borning. Let the love ladleliked at the eye girde your gastricks | 1 |
in the gym. Nor must you omit to screw the lid firmly on that | 2 |
jazz jiggery and kick starts. Bumping races on the flat and point | 3 |
to point over obstacles. Ridewheeling that acclivisciously up | 4 |
windy Rutland Rise and insighting rebellious northers before the | 5 |
saunter of the city of Dunlob. Then breretonbiking on the free | 6 |
with your airs of go-be-dee and your heels upon the handlebars. | 7 |
Berrboel brazenness! No, before your corselage rib is decartilaged, | 8 |
that is to mean if you have visceral ptossis, my point is, making | 9 |
allowances for the fads of your weak abdominal wall and your | 10 |
liver asprewl, vinvin, vinvin, or should you feel, in shorts, as | 11 |
though you needed healthy physicking exorcise to flush your | 12 |
kidneys, you understand, and move that twelffinger bowel and | 13 |
threadworm inhibitating it, lassy, and perspire freely, lict your | 14 |
lector in the lobby and why out you go by the ostiary on to | 15 |
the dirt track and skip! Be a sportive. Deal with Nature the great | 16 |
greengrocer and pay regularly the monthlies. Your Punt's Per- | 17 |
fume's only in the hatpinny shop beside the reek of the rawny. | 18 |
It's more important than air | 19 |
never open momouth but I pack mefood in it) and promotes that | 20 |
natural emotion. Stamp out bad eggs. Why so many puddings | 21 |
prove disappointing, as Dietician says, in Creature Comforts | 22 |
Causeries, and why so much soup is so muck slop. If we | 23 |
could fatten on the elizabeetons we wouldn't have teeth like | 24 |
the hippopotamians. However. Likewise if I were in your | 25 |
envelope shirt I'd keep my weathereye well cocked open for | 26 |
your furnished lodgers paying for their feed on tally with | 27 |
company and piano tunes. Only stuprifying yourself! The too | 28 |
friendly friend sort, Mazourikawitch or some other sukinsin of | 29 |
a vitch, who he's kommen from olt Pannonia on this porpoise | 30 |
whom sue stooderin about the maul and femurl artickles and who | 31 |
mix himself so at home mid the musik and spanks the ivory | 32 |
that lovely for this your Mistro Melosiosus MacShine MacShane | 33 |
may soon prove your undoing and bane through the succeeding | 34 |
years of rain should you, whilst Jaun is from home, get used to | 35 |
basking in his loverslowlap, inordinately clad, moustacheteasing, | 36 |