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s_eval method (RExec object) 
s_exec method (RExec object) 
s_execfile method (RExec object) 
S_IFMT function (stat module) 
S_IMODE function (stat module) 
s_import method (RExec object) 
S_ISBLK function (stat module) 
S_ISCHR function (stat module) 
S_ISDIR function (stat module) 
S_ISFIFO function (stat module) 
S_ISLNK function (stat module) 
S_ISREG function (stat module) 
S_ISSOCK function (stat module) 
s_reload method (RExec object) 
s_unload method (RExec object) 
sandbox environment, restricted execution 
sapdbapi module 
Saturday attribute (mx.DateTime module) 
save_bgn method (HTMLParser object) 
save_end method (HTMLParser object) 
savespace method (array object) 
SAX (Simple API for XML)
    parsing XHTML 
    parsing XML  2nd  [See also xml.sax package]
SAXException class (xml.sax package) 
saxutils module 
    escape function 
    quoteattr function 
    XMLGenerator class 
Scale class (Tkinter module) 
    get method 
    set method 
sched module 
    event scheduler function 
scheduler class 
    cancel method 
    empty method 
    enter method 
    enterabs method 
    run method 
scheduler function (sched module) 
SciTE program 
scripts  2nd  [See also server-side scripting][See also server-side scripting]
        performance characteristics 
        Python, installing 
    GUI, running standalone 
scripts argument (distutils setup function) 
Scrollbar class (Tkinter module) 
SCXX library 
search method
    regular expression object  2nd 
    Text object 
searchsorted function (Numeric module) 
second attribute
    DateTime class 
    DateTimeDelta class 
seconds attribute (DateTimeDelta class) 
Secret Labs, Python IDE offered by 
    cookies and 
    cryptographic-quality pseudo-random numbers 
    denial-of-service attacks 
    eval function 
    isolating untrusted code 
    pickle/cPickle modules 
see method (Text object) 
seed method (Random object) 
seek method
    file object 
    mmap object 
select function (select module) 
select method
    Checkbutton object 
    Radiobutton object 
select module 
    select function 
select_clear method (Listbox object) 
select_set method (Listbox object) 
self parameter  2nd 
Semaphore class (threading module)  2nd  3rd 
    acquire method 
    release method 
semicolon (;)
    statement separators 
    Windows directory paths 
send method (socket object) 
send_error method (HTTPServer object) 
send_header method (HTTPServer object) 
send_response method (HTTPServer object) 
sendall method (socket object) 
sendcmd method (FTP object) 
sendmail method (SMTP object) 
sendto method (socket object) 
sep attribute (os module) 
September attribute (mx.DateTime module) 
sequence repetition 
    immutable, strings as 
    indexing, error 
    inserting items 
    items in arithmetic progression 
        operations on 
    operations on 
    reducing to single value 
    special methods for 
        operations on 
        raw strings 
        Unicode strings 
        operations on 
serialization  2nd 
    marshal module 
    pickle/cPickle modules 
        customization with copy_reg module 
    shelve module 
serve_forever method (server object) 
server method (BaseRequestHandler object) 
server object, serve_forever method 
server-side scripting 
    custom Python servers 
ServerProxy class 
    listMethods method 
    methodHelp method 
    methodSignature method 
    xmlrpclib module 
        FastCGI for 
        installing Python CGI scripts 
        PyApache/mod_python for 
    custom Python 
        sockets and 
    Microsoft web, installing Python CGI scripts on 
    TCP echo 
    UDP echo 
    web, subclassing BaseHTTPServer 
        installing Python CGI scripts on 
        LRWP for 
servlets, Jython 
set method
    Event object 
    Morsel object 
    PythonInterpreter object 
    Scale object 
set_boundary method (Message object) 
set_completer function (readline module) 
set_debug function (gc module) 
set_debuglevel method (POP3 object) 
set_history_length function (readline module) 
set_location function (bsddb module) 
set_pasv method (FTP object) 
set_payload method (Message object) 
set_proxy method (Request object) 
set_terminator method (async_chat object) 
set_threshold function (gc module) 
set_timeout method (TimeoutSocket object) 
set_unixfrom method (Message object) 
setattr function (built-in) 
__setattr__ special method  2nd 
setAttribute method (Element object) 
setDaemon method (Thread object) 
setdefault method (dictionary object) 
setdefaultencoding function (sys module) 
setDefaultSocketTimeout function (timeoutsocket module) 
setfirstweekday function (calendar module) 
setitem method (operator module) 
__setitem__ special method 
setlocale function (locale module) 
setName method (Thread object) 
setprofile function (sys module) 
setrecursionlimit function (sys module)  2nd 
sets, special methods for 
