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[PDF](Loeb Classical Library 524) Laks, André_ Most, Glenn W. (eds.) - Early Greek Philosophy, Volume I_ Introductory and Reference Materials-Harvard University Press (2016).pdf 0
[PDF][Loeb Classical Library 525] Laks, André_ Most, Glenn W. (eds.) - Early Greek Philosophy, Volume II_ Beginnings and Early Ionian Thinkers, Part 1 (2016, Harvard University Press) - libgen.li.pdf 0
[PDF][Loeb Classical Library 526] Laks, André_ Most, Glenn W. (eds.) - Early Greek Philosophy, Volume III_ Early Ionian Thinkers, Part 2 (2016, Harvard University Press) - libgen.li.pdf 0
[PDF][Loeb Classical Library 527] Laks, André_ Most, Glenn W. (eds.) - Early Greek Philosophy, Volume IV_ Western Greek Thinkers, Part 1 (2016, Harvard University Press) - libgen.li.pdf 0
[PDF][Loeb Classical Library 528] Laks, André_ Most, Glenn W. (eds.) - Early Greek Philosophy, Volume V_ Western Greek Thinkers, Part 2 (2016, Harvard University Press) - libgen.li.pdf 0
[PDF][Loeb Classical Library 529] Laks, André_ Most, Glenn W. (eds.) - Early Greek Philosophy, Volume VI_ Later Ionian and Athenian Thinkers, Part 1 (with correction) (2016, Harvard University Press) - libgen.li.pdf 0
[PDF][Loeb Classical Library 530] Laks, André_ Most, Glenn W. (eds.) - Early Greek Philosophy, Volume VII_ Later Ionian and Athenian Thinkers, Part 2 (with correction) (2016, Harvard University Press) - libgen.li.pdf 0
[PDF][Loeb Classical Library 531] Laks, André_ Most, Glenn W. (eds.) - Early Greek Philosophy, Volume VIII_ Sophists, Part 1 (with correction) (2016, Harvard University Press) - libgen.lc.pdf 0
[PDF][Loeb Classical Library 532] Laks, André_ Most, Glenn W. (eds.) - Early Greek Philosophy, Volume IX_ Sophists, Part 2 (with correction) (2016, Harvard University Press) - libgen.lc.pdf 0
[PDF]L259 Edmonds - Greek Elegy and Iambus vol II.pdf5.1M
[PDF]L067-(1916) Greek Anthology I_1-6 [Paton].pdf5.2M
[PDF]L059-(1915) Pliny the Younger II - Letters II_7-10 [Melmoth].pdf5.3M
[PDF]L086-(1918) Greek Anthology V_13-16 Various Metres Problems Riddles Oracles [Paton].pdf6.2M
[PDF]SenecasÌŁ Tragedies.pdf6.5M
[PDF]L068-(1917) Greek Anthology II_7-8 Epigrams [Paton].pdf6.9M
[PDF]L084-(1917) Greek Anthology III_9 Declamatory Epigrams [Paton].pdf7.4M
[PDF]L085-(1918) Greek Anthology IV_10-12 Hortatory & Admonitory Convivial & Satirical Epigrams Strato Musa Puerilis [Paton].pdf7.6M
[PDF]L243-(1930) St. Basil III - Letters III 186-248 [Deferrari].pdf7.8M
[PDF]L050-(1923) Strabo II - Geography II_3-5 [Sterrett rev Jones].pdf8.0M
[PDF]L093-(1918) Pausanias I - Description of Greece I_1-2 [Jones].pdf9.0M
[PDF]L106-(1919) Aeschines - Speeches [Adams].pdf 10M
[PDF]Loeb 009 Euripides, Suppliant Women. Electra. Heracles.pdf 12M
[PDF]L026-(1912) Augustine I - Confessions I 1-8 [Watts].pdf 13M
[PDF]L489-(1998) Josephus XII - Jewish Antiquities_Volume X, Books 14-15 [Marcus].pdf 13M
