - Photos of one of the camp orchestras/ -
[DIR]AUSCHWITZ - drawings, paintings/ -
[DIR]Auschwitz Online Website (pro-holocaust)/ -
[DIR]Auschwitz atrocity photo taken in Danzig_files/ -
[DIR]David Irving at Auschwitz 1_files/ -
[DIR]History Claims Her Artwork, but She Wants It Back - NYT_files/ -
[DIR]History Claims Her Artwork, but She Wants It Back 2 - NYT_files/ -
[DIR]Index on the Auschwitz Controversies - David Irving_files/ -
[DIR]Lets Stop with the Auschwitz Lies ++++++.htm_files/ -
[DIR]Soccer in a 'Death Camp'_files/ -
[DIR]Toileteers of Auschwitz_files/ -
[   ]Desktop.ini 78
[   ]Auschwitz Video Tour - David Cole +++++.lnk849
[   ]Auschwitz - Myths & Facts - by Mark Weber +++++.lnk883
[TXT]Toileteers of Auschwitz.htm6.0K
[IMG]Auschwitz I crematorium , 'rebuilt' in 1948... the chimney is not even connected to the building, there are no stains & the doors don't fit..jpg6.4K
[IMG]One of the fake watch towers installed by the Polish authorities.jpg9.3K
[TXT]Major French Magazine Acknowledges in 1995 the Auschwitz Gas Chamber Fraud - Weber +++++.htm9.6K
[TXT]Viktor Frankl -- Was Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl gassed at Auschwitz - JHR Archive (A++++).htm 11K
[TXT]German movie newsreel of 1948 claims 300 000 Auschwitz deaths.htm 13K
[IMG]Auschwitz Area Map.jpg 16K
[IMG]Auschwitz - High water-table.jpg 17K
[TXT]Auschwitz atrocity photo taken in Danzig.htm 19K
[IMG]Auschwitz prisoners working on rockets at Mittelbau-Dora tunnel 1.jpg 23K
[TXT]Taxpayers to cough up for day trip to Auschwitz for pupils from every UK school - The Times.htm 26K
[IMG]Camp Library of 15,000 books.jpg 27K
[TXT]David Irving at Auschwitz 1.htm 27K
[IMG]ElMundo_fake_beheadings - taken at Danzig of guillotined Poles.jpg 30K
[TXT]Auschwitz museum director reveals 'gas chamber' hoax - forum comments ++++.htm 32K
[DOC]The True Story of Snow White in Auschwitz--Dinah Gottliebova - Muzeum Auschwitz.doc 32K
[DOC]Pages From The Auschwitz Death Registry Volumes - IHR.doc 36K
[TXT]Auschwitz - Calculating the dead to between 216 000 & 239 000 - Fredrick Wilhelm ++.htm 41K
[TXT]Lets Stop with the Auschwitz Lies ++++++.htm.html 48K
[DOC]Comments About Holocaust Evidence, Auschwitz, Death books, Red Cross ++++.doc 50K
[IMG]Auschwitz - fake towers not in original photos.jpg 54K
[TXT]History Claims Her Artwork, but She Wants It Back 2 - NYT.htm 55K
[TXT]A New Affirmationist Study on Auschwitz, a summary - Carlo Mattogno.htm 58K
[IMG]Auschwitz--Fumigation Chamber walls but not 'Gas Chamber walls are' blue-stained by Zyklon-B +++++.jpg 61K
[   ]Auschwitz - fabricated medical experiment photo (A++++).mht 62K
[TXT]History Claims Her Artwork, but She Wants It Back - NYT.htm 62K
[TXT]Auschwitz survivor presentation in Wisconsin canceled amid fraud accusations +++++.htm 64K
[   ]Comparison of Camp fences.mht 65K
[   ]Thumbs.db 69K
[TXT]Index on the Auschwitz Controversies - David Irving.htm 73K
[DOC]Auschwitz - Myths & Facts - by Mark Weber +++++.doc 77K
[IMG]Poland Reduces Auschwiitz Death Toll to 1 Million.jpg 82K
[   ]Auschwitz 1 - Map.mht 82K
[TXT]Soccer in a 'Death Camp'.html 84K
[IMG]Auschwitz revises the death toll from 4 to 1 million.gif 84K
[   ]The Unreliability of Documents In Jean-Claude Pressac's Auschwitz Technique & Operation of the Gas Chambers.mht 84K
[   ]Real History and the Camp at Auschwitz - Retouched photo with smoke removed from Wiesenthal's Website.mht 86K
