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Index: L
- LAN: 1.1. The Internet Grows Up, Oracle Web Applications
- LAST function
- 10.8.2. PL/SQL Table Built-ins, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- The LAST function, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- 19.6.5. FIRST, LAST, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
LAST_DAY function: 12.1.2. The LAST_DAY function, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- 2.2.3. DBMS_SQL Programs, Oracle Built-in Packages
- The DBMS_SQL.LAST_ERROR_POSITION function, Oracle Built-in Packages
- C.14.10. The LAST_ERROR_POSITION function, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- SQLERRM and: The DBMS_SQL.LAST_ERROR_POSITION function, Oracle Built-in Packages
- 2.2.3. DBMS_SQL Programs, Oracle Built-in Packages
- The DBMS_SQL.LAST_ROW_COUNT function, Oracle Built-in Packages
- C.14.11. The LAST_ROW_COUNT function, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
LAST_ROW_ID function
- 2.2.3. DBMS_SQL Programs, Oracle Built-in Packages
- The DBMS_SQL.LAST_ROW_ID function, Oracle Built-in Packages
- C.14.12. The LAST_ROW_ID function, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- 2.2.3. DBMS_SQL Programs, Oracle Built-in Packages
- The DBMS_SQL.LAST_SQL_FUNCTION_CODE function, Oracle Built-in Packages
- C.14.13. The LAST_SQL_FUNCTION_CODE function, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
LEAST function: 13.3.3. The LEAST function, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
LENGTH function
- The UTL_RAW.LENGTH function, Oracle Built-in Packages
- 11.1.6. The LENGTH function, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
LENGTH property
- 21.4.1. Datatype Conversion, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- LENGTH property, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
LIMIT function: 19.6.6. LIMIT, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
LISTEN procedure, DBMS_AQ package
- 7.6.4. Improved Publish/Subscribe Support, Guide to Oracle8i Features
- LISTEN: Listening for messages, Guide to Oracle8i Features
LISTPRINT procedure: Creating complex HTML structures, Oracle Web Applications
LIST_CONTEXT procedure, DBMS_SESSION package
- 8.4. SYS_CONTEXT and LIST_CONTEXT: Obtaining Context Information, Guide to Oracle8i Features
- 8.1. FGAC Components, Guide to Oracle8i Features
- 8.4.2. LIST_CONTEXT: Obtaining the List of Defined Context Attributes, Guide to Oracle8i Features
LN function: 13.1.11. The LN function, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- 8.1.1. DBMS_LOB Programs, Oracle Built-in Packages
- The DBMS_LOB.LOADFROMFILE procedure, Oracle Built-in Packages
LOADLOBS package, loadjava utility: 9.4. Using loadjava, Guide to Oracle8i Features
LOB columns: (see LOBs, locators)
LOB variables: (see LOBs, locators)
- (see also DBMS_LOB package)
- 4.2.1. The EXECUTE IMMEDIATE Statement, Guide to Oracle8i Features
- 7.5. LOB Enhancements, Guide to Oracle8i Features
- 4.2.7. LOB Datatypes, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- 8. Managing Large Objects , Oracle Built-in Packages
- Large object support, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- BFILES: (see BFILEs)
- BLOBs: 8.2.1. LOB Datatypes, Oracle Built-in Packages
- 8.2.1. LOB Datatypes, Oracle Built-in Packages
- The CLOB datatype, Oracle Built-in Packages
DMBS_LOB package for: C.6. DBMS_LOB (PL/SQL8 Only), Oracle PL/SQL Programming
LONG datatypes and: LOBs and LONGs, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- 8.2.1. LOB Datatypes, Oracle Built-in Packages
- The NCLOB datatype, Oracle Built-in Packages
NULL data and locators: NULL LOB locators can be a problem, Oracle Built-in Packages
appending: The DBMS_LOB.APPEND procedure, Oracle Built-in Packages
comparing: The DBMS_LOB.COMPARE function, Oracle Built-in Packages
concepts: 8.2. LOB Concepts, Oracle Built-in Packages
copying: The DBMS_LOB.COPY procedure, Oracle Built-in Packages
cursors and: Internal and external LOBs, Oracle Built-in Packages
datatypes for
- 4.2.7. LOB Datatypes, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- 8.2.1. LOB Datatypes, Oracle Built-in Packages
emptying columns: NULL versus "empty" LOB locators, Oracle Built-in Packages
erasing: The DBMS_LOB.ERASE procedure, Oracle Built-in Packages
- Internal and external LOBs, Oracle Built-in Packages
- The LOB locator, Oracle Built-in Packages
functions for: 13.2. LOB Function Descriptions, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- Internal and external LOBs, Oracle Built-in Packages
- The LOB locator, Oracle Built-in Packages
- 8.2.3. Internal LOB Considerations, Oracle Built-in Packages
length of: The DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH function, Oracle Built-in Packages
locators: The LOB locator, Oracle Built-in Packages
pattern matching: The DBMS_LOB.INSTR function, Oracle Built-in Packages
performance improvement using RETURNING clause: The RETURNING clause, Oracle Built-in Packages
queue storage and: 5.3.3. Queue Type Names, Oracle Built-in Packages
reading: 8.3.2. Reading and Examining LOBs, Oracle Built-in Packages
