the meaning, sousy, of that continental expression, if you ever | 1 |
came acrux it, we think it is a word transpiciously like canaille?: | 2 |
or: Did you anywhere, kennel, on your gullible's travels or | 3 |
during your rural troubadouring, happen to stumble upon a | 4 |
certain gay young nobleman whimpering to the name of Low | 5 |
Swine who always addresses women out of the one comer of | 6 |
his mouth, lives on loans and is furtivefree yours of age? with- | 7 |
out one sigh of haste like the supreme prig he was, and not a bit | 8 |
sorry, he would pull a vacant landlubber's face, root with ear- | 9 |
waker's pensile in the outer of his lauscher and then, lisping, | 10 |
the prattlepate parnella, to kill time, and swatting his deadbest | 11 |
to think what under the canopies of Jansens Chrest would any | 12 |
decent son of an Albiogenselman who had bin to an university | 13 |
think, let a lent hit a hint and begin to tell all the intelligentsia | 14 |
admitted to that tamileasy samtalaisy conclamazzione (since, still | 15 |
and before physicians, lawyers merchant, belfry pollititians, agri- | 16 |
colous manufraudurers, sacrestanes of the Pure River Society, | 17 |
philanthropicks lodging on as many boards round the panesthetic | 18 |
at the same time as possible) the whole lifelong swrine story of | 19 |
his entire low cornaille existence, abusing his deceased ancestors | 20 |
wherever the sods were and one moment tarabooming great | 21 |
blunderguns (poh!) about his farfamed fine Poppamore, Mr | 22 |
Humhum, whom history, climate and entertainment made the | 23 |
first of his sept and always up to debt, though Eavens ears ow | 24 |
many fines he faces, and another moment visanvrerssas,cruach- | 25 |
ing three jeers (pah!) for his rotten little ghost of a Peppybeg, | 26 |
Mr Himmyshimmy, a blighty, a reeky, a lighty, a scrapy, a bab- | 27 |
bly, a ninny, dirty seventh among thieves and always bottom | 28 |
sawyer, till nowan knowed how howmely howme could be, giv- | 29 |
ing unsolicited testimony on behalf of the absent, as glib as eaves- | 30 |
water to those present (who meanwhile, with increasing lack of | 31 |
interest in his semantics, allowed various subconscious smickers | 32 |
to drivel slowly across their fichers), unconsciously explaining, | 33 |
for inkstands, with a meticulosity bordering on the insane, the | 34 |
various meanings of all the different foreign parts of speech he | 35 |
misused and cuttlefishing every lie unshrinkable about all the | 36 |