Joscelyn Godwin was born in Kelmscott, Oxfordshire, England on January 16, 1945. He was educated as a chorister at Christ Church Cathedral School, Oxford, then at Radley College (Music Scholar), and Magdalene College, Cambridge (Music Scholar; B.A., 1965, Mus. B., 1966, M.A. 1969). Coming to the USA in 1966, he did graduate work in Musicology at Cornell University (Ph. D., 1969; dissertation: “The Music of Henry Cowell”) and taught at Cleveland State University for two years before coming to the Colgate University Music Department in 1971. He has taught at Colgate ever since.
Joscelyn Godwin’s faculty page at Colgate University has a complete bibliography.
“Julius Evola: Theosophy and Beyond” published as “Teosofia e oltre” in Marco Iacona, ed., Il Maestro della Tradizione. Dialoghi su Julius Evola (Naples: Controcorrente, 2008): 73-80.
“Kepler and Kircher on the Harmony of the Spheres” published as “Kepler e Kircher sull'Armonia delle Sfere” in Alessandro Grossato, ed., Forme e correnti dell'esoterismo occidentale (Venice: Fondazione Giorgio Cini, 2008): 145-164. (In Italian)
“From the Diary of a Poliphilic Tourist” in Massimo Maggiari, ed., The Waters of Hermes 2 (2002): 15-19.
“Opera and the Amorous Initiation” Temenos 12 (1991), 129-140.
“Prelude to a Fugue: Reflections on Beethoven’s Grosse Fuge, Opus 133.” Temenos 9 (1989), 69-77.
“Musical Alchemy: the Work of Composer and Listener” Temenos 6 (1985): 57-75. (Revised version in Harmonies of Heaven and Earth)
“Tolkien and the Primordial Tradition” Temenos 3 (1983): 27-37.
“The Silent Language. The Symbols of Hermetic Philosophy.” Caduceus: The Hermetic Journal Vol 1 No 1 (Spring, 1995)
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