Every evening at lighting up o'clock sharp and until further | 1 |
notice in Feenichts Playhouse. (Bar and conveniences always | 2 |
open, Diddlem Club douncestears.) Entrancings: gads, a scrab; | 3 |
the quality, one large shilling. Newly billed for each wickeday | 4 |
perfumance. Somndoze massinees. By arraignment, childream's | 5 |
hours, expercatered. Jampots, rinsed porters, taken in token. With | 6 |
nightly redistribution of parts and players by the puppetry pro- | 7 |
ducer and daily dubbing of ghosters, with the benediction of the | 8 |
Holy Genesius Archimimus and under the distinguished patron- | 9 |
age of their Elderships the Oldens from the four coroners of | 10 |
Findrias, Murias, Gorias and Falias, Messoirs the Coarbs, Clive | 11 |
Sollis, Galorius Kettle, Pobiedo Lancey and Pierre Dusort, | 12 |
while the Caesar-in-Chief looks. On. Sennet. As played to the | 13 |
Adelphi by the Brothers Bratislavoff (Hyrcan and Haristobulus), | 14 |
after humpteen dumpteen revivals. Before all the King's Hoarsers | 15 |
with all the Queen's Mum. And wordloosed over seven seas | 16 |
crowdblast in cellelleneteutoslavzendlatinsoundscript. In four | 17 |
tubbloids. While fern may cald us until firn make cold. The Mime | 18 |
of Mick, Nick and the Maggies, adopted from the Ballymooney | 19 |
Bloodriddon Murther by Bluechin Blackdillain (authorways 'Big | 20 |
Storey'), featuring: | 21 |
    GLUGG (Mr Seumas McQuillad, hear the riddles between the | 22 |
robot in his dress circular and the gagster in the rogues' gallery), | 23 |
the bold bad bleak boy of the storybooks, who, when the tabs go | 24 |