In this issue of the Thelema Lodge Calendar we begin a transcription of John Dee's spiritual diaries. Our serialization begins with Elias Ashmole's preface to Doctor Dee's Five Books of Mystery (Doctoris Dee Mysteriorum Libri Quinti), comparing the texts of Slane Manuscripts 3188 and 3677. Though this particular passage is already avaiable in several modern editions, we include it here as a general introduction, and in order to preserve the continuity of our project.
In preparing this text we have expanded most abbreviations, noting the first instance of each. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation have been left intact. References to manuscripts in the Sloane collection are designated "SL," with all textual variations noted. Ashmole's annotation is given in the left hand column, with our commentary upon his notes following. Our own editorial annotation is placed opposite, on the right hand, and standard abbreviation has been used. Textual variations are noted all together, following the text.
It is our intention over the course of time to provide a completely standardized edition of the magical manuscripts of John De, that serious practitioners and interested students of Enochian Magick may have a reliable guide in their work.
1. | Be it remembered, That the 20th: of August | ||||||
2. | 1672. I received by the hands of my Servant | ||||||
3. | Samuell Story, a parcell of Doctor Dee's | ||||||
4. | Manuscripts, all written with his owne hand; | ||||||
5. | vizt:1 his Conference with Angells, which first | 1. 2. |
L. abbr. 'videlicet' namely L. = in the year |
6. | began the 22d: of December anno2 1581. And | ||||||
7. | continued to the end of May anno 1583, where the | ||||||
8. | printed Booke of the remaining Conferences | 3. 4. |
Meric Casaubon, ed., A True & Faithful Relation (London: 1659) the volume now catalogued as Sl. 3188 |
9. | (published by Doctor Cawsabon3) begins, and are | ||||||
10. | bound up in this Volume.4 | ||||||
11. | Beside these, the Booke intituled, the 48 | ||||||
12. | Claves Angelicae5, also Liber Scientia | 5. 6. |
L. = The Forty-Eight Angelic Keys L. = The Book of Earthly Science: Aid and Victory |
13. | Terrestris -- Auxilij et Victoria6 (These two | ||||||
14. | being those very individuall Bookes, which the | ||||||
i. 10 Aprila
1586 ii. 30. April 1586 |
15. | Angells commanded to bei burnt, and were afterii | |||||
16. | restored by them as appeares by the printed | ||||||
a. 'April abbr. 'Apr:' Sl.3188; abbr. 'Ap:' Sl. 3677. |
17. | Relation of Doctor Dee's Actions with Spirits7 | 7. | Casaubon. op. cit. | |||
18. | pages 418. & 419.) The Booke intituled De | ||||||
19. | Heptarchia Mystica -- Collectaneorum Liber | 8. 9. 10. 11. |
L. = A Collection con- cerning the Mystic Seven-fold Doctrine: First Book: cf Turner, ed., The Heptarchia Mystica (1986) cf. James, ed., The Enochian Evocation (1984) the volume now catalogued as Sl. 3191 i.e. days |
20. | primus,8 and a Booke of Invocations or Calls, | ||||||
21. | beginning with the Squares filled with Letters, | ||||||
iii. of both which there are Trans- cripteb made with my owne hand E.A.c |
22. | about the Black Cross. These foure Bookes9 I | |||||
23. | have bound up in anotheriii volume.10 | ||||||
24. | All which, were a few daies11 before | ||||||
25. | delivered to my said Servant, for my perusall (I | ||||||
b. catalogued as Sl. 3678. c. this note given in Sl. 3677 only. |
26. | being then at Mr: William Lillies house at | |||||
27. | Hersham in Surrey) by my good friend Mr: Thomas | ||||||
28. | Wale, one of him Majesties Warders in the Tower | ||||||
29. | of London. | ||||||
30. | The 5th: of September following Mr: Wale | ||||||
31. | (having heard of my retourne to Towne) came to my | ||||||
32. | Office in the Excise Office in Broadstreete, and | ||||||
33. | told me he was content to exchange all the | ||||||
34. | aforesaid Books, for one of myne, vizt: The | ||||||
35. | Institution Lawes & Ceremonies of the most Noble | ||||||
36. | Order of the Garter,12 to this I agreed, and | 12. | published London: 1672 |
37. | provided one, which I sent him fairely bound, and | ||||||
