Preface A
Reich's term for ufo. An ea is a "six-level"
manifestation of alien fire consciousness". There is some question as to the
"reality" order of eas. On astral levels
there can be trillions of them in all shapes and sizes, but Egregores aside, on
our level, they may well be collective delusions imposed upon us by cetacean
design, as psychic/pedagogical devices.
The marooned home of mankind's
third race, which, after having stripped the island of trees, vegetation and
animals, resorted to cannibalism and mass murder/suicide.
Founded in 1965 by Paul Twitchell, author
of The Key to Secret Worlds and former Scientologist. Based on the
Tibetan teachings of two masters, Sudar Singh of India and Rebazar Tarzs of the
Himalayas, it teaches bilocation, spirit contact, omniscience, OBE, astral
traveling and confers deification onto its masters. Twitchell died in 1971.
Eckankar's "Rod of Power" is now held by deified master Sri Darwin Gross.
Power exerted when the mind operates
at a distance through the influence of the psychode, or psychic "aether."
The stuff, midway between matter and
spirit, issued by mediums (from their mouths) to make apparitions visible to
non-psychics. Such materializations, however short-lived, consume enormous
amounts of energy and leave the medium prostrate and febrile. When ectoplasm is
touched or subjected to light, the medium may experience considerable pain.
Ectoplasm itself is a viscous, gluey substance of a decidedly unpleasant
texture. It quickly dries up and disappears.
Founder of Christian Science, which was originally based on the
healing techniques of Phonies Quimby, appropriated by Mrs. Eddy as her own. She
wore a Latin cross, twisted slightly, like a St. Andrew's X.
Watchers, thought-form entities created
by visualization, ritual and such. They come in collective groups. They are
somewhat like angels, except that they are relatively mindless and quite willing
to follow orders. Some ufos may be egregores.
It is in Egypt that we encounter the roots of
the entire Western tradition, including the Hermetic arts. If you would unravel
the mystery of alchemy and qabalah, dedicate yourself to Egyptian studies. In
Egypt we also find the roots of Greek philosophy and science. The Egyptians held
that life was a miracle and they rightly worshiped creation as a product of
magic. They drew no lines of difference (other than focus) in the degree or
quality of consciousness between man, animal and god. Similarly, every member of
Kamite society, from peasant to king, though not interchangeable, was of
importance. Nor did they make the slightest division between religion, science,
art and magic. The Gods were entities to be understood, so that their powers
could be used to alter or maintain the natural course of things. (The Gods are
actually forces of nature). An initiate, or magician, was simply a man of
superior intelligence and will who had lined up his goals to parallel and
augment those of the Gods. 20th Century America has been compared to Egypt in
its predilection for building huge things and its materialistic philosophy. But
America's psychotic compulsion to change everything as rapidly as possible, its
lust for technological gimmicks and its attempt to control, counter and even
destroy Nature, would have seemed blasphemous and meaningless to the Egyptians.
Image, phantom or apparition; deliberately
intended to confuse reflection or reflected image. The purpose of an idol is not
worship but to serve as an aid to meditation in one's effort to enter the world
of that particular god or phenomenon and in this sense an idol may be considered
an eidolon, or generator of images. In a society where idols are forbidden or
ignored, any ubiquitous object becomes a lure for metaphor, desire, standard,
tradition, the will, etc. Thus, in many parts of the world, the automobile has
come to take the place of a god or a monument and is a model for purpose and the
major criterion for reality.
The Egyptians maintained that
we have not one but eight bodies, beyond the merely physical:
AB -- Consciousness
KHAT -- Unconscious
REN -- Prestige/collective
unconscious (the "name")
KA -- The personality, astral body
The out-of-body body, etheric double
SEKHET -- The elan vital
KU --
BA -- Atman
Spirits of the seven elements in the
process of involution (materialization), as contrasted with ourselves who are in
the process of evolution (spiritualization). The British "Barddas" give us
exemplars of the 5th element as "ether or vapor". Traditional magick sticks to
the familiar quaternary: the gnomes of earth, the sylphs of air, the undines of
water and the salamanders of fire. There god-names are, respectively: Nanta,
Exarp, Hcoma and Bitom. Those elemental spirits who have attained "Tiphareth"
consciousness are the "Kings" (Ghob, Paralda, Niksa, Djin). The Djin by
the way, are the Persian equivalent of (fire) elementals.
