up, as we discover, because he knew to mutch, has been divorced | 1 |
into disgrace court by | 2 |
    THE FLORAS (Girl Scouts from St. Bride's Finishing Establish- | 3 |
ment, demand acidulateds), a month's bunch of pretty maidens | 4 |
who, while they pick on her, their pet peeve, form with valkyri- | 5 |
enne licence the guard for | 6 |
    IZOD (Miss Butys Pott, ask the attendantess for a leaflet), a be- | 7 |
witching blonde who dimples delightfully and is approached in | 8 |
loveliness only by her grateful sister reflection in a mirror, the cloud | 9 |
of the opal, who, having jilted Glugg, is being fatally fascinated by | 10 |
    CHUFF (Mr Sean O'Mailey, see the chalk and sanguine picto- | 11 |
graph on the safety drop), the fine frank fairhaired fellow of the | 12 |
fairytales, who wrestles for tophole with the bold bad bleak boy | 13 |
Glugg,geminally about caps or puds or tog bags or bog gats or | 14 |
chuting rudskin gunerally or something,until they adumbrace a | 15 |
pattern of somebody else or other, after which they are both car- | 16 |
ried off the set and brought home to be well soaped, sponged and | 17 |
scrubbed again by | 18 |
    ANN (Miss Corrie Corriendo, Grischun scoula, bring the babes, | 19 |
Pieder, Poder and Turtey, she mistributes mandamus monies, | 20 |
after perdunamento, hendrud aloven entrees, pulcinellis must not | 21 |
miss our national rooster's rag), their poor little old mother-in- | 22 |
lieu, who is woman of the house, playing opposite to | 23 |
    HUMP (Mr Makeall Gone, read the sayings from Laxdalesaga | 24 |
in the programme about King Ericus of Schweden and the spirit's | 25 |
whispers in his magical helmet), cap-a-pipe with watch and top- | 26 |
per, coat, crest and supporters, the cause of all our grievances, | 27 |
the whirl, the flash and the trouble, who, having partially re- | 28 |
covered from a recent impeachment due to egg everlasting, but | 29 |
throughandthoroughly proconverted, propounded for cyclo- | 30 |
logical, is, studding sail once more, jibsheets and royals, in the | 31 |
semblance of the substance for the membrance of the umbrance | 32 |
with the remnance of the emblence reveiling a quemdam super- | 33 |
cargo, of The Rockery, Poopinheavin, engaged in entertaining | 34 |
in his pilgrimst customhouse at Caherlehome-upon-Eskur those | 35 |
statutory persons | 36 |