"There's no other herb that increases your blood
flow faster than cayenne. There are none that work faster; none that work
BISER: I think you pushed cayenne more than anybody else.
SCHULZE: Yes, and here is the reason: There is no other herb stronger or more effective than cayenne to make immediate physiological and metabolic changes in the body.
Cayenne moves blood. Without bloodflow to sick areas, how can any herb work?
The whole idea of using any herb is to digest the chemicals in that herb and then get those chemicals into our bloodstream. That's what digesting is - but if we don't get that blood to the arthritic joint, or to the cancer tumor, or to the brain malignancy, or to the liver - then forget that herb.
You can take all the milk thistle you want, but if you have bad circulation to your liver, it's not going to do you any good. You can take all the ginkgo you want, but if you have bad circulation to your brain, the ginkgo is not going to be able to get up there either.
Cayenne turns your circulation on immediately within seconds, more thanany other herb, so really it should be in every herbal formula.
You know, a lot of people look at my brain tonic, and they go, "Well, it's hot. "That's because, if you want ginkgo in your brain, well, sit back for three hours and wait. Or, I can get ginkgo into your brain in one second - and that's why I added cayenne to the formula. [Editor This formula is given in Chapter Five./
"Ginkgo changes from a so-so herb to a mighty herb when you add strong hot cayenne to it."
BISER: How is ginkgo different with cayenne in it?
SCHULZE: I used ginkgo in my clinic and the results with just ginkgo alone were kind of like, "oh hum." I had one guy with tinnitus who said he felt betterand the tinnitus went away. I had some people that noticed some better memory; some were not quite as depressed - and it worked a little.
But it wasn't a super herb, and I wanted it to be a super herb. I was sitting around one day and I thought, "Well, I could put ginkgo in my mouth and chew on the leaves. I can drink an ounce of the ginkgo tincture and I don't see my face go red."
There is only one herb I know where I can visibly, immediately see more blood going to the head - band that is cayenne.
So I thought, "What about cayenne and ginkgo, that sounds like a dynamic duo. "I put cayenne with ginkgo, and I added some kola nut and some fresh rosemary to it. Rosemary is known for taking more blood to the head, and it also grows right outside my door. [The brain formula is given in Chapter Five.]
BISER: Okay, so what happened when you added the cayenne?
SCHULZE: Well, this is when the big change happened. I could hear it in the patients' responses.
A few complained about the heat of the new tonic, but they were all talking about how it worked better. The people who were depressed became alot less depressed. The people with tinnitus had it go away in three days instead of three months.
Once I added the cayenne, I had the opportunity to use the formula witha lot of people who had brain injuries or strokes. That is when it really stood out. It worked better than just the cayenne or the ginkgo by themselves. Nobody does this, and what could be a better dynamic duo than putting those two together?
BISER: What happened with depression or memory, compared with what happened before?
SCHULZE: Very interesting. I had a number of patients get very depressed because of what the doctor told them, or because of their medical procedures or whatever. One of the things I had to do in myclinic was to combat depression all the time. The ginkgo on its own was effective with maybe 20 percent of the patients, but the majority of them didn't notice a difference in their depression.
Putting the cayenne in with it, I would say I got up to about 95 percent immediately. It was quite astounding what the difference was.
Of course, it is a well known scientific fact today, and this is something that has only come out in the last couple years, that there is a small area in the center of the brain. When it atrophies; when it dries up and shrinks and has a lack of blood and oxygen to it, you becomemore depressed. Keeping the circulation going to that area inhibits depression. And increasing circulation is what cayenne is doing.
So ginkgo is a great herb for getting more blood and oxygen up there, but cayenne is the herb that takes it up there.
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