The Center for Enochian Studies, Volume I, number 5.


Anno 1581. Decembris 22. Mane.
The Morning of December 22nd in the Year 1581.1


      Dee2: After my fervent prayers made to God, for his
      merciful comfort and instructions, through the
    ministry of his holy and mighty Angel3, named
    merciful comfort and instructions, through the
i   ANAEL4 Anael5, (if it were his divine pleasure) I willed,
  the Scryer (named Saul6), to look into my great
  Crystalline Globe, if God had sent his holy Angel
  Anael7, or no:
ii   Dee. And Saul looking into my aforesaid Stone (or Crystal
  Note: An
even at the
the first,
himself as
an Angel of
light13. Take
heed always
of undue
  Globe8 for to espy Anael9, he saw there one, which
answered to that name. But being earnestly requested
of me to tell the Truth if he were Anael11, another
did appear very beautiful: with apparel yellow,
glittering, like gold and his head had beams like
star beams, blazing, and spreading from it, his
eyes fiery.12
    He wrote in the stone very much in Hebrew letters,
  and the letters seethed, all transparent gold.
Which Saul was not able; either presently to read
that I might write after his voice, neither imitate
the letters in short time.
A bright star14, did go up and down by him. There
iii   * Dee.   appeared also a White* dog, with a long head.
appeared a
great number
of dead
men's skulls
And many other visions appeared with this second,
the first being voided quite away.
Thereupon I said, as followeth:

  Dee: In nomine Jesu Christi, quis tu es15?
  In the name of Jesus Christ who art thou?
He answered; to Saul's hearing.

Annael: Potestas omnis, in me sita est.
  All power, is vested in me.

Dee: Quae?
  What powers?

Annael: Bona, et mala.
  Good and bad.

Dee: Then appeared in the stone, these two letters:
I then asking him some questions, de Thesauro
  abscondito17 [about hidden Treasure]; he answered:

Annael: Ne perturbes: nam hac perturbes sunt Nugae.
  Don't confuse thyself: for by these foolish
  questions, thou throwest thyself into disorder.
And withal appeared many dead men's skulls, on his
  left hand. He said to me:

Annael: Ubi est potestas tua?
  Where is your power?

Dee: Cur quaeris de potestate aliqua mea?
  Why do you seek for some object of my power?

Annael: Cur? Signifi, non mihi placet.
  Why? As a Sign, not to please myself.

Dee: I, thereupon, set by him, the stone in the frame
  and said: An bonus aliquis Angelus, assignatus est
huic speculo?
Is another good Angel assigned to this mirror18?

  Annael: Etiam.
  Yes, indeed.

Dee: Quis?

Annael: (Michael) MYKAL19

  he answered, by the show of these letters in my
Dee: Bonus ne ille Angelus, de quo in scripturis
  sit mentio?
  Is that not the Good Angel, of whom mention is made
  in the scriptures20?

Annael: Maxime'.21

Dee: Fieri ne potest, quod ego eundem videam, et
  cum illo agam?
  Might not it become possible, that I might see
  what he does see; and when might I be able to do

Annael: Ita.

  and therewith appeared this character:


Dee: Quid per hoc, significare velis?
    To what significance does this veil allude?

Annael: Alterius Angeli character est.
  It is the mark of another Angel.

Dee: Cur hic; et nunc ostendis?
  And why do you now set this forth?

Annael: Causam ob magnam.
  Because the cause is great.
  Make an end: It shall be declared, but not by me.

Dee: By Whom then?

Annael: By him that is assigned to the stone: but not
  till after the feast22. And then thou must prepare
iv   Prayers and   thyself, to prayer and fasting23. In the Name of
  fastings24. God, be Secret: and in all thy doings: praying,
    till thou hast thy desire: Which shall not be far
    off. After New Year's tide: Deal, But not on the
    Sabbath25 day. Pray continually26. When it shall
    please god27, to stir thee up; Then proceed. In the
    brightest day, When the Sun shineth: In the morning:
    fasting, begin to pray. In the Sun Set the stone.
    Deal both Kneeling, and Sitting. I have done for
    this time.
  My name is ANNAEL.
  I will speak once more to thee; and then fare well;
    for thou shalt not have me any more.

Be not too hasty in wrath28.


  Dee: Is this; that, you meant to speak

  Annael: Ay: Do good to all men; God hath sufficient
    for thee, and for all men.

Fare Well.