substrings of: The DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR function, Oracle Built-in Packages
transactions and: Internal and external LOBs, Oracle Built-in Packages
trimming: The DBMS_LOB.TRIM procedure, Oracle Built-in Packages
writing: 8.3.3. Updating BLOBs, CLOBs, and NCLOBs, Oracle Built-in Packages
- DBMS_TRANSACTION programs, Oracle Built-in Packages
- The DBMS_TRANSACTION.LOCAL_TRANSACTION_ID function, Oracle Built-in Packages
- C.15.17. The LOCAL_TRANSACTION_ID function, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
LOCK TABLE statement
- 6.1.5. The LOCK TABLE Statement, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- 3.2.2. Some Rules and Restrictions, Guide to Oracle8i Features
LOCK_OBJECT procedure: The UTL_REF.LOCK_OBJECT procedure, Oracle Built-in Packages
LOG function: 13.1.12. The LOG function, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
LOGIN_DENIED exception: 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions , Oracle PL/SQL Programming
LOGIN_USER attribute, database-level event: 6.2. Database-Level Event Triggers, Guide to Oracle8i Features
LOGOFF events
- 1.3.5. New Trigger Capabilities (Chapter 6, New Trigger Features in Oracle8i), Guide to Oracle8i Features
- 6. New Trigger Features in Oracle8i, Guide to Oracle8i Features
- 6.2. Database-Level Event Triggers, Guide to Oracle8i Features
LOGON events
- 1.3.5. New Trigger Capabilities (Chapter 6, New Trigger Features in Oracle8i), Guide to Oracle8i Features
- 6. New Trigger Features in Oracle8i, Guide to Oracle8i Features
- 6.2. Database-Level Event Triggers, Guide to Oracle8i Features
- Tracking logins to the database, Guide to Oracle8i Features
LONG RAW datatype The LONG RAW datatype, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- LOB datatypes and: LOBs and LONGs, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- converting to a LOB: 7.5.1. The TO_LOB Function, Guide to Oracle8i Features
LONG columns: The LONG datatype, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- and VARCHAR2 handling: The VARCHAR2 and VARCHAR datatypes, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
LONG datatype
- The LONG datatype, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- LOB datatypes and: LOBs and LONGs, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- LONG datatype, converting to a LOB: 7.5.1. The TO_LOB Function, Guide to Oracle8i Features
LONG values
- retrieving: The DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE_LONG procedure, Oracle Built-in Packages
- static SELECT versus: The DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE_LONG procedure, Oracle Built-in Packages
LONGNAME function, DBMS_JAVA package
- 9.7. Using DBMS_JAVA and DBMS_JAVA_TEST, Guide to Oracle8i Features
- 9.7.1. LONGNAME: Converting Java Long Names, Guide to Oracle8i Features
LOOP keywords: (see loops)
LOWER function: 11.1.7. The LOWER function, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
LPAD function
- 3.9. Considering Implementation Options, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- 11.1.8. The LPAD function, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
LRU (least-recently used) algorithm: Managing packages in shared memory, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
LTRIM function
- 11.1.9. The LTRIM function, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- 25.4.2. Zen and the Art of PL/SQL Tuning, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
Large objects: (see LOBs)
Linux operating system: 1.1. What's in Oracle8i Release 8.1?, Guide to Oracle8i Features
l procedure
- Supporting many data combinations, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- 7.1. Using the l Procedure, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- 7.4. Controlling Output from p, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- overloadings of: 5.2.4. The overloadings of the l procedure, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- PL/Vision: Encapsulating DBMS_OUTPUT, Oracle Built-in Packages
- 5.2.1. The GOTO Statement, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- delimiters for (>)
- 2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- 5.2.1. The GOTO Statement, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
for blocks: 15.3.6. Block Labels, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
for loops
- 7.6.1. Loop Labels, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- and loop scope: Scope with labels, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
language (NLS), setting: The DBMS_SESSION.SET_NLS procedure, Oracle Built-in Packages
language version (SQL statement parsing): 2.2.6. DBMS_SQL Nonprogram Elements, Oracle Built-in Packages
laptops: 1.1. The Internet Grows Up, Oracle Web Applications
large objects: (see LOBs)
last-in, first-out queues: (see stacks)
last_line variable: Showing code just once, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
lastsp function: 5.23.4. Managing savepoints , Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
lava lamp effect: 2.9.2. Lava Lamp Code Consolidation, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
layaway package
- (see also specific program names)
