"Women get so vaginally wet from these herbs that sometimes we have to reduce dosages due to excess lubrication."
BISER: Can women get lubricated without hormone pills?
SCHULZE: Absolutely. I have never seen the herbs fail when they were combined with a complete health program.
In fact, many times we have had women come back and complain because they were having too much vaginal lubrication to where it was becoming a discharge. I've had to back them off of it slightly.
BISER: Richard, a woman's natural lubrication is completely different from an oil?
SCHULZE: The oils, of course, have all sorts of problems they can cause and create - because there is no oil that comes close to a woman's natural lubrication.
A lot of women have problems with creams, oils and ointments, too. A woman not being lubricated is almost synonymous to a man not being able to get an erection. It's like a basis of being able to have sex, and so when a woman is not being lubricated, we know that something is wrong. There is a health problem.
BISER: I would think that the woman's natural fluids are more electrically conductive than an oil or cream.
SCHULZE: It's very different. It's very slippery and it's very sloppy. When your penis goes near the vagina, it's almost like it sucks it in. I mean it's quite different from anything else.
BISER: If nature wanted a woman's vagina to secrete oils, it would do it like the scalp.
SCHULZE: Absolutely. It's unbelievable and it's kind of like some high tech engine treatment. It doesn't break down. If you use something like Vaseline or KY jelly, it's too slippery and you don't feel anything.
If you use something like olive oil that has more drag, it disappears. It penetrates and the next thing you know, you have "engine lockup". Not even natural products work. I've heard it all, and I've used them all myself.
To get the lubrication to return, I use what I call a female balancing formula.
This female formula is quite famous for balancing female hormones - not necessarily supplying female hormones. I'll go over the formula now. There's three herbs in it that I use. I have picked the best female herbs from three different continents.
The first one, the Latin name is Angelica sinensis and the common name in Northern China is Dong quad, and in Southern China, Tang quay.
Dong quad or Angelica sinensis is the number-one-sold herb in the world - more than any other herb that's sold. It's estimated that there's a billion women using this herb. So first off, I'm not going to argue with a billion women.
Now, this herb has not been shown to contain any hormonal substances. In fact, the Chinese consider it to be a circulatory stimulant. In other words, it helps blood circulate more. Well, this could be the way it works on its own because your whole hormone-balancing mechanism is your blood stream.
Your hypothalamus and pituitary in your brain release what are called gonadotrophin- releasing hormones. These chemicals go through your blood, and when your ovaries detect them, it tells your ovaries to produce more estrogen and progesterone, or to produce less estrogen and progesterone.
So, the ovaries produce the hormones, but the hypothalamus and pituitary in the brain produce the stopping and starting chemicals for those hormones. The communication is done via the blood stream.
Dong quai improves the circulation and maybe the circulation and communication between the hypothalamus, pituitary, and ovaries.
My second herb is the European favorite. Chaste Tree is the common name. With Chaste Tree we are using the berries, and with dong quai, it's the root. The Chaste Tree Latin name is Vitex agnuscastus. Chaste Tree is the European favorite for a female balancer. It has not been shown to contain hormones. But, again, because of other chemical substances in the plant, it's been shown to correct all types of problems from PMS to menopause to balancing female hormones.
[Editor: Chaste Tree actually has a cooling effect on the female sexual system. Look at its name: chaste. However, it is needed for balance in this formula. When extra sexual kick is desired, use the damiana, or the full female sexual formula covered later.]
The third herb that I use in this formula is wild yam - Mexican wild yam. The Latin name is Discorea villosa. This herb does contain sterolcompounds.
This female formula is equal parts of Angelica sinensis, Vitex agnus-castus, and Discorea villosa.
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