[IMG]Auschwitz - List of facilities available to inmates +++++.jpg 97K
[   ]The Auschwitz Swimming Pool now claimed to be a Fire brigade reservoir - Robert Faurisson (A++++).mht 98K
[IMG]Auschwitz - swimming pool.jpg103K
[IMG]Official Letter 3.png113K
[IMG]Official Letter 4.png113K
[IMG]Official Letter 5.png115K
[   ]Auschwitz - Sauna & De-lousing Chambers - Photos.mht124K
[IMG]Official Letter 1.png125K
[IMG]Official Letter 2.png126K
[IMG]Birkenau (Auschwitz II), Aug 23, 1944.jpg133K
[IMG]Auschwitz Prisoners Liberated by the Russians 2.png133K
[IMG]Prisoners Working in Auschwitz 5.png138K
[IMG]Prisoners Working in Auschwitz 3.png144K
[IMG]Prisoners Working in Auschwitz 1.png146K
[IMG]Prisoners Working in Auschwitz 4.png150K
[IMG]Auschwitz Prisoners Liberated by the Russians 1.png155K
[IMG]Auschwitz Warning Sign.png156K
[IMG]Prisoners Working in Auschwitz 2.png157K
[IMG]Prisoners Working in Auschwitz 7.png164K
[IMG]Auschwitz Museum... false floor 2.png167K
[IMG]Auschwitz Prisoners Liberated by the Russians 3.png171K
[IMG]Auschwitz Prisoners Liberated by the Russians 4.png173K
[IMG]Prisoners Working in Auschwitz 6.png175K
[   ]Auschwitz - Wikipedia Version.mht196K
[IMG]Auschwitz electric conveyor belt of death - NZ Evening Post.jpg272K
[IMG]Auschwitz - 4million plaque & New one.jpg292K
[IMG]Auschwitz 1941 Map - Note rivers & ponds for watertable (Pressac 1994).png323K
[DOC]The True Story of Snow White in Auschwitz (A+++).doc341K
[IMG]Auschwitz 1 - Map 2.bmp352K
[   ]Auschwitz The Gate To Hell - Judicial-Inc ++++.mht354K
[IMG]Auschwitz Museum... false floor 1.png383K
[IMG]Auschwitz - Containers inside Sauna. After clothes were added and doors closed steam was introduced to kill body-lice.bmp394K
[IMG]Birkenau, Aug 25, 1944, south side, CIA labeled - Further blow up.bmp399K
[IMG]Auschwitz terrified prisoners 5.png440K
[IMG]Auschwitz Kitchens had a Diet Section.png451K
[IMG]Auschwitz terrified prisoners 2.png461K
[IMG]Auschwitz Camp Hospital.png468K
[   ]The Nonexistent Auschwitz Gas Chambers Part 1 - Paul Grubach (A++).mht474K
[IMG]Auschwitz terrified prisoners 1.png478K
[   ]The Nonexistent Auschwitz Gas Chambers Part 2 - Paul Grubach (A++).mht502K
[IMG]Auschwitz terrified prisoners 3.png509K
[IMG]Auschwitz - Sauna where inmates enjoyed hot showers and haircuts and could leave their clothes for steam-cleaning to remove possible typhus-carrying-body-lice.bmp512K
[IMG]Auschwitz Courthouse.png560K
[IMG]Article from Sydney Jewish News 1.png574K
[IMG]Auschwitz terrified prisoners 4.png603K
[   ]Photos - Gas chamber door--Ausch.plaque--Dachau graph--Ausch.water table--Map of Camps(A++).mht604K
[IMG]Article from Sydney Jewish News 2.png634K
[   ]Auschwitz and the holocaust - Judicial-Inc +++++.mht644K
[IMG]Auschwitz - Russian troops liberate seemingly well fed women prisoners, Jan 1945..bmp753K
[IMG]Auschwitz - Ovens.bmp776K
[IMG]Auschwitz - Large heated building had library, storage & part-time brothel.bmp804K
[IMG]Auschwitz - swimming pool - Fire-brigade reservoir sign.bmp934K
[IMG]Hungarian Jews at Auschwitz.bmp1.1M
[   ]Auschwitz - Hot air gassing in compression chambers (gas chambers without cyclon B).mht1.1M
[IMG]Birkenau, Aug 25, 1944, south side, CIA labeled.bmp1.2M
[PDF]Journal Of Historical Review Volume 12 Number 3 - 30 Auschwitz Death Certificates.pdf1.3M
[   ]Auschwitz - Plans and fotos of unfinished gaschambers.mht1.6M
[   ]Auschwitz - Projected short wave delousing in the gas chamber house (Plans).mht6.4M