BOOK: | I | II | III | IV |
|528 | 529 |530 |

kalebrose. Did the market missioners Hayden Wombwell, when1
given the raspberry, fine more than sandsteen per cent of chalk2
in the purity, promptitude and perfection flour of this raw3
materialist and less than a seventh pro mile in his meal? We4
bright young chaps of the brandnew braintrust are briefed here5
and with maternal sanction compellably empanelled at quarter6
sessions under the six disqualifications for the uniformication of7
young persons (Nodding Neutrals) removal act by Committal-8
man Number Underfifteen to know had the peeress of generals,9
who have been getting nose money cheap and stirring up the10
public opinion about private balls with their legs, Misses Mirtha11
and Merry, the two dreeper's assistents, had they their service12
books in order and duly signed J. H. North and Company when13
discharged from their last situations? Will ye gup and tell the14
board in the anterim how, in the name of the three tailors on15
Tooley Street, did O'Bejorumsen or Mockmacmahonitch, ex of16
Butt and Hocksett's, violating the bushel standard, come into17
awful position of the barrel of bellywash? And why, is it any harm18
to ask, was this hackney man in the coombe, a papersalor with19
a whiteluke to him, Fauxfitzhuorson, collected from Manofisle,20
carrying his ark, of eggshaped fuselage and made in Fredborg21
into the bullgine, across his back when he might have been22
setting on his jonass inside like a Glassthure cabman? Where23
were the doughboys, three by nombres, won in ziel, cavehill24
exers or hearts of steel, Hansen, Morfydd and O'Dyar, V.D.,25
with their glenagearries directing their steps according to the26
R.U.C's liaison officer, with their trench ulcers open and27
their hands in their pockets, contrary to military rules, when28
confronted with his lifesize obstruction? When did he live off29
rooking the pooro and how did start pfuffpfaffing at his Paterson30
and Hellicott's? Is it a factual fact, proved up to scabsteethshilt,31
that this fancydress nordic in shaved lamb breeches, child's kilts,32
bibby buntings and wellingtons, with club, torc and headdress,33
preholder of the Bar Ptolomei, is coowner of a hengster's circus34
near North Great Denmark Street (incidentally, it's the most35
unjoyable show going the province and I'm taking the youngsters36