38. | gilt on the Back. | ||||||
iv. As a further tes- timony of the sense of Mr: Wales kindnes; shortly after his death, I sent for his Son, and bestowed on him one of my deputies places in the Excise, withd an allowance of 80: L pere Annum.f |
39. | On the 10th: of the said September Mr: Waleiv | |||||
40. | came thither to me againe, and brought his wife | ||||||
41. | with him, from her I received the following | ||||||
42. | account of the preservation of these Bookes, even | ||||||
43. | till they came to my hands, vzit: That her former | ||||||
44. | Husband was one Mr: Jones a Confectioner, who | ||||||
45. | formerly Dwelt at the Plow in Lumbardstreet | ||||||
46. | London, and who, shortly after they were married, | ||||||
d. 'with'] abbr. 'wth' both MSS. e. 'per'] abbr. ;p' both MSS. f. L. = each year. |
47. | tooke her with him into Adle Streete among the | |||||
48. | Joyners,13 to buy soem Houshold stuff, where | 13. | i.e. furniture
crafts- men: lit. joiners of wood |
49. | (at the Corner house) they saw a Chest of Cedar | ||||||
50. | wood about a yard and an halfe long, whose Lock | ||||||
51. | and Hinges, being of extraordinary neate worke, | ||||||
52. | invited them to buy it. The Master of the shop | ||||||
53. | told them it had been parcell of the Goods of one | ||||||
54. | Mr: John Woodall Chirurgeon14 (father to Mr: | 14. | i.e. surgeon | ||||
55. | Thomas Woodall late Serjant Chirurgeon to his now | ||||||
56. | Majestie King Charles the Second (my intimate | ||||||
57. | friend) and tis very probable he bought it after | ||||||
58. | Doctor Dee's death, when his goods were exposed | ||||||
59. | to Sales. | ||||||
60. | Twenty yeares after this (and about 4 yeares | ||||||
61. | before the fatall Fire of London) she and her | ||||||
62. | good husband occasionally removing this Chest out | ||||||
63. | of its usuall place, thought they heard some | ||||||
64. | loose thing ratle in it, toward the right hand | ||||||
65. | end, under the Box or Till thereof, and by | ||||||
66. | shaking it, were fully satisfied it was so: | ||||||
67. | Hereupon her Husband thrust a peece of Iron into | ||||||
68. | a small Crevice at the bottome of the Chest, and | ||||||
69. | thereupon appeared a private drawer, which being | ||||||
70. | drawne out, therein were found divers Bookes in | ||||||
71. | Manuscrpt, and Papers, together with a litle | ||||||
72. | Box, and therein a Chaplet of Olive Beades, and a | ||||||
73. | Cross of the same wood, hanging at the end of | ||||||
74. | them. | ||||||
75. | They made no great matter of these Bookes, | ||||||
76. | etc. because they understood them not; which | ||||||
77. | occasioned their Servant Maide to wast about one | ||||||
78. | halfe of them under Pyes, and other like uses, | ||||||
79. | which when discovered, they kept the rest more | ||||||
80. | safe. | ||||||
81. | About two yeares after the discovery of these | ||||||
82. | Bookes, Mr. Jones died; and when the fire of | ||||||
83. | London hapned, thought the Chest perished in the | ||||||
84. | Flames, because not easily to be removed, yet the | ||||||
85. | Bookes were taken out and carried with the rest | ||||||
86. | of Mrs: Jones her goods into Moorefields, and | ||||||
87. | being brought safely back, she took care to | ||||||
88. | preserve them; and after marrying with the | ||||||
89. | aforesaid Mr: Wale, he came to the knowledge of | ||||||
90. | them, and there upon, with her concent, sent them | ||||||
91. | to me, as I have before set downe. | ||||||
E.Ashmole/ |
Textual Variants
2. | 'by' Sl. 3188 ] var. 'from' Sl. 3677. | 31. | '5th: ] abbr. '5t:' Sl. 3188: 'fift' Sl. 3677. | |||
3. | 'Doctor' ] abbr. 'Dr.:' both MSS. | 31. | 'September' ] abbr. 'Sept:' both MSS. | |||
5. | 'which' ] abbr. 'wch' both MSS. | 39. | 'said' Sl. 3677 ] abbr. 's:d' Sl. 3188. | |||
6. | '22d:' Sl. 3677 ] var. '22th' Sl. 3188. | 45. | 'Lumbardstreet' Sl. 3188 ] | |||
6. | 'December' ] abbr. 'Dec:' Sl. 3188; | var. 'Lumbardstreete' Sl. 3677. | ||||
abbr. 'Decemb:' Sl. 3677 | 47. | 'Adle Streete' SL. 3188 ] | ||||
6. | 'anno' ] abbr. 'ano:' both MSS. | Adel=Streete' SL. 3677. | ||||
