there Saturday first when it's halfprice naturals night to see the | 1 |
fallensickners aping the buckleybackers and the blind to two | 2 |
worlds taking off the deffydowndummies) and the shamshem- | 3 |
showman has been complaining to the police barracks and | 4 |
applying for an order of certiorari and crying out something vile | 5 |
about him being molested, after him having triplets, by offers of | 6 |
vacancies from females in this city, neighing after the man and his | 7 |
outstanding attraction ever since they seen his X ray picture turned | 8 |
out in wealthy red in the sabbath sheets? Was it him that suborned | 9 |
that surdumutual son of his, a litterydistributer in Saint Patrick's | 10 |
Lavatory, to turn a Roman and leave the chayr and gout in his | 11 |
bare balbriggans, the sweep, and buy the usual jar of porter at | 12 |
the Morgue and Cruses and set it down before the wife with her | 13 |
fireman's halmet on her, bidding her mine the hoose, the strum- | 14 |
pet, while him and his lagenloves were rampaging the roads in | 15 |
all their paroply under the noses of the Heliopolitan constabu- | 16 |
lary? Can you beat it? Prepare the way! Where's that gendarm | 17 |
auxiliar, arianautic sappertillery, that reported on the whole hood- | 18 |
lum, relying on his morse-erse wordybook and the trunchein up | 19 |
his tail? Roof Seckesign van der Deckel and get her story from | 20 |
him! Recall Sickerson, the lizzyboy! Seckersen, magnon of Errick. | 21 |
Sackerson! Hookup! | 22 |
    | 23 |
High liquor made lust torpid dough hunt her orchid. | 24 |
    | 25 |
With her shoes upon his shoulders, 'twas most trying to be- | 26 |
holders when he upped their frullatullepleats with our warning. | 27 |
A disgrace to the homely protestant religion! Bloody old pre- | 28 |
adamite with his twohandled umberella! Trust me to spy on me | 29 |
own spew! | 30 |
    | 31 |
And it's we's to pray for Bigmesser's conversions? Call Kitty the | 32 |
Beads, the Mandame of Tipknock Castle! Let succuba succumb, the | 33 |
improvable his wealth made possible! He's cookinghagar that rost | 34 |
her prayer to him upon the top of the stairs. She's deep, that one. | 35 |
    | 36 |