Female Sexual Problems.
-Excerpted from the book: Eternal Sex by Sam Biser,
Featuring Dr Richard Schulze, Medical Herbalist-
Men can't get erections and women can't get wet.
That's sexual disaster explained simply.
Women who can't get wet also can't feel. Their orgasms are not full body, chain orgasms that roll from one to another and leave a woman in another world. The orgasms many women get are dime-store releases centered on their clitoris.
An orgasm is a release of energy. But you can't release energy if you don't have it to release. It's like a well. A well pumps water, but it won't work if it doesn't have water in the firstplace.
Energy comes from health. To feel, you need energy. Exhausted people have flat sex.
No sexual manual can make you feel ecstasy.
In this chapter, you will learn about the herbal formulas that can restart you sexually. But you get only 5% of the herb's power if you use it by itself. You also need cleansing programs as outlined in chapter five.
Dr. Schulze used 360 degree sexual recovery programs. Some people will get temporary results from using these herbs only. Others will not. Herbs are spark plugs, but you also need a whole system like Dr. Schulze's to bring back health that went south with the hummingbirds.
of female joy is only one problem this chapter solves. Other problems that
make a woman unhappy are pre menstrual syndrome (who could enjoy sex when
they are bloated and bitchy), menopause (why have sex with drug store lubricants,
or be too sore for any sex), and infertility (women want their own baby).
Dr. Schulze solved these problems for women in his clinic - after dozens
of doctors and natural healers failed. Learn how he did it.
Get your mate, and get ready to have sex so good that
if others knew, they would be jealous.
SCHULZE: One woman said her own orgasms were just fine. She said it was her husband who had the problem.
Of course, a lot of times what people think is normal is not healthy - it's just what they are used to. If you have never seen the color purple, you don't know what it looks like, and if you have never had great sex, you don't know what is possible.
This woman was one of these cases. I gave her herbs for her husband,and also gave her my female balancing formula for herself. After she started taking it, she had a completely different kind of orgasm.
Her husband got so excited by what was happening with his wife that he came in to see me. When I talked with him, he told me that he never knew that his wife had orgasms at all. It turns out that what she thought were fine orgasms were just in her mind.
I said "Well, how do you know she's having orgasms now?" And he goes, "Because she was screaming so loud, I thought the neighbors would call the police, and in the middle of her orgasm, she reached up and ripped the Venetian blinds off the window".
His wife later said, "I thought an orgasm was like a little squeak I felt in my ear." She never knew better. But now, she's ripping the venetian blinds off the wall and screaming bloody murder in the bed.
shows - you don't know how great your sex life can be until you start taking
these herbs. There are women who are blaming their husbands for poor sex,
but it might be them, too.
The less energy a woman has, the more her orgasms become
localized in the clitoris-and nowhere else.
BISER: When women get less and less energy, the orgasm which is supposed to be all through their body then retreats to the clitoris. Women will say, "The man didn't get the right spot. " But the less energy they have, the more their orgasms seem focused on one spot.
SCHULZE: Absolutely. And I have had many women
who told me they weren't even sure if they had an orgasm or not anymore.
In other words, the sensation had deteriorated to such a degree that they
had these flashes. But they weren't even sure that it was an orgasm.
[Editor: Much
more on female orgasms is covered in my chapter on orgasms, chapter six.
For now, I can tell you that after the orgasms these programs give you,
you will be so spent you won't be doing anything else that evening.]
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