"I have found this in my clinic to be a classic female hormonal balancing formula. It is not only the absolute cure for PMS, it's the absolute cure for menopause. "
SCHULZE: It's the female balancing hormone formula that will help a woman's hormones balance more correctly and be able to get pregnant. But it really balances all female problems.
The only exception would be for menstrual problems; there is another formula you use for when you are actually having abdominal cramping and spasms. We'll go into it later.
This is one of the few formulas that I've used that we might call international; in other words, I'm taking the top Asian herb, the top European herb, and the top herb from the Americas.
BISER: What do women take per day?
SCHULZE: The dosage of this formula is 30 drops three times a day to start, which is one dropperful three times a day. Then, if you are not getting the results you want, you go up to two or three and then finally four dropperfuls three times a day.
However, two dropperfuls three times a day has stopped the symptoms of menopause in 98% of my patients in the clinic.
I'm talking about the falling out of the hair, I'm talking about the agitation of the emotions, I'm talking about the osteoporosis problems, and I'm especially talking about the dry vagina and the other symptoms of menopause and PMS.
All the symptoms of menopause that women get is because of the lack of estrogen. Now, a lot of times, it isn't because their ovaries have quit. Ovaries just don't quit. They slow down, but the communication is bad. The circulation is bad. And this formula works wonders.
BISER: You told me that in some cases you have to up the dosage. What did you take it to?
SCHULZE: I started women out on one dropperful three times a day and that was enough to bring their period back and reverse the affects of a pharmaceutical hormone shot. It brought the period back, but they still weren't fertile. So I put them on the two dropperfuls three times a day, and the next thing you know, the woman was pregnant.
BISER: What is the most you have gone to on that?
SCHULZE: Three dropperfuls three to four times a day in extreme cases - and this is usually after surgical sterility, like hysterectomy where the ovaries have been removed or one ovary is gone.
And even if the doctor says that both of your ovaries are gone, don't always believe it. I have read so many pathology reports that contradict themselves. I mean, many times what the doctors write and what pathologists write contradict each other. You don't know what you've got. So take these herbs.
I should also mention here that most menopausal women came to my clinic-and they were on Premarin, which is an estrogen source. They were also on Provera, which is a progesterone source. Estrogen is a very dangerous chemical to take.
A lot of women don't know it, but Premarin is made from horse urine. It used to be made from plant source, but they got too expensive. The manufacturer of this estrogen tablet is locking horses in stalls all over Canada and the United States. They don't let them move, just like a veal calf, and they are catheterizing them and draining their urine out and this is what they are manufacturing it from.
In the 1995 Physician's Desk Reference, the manufacturer of Premarin, Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories, warned doctors about the risk of estrogen in inciting cancer in post-menopausal women. They stated that post-menopausal women are having a higher degree of endometrial cancer than ever before in history-and so they did studies to discover why. They linked it directly to estrogen use.
They stated that post-menopausal women who used estrogen for more than one year had a four to thirteen times greater risk of endometrial cancer than the general public.
And here's the worse part. You have all of these women out there that the doctors put on estrogen and they feel better. Their vaginal area is lubricated. Their hair doesn't fall out, and everything's going great and then they develop a cancer, a little skin cancer, an endometrial cancer. And you know what the doctor does?
BISER: What?
SCHULZE: He takes them off the estrogen and says, "You can't use it anymore", and these women crash and burn. Their life is like the rug was pulled out from under them. They now have been taken off this drug; their bodies became dependent on it, and when you take a drug like that, it tells your ovaries to go to sleep, shrivel up and die. Because, when you start using estrogen, your ovaries detect it and why would they ever want to produce any estrogen? This becomes a crutch and your body gets worse.
Then, the doctor takes the woman off estrogen, because any medical doctor immediately takes a woman off of estrogen or any hormones when they have cancer, and then these women are just shoveled off into the gutter. They are swept under the carpet of medicine and they crawl on their hands and knees into my office crying and begging...
BISER: What do they say?
SCHULZE: They say that they were dying. They felt horrible and emotionally out of control, with vaginas cracked and bleeding, and their hair falling out in clumps.
The doctors would even call me and beg me to help. They would say they didn't know what to do, and they couldn't give her estrogen any more. The doctors would call and say, "Can you please help her? She's a friend of the family. What are we going to do?" Of course, I would get these women on these three herbs that I talked about and it was like their life was saved. They were changed.
BISER: I think herbalists, Richard, they get all hung up on giving herbs that have hormonal sources and you are saying that has nothing to do with this.
SCHULZE: It doesn't...
BISER: ...these are not supplying hormones?
SCHULZE: No, the only herb in that formula, wild yam, has a very, very slight amount of sterols. A very slight amount. But nothing that would be considered a therapeutic dosage by medicine.
These female tonic plants do not contain hormones, but they do contain substances the body needs to manufacture hormones, like nutritional substances or nutritional chemicals or circulation- enhancing chemicals like the Dong quad that tell your body, that tell your ovaries, your glands, your endocrine system to wake up. When you back that up with a good nutritional program and good healthy life-style and environment, well, then you can have a miracle happen.
I would
say that 98% of the women who came to me who would do this treatment had
miracles happen. Probably 2% had to work very hard to have those miracles
happen beyond just taking some herbs and making some slight modifications,
but really had to work at it.
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