mer desh to tren, into Patatapapaveri's, fruiterers and musical | 1 |
florists, with his Ciaho, chavi! Sar shin, shillipen? she knew the | 2 |
vice out of bridewell was a bad fast man by his walk on the | 3 |
spot. | 4 |
[Johns is a different butcher's. Next place you are up town pay | 5 |
him a visit. Or better still, come tobuy. You will enjoy cattlemen's | 6 |
spring meat. Johns is now quite divorced from baking. Fattens, | 7 |
kills, flays, hangs, draws, quarters and pieces. Feel his lambs ! Ex ! | 8 |
Feel how sheap! Exex! His liver too is great value, a spatiality! | 9 |
Exexex! COMMUNICATED.] | 10 |
Around that time, moravar, one generally, for luvvomony | 11 |
hoped or at any rate suspected among morticians that he would | 12 |
early turn out badly, develop hereditary pulmonary T.B., and | 13 |
do for himself one dandy time, nay, of a pelting night blanketed | 14 |
creditors, hearing a coarse song and splash off Eden Quay sighed | 15 |
and rolled over, sure all was up, but, though he fell heavily and | 16 |
locally into debit, not even then could such an antinomian be | 17 |
true to type. He would not put fire to his cerebrum; he would | 18 |
not throw himself in Liffey; he would not explaud himself with | 19 |
pneumantics; he refused to saffrocake himself with a sod. With | 20 |
the foreign devil's leave the fraid born fraud diddled even death. | 21 |
Anzi, cabled (but shaking the worth out of his maulth: Guarda- | 22 |
costa leporello? Szasas Kraicz!) from his Nearapoblican asylum | 23 |
to his jonathan for a brother: Here tokay, gone tomory, we're | 24 |
spluched, do something, Fireless. And had answer: Inconvenient, | 25 |
David. | 26 |
You see, chaps, it will trickle out, freaksily of course, but the | 27 |
tom and the shorty of it is: he was in his bardic memory low. | 28 |
All the time he kept on treasuring with condign satisfaction each | 29 |
and every crumb of trektalk, covetous of his neighbour's word, | 30 |
and if ever, during a Munda conversazione commoted in the | 31 |
nation's interest, delicate tippits were thrown out to him touch- | 32 |
ing his evil courses by some wellwishers, vainly pleading by | 33 |
scriptural arguments with the opprobrious papist about trying | 34 |
to brace up for the kidos of the thing, Scally wag, and be a men | 35 |
instead of a dem scrounger, dish it all, such as: Pray, what is | 36 |