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WITH the seventh stage in the Mystical Progress of Frater P. we arrive at a sudden and definite turning-point.
During the last two years he had grown strong in the Magic of the West. After having studied a host of mystical systems he had entered the Order of the Golden Dawn, and it had been a nursery to him. In it he had learnt to play with the elements and the elemental forces; but now having arrived at years of adolescence, he put away childish things, and stepped out into the world to teach himself what no school could teach him,—the Arcanum that pupil and master are one!
He had become a 6○ = 5□, and it now rested with him, and him alone, to climb yet another ridge of the Great Mountain and become a 7○ = 4□, an Exempt Adept in the Second Order, Master over the Ruach and King over the Seven Worlds.
By destroying those who had usurped control of the Order of the Golden Dawn, he not only broke a link with the darkening past, but forged so might an one with the gleaming future, that soon he was destined to weld it to the all encircling chain of the Great Brotherhood.
All these great deeds did he do, as we shall see. he tamed the bulls with ease,—the White and the Black. He ploughed the double field,—the East and the West. He sowed the dragons’ teeth,—the Armies of Doubt; and among them did he cast he stone of Zoroaster given to him by Medea, Queen of Enchantments, so that immediately they turned their weapons one against the other, and perished. And then lastly, on the mystic cup of Iacchus he lulled to sleep the Dragon of the illusions of life, and taking down the Golden Fleece accomplished the Great Work. Then once again did he set {44} sail, and sped past Circe, through Scylla and Carybdis; beyond the singing sisters of Sicily, back to the fair plains of Thessaly and the wooded slopes of Olympus. And one day shall it come to pass that he will return to that far distant land where hung that Fleece of Gold, the Fleece he brought to the Children of Men so that they might weave from it a little garment of comfort; and there on that Self-same Tree shall he hand himself, and others shall crucify him; so that in that Winter which draweth nigh, he who is to come may find yet another garment to cover the hideous nakedness of man, the Robe that hath no Seam. And those who shall receive, though they cast lots for it, yet shall they not rend it, for it is woven from the top throughout.
For unto you is paradise opened, the tree of life is planted, the time to come is prepared, plenteousness is made ready, a city is bilded, the rest is allowed, yea, perfect goodness and wisdom. The root of evil is sealed up from you, weakness and the moth is hid from you, and corruption is fled unto hell to be forgotten: sorrows are passed, and in the end is shewed the treasure of immortality.1
Yea! the Treasure of Immortality. In his own words let us now describe this sudden change.
IN NOMINE DEI אמן Insit Naturae Regina Isis. _____ At the End of the Century: At the End of the Year: At the Hour of Midnight: Did I complete and bring to perfection the Work of L.I.L.2{45}
In Mexico: even as I did receive it from him who is reincarnated in me: and this work is to the best of my knowledge a synthesis of what the Gods have given unto me, as far as is possible without violating my obligations unto the Chiefs of the R. R. et A. C. Now did I deem it well that I should rest awhile before resuming my labours in the Great Work, seeing that he, who sleepeth never, shall fall by the wayside, and also remembering the twofold sign: the Power of Horus: and the Power of Hoor-pa-Kraat.3
Now, the year being yet young, One D. A. came unto me, and spake.
And he spake not any more (as had been his wont) in guise of a skeptic and indifferent man: but indeed with the very voice and power of a Great Guru, or of one definitely sent from such a Brother of the Great White Lodge.
Yea! though he spake unto me words all of disapproval, did I give thanks and grace to God that he had deemed my folly worthy to attract his wisdom.
And, after days, did my Guru not leave me in my state of humiliation, and, as I may say, despair: but spake words of comfort saying: "Is it not written that if thine Eye be single thy whole body shall be full of Light?" Adding: "In thee is no power of mental concentration and control of thought: and without this thou mayst achieve nothing."
Under his direction, therefore, I began to apply myself unto the practice of Raja-yoga, at the same time avoiding all, even the smallest, consideration of things occult, as also he bade me.
Thus, at the beginning, I did meditate twice daily, three mediations morning and evening, upon such simple objects as—a white triangle; a red cross; Isis; the simple Tatwas; a wand; and the like. I remained after some three weeks for 59 ½ minutes at one time, wherein my thought wandered 25 times. Now I began also to consider more complex things: my little Rose Cross;4 the {46} complex Tatwas; the Golden Dan Symbol, and so on. also I began the exercise of the pendulum and other simple regular motions. Wherefore to-day of Venus, the 22nd of February 1901, I being in the City of Guadalajara, in the Hotel Cosmopolita, I do begin to set down all that I accomplish in this work:
And may the Peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep my heart and mind through Christ Jesus our Lord.
Let my mind be open unto the Higher: Let my heart be the Centre of Light: Let my body be the Temple of the ROSY CROSS. Ex Deo Nascimur In Jesu Morimur Per Spiritum Sanctum Reviviscimus.
We must now digress in order to five some account of the Eastern theories of the Universe and the mind. Their study will clarify our view of Frater P’s progress.
The reader is advised to study Chapter VII of Captain J. F. C. Fuller’s "Star in the West" in connection with this exposition.
1 ii Esdras, viii, 52-54.
2 Lamp of Invisible Light. L.I.L. The title of the first Æthyr derived from the initial letters of the Three Mighty Names of God. In all there are thirty of these AEthyrs, "whose dominion extendedth in ever widening circles without and beyond the Watch Towers of the Universe." In one sense rightly enough did P. bring to completion the work L.I.L. at the end of the year 1900; but, in another, it took him nine long years of toil before he perfected it, for it was not until the last days of the year 1909 that the work of the Thirty AEthyrs was indeed brought to an end. In 1900 verily was the work conceived, but not until the year 1909 was it brought forth a light unto the darkness, a little spark cast into the Well of Time. (P. merely means that at this time he established a secret Order of this name.)
3 The Signs are of Projection and Withdrawal of Force; necessary complements.
4 Lost under dramatic circumstances at Frater P. A.’s house in 1909.
5 Verworn in his "General Physiology" says: "It was found that the sole reality that we are able to discover in the world is mind. The idea of the physical world is only a product of the mind. ... But this idea is not the whole of mind, for we have many mental constituents, such as the simple sensations of pain and of pleasure, that are not ideas of bodies ... every process of knowledge, including scientific knowledge, is merely a psychical event. ... This fact cannot be banished by the well-known method of the ostrich" (pp. 39, 40). "The real mystery of mysteries is the mind of man. Why, with a pen or brush, one man sits down and makes a masterpiece, and yet another, with the self-same instruments and opportunities, turns out a daub or botch,is twenty times more curious than all the musings of the mystics, works of the Rosicrucians, or the mechanical contrivances which seem to-day so fine, and which our children will disdain as clumsy" (R. B. Cumminghame Graham in his preface to "The Canon").
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