Dr. Richard SCHULZE, Medical Herbalist
If you
are like most people who use herbs, you are a jack-of-all-trades, but a
master of none.
You know a little bit about a lot of herbs. What you know comes from the labels of herb bottles, or from the advice of healthfood store herbalists who write lots of books, but who never had real patients themselves.
When bad disease hits, all your herbal tidbits won't save you, and you'll be heading down the medical route, just like everyone else. Herbs can cure serious, scary diseases, but not by taking a capsule here and there. You need to know dosages, what forms of the herb, how to apply them, in what combinations, and when.
If you want to become a powerful healer for yourself and your family, master one herb...cayenne pepper. Knowing cayenne deeply will give you and your family more cures than dabbling in twenty herbs.
Learn cayenne deeply before you go on to anything else.
Life is like karate. If you smash a brick with your hand, you will accomplish nothing and bruise yourself. But if you mentally focus your energy, then you can achieve what seems impossible.
Focus. Don't scatter your energy. Being a good nutritional conversationalist won't save you from many of the diseases in this book. To cure yourself, you will need a detailed knowledge of cayenne.
Put the time in. Study this book. Practice now, so that when the emergencies come, you will act by reflex and not panic.
Students always ask Dr. Schultz, "What are the ten most important herbs to have in the home?" He tells them, "At the top of the list is cayenne pepper, because it will make the other nine work better."
I began by asking Dr. SCHULZE...
"If you take cayenne pepper in capsules, you may be wasting your time and never getting the cures I got with my patients."
BISER: How can you say cayenne capsules are bad? I've heard from readers who took cayenne in capsules and got great results!
SCHULZE: Well, fine. But I had thousands of patients who did
the same and who did not get
well - until they took my cayenne orally. I had many patients come in,
and I loved to test them.
BISER: What does 'test' mean?
SCHULZE: I used to do "herbal experiments" with their approval. I had hundreds of patients who would say, "Oh, I've been using cayenne pepper for years. I take this; I take that. I've been using it every day for 14 years."
So I would sit them down and would either give them some cayenne tincture or some cayenne powder directly in the mouth.
They would tell me that it was like they had never used cayenne pepper before. They would say, "I heard my ears pop; I felt a rush of blood to my head. I can feel tingling in my feet and toes." They would give me responses that they never had from taking cayenne pepper for 10, 12, 14, 15 years.
One thing really became evident to me in the clinic: There is only oneway to take cayenne, and that is right in the mouth.
BISER: When my readers say, "Hey, I don't need Schulze, I'm already taking cayenne," they were like your patients when they first walked in?
SCHULZE: Yeah, and again, you are only getting a small part of the potential effect of cayenne pepper by taking it in the wrong way.
I would give these patients just real tiny amounts. These people might have been taking eight or ten capsules for ten years, and I would give them a drop or a pinch of cayenne.
BISER: Not even your therapeutic dose?
SCHULZE: Not even close. And I never had anybody that just didn't go "Holy ----," and hold onto their ears or whatever - and notice a big difference.
What was going on is that much of cayenne's healing action occurs right in your mouth. As cayenne touches your tongue, the cayenne absorbs in seconds and nerve endings send signals throughout the body - sending waves of fresh blood to wherever you are sick. New healing begins in seconds. These surges of fresh blood do not occur when you bypass the mouth by taking capsules.
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