other people in the story, leaving out, of course, foreconsciously, | 1 |
the simple worf and plague and poison they had cornered him | 2 |
about until there was not a snoozer among them but was utterly | 3 |
undeceived in the heel of the reel by the recital of the rigmarole. | 4 |
He went without saying that the cull disliked anything anyway | 5 |
approaching a plain straightforward standup or knockdown row | 6 |
and, as often as he was called in to umpire any octagonal argu- | 7 |
ment among slangwhangers, the accomplished washout always | 8 |
used to rub shoulders with the last speaker and clasp shakers (the | 9 |
handtouch which is speech without words) and agree to every | 10 |
word as soon as half uttered, command me!, your servant, good, | 11 |
I revere you, how, my seer? be drinking that! quite truth, grati- | 12 |
as, I'm yoush, see wha'm hearing?, also goods, please it, me | 13 |
sure?, be filling this!, quiso, you said it, apasafello, muchas | 14 |
grassyass, is there firing-on-me?, is their girlic-on-you?, to your | 15 |
good self, your sulphur, and then at once focuss his whole | 16 |
unbalanced attention upon the next octagonist who managed to | 17 |
catch a listener's eye, asking and imploring him out of his | 18 |
piteous onewinker, (hemoptysia diadumenos) whether there was | 19 |
anything in the world he could do to please him and to overflow | 20 |
his tumbletantaliser for him yet once more. | 21 |
One hailcannon night (for his departure was attended by a | 22 |
heavy downpour) as very recently as some thousand rains ago he | 23 |
was therefore treated with what closely resembled parsonal viol- | 24 |
ence, being soggert all unsuspectingly through the deserted village | 25 |
of Tumblin-on-the-Leafy from Mr Vanhomrigh's house at 81 bis | 26 |
Mabbot's Mall as far as Green Patch beyond the brickfields of | 27 |
Salmon Pool by rival teams of slowspiers counter quicklimers | 28 |
who finally, as rahilly they had been deteened out rawther lae- | 29 |
tich, thought, busnis hits busnis, they had better be streaking for | 30 |
home after their Auborne-to-Auborne,with thanks for the pleasant | 31 |
evening, one and all disgustedly, instead of ruggering him back, | 32 |
and awake, reconciled (though they were as jealous as could be | 33 |
cullions about all the truffles they had brought on him) to a | 34 |
friendship, fast and furious, which merely arose out of the noxious | 35 |
pervert's perfect lowness. Again there was a hope that people, | 36 |