One of the goals of the magician is to enlist the aid of the elementals as
protection and to do his bidding. This relationship, however, is reciprocal. The
Elementals need the magician in order to compress and funnel their natures into
material expression - the magician needs the Elementals to assist him in raising
his consciousness and vision. His relationship to them is colored by their
individual natures. Thus, with Gnomes, one must be cheerful, industrious,
patient and generous, avoiding greed and grossness. With Sylphs one should be
quick and active, while eschewing frivolity and whim. With Undines sloth,
idleness, vacillation and changeability are qualities to overcome, but one
should develop flexibility and imagination. As for the Salamanders, their nature
is strong and energetic, but we must refrain from irritability, irascibility and
belligerence. They have enough volatile hostility of their own not to covet
We also encounter the elementals in Thoth's "Ogdoad", the pre-creation gods,
four frog-headed males and four serpent-headed females, who rule over the
primeval waters, space/eternity, darkness and invisibility. How these connect to
"earth, fire, water and air" is a problem for the historian. The male-female
dichotomy is equally difficult to reconcile. Also, there are the four "children"
of Horus -- Hapy (baboon-headed), Duamutef (jackal-headed), Qebehsenuf
(hawk-headed and Imset (man-headed). They correspond to the tetramorph (Taurus,
Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius).
The four principles of reality. They
derive their nature from the phases of the Moon (Waxing, Full, Waning,
Disappearing) and can be associated with the four points of the compass (see TETRAMORPH),
but we should be wary of trying to assign a logical progression to them. For
instance, science tends to see them merely as matter, energy, space and time.
But contemporary scientific rationalism does not apply to ancient intuitional
The ancients were correct to advise us not to try to separate the elements
from one another (the "unified field" theory, however, doesn't apply to this
aspect either). They take their being from the context of one another acting in
unison. Thus Earth is the materialized, magnetic form which seeks contraction
(coagula) and Air is the medium of space, freedom and dispersion (solve). Water
is the dual flow of involution and evolution, the End and the Beginning,
quicksilver-like Creation and Dissolution, Surface and Depth. The waters are
divided into the upper waters of the potential and the lower waters of the
actual. Water is the element of transition between the other elements. Fire, the
plasmic state of transmutation, is the energy behind all things.
Each element is unique in its relationship to the others and in fully
exercising that uniqueness, disappears. Water confluences the elements into a
duality, Earth contains them all and is their united totality. Air is the
separation in which they individuate themselves and vanish, while Fire is the
uniqueness itself that extracts anything from its context, particularly the
separation of "something" from Nothing, or vice-versa.
The quartering of the elements takes innumerable forms. Eliphas Levi, for
instance, even gives a tetramorphic quaternity to Alchemy (Salt, Sulphur,
Mercury and Azoth) and to the Qabalah (Macroposopus, Microposopus and the 2
In Facing the Sphinx, Marie Farrington gives the number of elements as
seven: earth, water, fire, air, ether or vapor, blossom (the seminal principle)
and the Wind of Purpose (or Ghost). Amongst the Hindus the sixth was Bala-Rama,
"the representation of masculine virility, the semen virile. The 7th was
the summit and soul of the rest." In Ancient China, we observe earth, water,
fire, wind and space (wood is only a physical element). The seven Latin verbs
are Velle, Audere, Scire, Tacere, Revelare, Resurgere, Renunciare.
Remnant of the cast-off envelope of a
spirit that has moved on.
(Hebrew, plural of "God", usually translated
as "the divine plural" indicating the "singular", but the word is clearly,
undeniably plural). As most of the book of Genesis comes from Egypt, Babylon and
Persia, the word probably derives from Egyptian Ali, Babylonian
ili, or the 7 Gods of the original Cosmos. The names of the original
seven Hebrew, pre-Judaic elohim were probably, Ialdabaoth, Jehovah,
Sabaoth, Adonai, Oreus, Eloeus and Astanphaeus. The last three have
obviously been altered through Gnosticism, which explains their anomalous
Graeco-Latin endings.
The differences between sign, symbol, sigil,
signal, seal and emblem are quite subtle. An emblem stands for something other
than itself (e.g. Stars & Stripes, Swastika). A symbol is directly or
metaphorically related in itself to that for which it stands -- a kiss is a
symbol of love, an elephant is a symbol of power, etc.
R. A. Wilson: "The thoughts, feelings and
(apparent) sense impressions that people create by talking to each other (or by
communicating in any symbolism); the semantic environment."
Most emotions (except joy) are unnecessary.
