Background: Cranberries can be consumed whole or made into food products such as jellies and juices.
Medicinal Claims: Consuming cranberries whole or as juices helps prevent urinary tract infections and relieve their symptoms. The effectiveness of cranberries in preventing urinary tract infections has been documented. In one study, researchers identified one way that cranberries may prevent infections: Natural unprocessed cranberry juice contains anthocyanidins, which prevent Escherichia coli, the bacteria that usually cause urinary tract infections, from attaching to the urinary tract wall.
Some people use cranberry juice to reduce fever and treat certain cancers; however, there is no scientific proof that it is effective for these uses.
Possible Side Effects: No side effects are known. However, because most cranberry juice is highly sweetened to offset its tart taste, people with diabetes should not consume cranberry juice unless it is unsweetened.