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- By Aleister Crowley (and possibly Th. Reuss). MMM stands for Mysteria Mystica Maxima, which was originally the preliminary Masonic degrees given before those of OTO (until they were rewritten by Crowley to become integrated into the OTO system of initiation as the degrees from 0○ to VII○).
Mysteria Mystica Maxima Constitution of British Section
Article I
- Under the style and title: ANCIENT ORDER OF ORIENTAL TEMPLARS, an organization, formerly known as: "The Hermetic Brotherhood of Light", has been reorganized and reconstituted. This reconstituted association is an international organization. This present Constitution is for the Mysteria Mystica Maxima which is the British Section of the Order in Great Britain and Ireland (hereinafter referred to as the "M.M.M.") and is given by order and seal of the National Grand Master General of such Section pursuand to authority and order under the seal of the Outer Head of the Order dated the 1st day of June A.D. 1912 A.O. 794 at London.
Article II
- The M.M.M. declares that the Brotherhood of ALL THINGS CREATED is a Fact in Nature.
- The principle purpose of the M.M.M. is to teach Brotherhood, and to make it a living power in the Life of humanity.
- The subsidiary aims of the M.M.M. are:
- (a) to spread the knowledge of Hermetic Science, and to initiate its members in the Secret Doctrines of Hermetic Science,
(b) to establish and administer schools, lodges, etc. where Hermetic Science is taught: (c) to build, establish, found, manage and administer Homes, Colonies, Settlements, etc. where initiated members may live according to the tenets of the M.M.M.
Article III
- The M.M.M. is part of that great and universal hermetic movement which has been active in all ages.
- Organizations throughout Great Britain and Ireland adopting this Constitution become integral parts of the M.M.M. upon receipt of official notification of their acceptance as such. All such joining organizations to be subject to whatever conditions the authorities of the M.M.M. may impose.
- The Central Office of the M.M.M. is at present at Number 33, Avenue Studios, Fulham Road, South Kensington, England, but may be removed to any other address.
Article IV
- There shall be one Supreme Office in which shall be vested paramount authority regarding all matters which concern the welfare and administration of the M.M.M.
- The title of the person filling this office shall be "National Grand Master General for Great Britain and Ireland" (hereinafter referred to as the "National Grand Master General").
- The first person filling this office shall be the Right Worthy Brother Aleister St. Edward Crowley and he shall serve for life or until his resignation.
- The person filling this Office shall appoint his or her succesor and such successor (male or female) filling this office shall serve for life, or until his or her resignation. In default of such appointment the Executive shall appoint a successor.
Article V
- The National Grand Master General shall be the Supreme Executive Officer of the M.M.M.
- The National Grand Master General shall have the Sole power of appointing the Supreme Council from among the Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the Seventh Degree and of filling all general offices by appointing persons to occupy the same, and shall have the power of removing any Member of the Supreme Council or any general officer at will.
- The National Grand Master General shall have power to declare the policy of the M.M.M. and to direct and manage the affairs of the M.M.M. and to issue, alter and withdraw such Rules, Conditions and Regulations as he in his discretion may from time to time deem expedient.
- The National Grand Master General shall have the right to cancel or suspend the Charter of any subordinate organization (lodge etc.) in Great Britain or Ireland and shall also have the right to suspend or dissolve the membership of any person whenever such action is, in his or her opinion, for the interest of the M.M.M.
Article VI
- There shall be an Executive Council (hereinafter referred to as the Executive) consisting of the National Grand Master General, the Grand Secretary General and the Grand Treasurer General whose duty shall be to administer the affairs of the M.M.M. The National Grand Master General shall be President of the Executive.
- Subject as herein provided the Executive shall have full charge and control of the finances and property of the M.M.M. with full powers to administer the same and in particular to sell, dispose of, realize, or otherwise deal with the same, and to purchase any property of whatsoever nature and invest any moneys in such a manner as they in their absolute discretion shall think fit and generally to exercise all the powers of absolute owners.
- The Executive may from time to time nominate and appoint trustees of any property belonging to the M.M.M. and Agents for any purposes and at any tinme remove any trustee or trustees agent or agents so appointed and may delegate any powers to trustees and agents so appointed and at any time revoke such powers or any of them but subject to any such delegations trustees so appointed shall hold any property vested in them upon trust to deal with the same as the Executive shall direct. The Executive or any of them may themselves act as such trustees.
- The Insignia and Regalia and chattels of a like nature belonging to the M.M.M. shall be delivered to and held by the Executive as Trustees for the use of the M.M.M. and its Officers as such and with power for the Executive to nominate special trustees under the power herein before contained but neither the Executive nor such other trustees shall alienate or deal with the same or any part thereof except with the consent in writing of the National Grand Master General.
- The receipt of the Treasurer General shall be a good and sufficient discharge to any purchaser or other person for any moneys or property payable or transferable or belonging to the M.M.M.
- The National Grand Master General shall be the custodian of the archives and the Library of the M.M.M.
- All official acts of the Executive shall be void and of no effect when disapproved and disallowed by the National Grand Master General.
Article VII
- There shall be a Supreme Council of Nine members appointed from among the Sovereign Grand Inspectors General. The National Grand Master General shall be the President of the Council (ex officio) and all the other Members of the Executive shall also be ex officio members of the Supreme Council which shall act as an advisory Committee.
Article VIII
- Should any vacancy occur in the Supreme Office of the M.M.M. the Executive shall have power to perform the duties of that office until the successor to that office takes possession of the same.
Article IX
- Any person of full age (male or female) who has signed the preliminary pledge form and has been approved of by the National Grand Master General may become a member of the M.M.M.
- Every application for admission must be sent in writing to the Central Office, whether in England or elsewhere or to one of the authorized local organizations.
- Applications for diplomas and charters must be accompanied by a remittance covering the prescribed fees and dues. All diplomas and charters must be issued under the hand and seal of the National Grand Master General.
- Three or more members may apply for a charter to form a subordinate lodge or organization.
- No person may be a member of two lodges at the same time.
Article X
- Every subordinate Lodge or organization shall have the right to conduct its own affairs according to its own wishes and bye-laws provided that its acts and bye-laws are not contrary to the letter or the spirit of this Constitution.
- The Bye-Laws of subordinate organizations, lodges, etc. must be submitted for approval to the National Grand Master General and are null and void unless approved by the National Grand Master General.
Article XI
- A Congress of the M.M.M. may be called by the National Grand Master General to assemble at such place and time as that officer may designate.
- Each subordinate organization, lodge, etc., shall be entitled to One Vote in the Congress for its first three members, and one additional vote for each succeeding ten members.
- The National Grand Master General shall have power to prevent the discussion of or action on any subject which in the judgement of that officer is against the welfare of the M.M.M.
Article XII
- It shall be the duty of the Executive to provide Bye-Laws for the M.M.M. and its subordinate organizations.
- No Bye-Laws shall become operative until approved by the National Grand Master General.
Article XIII
- This Constitution may be amended by a three-fourth vote of a Congress. But no amendment shall take effect and become law until approved by the National Grand Master General.
Article XIV
- This Constitution is subject to the general constitution of the Oriental Templars Order and to the powers of the Outer Head of the Order thereunder.
The above Constitution has been approved of and is now issued under my hand and Seal.
LONDON Feby. 15th A.D. 1913.
(Signed) Aleister St. Edward Crowley
National Grand Master General
Baphomet X○, 33○, 90○, 96○