- 5.7.5. Searching by Correlation Identifier, Oracle Built-in Packages
layering packages: 2.9. Modularizing for Maintainable Packages, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
layers, code: (see packages)
least-recently used (LRU) algorithm: Managing packages in shared memory, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
less than (<=) operator: 2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
level (in DESCRIBE_PROCEDURE): The DESCRIBE level, Oracle Built-in Packages
lexical units, PL/SQL: 2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- 1.2.2. The Client-Side Layers, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- 1.5.2. Prebuilt Packages, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- dropping: 21.3.3. DROP: Dropping Libraries, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
lifo constant: 5.24.1. Package constants, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
limit_ps procedure: 17.4.2. Setting the Page Size, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
line breaks: (see whitespace)
line function
- 5.11.9. Reading from a file, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- 13.5.2. Reading the nth Line, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
line limit, WHERE clause: 12.4.3. Setting a Line Limit, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
line numbers, code
- 15.3. Displaying Source Code, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- 23.6.6. Finding the Code for a Line Number, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
line prefix: 5.2.3. Setting the line prefix, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
line procedure
- 5.4.2. Case-converting programs, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- Converting a line, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
line separator
- 5.2.2. Setting the line separator, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- 7.2. The Line Separator, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
line_type record: 5.15.2. Package records, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
line_with function: 5.15.5. Managing the source WHERE clause, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
line_with_text function: Searching a file for a string, Oracle Built-in Packages
lines, changing case of: Converting a line, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
linesep function
- 5.2.2. Setting the line separator, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- 7.2. The Line Separator, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
linetext.sf : Searching a file for a string, Oracle Built-in Packages
links: Keeping sites up to date, Oracle Web Applications
links library, WebDB: Building shared components, Oracle Web Applications
links.sql : The DBMS_REPCAT.ADD_MASTER_DATABASE procedure, Oracle Built-in Packages
list of bailout errors: Managing the bailout error list, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
list_full exception: 5.18.1. Package exceptions, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
list_undefined exception: 5.18.1. Package exceptions, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
listener for external procedures: 21.2.1. Step 1: Set Up the Listener, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
lists: 5.18. PLVlst: List Manager, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- copying file to: 5.11.11. Copying a file, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- copying files to: 13.7.3. Copying File to List, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
lists of values library, WebDB: Building shared components, Oracle Web Applications
- Remove hard-coded literals from your application, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- 3.12. Obliterating the Literals, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- 2.3. Literals, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- 4.7.4. Use Named Constants to Avoid Hardcoding Values, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- A package of magic values, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- PLV package: 6.6. The Predefined Constants, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- strings: (see strings)
- user awareness of: 2.5.3. Avoiding Need for User to Know and Pass Literals, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
ln procedure: Package specification for a DBMS_OUTPUT encapsulator, Oracle Built-in Packages
load_from_dbms procedure
- 5.19.2. Managing and accessing message text, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- 9.2.2. Batch Loading of Message Text, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- 9.6. Implementing load_ from_dbms, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
load_my_session_rec procedure
- Adding value to DBMS_SESSION, Oracle Built-in Packages
- The load_my_session_rec procedure, Oracle Built-in Packages
load_unique_id procedure
- Adding value to DBMS_SESSION, Oracle Built-in Packages
- The unique_id function, Oracle Built-in Packages
load_unused procedure: The segspace package, Oracle Built-in Packages
