"In six days, stroke patients had big changes with cayenne and ginkgo that would have taken six months with ginkgo alone."

BISER: What happened with stroke patients when you added cayenne to fresh ginkgo.

SCHULZE: The paralysis went away and the memory came back.

          I mean, look at someone when you put cayenne in their mouthand just watch that blood. You can watch it go way back in their head.

          Now - imagine being a stroke victim and having an area of your brain that temporarily died or became numb. You put ginkgo with cayenne together and you can almost watch the changes happen.

          I saw big-time improvements in stroke victims in 24 hours. The doctors had already predicted, "Well, it's going to be touch and go," and "It could take six months to a year before Uncle Harry gets better." And Uncle Harry is putting his clothes on and getting the hell out of the hospital in 24 hours.

How to use ginkgo with cayenne for curing Alzheimer's.

SCHULZE: I had this one lady with Alzheimer's disease. She ran a business, but her disease got to where she couldn't remember anyone's name, couldn't remember who they were, and wondered who were these strangers coming in?

          We got her right back to normal in a little over a week, to where she remembered anything she wanted. Specifically, what we used on her was the brain tonic we mention in Chapter Five. That has the cayenne in it.

          We used it on many many Alzheimer's patients. People told me their whole memory was fading. It was like a bad hard disk on a computer; they couldn't bring up any information. But after using the formula for 3, 4 or 10 days, in the individual cases, people had their memory back.

BISER: What is a good dose of this brain formula for anyone with Alzheimer's disease?

SCHULZE: If you have Alzheimer's disease, or serious memory loss, the dosage would be two full dropperfuls, three times a day. This is a dosage of the brain formula made properly, with organically-grown herbs, and packed with those herbs to the brim while soaking in alcohol. {Editor: Instructions for making tinctures are in Chapter Four of this report.]

BISER: That's enough for Alzbeimer's?

SCHULZE: No. This is the dose to start with for a few days. Then you can take it from two dropperfuls to four dropperfuls per dose. On timing, you could go up to every other hour, if you wanted to really crank it up.

          And then, you need to add all the other things we cover in the "SAVE-YOUR-LIFE Herbal Video Collection." {Editor: Available from TheUniversity of Natural Healing in Charlottesville, VA]

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Curing with Cayenne
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