[PDF]L462-(2002) Letters to Quintus and Brutus ; Letter fragments ; Letter to Oct.pdf 13M
[PDF]L327N-(2010) Athenaeus VI - The Learned Banqueters, Books 12-13.594b.pdf 13M
[PDF]L042-(1951) Ovid III - Metamorphoses I_1-8 [Miller].pdf 14M
[PDF]L503-(2007) Hesiod II - The Shield, Catalogue of Women, Other Fragments.pdf 15M
[PDF]L027-(1912) Augustine II - Confessions II 9-13 [Watts].pdf 17M
[PDF]L208N-(2006) Athenaeus II - The Learned Banqueters, Books 3.106e-5.pdf 17M
[PDF]L287-(1935) Aristotle XVIII - Metaphysics 10-14 [Tredennick] Oeconomica & Magna Moralia [Armstrong].pdf 17M
[PDF]Loeb 506 Euripides, Fragments, Oedipus-Chrysippus and Other Fragments.pdf 17M
[PDF]L055-(1931) Pliny the Younger I - Letters I_1-7 [Melmoth].pdf 18M
[PDF]L327b-(2010) Athenaeus VI - The Learned Banqueters, Books 12-13.594b.pdf 19M
[PDF]L356-(1940) Nonnos III - Dionysiaca III_36-48 [Rouse].pdf 22M
[PDF]Loeb 120 Herodotus - Vol 4 Loeb.pdf 22M
[PDF]L045-(1917) Achilles Tatius - Leucippe & Clitophon [Gaselee].pdf 22M
[PDF]L485-(1997) Pindar II - Nemean Odes - Isthmian Odes - Fragments.pdf 23M
[PDF]L354-(1960) Nonnos II - Dionysiaca II_16-35 [Rouse].pdf 23M
[PDF]L134-(1922) Philostratus III - Lives of the Sophists & Eunapius - Lives of the Philosophers & Sophists [Wright].pdf 25M
[PDF]L288N-(1957) Aristotle VIII - On the Soul Parva Naturalia On Breath [Hett] uncomplete version.pdf 27M
[PDF]L239-(1930) Augustine III - Select Letters 1-62 [Baxter].pdf 28M
[PDF]L048-(1914) Procopius I - History of the Wars 1 & 2 (Persian War) [Dewing].pdf 28M
[PDF]L187-(1926) Plato X - Laws, I-VI (R. G. Bury trans.).pdf 28M
[PDF]Loeb 036 Plato, Euthyphro, Apology, Crtio, Phaedo, Phaedrus .pdf 31M
[PDF][Loeb Classical Library] Plato, Harold North Fowler - Euthyphro. Apology. Crito. Phaedo. Phaedrus (2005, Loeb Classical Library) - libgen.lc.pdf 31M
[PDF]L185-(1925) Diogenes Laertius II - Lives of Eminent Philosophers II_6-10 [Hicks].pdf 31M
[PDF]L168-(1923) Xenophon IV - Memorabilia Oeconomicus [Marchant] Symposium Apologia [Todd].pdf 31M
[PDF]L201-(1955) Plato XII - Charmides, Archibiades I & II (W. R. M. Lamb trans.).pdf 31M
[PDF]L081-(1916) Procopius II - History of the Wars 3-4 Vandalic War [Dewing].pdf 33M
[PDF]L344-(1940) Nonnos I - Dionysiaca I_1-15 [Rouse].pdf 34M
[PDF]L237-(1937) Plato V - Republic, I-V (Paul Shorey trans.).pdf 35M
[PDF]L269b-(1989) Arrian II - Anabasis of Alexander 5-7 Indica 8 [Brunt].pdf 39M
[PDF]L192-(1926) Plato XI - Laws, VII-XII (R. G. Bury trans.).pdf 40M
[PDF]L236b-(1983) Arrian I - Anabasis of Alexander 1-4 [Brunt].pdf 40M
[PDF]L276-(1935) Plato VI - Republic, VI-X (Paul Shorey trans.).pdf 43M
[PDF]L165-(1924) Plato II - Laches, Protagoras, Meno, Euthydemus (W. R. M. Lamb trans.).pdf 51M
[PDF]L107-(1919) Procopius III - History of the Wars III 5-6 [Dewing].pdf 63M
[PDF]Loeb 116 Sallust War with Catiline.pdf 72M
[PDF]L316-(1996) Aristotle - Problems I.pdf 74M