  Dee: Gloria patri et filio et spiritui sancto:

Sicut erat in principio, et nunc et semper:


et in saecula saeculorum




Glory to the father and the son and the holy ghost:


As it was in the beginning and, is now


and always shall be even unto the age of ages



Dee: Remember, that diverse other particulars29, might have been noted

of this day's Action: but these may suffice.'. And yet it is not
to be forgotten, that as he said his name was Annael (with a
double n30.) So he also confessed himself to be the same Annael
which is prepositus orbis Veneris31 [set over the sphere of
Venus]; and also: Chief governor General: of this great period,
as I have noted in my book of;
                        Famous And Rich Discoveries32.



Consider and Remember:

That this Note; of the Action (had with holy ANNAEL), is of
Prince Befafes33, (otherwise called Obelison) accounted as the
Prologue of my first book of mystical exercises.
Anno 1582. Novembris 20. Vide post34 [Seen later in this book].





  1. Friday December 22nd MDLXXXI anno domini, vide notes: 2,5,6,8,10,11,12,28,30.

  2. Dee signifies his own name throughout this book with the character of the Greek

capital letter Delta, in form; an upright equilateral triangle.

  3. Rev.I:20,II:7,III:1-6.

  4. Sufficient textual evidence throughout the corpus of Dee's writings demonstrates
that he was practicing a manner of working in accordance with the Heptameron
of Petri de Abano. We append the following passage taken out of this context
as an illustration:
Considerations of Friday.
      The Angel of Friday, his Sigil, his Planet, the Signs governing that Planet,
and the name of the third heaven. The Angels of Friday re: Anael, Rachiel,
Sachiel. The Angels of the Air reigning on Friday are: Sarabotes, King. Ministers.
Amabiel, Aba, Abalidoth, Flaef The wind which said Angels of the Air are under:
The West-wind. Angels of the third heaven, ruling on Friday, which are to be
called from the four parts of the world. At the East: Setechiel, Chedusitaniel,
Corat, Tamael, Teneciel. At the West: Turiel, Coniel, Babiel, Kadie, Maltiel,
Huphaltiel. At the North: Peniel, Penael, Penat, Raphael, Raniel, Doremiel.
At the South: Porna, Sachiel, Chermiel, Samael, Santanael, Famiel. The perfume
of Friday is Pepperwort.
      The Conjuration of Friday.
      I Conjure and confirm upon you, ye strong and holy angels, by the names
+ON+HEY+HEYA+JA+JE+SADAY+ADONAY+, and in the name +SADAY+,
who created four-footed beasts, and creeping things, and man, in the sixth day,
and gave to Adam power over all creatures; wherefore blessed be the name of
the Creator in his place; and by the names of the angels serving in the third host,
before Dagiel, a great angel, and a strong and powerful prince, and by the name
of his star, which is Venus, and by his seal which is holy; and by all the names
aforesaid, I conjure upon thee, Anael, who art chief ruler of this day, that thou
labour for me, and fulfill all my petitions according to my will and desire in
my cause and business.
      The spirits of the Air of Friday are subject to the West-wind; their nature
is to give silver; to excite men, and incline them toward luxery; to make
marriages; to allure men to love women; to cause, or take away infirmities;
and to do all things which have motion.
      Cornelius Agrippa, His Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy. trans. R.Turner
(London, 1655.) pp.101-102. English of Latin from: Francis Barrett, The Magus
(repr. Secaucus,N.J.:Citadel, 1967.) p.125.

  5. cf. Thelema Lodge O.T.O. (Berkeley Ca. Mar.1988 e.v.) with etymological reference
to Neh.III:1; Jer.XXXI:38; Zech.XIV:10; Tob.I-II,X-XI (Particularly I:21; We
shall discuss the angelic mysteries revealed in the book of Tobit in a subsequent
article); I Enoch.VI:8,LXIX:2; Luk.II:36-38.