loaded java elements, examining: 9.6.2. Examining Loaded Java Elements, Guide to Oracle8i Features
loading message text: 9.2.2. Batch Loading of Message Text, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
loadjava utility
- 9.1. Oracle8i and Java, Guide to Oracle8i Features
- 9.4. Using loadjava, Guide to Oracle8i Features
lob_loc, CREATETEMPORARY procedure: CREATETEMPORARY: Creating a temporary LOB, Guide to Oracle8i Features
lobfuncs.ddl : 8.1.4. About the Examples, Oracle Built-in Packages
lobtabs.ddl : 8.1.4. About the Examples, Oracle Built-in Packages
local modules
- 1.7.1. Write as Little Code as Possible, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- 15.7. Local Modules, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- 22.3. Take Full Advantage of Local Modularization, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- forward declarations of: 15.9. Forward Declarations, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- scope of: 15.7.5. Scope of Local Modules, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
local variables
- objects for: 18.1.2. Some Simple Examples, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- performance and: 25.4.3. Rely on Local Variables to Improve Performance, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
local variables, normalizing: Normalization of local variables, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
location transparency: Object privileges, Oracle Web Applications
lock identifiers: The DBMS_LOCK.REQUEST function, Oracle Built-in Packages
lock modes
- compatibility rules: Lock compatibility rules, Oracle Built-in Packages
- converting modes: The DBMS_LOCK.CONVERT function, Oracle Built-in Packages
lock names: (see named locks)
lock1.sql : Performance of named locks, Oracle Built-in Packages
lockhandle function: The dblock package, Oracle Built-in Packages
lockhandles, returning: The DBMS_LOCK.ALLOCATE_UNIQUE procedure, Oracle Built-in Packages
locking records
- 6.11. SELECT FOR UPDATE in Cursors, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- with DBMS_LOCK: (see DBMS_LOCK package)
locking tables: (see table locks)
locks: 2.1. Transaction Management in PL/SQL, Guide to Oracle8i Features
- BFILE loading and: The DBMS_LOB.LOADFROMFILE procedure, Oracle Built-in Packages
- DDL statement execution and: 2.4.7. Executing DDL in PL/SQL, Oracle Built-in Packages
- alert signaling and: The DBMS_ALERT.SIGNAL procedure, Oracle Built-in Packages
- allocating: The DBMS_LOCK.ALLOCATE_UNIQUE procedure, Oracle Built-in Packages
- commitment: (see commitment, locks)
- converting versus requesting: REQUEST or CONVERT?, Oracle Built-in Packages
- deadlock notification: The DBMS_LOCK.REQUEST function, Oracle Built-in Packages
- dequeuing and: 5.3.8. Dequeue Options Record Type, Oracle Built-in Packages
- handles for: The DBMS_LOCK.ALLOCATE_UNIQUE procedure, Oracle Built-in Packages
- identifiers for: The DBMS_LOCK.REQUEST function, Oracle Built-in Packages
- modes: (see lock modes)
- named locks: (see named locks)
- object locking: The UTL_REF.LOCK_OBJECT procedure, Oracle Built-in Packages
- persistence of: The DBMS_LOCK.REQUEST function, Oracle Built-in Packages
- releasing: The DBMS_LOCK.RELEASE function, Oracle Built-in Packages
- distributed databases and: The DBMS_LOCK.REQUEST function, Oracle Built-in Packages
- multithreaded server environments and: The DBMS_LOCK.REQUEST function, Oracle Built-in Packages
requesting: The DBMS_LOCK.REQUEST function, Oracle Built-in Packages
signaling service availability (example): Using locks to signal service availability, Oracle Built-in Packages
suspending sessions: The DBMS_LOCK.SLEEP procedure, Oracle Built-in Packages
triggers and
- The DBMS_LOCK.ALLOCATE_UNIQUE procedure, Oracle Built-in Packages
- ALLOCATE_UNIQUE drawbacks, Oracle Built-in Packages
view for: The DBMS_LOCK.ALLOCATE_UNIQUE procedure, Oracle Built-in Packages
log procedure: Using put_line, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- 2.6.3. Changing Package Behavior Without Changing the Application, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- 5.17. PLVlog: Logging Facility, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- 21. PLVlog and PLVtrc: Logging and Tracing, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- Using put_line, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- commit activity: 5.7.2. Logging commit activity, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- commits: 20.1.5. Logging Commits , Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- exceptions
- 5.10.3. Logging exception-handling activity, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- Recording the exception, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
hard-coding with exceptions: Drawbacks of the usual handlers, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- 5.23.2. Logging rollback activity, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- 20.2.2. Logging Rollbacks , Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
trace activity: 5.28.3. Writing to the PL/Vision log, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
