BOOK: | I | II | III | IV |
|220 | 221 |222 |

    THE CUSTOMERS (Components of the Afterhour Courses at St. 1
Patricius' Academy for Grownup Gentlemen, consult the annu-2
ary, coldporters sibsuction), a bundle of a dozen of representa-3
tive locomotive civics, each inn quest of outings, who are still4
more sloppily served after every cup final by5
    SAUNDERSON (Mr Knut Oelsvinger, Tiffsdays off, wouldntstop 6
in bad, imitation of flatfish, torchbearing supperaape, dud half-7
sovereign, no chee daily, rolly pollsies, Glen of the Downs, the8
Gugnir, his geyswerks, his earsequack, his lokistroki, o.s.v.), a9
scherinsheiner and spoilcurate, unconcerned in the mystery but10
under the inflounce of the milldieuw and butt of11
    KATE (Miss Rachel Lea Varian, she tells forkings for baschfel-12
lors, under purdah of card palmer teaput tosspot Madam d'Elta,13
during the pawses), kook-and-dishdrudge, whitch believes wan-14
thingthats, whouse be the churchyard or whorts up the aasgaars,15
the show must go on.16
    Time: the pressant. 17
    With futurist onehorse balletbattle pictures and the Pageant 18
of Past History worked up with animal variations amid ever-19
glaning mangrovemazes and beorbtracktors by Messrs Thud and20
Blunder. Shadows by the film folk, masses by the good people.21
Promptings by Elanio Vitale. Longshots, upcloses, outblacks and22
stagetolets by Hexenschuss, Coachmaher, Incubone and Rock-23
narrag. Creations tastefully designed by Madame Berthe Dela-24
mode. Dances arranged by Harley Quinn and Coollimbeina.25
Jests, jokes, jigs and jorums for the Wake lent from the properties26
of the late cemented Mr T. M. Finnegan R.I.C. Lipmasks and27
hairwigs by Ouida Nooikke. Limes and Floods by Crooker and28
Toll. Kopay pibe by Kappa Pedersen. Hoed Pine hat with29
twentyfour ventholes by Morgen. Bosse and stringbag from30
Heteroditheroe's and All Ladies' presents. Tree taken for grafted.31
Rock rent. Phenecian blends and Sourdanian doofpoosts by32
Shauvesourishe and Wohntbedarft. The oakmulberryeke with33
silktrick twomesh from Shop-Sowry, seedsmanchap. Grabstone34
beg from General Orders Mailed. The crack (that's Cork!) by35
a smoker from the gods. The interjection (Buckley!) by the fire-36