kalebrose. Did the market missioners Hayden Wombwell, when | 1 |
given the raspberry, fine more than sandsteen per cent of chalk | 2 |
in the purity, promptitude and perfection flour of this raw | 3 |
materialist and less than a seventh pro mile in his meal? We | 4 |
bright young chaps of the brandnew braintrust are briefed here | 5 |
and with maternal sanction compellably empanelled at quarter | 6 |
sessions under the six disqualifications for the uniformication of | 7 |
young persons (Nodding Neutrals) removal act by Committal- | 8 |
man Number Underfifteen to know had the peeress of generals, | 9 |
who have been getting nose money cheap and stirring up the | 10 |
public opinion about private balls with their legs, Misses Mirtha | 11 |
and Merry, the two dreeper's assistents, had they their service | 12 |
books in order and duly signed J. H. North and Company when | 13 |
discharged from their last situations? Will ye gup and tell the | 14 |
board in the anterim how, in the name of the three tailors on | 15 |
Tooley Street, did O'Bejorumsen or Mockmacmahonitch, ex of | 16 |
Butt and Hocksett's, violating the bushel standard, come into | 17 |
awful position of the barrel of bellywash? And why, is it any harm | 18 |
to ask, was this hackney man in the coombe, a papersalor with | 19 |
a whiteluke to him, Fauxfitzhuorson, collected from Manofisle, | 20 |
carrying his ark, of eggshaped fuselage and made in Fredborg | 21 |
into the bullgine, across his back when he might have been | 22 |
setting on his jonass inside like a Glassthure cabman? Where | 23 |
were the doughboys, three by nombres, won in ziel, cavehill | 24 |
exers or hearts of steel, Hansen, Morfydd and O'Dyar, V.D., | 25 |
with their glenagearries directing their steps according to the | 26 |
R.U.C's liaison officer, with their trench ulcers open and | 27 |
their hands in their pockets, contrary to military rules, when | 28 |
confronted with his lifesize obstruction? When did he live off | 29 |
rooking the pooro and how did start pfuffpfaffing at his Paterson | 30 |
and Hellicott's? Is it a factual fact, proved up to scabsteethshilt, | 31 |
that this fancydress nordic in shaved lamb breeches, child's kilts, | 32 |
bibby buntings and wellingtons, with club, torc and headdress, | 33 |
preholder of the Bar Ptolomei, is coowner of a hengster's circus | 34 |
near North Great Denmark Street (incidentally, it's the most | 35 |
unjoyable show going the province and I'm taking the youngsters | 36 |