6. | 'and' ] abbr. &' both MSS. | 50. | 'Yard and a halfe' Sl. 3677 ] | |||
11. | 'intituled' Sl. 3188 ] | var. 'yard and halfe' Sl. 3188. | ||||
cap. var. 'Intituled' Sl. 3677; | 51. | 'Hinges' Sl. 31888 ] | ||||
an interesting var. considering | var. "hindges' Sl. 3188. | |||||
E.A.'s interest in "Titles," | 55. | 'Thomas' Sl. 3677 ] abbr. 'Tho:' Sl. 3188. | ||||
cf. his Noble Order of the Garter (1672) | 56. | 'Second' Sl. 3677 ] abbr. '2d:' Sl. 3188. | ||||
13. | 'et' ] abbr. '&' both MSS. | 59. | 'Sales' Sl. 3188 ] var. 'sales' Sl. 3677. | |||
18. | 'pages'] abbr. 'pag:' both MSS. | 61. | 'She and her good husband' ] abbr. 'she & | |||
19. | 'Liber' ] abbr. Lib: both MSS. | her gd husband' Sl. 3188; var. 'her | ||||
22. | 'filled' Sl. 3188 ] var. 'filed' Sl. 3677. | husband & she' Sl. 3677. | ||||
23. | 'foure' Sl. 3677 ] abbr. '4' Sl. 3188. | 67. | 'peece' Sl. 3188 ] var. 'piece' Sl. 3677. | |||
28. | 'Surrey' Sl. 3188 ] var. 'Surry' Sl. 3677. | 76. | 'etc.' ] abbr. '&c:' both MSS. | |||
29. | 'Majesties' ] abbr. 'Ma:ties' both MSS. | 83. | 'aforesaid' Sl. 3677 ] abbr. 'foes d' Sl. 3188. |
Further biographical information regarding Elias Ashmole, the various persons and events mentioned above, and the circumstances of his interest in John Dee, may be found in C. H. Josten's five volume work noted below. These bibliographic references are by no means exhaustive, and are concerned only with the specific content of the previous document.
Sloane MS. 3188. Dr. Dee's Mysteriorum Libri V; five books and an appendix containing his earliest extant experiments in what was to become the system of Enochian Magick.
Sloane MS. 3191. The four books refered to in paragraph two of Ashmole's preface, being Dee's grimoire and instruction manual for the practice of Enochian Magick.
Sloane MS. 3677. Ashmole's transcription of the material designated above as Sl. 3188.
Sloane MS 3678. Ashmole's transcripton of Sl. 3191.
(Note that all manuscripts in the Sloane collection are held in the British Library.)
Published Works:
Elias Ashmole. The Institution Laws & Ceremonies of the most Noble Order of the Garter (London: 1672; fascimile reprinted Baltimore: Genealogical Publ. 1971).
Meric Casaubon, D. D., A True & Faithful Relation of What Passed for many Yeers Between Dr. John Dee ... and some spirits (London: 1659; facsimile reprinted Glasgow: Antonine Publ., 1974).
Geoffrey James, ed. & trans., The Enochian Evocation of Dr. John Dee (Gillette, NJ: Heptangle Books, 1984). Contains a translation of Sl. 3191, as well as extracts from Ashmole's preface, pp. 192-3.
C. H. Josten, ed., Elias Ashmole (1617-1692): His Autobiographical and Historical Notes, His Correspondence, and Other Contemporary Sources Relating to his Life and Work, 5 vols. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1966). A wealth of interesting and useful information; pp. 1265-7 contain a version of Ashmole's preface.
Robert Turner, ed., The Heptarchia Mystica of John Dee (Wellingborough, Northamptonshire: Aquarian Press, 1986). Contains the text and translation of the book refered to in note 8, as well as extracts from Sl. 3188 and a version of Ashmole's preface (pp. 18-19).
We would like to thank the following individuals in particular for making this project possible. First, Ms. Christina Daves, for her support and for her time and effort in researching the life and works of Elias Ashmole. Also, Brother Bill Heidrick, for the use of his microfilm copies of the manuscript materials for transcription. And Brothers Equus and Vandemere, for inspiration and encouragement in the work. Lastly, the fellows of the Center for Enochian Studies at Thelema Lodge: Brothers Leoviridis, Adam Weishaupt, and Nick Guliaeff, for the work involved in preparing the text.
Interested persons may obtain an unbound photocopy reproduction of the
manuscript versions of this text, and pertinent ancillary materials from the
CENTER FOR ENOCHIAN STUDIES at Thelema Lodge, for the sum of $3. (Please
make checks payable to "cash.")
{Note to web edition: this offer is no longer in effect. Here for
historical reasons only.}
Next month, John Dee's own introduction to his spiritual diaries.