trace messages: 21.2.1. Directing Output from PLVtrc, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
logging errors
- Logging errors, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- example of: 2.5.1. Building an Autonomous Logging Mechanism, Guide to Oracle8i Features
logging function: 21.2.1. Directing Output from PLVtrc, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
logging level parameter, server settings: Server settings, Oracle Web Applications
logging mechanisms
- 1.3.1. Autonomous Transactions (Chapter 2, Choose Your Transaction!), Guide to Oracle8i Features
- 2.3. When to Use Autonomous Transactions, Guide to Oracle8i Features
logic, conditional
- A.1.1. Conditional Logic, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- A.2.1. Conditional Logic, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
logical datatype: (see Boolean datatype)
logical structure: 3.1.1. Revealing Logical Structure with Indentation, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
logical unit of work, registering: 7.2.3. The DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_ACTION procedure, Oracle Built-in Packages
login procedure, FORUM_USERS package
- 8.3.5. The FORUM_USERS Package, Oracle Web Applications
- Body, Oracle Web Applications
login.sql file: 4.4.2. A PL/Vision Initialization Script for SQL*Plus, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
login_form procedure
- 8.3.5. The FORUM_USERS Package, Oracle Web Applications
- Body, Oracle Web Applications
logins, tracking database: Tracking logins to the database, Guide to Oracle8i Features
logtype function: 5.17.3. Selecting the log type, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
long SQL statements, parsing
- 2.2.6. DBMS_SQL Nonprogram Elements, Oracle Built-in Packages
- Parsing very long SQL statements, Oracle Built-in Packages
long-running operations
- 7.1.3. DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO Nonprogram Elements, Oracle Built-in Packages
- 7.2.6. The DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_SESSION_LONGOPS procedure, Oracle Built-in Packages
- 7.3.9. Tracking Long-Running Processes, Oracle Built-in Packages
longops package
- (see also specific program names)
- Examples of encapsulation packages, Oracle Built-in Packages
- 7.3.9. Tracking Long-Running Processes, Oracle Built-in Packages
longops.sql : 7.3.9. Tracking Long-Running Processes, Oracle Built-in Packages
loop index: 7.3. The Numeric FOR Loop, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- naming: 7.7.1. Naming Loop Indexes , Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- nontrivial increments: 7.3.3. Handling Nontrivial Increments, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- using REVERSE: 7.3.1. Rules for Numeric FOR Loops, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- with loop scope: Scope in FOR loops, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
loop scope: Scope with labels, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
loopexec procedure
- 5.20.6. Programmatic cursor FOR loop elements, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- 11.7. A Programmatic Cursor FOR Loop, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- A.1.2. Loops, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- A.2.2. Loops, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- 2.2. Using Effective Coding Style for Packages, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages
- 7. Loops, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- FOR loop
- 1.7.1. Write as Little Code as Possible, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- 1.7.5. Structured Code and Other Best Practices, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
GOTO statements within: GOTO statements inside a loop, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
PL/SQL: 6.2.4. Loops, Oracle Web Applications
REPEAT UNTIL: 7.2.2. Emulating a REPEAT UNTIL Loop, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
RETURN statement within: RETURN statement, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
WHILE: 7.5. The WHILE Loop, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
cursor FOR
- 1.6.4. The cursor FOR loop, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
- 7.4. The Cursor FOR Loop, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
exiting: 1.7.5. Structured Code and Other Best Practices, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
filling table rows with: 10.6.2. Iterative Assignment , Oracle PL/SQL Programming
formatting: 3.3.2. Formatting Loops, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
labels for: 7.6.1. Loop Labels, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
numeric FOR: 7.3. The Numeric FOR Loop, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
scope of: 7.6.2. Loop Scope, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
simple: 7.2. The Simple Loop, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
terminating with labels: Loop termination using labels, Oracle PL/SQL Programming
lower_bound variable: 5.2. Bulk DML with the FORALL Statement, Guide to Oracle8i Features
lowercase: (see case)
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