20.2 Objective 2: Operate and
Perform Basic Configuration of sendmail
The sendmail Mail Transfer Agent (or MTA) is
responsible for handling a large portion of email sent on the
Internet and inside enterprises. It has broad capabilities to
handle mail routing and can perform complex rewriting of email
addresses. It also has a long history of deployment on early
networked systems where I/O bottlenecks were significant. As a
result of this history, sendmail's configuration file was
constructed over the years to be succinct and small, allowing
it to be read quickly by the sendmail daemon. Unfortunately,
it can also appear to be somewhat cryptic to administrators,
and detailed configuration of sendmail has become known as
somewhat of an art.
Configuration details of sendmail are
nontrivial and beyond the scope of the LPIC Level 1 exams.
However, a basic sendmail configuration for a system in an
established domain is relatively simple to implement and is
covered in Exam 102.
20.2.1 Configuring sendmail
The sendmail configuration file is
/etc/sendmail.cf. This text
file contains information to control the processing of mail on
your system, and it is read at every invocation of sendmail.
Each line in the file defines a configuration command, which
begins with a short one- or two-letter command definition. The
file can also contain comments beginning with #. To
simplify a basic setup, example sendmail.cf files exist in most installations. The smart host
To enable mail transfer inside an established
organization, you need to configure sendmail to transfer
messages to a smart host, most likely the main mail-processing
system in your domain. For example, if your enterprise's mail
is handled by mail.yourdomain.com, you can configure
your Linux systems to transfer all mail to that computer for
further processing. To make this change, simply use the
DS directive in
sendmail.cf : DSmail.yourdomain.com
20.2.2 Mail Aliases
Even on
simple sendmail installations, it's useful to configure some
of your system users to have their mail redirected to another
user. For example, artificial users such as nobody
shouldn't receive mail, so forwarding any mail received for
that username to an administrator may help with problem
solving. This forwarding is accomplished using mail aliases. A mail alias is simply
a mapping from a username to one or more recipients in this
form: sysadmin: jdean, bsmith
Aliases are defined in /etc/aliases. Local mail intended for
sysadmin is received by both jdean and
bsmith on the local system, as shown in Example
Example 20-2. A Typical
/etc/aliases File # Basic system aliases -- these MUST be present.
MAILER-DAEMON: postmaster
postmaster: root
# General redirections for pseudo accounts.
bin: root
daemon: root
games: root
ingres: root
nobody: root
system: root
toor: root
uucp: root
# Well-known aliases.
manager: root
dumper: root
operator: root
webmaster: root
abuse: root
spam: root
# Trap decode to catch security attacks
decode: root
# Person who should get root's mail
root: jdean
# Departmental accounts
sales: bsmith
support: jdoe
sendmaildoesn't actually read the text
aliases file, since it's not uncommon to find many aliases
defined there. Instead, it reads a compiled database, /etc/aliases.db, built from /etc/aliases.
Therefore, the database must be updated after any change is
made to aliases, using the newaliases command; newaliases has no options and must be
run as root. Forwarding mail from your
account to another account
In addition to
permanently established mail aliases, individual users have
the capability to create their own mail aliases on an
as-needed basis by using a .forward file in the home directory. Mail is
sent to the alias by simply putting an email address on a line
by itself in .forward.
Remember, the /etc/aliases and
.forward files define mail aliases, and the newaliases command must be
executed after changing the aliases file to recreate the
alias database. |
20.2.3 Queued Mail
If sendmail cannot deliver mail
immediately, such as on a system using an intermittent dialup
connection, mail is queued for later processing. To see the
mail queue, use the mailq
command, like this: $ mailq
Mail Queue (2 requests)
--Q-ID-- --Size-- -Priority- ---Q-Time--- -Sender/Recipient
WAA12372 3427 30043 Jul 4 2:19 bsmith
(host map: lookup (mydom.com): deferred)
WAA12384 313 30055 Jul 8 22:40 jdoe
(host map: lookup (yourdom.com): deferred)
The first line printed for each message shows
the internal identifier used on the local host for the
message, the size of the message in bytes, the date and time
the message was accepted into the queue, and the sender of the
message. The second line shows the error message that caused
this mail to be retained in the queue. Subsequent lines show
message recipients. In this example, two outbound messages are
queued because the DNS host lookups did not succeed.
Be aware that mail could be queued by
sendmail and that mailq
displays a list of those messages.
20.2.4 Starting and Stopping
sendmail is
typically managed through the runlevel system and the series
of scripts and links in /etc/rc.d. See Section
20.3 for details on starting and stopping services.