setslice method (operator module) 
setstate method (Random object) 
settrace function (sys module) 
setup function (distutils module) 
setUp method (TestCase object) 
setup.cfg file 
setup.py script 
SGML (Standard General Markup Language) 
sgmllib module 
    close method 
    do_tag method 
    end_tag method 
    feed method 
    handle_charref method 
    handle_comment method 
    handle_data method 
    handle_endtag method 
    handle_entityref method 
    handle_starttag method 
    report_unbalanced method 
    SGMLParser class 
    start_tag method 
    unknown_charref method 
    unknown_endtag method 
    unknown_entityref method 
    unknown_starttag method 
SGMLParser class
    HTMLParser class, compared to 
    sgmllib module 
shape attribute (Numeric module) 
shape function (Numeric module) 
shape method (array object) 
Sharp Zaurus, installing Python 
shelve module 
showwarning function (warnings module) 
shuffle method (Random object) 
shutil module 
    copy function 
    copy2 function 
    copyfile function 
    copyfileobj function 
    copymode function 
    copystat function 
    copytree function 
    rmtree function 
SIGs (Special Interest Groups) 
Simple API for XML  [See SAX]
Simple Mail Transport Protocol  [See SMTP]
simple statements 
SimpleCookie class (Cookie module) 
    is_output method 
    load method 
    output method 
SimpleHTTPServer module  2nd 
SimpleXMLRPCServer class 
    register_function method 
    register_instance method 
SimpleXMLRPCServer module  2nd 
Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG) 
sin function
    cmath module 
    math module 
single quote (') 
sinh function
    cmath module 
    math module 
site customization 
site module 
site.py file 
sitecustomize module  2nd 
size function (Numeric module) 
size method
    FTP object 
    mmap object 
sleep function (time module) 
slice function (built-in) 
slice object 
    array object 
__slots__ attribute 
SmartCookie class (Cookie module) 
    is_output method 
    load method 
    output method 
SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) 
    twisted.protocols package 
SMTP class 
    connect method 
    login method 
    quit method 
    sendmail method 
smtplib module  2nd 
.so files 
socket class 
    accept method 
    bind method 
    close method 
    connect method  2nd 
    getpeername method 
    listen method 
    makefile method 
    recv method 
    recvfrom method 
    send method 
    sendall method 
    sendto method 
socket function (socket module) 
socket module 
    getfqdn function 
    gethostbyaddr function 
    gethostbyname_ex function 
    htonl/htons functions  2nd 
    inet_aton function 
    inet_ntoa function 
    socket class 
    socket function 
sockets  2nd  [See also socket module][See also socket module]
    event-driven programs 
        asynchat module 
        asyncore module 
        select module 
        Twisted package 
    HTTP servers 
        BaseHTTPServer module 
        GCIHTTPServer module 
        SimpleHTTPServer module 
        SimpleXMLRPCServer module 
    TCP echo servers 
    timeoutsocket module 
    UDP echo servers 
SocketServer module 
    BaseRequestHandler class 
softspace attribute (file object) 
Solaris, Python IDEs 
Sony PlayStation 2, installing Python 
sort function (Numeric module) 
sort method (list object) 
sort_stats method (Stats object) 
source code
    building with Visual C++ 
        for debugging 
    installing from 
        on Macintosh 
        on Unix 
        on Windows 
    latest version 
    resources for further information 
source files  [See also modules][See also modules]2nd 
    as modules 
    Python modules in distribution utilities 
Source Navigator (Red Hat) 
spacesaver method (array object) 
span method (match object) 
spawnv/spawnve functions (os module) 
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) 
special methods 
    for containers 
    __delattr__  2nd 
    general purpose 
    __getattribute__  2nd  3rd 
    __hash__  2nd 
    __init__  2nd  3rd 
    __new__  2nd  3rd 
    for numeric objects 
    __setattr__  2nd 
    __str__  2nd 
specified attribute (Attr object) 
split function (os.path module) 
split method
    regular expression object 
    string object 
splitdrive function (os.path module) 
splitext function (os.path module) 
splitlines method (string object) 
    Cheetah and 
SQL (Structured Query Language) 
    executing SQL statements 
sqrt function
    cmath module 
    math module 
square brackets ([])
    item indexes 
    line continuation 
    list creation 
    plain assignment statements 
    python command-line syntax 
    regular expressions  2nd 
ST_ATIME attribute (stat module) 
ST_CTIME attribute (stat module) 
ST_DEV attribute (stat module) 
ST_GID attribute (stat module) 
ST_INO attribute (stat module) 
ST_MODE attribute (stat module) 
ST_MTIME attribute (stat module) 