  6. Appended here is Dee's private diary for the year 1581; as it refers in some detail
to Saul Barnabas, and other circumstances surrounding this event:
      FEBRUARY 9: I agreed with Mr Gentle Godolphin for to release the cozener
[i.e. sneak-thief] Vincent Murphin. Feb. 11: Harry Prise, of Lewsam, came to me
at Mortlake, and told of his dreams often repeated, and upon my prayer to God
this night, his dream was confirmed, and better instruction given. Feb. 12: Sir
William Herbert came to Mortlake. Feb. 23: I made aquaintance with Joannes
Bodinus, in the Chamber of Presence at Westminister, the ambassador being by
from Monsieur. Feb. 26: A very fair calm warm day.
      MARCH 8: It was the eighth day, being Wednesday, hora noctis 10 - 11 [i.e.
ten to eleven o'clock PM] the strange noise in my chamber of knocking; and the
voice, ten times repeated, somewhat like the screech of an owl, but more long
drawn, and more softly, as it were in my chamber. Mar. 12: All reckonings paid
to Mr. Hudson, £11.17s. Mar. 13: Elizabeth Kyrton came to my service. Mar. 23:
at Mortlake came to me Hugh Smith, who had returned from Magellan's Straights
and Vaygatz; after that, rain, stormy wind, south-west. Mar. 25: Helen was hired
at our Lady Day for the year, for four nobles, wages; she had her covenant penny,
and also 6s., 8d. for her pains taken since she came.
      APRIL 3: I ride towards Sneedgreen, to John Brown, to hear and see the
manner of the doings. Apr. 14: I came home from Sneedgreen.
      MAY 25: I had sight in Crystal [Gk. krystallw] offered me, and I saw.
      JUNE 7: hora 7 1/2 mane nata est [i.e. at 7:30 AM the birth occurred of]
Katharina Dee. Jun. 10: baptisata a meridie hor. 5 1/2 Katharina [i.e. she was
baptised at 5:30 AM]. Mr Packington of the court, my Lady Katherine Crofts,
wife to Sir James Crofts, Mr Controller of the Queen's household, Ms Mary
Skydmore of the Privy Chamber, and cousin to the Queen, by their deputies
christened Katherine Dee. Jun. 17: Young Mr Hawkins, who had been with
Sir Francis Drake, came to me to Mortlake. Jun. 30: Mr John Leonard Haller,
of Hallerstein, by Worms in Germany, received his instructions manifold for
his journey to Quinsay, which journey I moved him unto, and instructed him
plentifully for the variation of the compass, observing in all places as he passed.
      JULY 6: My wife churched. Jul. 7: In the morning at 1 3/4 after midnight,
Mr Hind's son born. Jul. 10: My right shoulder and elbow-joint were so
extremely in pain that I was not able in fourteen days to lift my arm outward,
not an inch; the pain was extreme. I used Mr Larder, Mr Alles, and Alice Davies,
and about the twenty-fifth day I mended. Jul. 12: About ten of the clock 1/2
before noon [[Gk. roger 'is inkredible doggednes and ingratefulness agains me
to mi fake, almost redi to lai violent ands on me, mager enrik kan parteli tel. =
Roger's incredible doggedness and ungrantfulness against me to fake, almost
ready to lay violent hands on me, Mr. Henrick can partly tell.] At the same day
the Earl of Leister fell foully out with the Earl of Sussex, calling each other
traitor, whereupon both were commanded to keep their chambers at Greenwich,
where the court was. Jul. 19: Mr Henrick came to London to visit his wife and
children. Jul. 26: Mr Henrick came, and goodman King with him. Jul. 28: Mr
Collins did ride into Lincolnshire.
      AUGUST 3: All the night very strange knocking and rapping in my chamber,
Aug. 4: and this night likewise. Katherine was sent home from Nurse Maspely,
of Barnes, for fear of her maid's sickness, and goodwife Bennet gave her suck.
Aug. 11: Katherine Dee was shifted to nurse Garret at Petersham on Friday,
the next day after St Lawrence's Day, being the eleventh day of the month; my
wife went on foot with her, and Ellen Cole, my maid, George and Benjamin,
in very great showers of rain. Aug. 12: Recepi literas a D. Doctore Andrea Hess
occultae philosophiae studioso, per Richardi Hesketh amici mei, Antwerpiae
agentis, diligentiam in negociis meis, et recepi, una cum literis, Mercurii Mensitam
seu Sigillam Planetarum [i.e. received a letter from Andrew Hess D.D., a man
studied in occult philosophy, by means of my friend Richard Hesketh, my agent
from Antwerp; diligent in his dealings for me, and has received, along with the
letter, the Mensitam, or planetary seal, of Mercury.] Aug. 26: About 8 1/2 (at
night) a strange meteor in the form of a white cloud crossing the galaxiam
[L.=The Milky Way] when it lay north and south over our zeneth; and this
cloud was at length from the south-east to the south-west sharp at both ends,
and in the west end it was forked for awhile: it was about sixth degrees high,
it lasted an hour, all the sky clear about, and fair star-shine.
      SEPTEMBER 5: Roger Cook, who had been with me from his fourteenth year
of age till twenty-eight, of a melancholy nature, picking and devising occassions
of just cause to depart on the sudden, about four of the clock in the afternoon
requested of my license to depart, whereupon rose hot words between us; and he,
imagining with himself that he had the 12th of July deserved my great displeasure
and finding himself barred from view of my philosophical dealing with Mr
Henrick, thought that he was utterly recessed from intended goodness toward
him. Notwithstanding Roger Cook's unseemly dealing, I promised him, if he
used himself toward me now in his absence, one hundred pounds as soon as of my
own clean ability I might spare so much; and moreover, if he used himself well
in life toward God and the world, I promised him some pretty alchemical
experiments, whereupon he might honestly live. Sep. 7: Roger Cook went forth
altogether from me. Sep. 29: Robert Gardner, of Shrewsbury, came to my service.
      OCTOBER 8: I had news of the chests of books found by Owndle in
Northamptonshire; Mr Barnabas Saul told me of them, but I found no truth in it.
Oct. 9: Barnabas Saul, lying in the . . . hall was strangely troubled by a spiritual
creature about midnight. Oct. 13: I rode to South Mimes, Oct. 14: to St Needs,
Oct. 16: at Mr Hickman's, Oct. 20: at Tosseter, Oct. 21: Oxford; Dr Cradock,
Oct. 23: from Oxford to Wyckam. Oct. 24: I came home. Robert Hilton came to
my service.
      NOVEMBER 16: the Queen removed to Whitehall, and Monsieur with her.
Nov. 27: I rode to Greenside. Nov. 28: to goodman Wykham, two miles beyond
Chayly by Lewys. Nov. 29: I made aquintance with Mr George Kylmer for Sir
George's books. Nov. 30 I came home.
      DECEMBER 1: Katherine Dee's nurse was paid 6s., so nothing is owing
to her. Dec. 5: Ellen my maid fell sick. Dec. 7: George my man had the great
fall off the ladder, hora 10 fere mane [i.e. about 10:00 AM]. Dec. 8: I sent a
letter to Mr Kylmer. Dec. 22: My Lord Chancellor's son, Mr Bromley, and Sir
William Herbert came to me. Helen Cole was paid her wages and reckonings
til this Christmas, and so discharged [from] my service, being newly recovered
of her ague. Her desire was to go to her friends.
      Edited from The Private Diary Of Dr. John Dee..., ed. Jas.O.Halliwell (London:
Camden Socy. 1842) pp. 10-13.

