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r_add_module method (RExec object) 
r_eval method (RExec object) 
r_exec method (RExec object) 
r_execfile method (RExec object) 
r_import method (RExec object) 
r_open method (RExec object) 
r_reload method (RExec object) 
r_unload method (RExec object) 
__radd__ special method 
Radiobutton class (Tkinter module) 
    deselect method 
    flash method 
    invoke method 
    select method 
raise statement 
__rand__ special method 
Random class 
    choice method 
    getstate method 
    jumpahead method 
    random method 
    randrange method 
    seed method 
    setstate method 
    shuffle method 
    uniform method 
random method (Random object) 
random module  2nd 
RandomArray module 
randrange method (Random object) 
range function (built-in)  2nd 
rank function (Numeric module) 
ravel function (Numeric module) 
raw strings 
raw_input function (built-in)  2nd 
RDBMS (relational database management system) 
RDF (Resource Description Framework) 
__rdiv__ special method 
__rdivmod__ special method 
re attribute (match object) 
re module  2nd 
    compile function  2nd 
        flags argument 
    DOTALL attribute 
    escape function 
    IGNORECASE attribute 
    LOCALE attribute 
    MULTILINE attribute 
    UNICODE attribute 
    VERBOSE attribute 
reactor object
    callLater method 
    cancelCallLater method 
    listenTCP method 
    run method 
    stop method 
read function
    os module 
    ZipFile class 
read method
    file object 
    HTTPResponse object 
    mmap object 
    URL file-like object 
read-only file mode 
read_all method (Telnet object) 
read_byte method (mmap object) 
read_eager method (Telnet object) 
read_history_file function (readline module) 
read_init_file function (readline module) 
read_some method (Telnet object) 
read_until method (Telnet object) 
readline method
    file object 
    mmap object 
    URL file-like object 
readline module 
    get_history_length function 
    parse_and_bind function 
    read_history_file function 
    read_init_file function 
    set_completer function 
    set_history_length function 
    write_history_file function 
ReadLine package for Windows 
readlines method
    file object 
    URL file-like object 
real method (array object) 
reason method (HTTPResponse object) 
rebinding, references 
RecursionLimitExceeded exception 
recv method (socket object) 
recvfrom method (socket object) 
RedHat Package Manager (RPM) 
reduce attribute (ufunc object) 
reduce function (built-in) 
reduceat attribute (ufunc object) 
ref function (weakref module) 
references  2nd  [See also attributes variables][See also attributes variables]
    accessing nonexistent 
    assignment statements 
    binding  2nd 
    failure of 
    rebinding  2nd 
    reference counting, C-coded extension modules 
    reference loops 
    unbinding  2nd 
refresh method (Window object) 
register function (atexit module) 
register_function method
    SimpleXMLRPCServer object 
register_instance method
    SimpleXMLRPCServer object 
regular expression object 
    findall method 
    match method  2nd 
    search method  2nd 
    split method 
    sub method 
    subn method 
regular expressions 
    anchoring at string start/end 
    common idioms 
    match object 
    matching vs. searching 
    optional flags 
    pattern-string syntax 
    re module 
    sets of characters 
relational database management system (RDBMS) 
RelativeDateTime type 
release method
    Condition class 
    lock object 
    Semaphore object 
reload function (built-in)  2nd 
Remote Procedure Call (RPCs) 
remove function (os module) 
remove method (list object) 
removeAttribute method (Element object) 
removeChild method (Node object) 
removedirs function (os module) 
rename method (FTP object) 
rename/renames functions (os module) 
repeat function (Numeric module) 
repeat method (operator module) 
replace method (string object) 
replaceChild method (Node object) 
report_unbalanced method (sgmllib module) 
Repr class (repr module) 
repr function
        alternative to 
    repr module 
__repr__ method (object type) 
repr module 
    Repr class 
    repr function 
__repr__ special method 
Request class 
    add_data method 
    add_header method 
    get_data method 
    get_full_url method 
    get_host method 
    get_selector method 
    get_type method 
    has_data method 
    set_proxy method 
request method
    BaseRequestHandler object 
    HTTPConnection object 
reset method (XMLReader object) 
resetlocale function (locale module) 
resetwarnings function (warnings module) 
reshape function (Numeric module) 
resizable method (Toplevel object) 
resize function (Numeric module) 
resize method (mmap object) 
Resource Description Framework (RDF) 
    extension modules 
    Python Cookbook 
    Python Journal 
    Python on Windows 
    Python source code 
restricted execution 
    exec statement and 
    rexec module 
    sandbox environment 
retr method (POP3 object) 
retrbinary method (FTP object) 
retrlines method (FTP object) 
return command (pdb module) 
return statement 
reverse method (list object) 
RExec class 
    nok_builtin_names attributes 
    ok_builtin_modules attributes 
    ok_path attributes 
    ok_posix attributes 
    ok_sys_names attributes 
    r_add_module method 
    r_eval method 
    r_exec method 
    r_execfile method 
    r_import method 
    r_open method 
    r_reload method 
    r_unload method 
    s_eval method 
    s_exec method 
    s_execfile method 
    s_import method 
    s_reload method 
    s_unload method 
rexec module 
rfc822 module, Message class 
rfile method (HTTPServer object) 
rfind method (string object) 
richer-text input/output 
    console I/O 
        Console module 
        curses package 
        msvcrt module 
        WConio module 
    readline module 
rindex method (string object) 
RISC OS, installing Python 
rjust method (string object) 
rlcompleter module 
RLock class (threading module)  2nd 
__rlshift__ special method 
rmd method (FTP object) 
rmdir function (os module) 
__rmod__ special method 
rmtree function (shutil module) 
__rmul__ special method 
rnopen function (bsddb module) 
rollback method (Connection object) 
__ror__ special method 
round function (built-in) 
rowcount attribute (Cursor object) 
RPCs (Remote Procedure Calls) 
RPM (RedHat Package Manager) 
    installing Python from binaries 
__rpow__ special method 
__rrshift__ special method 
rshift method (operator module) 
__rshift__ special method 
rstrip method (string object) 
__rsub__ special method 
run function, profile module 
run method
    reactor object 
    scheduler object 
    Thread object 
runtime_library_dirs argument (distutils Extension class) 
RuntimeWarning class 
__rxor__ special method 

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