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2.2 Basic Assumptions

Although all TiVo upgrades rely on the same tools, there is by no means one universal set of upgrade instructions. Instead, there are many variables that drive an individual upgrade. On top of these variables, there are also at least four different internal TiVo architectures: some of these PVRs come with two drives from the factory, some contain power cables and IDE ribbon connectors for a second drive, some have a bracket that can only hold a single drive, and some TiVo models may require special power management devices.

To add more to the mix, the software that powers various TiVos is not interchangeable; they may all appear to be the same, but the upgrade process varies depending on your specific model.

We're going to try to cover as many mainstream upgrades as we can, but first—because of the seemingly endless combinations—let's lay out a few specific assumptions just to reign in the scope of this chapter:

Don't worry if your upgrade-to-be veers widely from these assumptions; most assuredly, there are still options open to you. Just try out the WeaKnees interactive guide at for more varieties.

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