  7. cf. Frater Achad (Chas.S.Jones), Crystal Vision (Chicago IL: Yogi Publ. Socy. 1923
e.v.) pp.64-66.

  8. Gk. Xpustallw [chi-rho-upsilon-sigma-tau-alpha-lambda-lambda-omega=2461]
viz.May 25th, 1581 op.cit.The Private Diary...,p.11.

  9. Davidson equates Anael with Haniel, Hanael, Hamiel, Aniel and even Onoel (One
of the 7 Gnostic archons). As one of the 7 angels of creation; a chief of
principalities, virtues, angels and innocents and a prince of archangels, Anael
is attributed to Friday, Venus and rules over the sexual functions among other
      Gustav Davidson, A Dictionary Of Angels (London: Collier-Macmillan Ltd.,

10. illuding (rare) = mocking from L. illudere: to mock at, ridicule.

11. Aggripa assigns Haniel to the planet Venus and her sphere Nogah (nun-ayin-gimel-
heh) under the rule of Jehovah Zebaoth (cf. Thelema, Apr.88) in Netzach (nun-
tzaddi-heh) the third heaven . Also attributed to this angel are the month of
December and sign of Capricorn, thus quite precisely fullfilling the magical
criterion for just such an operation as is here given.

12. 'Familiar shapes of the Spirits of Venus:
      They do appear with a fair body, of middle stature, with an amiable and
pleasant countenance, of colour white or green, the upper part golden. The
motion of them is as if it were a most clear Star.', op.cit. Occult Philosophy

13. ' an Angel of Light ' id est Lucifer = L. lux + fer; lit. light bearing; proper name
of the Morning Star, i.e. Venus; transf. the angel of light. cf. Isa. XIV:12,
Rev.I:12-20, II:7, III:1-6, XXII:1-5.

