BOOK: | I | II | III | IV |
|435 | 436 |437 |

interstipital indecency as between twineties and tapegarters.1
fingerpats on fondlepets, under the couvrefeu act. It's the thin2
end; wedge your steps! Your high powered hefty hoyden thinks3
nothing of ramping through a whole suite of smokeless hus-4
bands. Three minutes I'm counting you. Woooooon. No triching5
now! Give me that when I tell you! Ragazza ladra! And is that6
any place to be smuggling his madam's apples up? Deceitful7
jade. Gee wedge! Begor, I like the way they're half cooked.8
Hold, flay, grill, fire that laney feeling for kosenkissing disgeni-9
cally within the proscribed limits like Population Peg on a hint or10
twim clandestinely does be doing to Temptation Tom, atkings11
questions in barely and snakking svarewords like a nursemagd.12
While there's men-a'war on the say there'll be loves-o'women13
on the do. Love through the usual channels, cisternbrothelly,14
when properly disinfected and taken neat in the generable way15
upon retiring to roost in the company of a husband-in-law or16
other respectable relative of an apposite sex, not love that leads17
by the nose as I foresmellt but canalised love, you understand,18
does a felon good, suspiciously if he has a slugger's liver but I19
cannot belabour the point too ardently (and after the lessions of20
experience I speak from inspiration) that fetid spirits is the thief21
of prurities, so none of your twenty rod cherrywhisks, me22
daughter! At the Cat and Coney or the Spotted Dog. And at23
2bis Lot's Road. When parties get tight for each other they lose24
all respect together. By the stench of her fizzle and the glib of her25
gab know the drunken draggletail Dublin drab. You'll pay for26
each bally sorraday night every billing sumday morning. When27
the night is in May and the moon shines might. We won't meeth28
in Navan till you try to give the Kellsfrieclub the goby. Hill or29
hollow, Hull or Hague! And beware how you dare of wet cock-30
tails in Kildare or the same may see your wedding driving home31
from your wake. Mades of ashens when you flirt spoil the lad32
but spare his shirt! Lay your lilylike long his shoulder but buck33
back if he buts bolder and just hep your homely hop and heed34
no horning but if you've got some brainy notion to raise cancan35
and rouse commotion I'll be apt to flail that tail for you till it's36