ST_NLINK attribute (stat module) 
ST_SIZE attribute (stat module) 
ST_UID attribute (stat module) 
stack function (inspect module) 
standard error 
Standard General Markup Language (SGML) 
standard input 
standard output 
    writing prompt to 
StandardError exception 
start method
    match object 
    Thread object 
start_tag method
    HTMLParser object 
    sgmllib module 
startDocument method, ContentHandler object 
startElement method, ContentHandler object 
startElementNS method, ContentHandler object 
startswith method (string object) 
stat function (os module) 
stat method
    NNTP object 
    POP3 object 
stat module
state method (Toplevel object) 
    assigning values to variables  [See assignment statements]
    SQL, executing 
static methods 
staticmethod type (built-in)  2nd  3rd 
Stats class 
    add method 
    print_callees method 
    print_callers method 
    print_stats method 
    sort_stats method 
    strip_dirs method 
status method (HTTPResponse object) 
stderr attribute (sys module)  2nd 
stdin attribute (sys module)  2nd 
stdout attribute (sys module) 
step command (pdb module) 
stop method (reactor object) 
StopIteration exception 
storbinary method (FTP object) 
storlines method (FTP object) 
__str__ special method  2nd 
str type (built-in)  2nd  3rd 
    date/time string conversions 
    locale module 
strcoll function (locale module) 
strerror attribute (os module) 
strftime function (time module) 
    fine-grained string formatting 
strftime method
    DateTime class 
    DateTimeDelta class 
string attribute (match object) 
string module 
    ascii_letters attribute 
    ascii_lowercase attribute 
    ascii_uppercase attribute 
    digits attribute 
    hexdigits attribute 
    letters attribute 
    locale sensitivity  [See locale module]
    lowercase attribute 
    maketrans function 
    octdigits attribute 
    printable attribute 
    punctuation attribute 
    uppercase attribute 
    whitespace attribute 
string object
    capitalize method 
    center method 
    count method 
    encode method 
    endswith method 
    expandtabs method 
    find method 
    index method 
    isalnum method 
    isalpha method 
    isdigit method 
    islower method 
    isspace method 
    istitle method 
    isupper method 
    join method 
    ljust method 
    lower method 
    lstrip method 
    methods of 
    replace method 
    rfind method 
    rindex method 
    rjust method 
    rstrip method 
    split method 
    splitlines method 
    startswith method 
    strip method 
    swapcase method 
    title method 
    translate method 
    upper method 
StringIO module 
    case sensitivity 
        date/time types 
        to floating-point numbers 
        to Unicode 
    denoting current directory 
    escape sequences, table of 
        common idioms 
        conversion characters 
        format specifier syntax 
    hexadecimal, converting integers 
    as immutable sequences 
    line termination 
    mmap object and 
    occurrences of, returning 
    octal, converting integers to 
    optimizing operations on 
    raw strings 
    sequence operations on 
    sorting, internationalization and 
    Unicode strings 
    Unicode, Tkinter and 
    whitespace in 
strip method (string object) 
strip_dirs method (Stats object) 
strptime function (time module) 
struct module 
    calcsize function  2nd 
    format characters 
    pack function 
Structured Query Language  [See SQL]
strxfrm function (locale module) 
sub method
    operator module 
    regular expression object 
__sub__ special method 
subclass relationships 
subn method (regular expression object) 
Sunday attribute (mx.DateTime module) 
super type (built-in)  2nd 
superclass methods, delegating to 
SUSE, installing Python 
swapaxes function (Numeric module) 
swapcase method (string object) 
SWIG (Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator) 
SynEdit program 
SyntaxError exception 
SyntaxWarning exception 
sys module
    _getframe function 
    argv attribute 
    displayhook function 
    exc_info function  2nd 
    excepthook function  2nd 
    exit function  2nd 
    getdefaultencoding function 
    _getframe function 
    getrecursionlimit function 
    getrefcount function  2nd 
    maxint attribute 
    module loading 
    modules attribute  2nd 
        __import__ function and 
    path attribute  2nd 
    platform attribute 
    ps1, ps2 attribute 
    setdefaultencoding function 
    setprofile function 
    setrecursionlimit function  2nd 
    settrace function 
    stderr attribute  2nd 
    stdin attribute  2nd 
    stdout attribute 
    tracebacklimit attribute 
    version attribute 
sys.excepthook file 
sys.stderr file 
system function (os module) 
    running other programs 
system testing 
SystemError exception 
SystemExit exception  2nd 

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