14. Al.I:3 sub figura CCXX.

15. I John IV:1-3.

16. Gen.III:1-6, 22-24; Rev.II:7, III:1-2.

17. "Dee askes de Thesauro abscondito receives an evasive answer. "This note is
from a fair copy of this text in an unknown hand at the end of Libri Quinti
Appendix, SL. MSS.3188 fol. 123. And is interesting not only because this
question is seemingly reasonable, given note 2. above, but also in light of
the fact that both Dee's future relationship with Edward Talbot and much
of the dealings covered in note 32 depended on the success of his ability to
accertain such information

18. Possibly an obsidian mirror owned by Dee and still extant. Probably also
related to the events of June 17, 1581. Note that by reckoning Dee's first
address, and the speech immediately preceding this cited passage, the sum
of Stones equals two.

19. MYKAL i.e. Michael Hebrew scriptural rendering, Dan.X:13,21. [mem-yod-

20. Dan.X:2-21, XII:1-3; Ad.& Ev.XIII:3-XV, XXI-XXII:2, XXV, XXVIII:3-XXIX,
XIII:2-XIV:1, XXII, XXXVII, XL, XLIII; 1 En.IX, X:11-XI, XX:5,6,
XXIV:6-XXV, XL:9, LIV:6, LX:4-10, LXVIII:5 LXXI:1-13; 2 En.XXII:6-11,
XXXIII:10; III Bar.XI-XVII; Jud.8-9; Rev.XII:7-8.

21. We have given this as 'Certainly' but in context; Extensively, may be a more
accurate rendering.

22. i.e. Christ Mass.

23. A common preparatory instruction of Medieval and Renaissance Grimiores
given as a prerequisite for successfull angelic invocation. Founded in the
theurgistic methods of the Bible: II Sam.XII:16; I Kin.XIX:8; Zech.VIII:19;
Mt.IV:1-11 & Lk.IV:1-13 (vide Ex XXIV:18, XXXIV:28 & Dt.IX:9).

24. Acts XIV:23, I Cor.VII:5

25. Dee gives 'Sabaoth' for Sabbath.

26. I Thes.V:17.

27. sic. God.

28. Ja.I:19.

29. For more detailed information in regards to the specifics of Dee's practice of
angelic magick the interested reader is referred to bibliographic references
given here and in our preceding articles.

30. This confusion over spelling probably derives from the appearance of this name
in the Book of Tobit [I:21]. It is rendered in the Septuagint as GK. Avanl
[alpha-nu-alpha-eta-lambda=90] but was originally written in Hebrew as
HNNAL [heh-nun-nun-aleph-lamed=136].

31. Notat de Agrippo scalarum nonus et decimus.

32. Extant only in MSS. [Cotton Ms. Vit. C. VII] and originally part of an uncompleted
larger work referred to by Dee as the IMPERIUM BRITTANICUM which is
now for the most part lost. An outline; some fragments of text, and commentaries
upon it by other authors [cf. Purchas, Camden] do exist in various published
and MSS. form. It was to contain besides this text; General And Rare Memorials,
a work on the paradoxical compass and sundry speculations on matters historical,
political, and geographical. Extant portions of this book purport to trace the
lineage of the English Monarchy through the antediluvian mythos and compare
the Ophirian Voyages of Solomon [Josephus Antiq: lib.viii cap.6] with the quasi-
historical Arthurian quest for the graal to support British geopolitical claims
and aspirations.
      Substantial scholarly evidence supports the premise that plans now lost with
the logs used by Sir Francis Drake in his exploratory and privateering activities
were based on these materials by Dee. As are the known works of other
Elizabethan Navigators. Dee seemingly associated the reign of Elizabeth to a
venusian current that posited an expansion of the British Dominion through the
favor of the God of Hosts and the intercession of his holy angels.
      It is evident that certain keys to establishing a cabalum linguae anglicae de
enochiana particulari per De Collectanarum Heptarchia Mystica et Liber Scientia
Auxilii Et Victoria Terrestis lies in further research in the materials related to
this book.

33. The Enochian Evocation..., ed. & trans. G.James (Gilette N.J.: Heptangle, 1985) p.21.

34. vide Liber Mysteriorum Quartus [SL.MS.3188 art.4].



Index | Volume I, Number 1 | Volume I, Number 2 | Volume I, Number 3 | Volume I, Number 4 | Volume I, Number 5 | Volume I, Number 6 | Volume I, Number 6b | Volume I, Number 7 | Volume I, Number 8 | Volume I, Number 9 | Volume I, Number 10 | Appendix a | Appendix i | Appendix ii | Appendix iia | Appendix iii | Appendix iv | Appendix v | Special Supplement