known to all the dallytaunties in and near the ciudad of Buellas | 1 |
Arias, taking you to the playguehouse to see the Smirching of | 2 |
Venus and asking with whispered offers in a very low bearded | 3 |
voice, with a nice little tiny manner and in a very nice little tony | 4 |
way, won't you be an artist's moral and pose in your nudies as a | 5 |
local esthetic before voluble old masters, introducing you, left | 6 |
to right the party comprises, to hogarths like Bottisilly and | 7 |
Titteretto and Vergognese and Coraggio with their extrahand | 8 |
Mazzaccio, plus the usual bilker's dozen of dowdycameramen. | 9 |
And the volses of lewd Buylan, for innocence! And the phylli- | 10 |
sophies of Bussup Bulkeley. O, the frecklessness of the giddies | 11 |
nouveautays! There's many's the icepolled globetopper is haunt- | 12 |
ed by the hottest spot under his equator like Ramrod, the meaty | 13 |
hunter, always jaeger for a thrust. The back beautiful, the un- | 14 |
draped divine! And Suzy's Moedl's with their Blue Danuboyes! | 15 |
All blah! Viper's vapid vilest! Put off the old man at the very | 16 |
font and get right on with the nutty sparker round the back. | 17 |
Slip your oval out of touch and let the paravis be your goal. | 18 |
Up leather, Prunella, convert your try! Stick wicks in your ear- | 19 |
shells when you hear the prompter's voice. Look on a boa in | 20 |
his beauty and you'll never more wear your strawberry leaves. | 21 |
Rely on the relic. What bondman ever you bind on earth I'll be | 22 |
bound 'twas combined in hemel. Keep airly hores and the worm | 23 |
is yores. Dress the pussy for her nighty and follow her piggy- | 24 |
tails up their way to Winkyland. See little poupeep she's firsht | 25 |
ashleep. After having sat your poetries and you know what | 26 |
happens when chine throws over jupan. Go to doss with | 27 |
the poulterer, you understand, and shake up with the milch- | 28 |
mand. The Sully van vultures are on the prowl. And the | 29 |
hailies fingringmaries. Tobaccos tabu and toboggan's a back | 30 |
seat. Secret satieties and onanymous letters make the great un- | 31 |
watched as bad as their betters. Don't on any account acquire | 32 |
a paunchon for that alltoocommon fagbutt habit of frequenting | 33 |
and chumming together with the braces of couples in Mr Tun- | 34 |
nelly's hallways (smash it) wriggling with lowcusses and cock- | 35 |
chafers and vamps and rodants, with the end to commit acts of | 36 |