The purpose of anger and fear is to ready us for appropriate action. When no
action is possible or desirable, anger and fear are out of place and should be
summarily dismissed from consciousness. Grief should also be overcome as quickly
as possible through replacement, while depression should be overcome by
activity. Not even love, in the usual sense of the word, is necessary. Love
should be the enjoyment and exaltation of sharing with others, never a feeling
of possession or jealousy, obligation or guilt.
(5th Century BC, of Acraga). The last
of the Presocratic Shamans, whose company included Parmenides, Zeno, Xenophanes,
Heraclitus and Pythagoras. He was a healer who sought to reconcile pragmatic
this-worldliness and the metaphysical concerns of reincarnation, transcendence,
In the Tarot these
are the Arcana IV and III respectively, Heh and Daleth. They are
the Father and Mother Gods of the Universe. On a lower plane of reality, they
are mundane authority and the world interacting with itself.
These are Crowley's
two greatest mysteries. We need to study them in tandem, because Crowley insists
that the Emperor's proper letter is not Heh, but Tzaddi, so it
must change places with The Star. Since these new attributions fly in the face
of every tradition, let's try to guess why he does this.
By Crowley's reckoning, the star, Kokhav = 48 (a multiple of 12), the
astrological number) or the "sphere of Venus". It represents Mercy
(Gedulah or Chesed ). It also means, "strength" and "army". Forty
eight divided by four is 14, the card of Temperance (or Alchemy), where we also
have the angel pouring the waters. Qisar and Melech both translate
as "Emperor". To continue with Crowley's reckoning, qisar would equal 371
("Evil") and melech would equal 78 (that is, 15, or The Devil). However, if we
use the ordinal value of the letters alone we get for Qisar and Melech,
respectively, 60 and 33. Thirty Three is "sorrow, weeping" and a spring or
fountain." Sixty is "watch-tower", excellence, sublimity, glory, pride, a
Vision..." For kochav we get 28 or "Union, unity, power, and the mystic Netzach.
. ." If we skip Aleph we get for Qisar and Melech, 60 and 30 ("Judah, Libra,
Justice"). All of these seem appropriate enough for "The Emperor" but still do
not explain why Crowley wants him to be the 17th card!
One reason that Crowley might have wanted to exchange The Emperor with Atu
number 17 is so that (17 = 1 + 7 = 8) The Emperor (4) would serve as the higher
exponent of Justice, which he had renamed "Adjustment" and already exchanged
with Strength at 11. In his system, that places mundane authority (the Emperor)
in the most subservient position and exalts Sirius (the Star) to the seat of
greatest power at Atu 4. Meanwhile, Strength, now Atu 11, becomes the higher
exponent of The Priestess (Atu 2), since 11 is the number of sorcery. This kind
of highly rational manipulation of universal symbols is typical of Crowley's
creative and very original approach to M/magic(k). The whole thing is extremely
round-about and vexatious and looks like nothing so much as one of those
infinitely-regressing whorls of cocaine-induced ratiocination, which were
sometimes characteristic of Crowley. His paltry excuse that tzaddi is the
letter that begins the word for Emperor "in many languages", is not meant to
fool any serious student. It occurs only in Russian, Tsar, which is but a
corruption of "Caesar."
Moreover, even if we assign the ordinal value to tzaddi (18), that translates
as the notariqon of Yehi Aur ("Let there be light!"); Chai (the
"living"); the antique serpent (Lucifer?); Hatred and "My Beloved". All of those
seem strangely fitting for The Star, whereas "four" seems more natural to the
Emperor if we think of him as the Tetragrammaton (IHVH). Apparently, that was
precisely what AC wanted to avoid -- the ascription of IHVH to the Emperor. All
the same, after all this numerology, we are no closer to the meaning of these
cards. Indeed, we are farther at sea than ever!
(PKD and RAW). The Establishment; the
Institution, the codification of derangement; it is insane and imposes its
insanity upon us by violence, since its nature is violent. Fighting it is to be
infected by its derangement. . . one becomes the Empire; it proliferates like a
virus, imposing its form on its enemies. Thereby it becomes its enemies. "The
Empire never died!" says PKD, meaning the "Roman" Empire. Against this Empire,
says PKD, is the Plasmate.
Things turning into their
opposites. The tendency towards psychic balance (prostitute wanting to become a
nun, clown wanting to be a tragedian actor, etc.). Enantiodromia has been called
"The Law of reverse effect". Colin Wilson points out in Lord of the
Underground that enantiodromia isn't really some deep psychic resistance, as
Jung says it is, but is merely the result of the fact that when we are too
anxious to do something well, we do it badly.
Collection of charms and pagan
prayers against various perils.
