sweetness, so as not a novene in all the convent loretos, not my | 1 |
littlest one of all, for mercy's sake need ever know, what passed | 2 |
our lips or. Yes sir, we'll will! Clothea wind! Fee o fie! Covey us | 3 |
niced! Bansh the dread! Alitten's looking. Low him lovly! Make | 4 |
me feel good in the moontime. It will all take bloss as oranged at | 5 |
St Audiens rosan chocolate chapelry with my diamants blickfeast | 6 |
after at minne owned hos for all the catclub to go cryzy and | 7 |
Father Blesius Mindelsinn will be beminding hand. Kyrielle ela- | 8 |
tion! Crystal elation! Kyrielle elation! Elation immanse! Sing to | 9 |
us, sing to us, sing to us! Amam! So meme nearest, languished | 10 |
hister, be free to me! (I'm fading!) And listen, you, you beauty, | 11 |
esster, I'll be clue to who knows you, pray Magda, Marthe with | 12 |
Luz and Joan, while I lie with warm lisp on the Tolka. (I'm fay!) | 13 |
    | 14 |
historique? How is this at all? Is dads the thing in such or are | 15 |
tits the that? Hear we here her first poseproem of suora unto | 16 |
suora? Alicious, twinstreams twinestraines, through alluring | 17 |
glass or alas in jumboland? Ding dong! Where's your pal in | 18 |
silks alustre? Think of a maiden, Presentacion. Double her, An- | 19 |
nupciacion. Take your first thoughts away from her, Immacola- | 20 |
cion. Knock and it shall appall unto you! Who shone yet shim- | 21 |
mers will be e'er scheining. Cluse her, voil her, hild her hindly. | 22 |
After liryc and themodius soft aglo iris of the vals. This young | 23 |
barlady, what, euphemiasly? Is she having an ambidual act her- | 24 |
self in apparition with herself as Consuelas to Sonias may? | 25 |
    | 26 |
    | 27 |
turn, my Moonster firefly, like always. And 2 R.N. and Long- | 28 |
horns Connacht, stay off my air! You've grabbed the capital and | 29 |
you've had the lion's shire since 1542 but there's all the difference | 30 |
in Ireland between your borderation, my chatty cove, and me. The | 31 |
leinstrel boy to the wall is gone and there's moreen astoreen for | 32 |
Monn and Conn. With the tyke's named moke. Doggymens' | 33 |
nimmer win! You last led the first when we last but we'll first | 34 |
trump your last with a lasting. Jump the railchairs or take them, | 35 |
as you please, but and, sir, my queskins first, foxyjack! Ye've as | 36 |
much skullabogue cheek on you now as would boil a caldron of | 37 |