Refers generally to the Egyptian collection of
the nine Heliopolitan gods: Atum, Geb, Isis, Nephthys, Nut, Osiris, Set, Shu and
Tefnut. Later, other gods were added.
Enoch was the son of Cain, father of
Methuselah. Enochian was the pre-Babel language. Dr. Dee claimed it was the
Angelic language used in his calls and aethyrs.
The burial of Osiris as enacted in
the Mysteries. Burial is necessary in order for the seed to grow. The whole
point to the dismemberment and scattering is the rebirth from planted seeds,
which require time to germinate.
Compensation in design for sake of
appearance. Greek architects, for instance, realized that perfectly flat
surfaces looked slightly concave, so they made them slightly convex to cause the
surfaces to look flat. Thus PKD, who used this word extensively in his fiction,
intended to convey that he was keenly aware of the crucial importance of minor
distinctions between appearance and reality.
Actuality as opposed to mere
The level of entropy is the degree of
disorder in a given system. This is the reverse of the degree of information
that is present. Hence negentropy is the build-up of information,
increase of meaning. Life is the attempt to reverse the natural deterioration of
An intercalary, or extra day not
attributed to any day of the week or month and standing outside the year. One or
two epagomenals are necessary when employing calendars with months of exactly 29
days. ("A year and a day" as the old expression has it). In the Newtime
calendar, since every month begins on Monday, the epagomenal is not one of the
days of the week and so has no designation other than "non-day" or "zero-day" or
"Year-end Day".
Exoterically, merely an ancient Hebrew measure
for dry goods. Esoterically, a dark, wing-covered phase of the mind. Thus, also,
one of the heavenly chariots.
A linen garment worn by ancient priests,
incorporating divinatory objects, thus representing the entire prophetic system.
It is probably the original breastplate of the lamen.
The question of how an
evolutionary morphogenetic "mutation" can be transmitted is very difficult to
answer. Language, writing, etc. are analogies within a human context, but
"genetic information" is actually an illusion.
Originally, an initiate in the Eleusinian
Mysteries, a "witness". The Epopteia culminated in the revelation of
"things done, said and shown." Now an "epopt" refers to anyone initiated into
any mystical body.
Discordian. Eris, the Goddess, created
instant discord by throwing a golden fruit labeled "For the Fairest" into the
hall where the Gods were holding a celebration.
Apocalyptic fractal
corresponding to 1999 as a mini-1968 downswing. Idiopathic aeonic terminals are
encapsulated within larger temporal patterns, some of which coalesce
synchronistically into endemic gestalts. The winding down of the 20th Century
will increasingly manifest as a fractalled semi-schizoid chaote of infinite
catatonic omphaloscopy. (See TIMESCAPE
Christ -- myth or man -- was only
theoretically attached to the Essenes. It's an assumption added on much after
the fact. The "Messiah" of Xtianity was a formidable figure who had to be made
palatable by throwing in a generous dollop of humanistic Essenianism.
So of course there would be similarities between the Essenes and the Xtians.
The Xtians (as they have done with every rival for human attention ever since)
took over the Essene trappings -- under linens, cap and bootstrap! If Xtianity
could swallow an elephant, it would. A thousand years from now, if the world
still stood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet would be hailed as the last Xtian saint
because she raked in all the clutter of 20th Century occult cults, including the
Anti-Christ, under one final, eschatological banner of Jesus.
It's interesting to me that the early Xtians also tried to swallow up their
arch-rival, Gnosticism, along with Essenianism (the Essenes and Gnostics held
many ideas in common), but while it tried to hold onto the Essenianism, it had
to spit out the Gnostic medicine.
In fact, the more I think about it, the more hope I hold out for the
Keristans, whom the Christians probably will never appropriate, because
they can't. Its founder, an old, white-bearded geezer with young,
hippie-like disciples, claims to have been told by a "voice" in his head at age
11 to form a new religion. In the second place, their mythos -- as written in
comic book bible -- has Christ selling his (tennis) shoes to a cheap, plastic,
children's doll, who is the true Goddess. What's more, the doll is brown.
Founded in 1971 by Werner Erhard (nee Jack
Rosenberg), stands for "Erhard's Seminar Training". It is a combination of Yoga,
Dale Carnegie, Gurdjieff, Zen Buddhism, Scientology, Sado-Masochism and
One who holds to
pre-apocalyptic consensual thinking, such as anti-earth politics, kinship values
and money-centered, disapproval-leadership in the face of overwhelming evidence
of the worthlessness of such attitudes.
(RAW). Hypothetical reality that has not
been filtered through a human nervous system.
When we evoke an entity, we draw upon
our own stock of indwelling spirits. Thus, to evoke is to call up what is
already present in us. In the same way, we evoke mental images from the vast
storehouse within us. Presumably, then, to invoke a mental image (as opposed to
evoking it), would be to call down a vision, a ufo, or whatever from
outside. Confusion arises from the fact that self and other are one and
to draw from the Self is ultimately to draw from the All.
For the past hundred years or more a
war has been going on in academic circles between the theory of evolution and
the belief in Creation. Darwinian evolution, however, must not be applied to
history. Nor must we think of Creation as anything less than ongoing at all
times, including the present moment.
Every plant, every animal, even matter itself is conscious, not merely
sentient. Consciousness, however, assumes many modalities, each having the same
goal, which is self-transcendance. The difference between an elephant and a fly
is not that the one is more conscious or transcending than the other, but that
the fly's attention is focused and fixed, whereas the elephant's is generalized
and reprogrammable for adapting to new circumstances. Everything is creatively
evolving upward in an infinite spiral. All Being necessarily undergoes many
transitions and existence must encompass all experience.
Ultra-Darwinist theories no longer see biological evolution as "survival of
the fittest" nor as random happenstance. Alien cells tend, if given time, to
merge cooperatively with their host. Variations of species are not preceded by
steps, but by quantum "leaps" (punctuations) that suggest recognition of
environmental exigencies and co-evolutionary trends. There is also
macro-evolution. The entire world is approaching its own evolutionary acme
(Moksha). When the Bodhi-culmination transpires, Nirvana will become available
to all.
That which calls itself into being out
of the Void. Most metaphysical systems are agreed that matter is "dirt", or at
least less perfect than the Void. Just as the manifest world is infinite in its
variety of potential forms of matter, so the void is infinite in its parade of
anti-potential forms of non-being. From a strictly logistical point of view, the
imbalance within the spotless Void arises as one potentiality differentiates
itself from another in its degree of anti-substantiation and non-manifestation.
Therefore, some of these "nothingnesses" have more "substance" than others,
which thereby creates an unevenness from which a negentropic "singularity" has
to develop. Thus existence breaks forth, or "falls", in a further effort to
maintain the balance, and consequently to know itself. Thereafter, new knowledge
necessarily continues to create itself and to expand consciousness to the
limits, as it were, of The Infinite.
Compare the following two
dictionary definitions:
Funk & Wagnall, 1947:
"Sartre's development. Concerned with man's responsibility for
what he is. A man is a sum total of his acts, not of his ambitions or
potentialities. He exists only in his fulfillment. He is confronted with
choice, but is alone in his choosing, lacking external aid, authority or
Webster, 1966:
"Literary, philosophical cult of nihilism and pessimism,
popularized in France after WWII, chiefly by Sartre: it holds that each man
exists as an individual in a purposeless universe, and that he must oppose his
hostile environment through the exercise of his free will. "
Actually, the radiating eye occupies
a triangle which is not really part of the pyramid, but just resting at its top.
The pyramid is unfinished. The capstone (as in the Great Pyramid of Egypt) is
missing. This is called by the Masons, "the stone rejected by the builders".
(The phrase has many other applications as well). The reason is that the eye
(spiritual consciousness) philosophically takes the place of material substance.
Some believe, than which nothing could be farther from the truth, that the
"stone rejected by the builders" is the historical Christ. In that case the
completed pyramid would amount to little more than another dreary reaffirmation
of the Xtian tradition. Fortunately, this view is totally unsupported by
historical, archaeological or arcane evidence.
The eye is the eye of Ra, Wudjat, which in hieroglyphics means "to
make" or "create". The symbol on the U.S. dollar bill was suggested by the
founders of America, who were not Xtians, but Freemasons and occultists.
Superficially it means that whatever we do must be inspired by superconscious
insight, not by petty quests for private power or selfish profit. It can be
attributed, amongst other things, to the bringing down of consciousness from
higher to lower. John Michell, in his Dimensions of Paradise says, "The
'Lamb in the midst of the throne,' in Revelation 5:6 has 'seven horns and seven
eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God.' The geometer's image of this creature
is the heptagram with seven horns and seven triangles containing eyes. The eyed
triangle of the heptagon, which has a base angle (51 degrees 26 minutes) nearly
the same as that of the Great Pyramid of Egypt (51 degrees 51 minutes), may be
the origin of the mystic symbol of the eye in the pyramid." The Eye in the
Triangle is the title of Israel Regardie's biography of Aleister Crowley.
Preface A